WEBVTT 00:00:11.050 --> 00:00:11.883 Good afternoon, 00:00:11.883 --> 00:00:13.860 and thank you for attending this webinar. 00:00:13.860 --> 00:00:15.182 You will be able to submit questions 00:00:15.182 --> 00:00:16.950 throughout the presentation, 00:00:16.950 --> 00:00:19.270 by clicking the Q and A button in the center 00:00:19.270 --> 00:00:21.050 of the bottom of your window. 00:00:21.050 --> 00:00:23.330 You will see both the questions and responses 00:00:23.330 --> 00:00:24.770 after they have been answered. 00:00:24.770 --> 00:00:26.720 Some questions may be held for answer, 00:00:26.720 --> 00:00:29.080 until the end of the presentation. 00:00:29.080 --> 00:00:31.980 Presentations and webinar recordings are all available 00:00:31.980 --> 00:00:35.550 by navigating to our RRC Regulatory Webinars, 00:00:35.550 --> 00:00:37.790 on the Oil and Gas Workshops and Seminars page, 00:00:37.790 --> 00:00:40.510 on the Railroad Commission of Texas website. 00:00:40.510 --> 00:00:42.430 All right, let's go ahead and get started. 00:00:42.430 --> 00:00:44.780 Our presenter this afternoon is Trisha Fleming 00:00:44.780 --> 00:00:46.250 from the Well Compliance Department, 00:00:46.250 --> 00:00:48.040 and the Administrative Complaint Section 00:00:48.040 --> 00:00:49.870 of the Oil and Gas division. 00:00:49.870 --> 00:00:51.370 Trisha, whenever you're ready. 00:00:54.950 --> 00:00:55.950 Well, hello everybody, 00:00:55.950 --> 00:00:58.230 and thank you for joining me today. 00:00:58.230 --> 00:01:02.120 As we go over Web Queries, How to Stay in Compliance. 00:01:02.120 --> 00:01:03.440 My name is Trisha Fleming. 00:01:03.440 --> 00:01:05.607 I've been with the Railroad Commission for 11 years, 00:01:05.607 --> 00:01:09.068 the last six years in the Well Compliance Department. 00:01:09.068 --> 00:01:14.068 I wanted to let you know that we will be allowing questions 00:01:15.520 --> 00:01:19.790 in the Q and A, we'll be going over some of them vocally, 00:01:19.790 --> 00:01:23.450 but most of them will be done through the Q and A box. 00:01:23.450 --> 00:01:24.653 So let's get started. 00:01:26.690 --> 00:01:30.480 This class is gonna be about how to stay in compliance, 00:01:30.480 --> 00:01:31.390 and this is gonna have to do 00:01:31.390 --> 00:01:33.710 with the Well Compliance Department. 00:01:33.710 --> 00:01:35.650 We're gonna go over well supplements, 00:01:35.650 --> 00:01:38.830 the Proration Schedules, and Online Research Queries 00:01:38.830 --> 00:01:41.630 that are associated with the Well Compliance Department. 00:01:45.155 --> 00:01:46.080 The first thing that we're gonna look 00:01:46.080 --> 00:01:49.179 at is the Oil and Gas Proration Schedules. 00:01:49.179 --> 00:01:54.090 We have them online through our home page by operator, 00:01:54.090 --> 00:01:56.980 field, gatherer, and purchaser. 00:01:56.980 --> 00:01:59.760 These are only updated once a month. 00:01:59.760 --> 00:02:01.750 So towards the end of the month, 00:02:01.750 --> 00:02:03.160 or the beginning of the next month, 00:02:03.160 --> 00:02:04.860 is when you can find those online. 00:02:08.290 --> 00:02:11.730 So the way that you get to these is you go 00:02:11.730 --> 00:02:16.050 to our homepage, rrc.texas.gov. 00:02:16.050 --> 00:02:20.010 And here you will be able to look at those 00:02:20.010 --> 00:02:25.010 through the Oil and Gas menu at the top of the page here. 00:02:25.400 --> 00:02:26.430 And what you're gonna do is, 00:02:26.430 --> 00:02:28.290 you would hover your mouse over this, 00:02:28.290 --> 00:02:30.300 and it'll bring up another menu. 00:02:30.300 --> 00:02:31.950 At the bottom of that menu, 00:02:31.950 --> 00:02:35.707 you will find the Research and Statistics option. 00:02:40.252 --> 00:02:44.160 And once you've selected the Research and Statistics page, 00:02:44.160 --> 00:02:46.783 you'll then choose Proration Schedules. 00:02:51.720 --> 00:02:54.330 First we're gonna take a look at how you would get 00:02:54.330 --> 00:02:57.563 to the Proration Schedule by operator. 00:02:58.550 --> 00:03:00.400 A lot of times operators wanna see 00:03:00.400 --> 00:03:02.420 what they have on schedule at the time, 00:03:02.420 --> 00:03:03.970 or what their allowables are, 00:03:03.970 --> 00:03:07.120 or other important information. 00:03:07.120 --> 00:03:11.580 So once you select by operator, you're gonna find a page 00:03:11.580 --> 00:03:15.990 that's gonna have them listed by month and year. 00:03:15.990 --> 00:03:18.100 Sometimes you might wanna look at something that was 00:03:18.100 --> 00:03:20.756 from three or four months ago, versus what is currently 00:03:20.756 --> 00:03:24.030 on schedule, and so you have options 00:03:24.030 --> 00:03:26.413 to choose different months and years. 00:03:28.360 --> 00:03:33.160 So once you select that, you'll get to the Operator's page, 00:03:33.160 --> 00:03:37.070 and on this page, you will then find the alphabet, 00:03:37.070 --> 00:03:38.493 the name of the operator, 00:03:38.493 --> 00:03:40.890 whatever alphabet letter it starts with. 00:03:40.890 --> 00:03:43.970 And another thing that's really good to pay attention to, 00:03:43.970 --> 00:03:47.040 is when the page was last updated. 00:03:47.040 --> 00:03:49.250 That's always in the lower left hand corner 00:03:49.250 --> 00:03:51.700 of the webpage when you're there. 00:03:51.700 --> 00:03:53.080 That way you can see if you're looking 00:03:53.080 --> 00:03:55.163 at the most recent updated schedule. 00:03:56.070 --> 00:03:57.160 So in this example, 00:03:57.160 --> 00:03:59.533 we're gonna take a look at the letter A, 00:04:01.480 --> 00:04:05.070 and then the system will download a notepad document 00:04:05.070 --> 00:04:09.280 onto your computer, so you'll have to open that separately. 00:04:09.280 --> 00:04:14.280 So in this case, the first example here is A + Investments. 00:04:16.360 --> 00:04:19.110 It's gonna show which district their well's in, 00:04:19.110 --> 00:04:22.970 what field that's in, and also what type of well it is, 00:04:22.970 --> 00:04:24.770 in this case it's an injection well. 00:04:27.080 --> 00:04:32.080 The document is very useful, for you to find your operator 00:04:32.330 --> 00:04:35.090 and to find which wells you have on schedule. 00:04:35.090 --> 00:04:37.620 And it'll also tell you important information 00:04:37.620 --> 00:04:39.880 like if there's a W-10 delinquent, 00:04:39.880 --> 00:04:42.010 like this well did at that time. 00:04:42.010 --> 00:04:45.060 It'll tell you what the allowables are. 00:04:45.060 --> 00:04:49.203 So it's full of information that is extremely useful. 00:04:50.781 --> 00:04:52.890 Next, what we're gonna do is we're going 00:04:52.890 --> 00:04:55.763 to look at the Proration Schedule by field. 00:04:56.660 --> 00:05:00.600 The field Proration Schedule is probably one 00:05:00.600 --> 00:05:03.730 of our most popular Proration Schedule formats, 00:05:03.730 --> 00:05:06.240 for operators to look at. 00:05:06.240 --> 00:05:09.913 And it again, will be, once you select by field, 00:05:10.900 --> 00:05:13.020 you will go ahead and you will, again, 00:05:13.020 --> 00:05:16.403 select which month and year you would like to look at. 00:05:18.560 --> 00:05:21.450 And then when you click on that, then you're going 00:05:21.450 --> 00:05:23.700 to get the Proration Schedules, 00:05:23.700 --> 00:05:27.550 broke up by gas fields, and oil fields, 00:05:27.550 --> 00:05:28.960 and then by district. 00:05:28.960 --> 00:05:31.230 And again, it's gonna have that date to see 00:05:31.230 --> 00:05:33.520 when it was updated last. 00:05:33.520 --> 00:05:38.043 So in this example, we're gonna choose gas district one, 00:05:39.180 --> 00:05:41.973 and it again, will download a notepad document. 00:05:42.990 --> 00:05:45.090 And you'll have to open it separately. 00:05:45.090 --> 00:05:49.800 So the field Proration Schedule, probably has some 00:05:49.800 --> 00:05:52.180 of the most important information 00:05:52.180 --> 00:05:54.600 for an operator to stay in compliance. 00:05:54.600 --> 00:05:57.960 You can always find when your, in this case, 00:05:57.960 --> 00:06:01.200 it's a gas field, so your G-10 test is required. 00:06:01.200 --> 00:06:04.020 When you find the first indication of a field, 00:06:04.020 --> 00:06:06.685 in this case, we're looking at a wildcat field. 00:06:06.685 --> 00:06:11.150 This field's annual testing for the G-10 is test periods, 00:06:11.150 --> 00:06:13.610 September, October, November, 00:06:13.610 --> 00:06:16.640 due December, effective January. 00:06:16.640 --> 00:06:20.200 This information is on the Proration Schedule 00:06:20.200 --> 00:06:22.230 for every field. 00:06:22.230 --> 00:06:24.290 Another thing that you can find here is, 00:06:24.290 --> 00:06:29.290 some field remarks that the Railroad Commission has put in, 00:06:29.680 --> 00:06:33.720 for people to understand what the field may require. 00:06:33.720 --> 00:06:36.620 So in this case, because it's a wildcat field, 00:06:36.620 --> 00:06:39.830 wells in this field not eligible for an allowable. 00:06:39.830 --> 00:06:44.550 So this document is extremely useful, to keep yourself 00:06:44.550 --> 00:06:46.820 into compliance when it comes to your annual, 00:06:46.820 --> 00:06:49.193 or biannual testing, for your wells. 00:06:51.490 --> 00:06:55.350 That's for the gas prorations schedule. 00:06:55.350 --> 00:06:58.193 So here is the oil Proration Schedule. 00:06:59.070 --> 00:07:01.770 I apologize that my screen is a little bit blurry, 00:07:01.770 --> 00:07:05.350 but it does have the same information. 00:07:05.350 --> 00:07:09.380 This is for the Jenkins S, Clear Fork, Lower Field. 00:07:09.380 --> 00:07:12.890 Underneath this, where there's the little indicator 00:07:12.890 --> 00:07:15.470 of the stars in this case, 00:07:15.470 --> 00:07:20.040 it has when your well status report, your W-10 form, 00:07:20.040 --> 00:07:21.680 what your test period is, 00:07:21.680 --> 00:07:25.310 what your due date is and when your effective date is. 00:07:25.310 --> 00:07:28.970 It also lets you know what the acres are for the field, 00:07:28.970 --> 00:07:31.490 so that again, it's gonna be field information, 00:07:31.490 --> 00:07:34.223 field specific information for this field. 00:07:36.980 --> 00:07:39.417 There's also other information on the field 00:07:39.417 --> 00:07:43.510 that can be helpful for people. 00:07:43.510 --> 00:07:47.870 So this one is gonna show us that there is a operator, 00:07:47.870 --> 00:07:50.000 it's this Hub-Cap Oil Company, 00:07:50.000 --> 00:07:53.870 but this is gonna be their leases in the field. 00:07:53.870 --> 00:07:55.780 It's gonna give you field information. 00:07:55.780 --> 00:07:59.920 There's the field number, the discovery, county, 00:07:59.920 --> 00:08:04.920 and it's gonna tell you what your W-10 information is. 00:08:05.830 --> 00:08:09.410 So again, it's very full of information, 00:08:09.410 --> 00:08:13.397 for keeping yourself in compliance when it comes to tests, 00:08:13.397 --> 00:08:15.030 and when they're due, 00:08:15.030 --> 00:08:19.073 and specific field information for your wells. 00:08:20.750 --> 00:08:25.120 So now we're gonna move on to supplements. 00:08:25.120 --> 00:08:27.084 So a supplement is a correspondence 00:08:27.084 --> 00:08:29.285 that's gonna notify the operator, 00:08:29.285 --> 00:08:33.690 the status of a well based off forms filed by the operator, 00:08:33.690 --> 00:08:37.243 and then processed by RRC staff. 00:08:40.050 --> 00:08:42.417 Receiving supplements. 00:08:42.417 --> 00:08:44.700 What's gonna cause you to receive a supplement? 00:08:44.700 --> 00:08:47.960 Changes to an allowable, will be communicated 00:08:47.960 --> 00:08:49.970 through the oil and gas supplements 00:08:49.970 --> 00:08:51.740 as well as being reflected 00:08:51.740 --> 00:08:55.810 on the Oil and Gas Proration Schedule Listed by Operator. 00:08:55.810 --> 00:08:58.670 Supplements are generated nightly, 00:08:58.670 --> 00:09:01.960 and mailed to the address associated with the P-5 00:09:01.960 --> 00:09:05.101 of the operator the following day. 00:09:05.101 --> 00:09:09.190 So when you get these supplements, 00:09:09.190 --> 00:09:13.230 we encourage you to review them very carefully. 00:09:13.230 --> 00:09:16.980 They communicate things to the operator that has to do 00:09:16.980 --> 00:09:18.720 with the status of the well filings, 00:09:18.720 --> 00:09:21.196 and it also helps identify any problems 00:09:21.196 --> 00:09:24.034 with filing deficiencies. 00:09:24.034 --> 00:09:28.290 Sometimes the supplements can be a little bit confusing. 00:09:28.290 --> 00:09:30.823 So we're gonna go over how to read a supplement. 00:09:31.720 --> 00:09:34.880 So first, if the well's in compliance, there's going 00:09:34.880 --> 00:09:39.420 to be a numeric allowable, and that'll be reflected 00:09:39.420 --> 00:09:42.060 on the supplement, which we will look at in a minute. 00:09:42.060 --> 00:09:44.230 If the well is deficient, 00:09:44.230 --> 00:09:49.230 a non-numeric allowable code will be reflected, 00:09:49.390 --> 00:09:52.261 and further action is then gonna be required. 00:09:52.261 --> 00:09:55.440 Usually there's gonna be remarks at the bottom 00:09:55.440 --> 00:09:58.660 of the supplement to explain what information is required 00:09:58.660 --> 00:10:00.610 to obtain the allowable. 00:10:00.610 --> 00:10:03.850 Then if failure to file all necessary paperwork 00:10:03.850 --> 00:10:06.350 or required data for the assignment 00:10:06.350 --> 00:10:09.550 of a Lease/Gas ID Number will result 00:10:09.550 --> 00:10:12.130 in allowable not being assigned. 00:10:12.130 --> 00:10:13.480 So, let's take a look at 00:10:13.480 --> 00:10:15.763 what a Gas Wells supplement looks like. 00:10:17.730 --> 00:10:19.393 So there's two here. 00:10:20.440 --> 00:10:24.270 One of them shows a problem's been resolved. 00:10:24.270 --> 00:10:27.236 And the other one shows that there's more information that, 00:10:27.236 --> 00:10:32.236 or how we'll switch from no allowable to an allowable. 00:10:32.350 --> 00:10:35.593 So the one on the left over here shows that there is, 00:10:36.510 --> 00:10:41.430 the previous allowable was 0-W so this indicates 00:10:41.430 --> 00:10:43.610 that there were forms lacking. 00:10:43.610 --> 00:10:46.050 And in the remarks section, it's telling us 00:10:46.050 --> 00:10:50.310 that there was an engineering problem, but is now resolved. 00:10:50.310 --> 00:10:53.290 So then there's a new allowable that's been assigned, 00:10:53.290 --> 00:10:56.180 which has a numeric value. 00:10:56.180 --> 00:11:00.580 So in this case, it's showing us that it had no allowable, 00:11:00.580 --> 00:11:02.630 but now it does. 00:11:02.630 --> 00:11:07.030 So on the right hand side, it's gonna show you 00:11:07.030 --> 00:11:09.963 that the previous allowable was zero, 00:11:10.860 --> 00:11:15.330 and that the new allowable has a numeric value. 00:11:15.330 --> 00:11:17.410 So in the remarks section, 00:11:17.410 --> 00:11:20.840 it says that there is a tracking number that was filed, 00:11:20.840 --> 00:11:23.150 and it was for the initial potential test, 00:11:23.150 --> 00:11:25.240 which gave the well an allowable. 00:11:25.240 --> 00:11:28.530 So in this case, everything is fine too, 00:11:28.530 --> 00:11:30.380 just letting you know that your well went 00:11:30.380 --> 00:11:33.260 from zero allowable to an allowable. 00:11:33.260 --> 00:11:36.323 So, the supplement is how we communicate 00:11:36.323 --> 00:11:38.083 that to the operator. 00:11:39.980 --> 00:11:42.723 Now we have an oil allowable supplement. 00:11:44.890 --> 00:11:48.740 The supplement on the left indicates 00:11:48.740 --> 00:11:53.450 that there is a delinquent form, here, right here 00:11:53.450 --> 00:11:57.230 that shows you're allowable and it also shows 00:11:57.230 --> 00:12:00.380 that your monthly allowable's also zero. 00:12:00.380 --> 00:12:05.110 And the reason there's a delinquent form is because, 00:12:05.110 --> 00:12:09.673 we still need a W-2, with a test, to produce. 00:12:10.520 --> 00:12:14.680 We've apparently received some sort of indication 00:12:14.680 --> 00:12:16.670 that this well is unable to produce 00:12:16.670 --> 00:12:20.220 without a new W-2 filing. 00:12:20.220 --> 00:12:25.220 So, that's the communication that the operator is receiving. 00:12:25.540 --> 00:12:27.860 This one, as long as the well is non-producing, 00:12:27.860 --> 00:12:29.300 it doesn't need to do anything, 00:12:29.300 --> 00:12:32.160 until the operator wants the well to begin producing, 00:12:32.160 --> 00:12:33.780 then they need to file a W-2. 00:12:35.340 --> 00:12:39.760 So on the right hand side, this supplement is showing us 00:12:39.760 --> 00:12:44.130 that a W-10 was filed by the operator. 00:12:44.130 --> 00:12:47.260 And so now we have a daily allowable here, 00:12:47.260 --> 00:12:49.950 with the monthly allowable here for the oil, 00:12:49.950 --> 00:12:52.270 and then we also have the gas allowable here, 00:12:52.270 --> 00:12:54.830 with the monthly allowable on the other side. 00:12:54.830 --> 00:12:57.350 So in this case, nothing is needed. 00:12:57.350 --> 00:12:59.710 It is just communicating to the operator 00:12:59.710 --> 00:13:03.393 that we've received this W-10, and it has been processed. 00:13:06.430 --> 00:13:10.633 So now we're gonna move to the Online Research Queries. 00:13:11.710 --> 00:13:16.300 The online research queries allow external users 00:13:16.300 --> 00:13:20.610 to search for a variety of data available in reference 00:13:20.610 --> 00:13:23.880 to oil and gas wells in the State of Texas. 00:13:23.880 --> 00:13:27.290 This does not require you to have a online login. 00:13:27.290 --> 00:13:30.160 This information is available 00:13:30.160 --> 00:13:32.693 to the public from our homepage. 00:13:34.200 --> 00:13:37.430 Anybody can access this data. 00:13:37.430 --> 00:13:40.880 It can be consultants, operators, 00:13:40.880 --> 00:13:42.555 general public of any kind. 00:13:42.555 --> 00:13:45.113 All this data is open to the public. 00:13:46.587 --> 00:13:50.730 All of our online research queries fall under, 00:13:50.730 --> 00:13:52.880 the Data Online Research Queries 00:13:52.880 --> 00:13:54.750 that are on the right hand side of the page, 00:13:54.750 --> 00:13:56.550 under Useful Links. 00:13:56.550 --> 00:13:58.710 I always direct people to the links 00:13:58.710 --> 00:14:00.643 underneath the Commissioners pictures. 00:14:04.030 --> 00:14:06.950 Once you click the Data Online Research Queries, 00:14:06.950 --> 00:14:09.550 then you're gonna move to the actual list 00:14:09.550 --> 00:14:11.920 of different queries that are available. 00:14:11.920 --> 00:14:14.980 The first section is for oil and gas, 00:14:14.980 --> 00:14:17.730 which is the section that we'll be talking about today. 00:14:19.580 --> 00:14:22.535 And as you can see, there's many different types 00:14:22.535 --> 00:14:26.290 of research queries that are available. 00:14:26.290 --> 00:14:27.970 We will only be touching on the ones 00:14:27.970 --> 00:14:30.163 that have to do with well compliance. 00:14:32.840 --> 00:14:35.410 But there is a lot of information available 00:14:35.410 --> 00:14:36.943 for people to research. 00:14:38.140 --> 00:14:39.727 The first one we're going 00:14:39.727 --> 00:14:42.160 to look at is the Completions Query. 00:14:42.160 --> 00:14:44.630 It's used to find completion packages 00:14:44.630 --> 00:14:46.520 that were filed online. 00:14:46.520 --> 00:14:49.190 Using this query allows you to view all of the forms 00:14:49.190 --> 00:14:51.313 that were filed with a Packet. 00:14:53.680 --> 00:14:54.630 To get to that, 00:14:54.630 --> 00:14:57.320 we would go to the Data Online Research Queries, 00:14:57.320 --> 00:15:00.073 and then we would click the Launch Application. 00:15:01.390 --> 00:15:03.440 And then on the next page, you would again, 00:15:03.440 --> 00:15:05.543 click the Completions Query. 00:15:06.830 --> 00:15:11.500 This is gonna bring you to a search criteria. 00:15:11.500 --> 00:15:13.990 And for our example, we're gonna go ahead 00:15:13.990 --> 00:15:17.383 and use a gas ID number, down here in the Lease Number. 00:15:18.570 --> 00:15:21.138 It is possible, if you know the tracking number 00:15:21.138 --> 00:15:23.630 of the Completion Packet that you wanna look at, 00:15:23.630 --> 00:15:25.290 you can choose that. 00:15:25.290 --> 00:15:30.290 You can also, if you want a larger amount of completions, 00:15:30.410 --> 00:15:31.750 you're trying to do some research, 00:15:31.750 --> 00:15:35.590 you can make it by district, and the purpose of filing, 00:15:35.590 --> 00:15:39.290 or gas or oil, that's what this option is. 00:15:39.290 --> 00:15:41.300 But you can also use the API number, 00:15:41.300 --> 00:15:45.120 or the drilling permit number to look up the well. 00:15:45.120 --> 00:15:48.330 So once you enter the lease number or Gas ID number, 00:15:48.330 --> 00:15:50.053 you would click Search. 00:15:51.610 --> 00:15:56.610 Then that will bring up the results for that lease number. 00:15:57.730 --> 00:15:58.920 There is a chance 00:15:58.920 --> 00:16:02.100 that there could be more than one tracking number, 00:16:02.100 --> 00:16:05.500 and if you wanna look at the very first one, 00:16:05.500 --> 00:16:07.120 there's a submitted date, 00:16:07.120 --> 00:16:10.218 and the date would be in order of submission. 00:16:10.218 --> 00:16:13.130 Sometimes you wanna look at the most recent filing, 00:16:13.130 --> 00:16:15.620 or maybe the oldest filing, for whatever reason, 00:16:15.620 --> 00:16:18.180 but in this case we only have one option. 00:16:18.180 --> 00:16:21.263 So we would click on the tracking number. 00:16:22.510 --> 00:16:27.230 Then that would bring us to the packet summary data, 00:16:27.230 --> 00:16:31.310 along with all the completion information that was filed. 00:16:31.310 --> 00:16:36.140 So you can always see when the completion was approved. 00:16:36.140 --> 00:16:38.260 You can also see when the completion was submitted 00:16:38.260 --> 00:16:40.130 by the operator. 00:16:40.130 --> 00:16:42.600 And then down here in this box, you're going 00:16:42.600 --> 00:16:46.360 to see public comments that were left by the RRC staff, 00:16:46.360 --> 00:16:49.720 that we wanted the public to know about, 00:16:49.720 --> 00:16:51.723 when it came to this completion packet. 00:16:53.980 --> 00:16:58.980 All of these forms, that are here, are available to view. 00:16:59.470 --> 00:17:00.890 There are certain ones 00:17:00.890 --> 00:17:03.780 that have been certified electronically. 00:17:03.780 --> 00:17:08.380 In this case, we're gonna look at the G-1. 00:17:08.380 --> 00:17:10.470 We won't go over the details of the G-1, 00:17:10.470 --> 00:17:11.480 but I wanted to be able 00:17:11.480 --> 00:17:14.433 to show you the format of the G-1. 00:17:15.340 --> 00:17:18.350 So when you open the G-1, 00:17:18.350 --> 00:17:21.420 it's gonna give you these four pages, 00:17:21.420 --> 00:17:25.080 it'll have public remarks, it's also going 00:17:25.080 --> 00:17:26.470 to have some parts of it 00:17:26.470 --> 00:17:29.173 that if the operator puts any remarks. 00:17:30.760 --> 00:17:33.408 So this has all the information 00:17:33.408 --> 00:17:36.990 that the operator entered into the G-1. 00:17:38.990 --> 00:17:43.103 So that's the Completion Query. 00:17:43.103 --> 00:17:48.103 Next we're gonna go over the Field Rules Query Overview. 00:17:52.620 --> 00:17:54.200 So if you are curious about 00:17:54.200 --> 00:17:58.110 what the regulatory field rules are for a certain field, 00:17:58.110 --> 00:17:59.913 that's what this query is good for. 00:18:01.840 --> 00:18:04.850 So again, we're in the Data Online Research Queries, 00:18:04.850 --> 00:18:06.570 and you're gonna Launch Application, 00:18:06.570 --> 00:18:08.093 at the Field Rules query. 00:18:13.330 --> 00:18:18.010 So this is where you would, all that's 00:18:18.010 --> 00:18:22.193 on the search fields are, you can either enter the number, 00:18:24.130 --> 00:18:26.040 exactly if you know your field number, 00:18:26.040 --> 00:18:28.610 but you can also enter the beginning, 00:18:28.610 --> 00:18:29.990 in this case, this is gonna be 00:18:29.990 --> 00:18:32.370 for the Spraberry Trend Area. 00:18:32.370 --> 00:18:37.370 So you would just have to enter part of the field name, 00:18:37.860 --> 00:18:39.900 and then click Search. 00:18:39.900 --> 00:18:42.840 And then it will give you a list of all of the fields 00:18:42.840 --> 00:18:46.900 that have that beginning field name in it. 00:18:46.900 --> 00:18:50.150 So once you select it, you'll have to click 00:18:50.150 --> 00:18:53.140 on the field name and number, and turn it blue. 00:18:53.140 --> 00:18:56.140 And then you will have to click the View Field Rules button. 00:18:59.690 --> 00:19:01.740 Then that will bring up your field rules. 00:19:01.740 --> 00:19:02.573 In this case, 00:19:02.573 --> 00:19:05.337 the Spraberry Trend Area has special field rules. 00:19:05.337 --> 00:19:10.337 Here you can find out what your well spacing is, 00:19:10.860 --> 00:19:12.050 and your lease spacing, 00:19:12.050 --> 00:19:15.720 and how many acres are needed per well. 00:19:15.720 --> 00:19:17.727 And then what the tolerance acres are. 00:19:17.727 --> 00:19:20.823 It also has a little comment section that gives you an idea 00:19:20.823 --> 00:19:22.660 of what would be needed, 00:19:22.660 --> 00:19:25.710 if you filed a completion in this field. 00:19:25.710 --> 00:19:29.530 So, it's really good to check this out. 00:19:29.530 --> 00:19:31.190 This is a good place to look to see 00:19:31.190 --> 00:19:35.300 what your field rules are, when you first think 00:19:35.300 --> 00:19:37.423 about putting a well into a certain field. 00:19:38.810 --> 00:19:42.130 So Spraberry has special field rules there. 00:19:42.130 --> 00:19:45.010 It's not under the statewide field rules anymore. 00:19:45.010 --> 00:19:47.670 So there's also a part of that page 00:19:47.670 --> 00:19:52.350 that will give you an idea of like, this is a UFT field, 00:19:52.350 --> 00:19:53.910 and then also you can look 00:19:53.910 --> 00:19:56.770 at the docket down here, it's been attached. 00:19:56.770 --> 00:19:59.240 So if you click on that, it'll take you 00:19:59.240 --> 00:20:02.010 to the final order for the special field 00:20:02.010 --> 00:20:03.273 for that docket number. 00:20:04.457 --> 00:20:07.630 Not every field is gonna have this section, 00:20:07.630 --> 00:20:10.160 but any field that has special field rules, 00:20:10.160 --> 00:20:15.160 or is a UFT field, should have information additional to, 00:20:15.964 --> 00:20:18.583 this information. 00:20:19.700 --> 00:20:22.840 This is essentially one big page it's just broke up 00:20:22.840 --> 00:20:23.693 for the slide. 00:20:29.751 --> 00:20:30.710 For the next thing I'm gonna go over, 00:20:30.710 --> 00:20:33.913 is the New Lease Build Query Overview. 00:20:35.070 --> 00:20:38.440 So the New Lease IDs Build Query allows you to search 00:20:38.440 --> 00:20:40.720 for a newly assigned lease number 00:20:40.720 --> 00:20:43.273 by using the following search criteria; 00:20:44.280 --> 00:20:48.320 you've got the date range for a maximum 90 days, 00:20:48.320 --> 00:20:50.700 the drilling permit number, the API number, 00:20:50.700 --> 00:20:52.620 if you wanna be well specific, 00:20:52.620 --> 00:20:55.760 plus there's the District and the County, 00:20:55.760 --> 00:20:57.753 or by field or by operator. 00:21:00.780 --> 00:21:03.340 Again, we're in the Data Online Research Query, 00:21:03.340 --> 00:21:05.363 and you wanna Launch your Application. 00:21:09.420 --> 00:21:13.234 And then, in this case, we're gonna use an API number, 00:21:13.234 --> 00:21:16.931 for our search criteria. 00:21:16.931 --> 00:21:20.810 This works really well if you're wanting to know, 00:21:20.810 --> 00:21:23.010 for a specific well, 00:21:23.010 --> 00:21:27.041 if a Lease or Gas ID number has been assigned to it yet. 00:21:27.041 --> 00:21:31.083 You would just enter your API number, 00:21:32.380 --> 00:21:35.143 and come up with these search results. 00:21:36.560 --> 00:21:41.393 It just shows you right there, right in the first line, 00:21:42.321 --> 00:21:43.154 under the RRC ID number, 00:21:43.154 --> 00:21:45.470 it tells you what your lease number is. 00:21:45.470 --> 00:21:50.470 Keep in mind in this section, if you wanna know 00:21:50.480 --> 00:21:55.480 if your operator that you are doing business with, or for, 00:21:56.970 --> 00:21:59.540 if you wanna know if they have had any new Gas ID 00:21:59.540 --> 00:22:02.460 or Lease numbers built in the last 30 days, 00:22:02.460 --> 00:22:06.450 you can put their operator number in, and the date range, 00:22:06.450 --> 00:22:10.100 and it'll show you all of the Gas ID numbers 00:22:10.100 --> 00:22:14.850 and Lease numbers that have been built in that date time. 00:22:14.850 --> 00:22:19.260 So, if you've submitted completions and you're waiting 00:22:19.260 --> 00:22:21.420 for ID numbers, and you just wanna know if they, 00:22:21.420 --> 00:22:24.920 you can always check here to see if those have been approved 00:22:24.920 --> 00:22:28.013 and applied to the wells yet. 00:22:32.810 --> 00:22:34.400 Another query that we have, 00:22:34.400 --> 00:22:38.773 is the P-4 Gatherer/Purchaser Query Overview. 00:22:39.670 --> 00:22:43.070 The P-4 Gatherer/Purchaser Query provides a way 00:22:43.070 --> 00:22:44.980 to search for gatherers and purchasers 00:22:44.980 --> 00:22:48.450 by using the following search criteria; 00:22:48.450 --> 00:22:53.450 oil wells, gas wells or both, district, oil lease number, 00:22:53.550 --> 00:22:57.270 or gas well ID number, field, operator, 00:22:57.270 --> 00:22:59.010 gatherer or purchaser, 00:22:59.010 --> 00:23:02.000 or the gatherer purchaser's P-5 number, 00:23:02.000 --> 00:23:07.000 or what the product is that the gatherer picks up. 00:23:07.570 --> 00:23:10.870 So, when you, again, 00:23:10.870 --> 00:23:15.870 it's in the Data Online Research Queries, 00:23:16.740 --> 00:23:19.803 and you just choose Launch Application. 00:23:22.370 --> 00:23:27.370 In this situation, we're gonna look up a gas well. 00:23:27.890 --> 00:23:29.500 Keep in mind that with gas wells, 00:23:29.500 --> 00:23:33.050 they each get their own individual ID number, 00:23:33.050 --> 00:23:35.800 so you do not need to select any other options 00:23:35.800 --> 00:23:38.500 to find out about that well. 00:23:38.500 --> 00:23:42.910 If it was an oil well, you would have to select a district. 00:23:42.910 --> 00:23:44.490 But gas wells, you don't need to. 00:23:44.490 --> 00:23:47.723 So, you just put your gas ID number, and you hit Submit. 00:23:50.340 --> 00:23:54.130 This is gonna bring up the query results 00:23:54.130 --> 00:23:56.020 for your gatherer/purchaser. 00:23:56.020 --> 00:23:59.910 But, one thing to keep in mind with our queries is that, 00:23:59.910 --> 00:24:02.470 the more you drill down on the query, 00:24:02.470 --> 00:24:04.760 the more information you can find. 00:24:04.760 --> 00:24:09.600 In this case, we're gonna select this lease number again, 00:24:09.600 --> 00:24:12.533 because it will give us more information. 00:24:14.830 --> 00:24:18.747 So now, as you can see, it has the oil 00:24:18.747 --> 00:24:21.120 and lease information at the top. 00:24:21.120 --> 00:24:24.030 And it also does show you who the gatherer 00:24:24.030 --> 00:24:27.567 and purchasers are, what the product is, 00:24:27.567 --> 00:24:32.567 and yeah, that shows you that. 00:24:32.870 --> 00:24:34.420 So then now we're gonna go ahead, 00:24:34.420 --> 00:24:38.520 and we're gonna click on the ID number again, 00:24:38.520 --> 00:24:40.390 and we're gonna get more information 00:24:40.390 --> 00:24:42.333 about the gatherers and purchasers. 00:24:43.250 --> 00:24:47.710 Here you can see that we're getting the gatherer codes. 00:24:47.710 --> 00:24:50.560 We're also getting the purchaser system code. 00:24:50.560 --> 00:24:52.870 We get a lot of calls, and people wanting to know 00:24:52.870 --> 00:24:56.020 what the purchaser system code was or is, or, 00:24:56.020 --> 00:24:57.880 so you can always look in this section 00:24:57.880 --> 00:25:02.280 to see where they possibly, 00:25:02.280 --> 00:25:05.250 'cause they can have hundreds of codes, 00:25:05.250 --> 00:25:07.140 they don't usually, but they could. 00:25:07.140 --> 00:25:10.150 And so, this will help you to determine what you need 00:25:10.150 --> 00:25:13.473 to put on a P-4, or what their system codes are. 00:25:20.880 --> 00:25:25.880 Now we're at the Proration Query Gas Overview. 00:25:27.960 --> 00:25:31.180 The Gas Proration Query provides a way to search 00:25:31.180 --> 00:25:34.010 for proration data for gas wells, 00:25:34.010 --> 00:25:36.580 by using the following search criteria; 00:25:36.580 --> 00:25:41.580 you can look at District, API number, gas well ID number, 00:25:42.900 --> 00:25:47.900 well type, field type, field, and the operator. 00:25:49.440 --> 00:25:53.110 Again, we go to the Data Online Research Queries, 00:25:53.110 --> 00:25:55.823 and you would hit Launch Application. 00:25:58.050 --> 00:26:02.960 In this case we will be using, so keep in mind, 00:26:02.960 --> 00:26:04.975 there's a Gas Proration Schedule Query, 00:26:04.975 --> 00:26:08.060 and an Oil Proration Schedule Query. 00:26:08.060 --> 00:26:10.600 So we're gonna go over the gas one first. 00:26:10.600 --> 00:26:14.630 Again, just like with the P-4 search criteria, 00:26:14.630 --> 00:26:18.783 you only need to enter the gas ID number, and click Submit. 00:26:22.220 --> 00:26:25.430 Now you can see your gas well. 00:26:25.430 --> 00:26:28.553 It shows you the API number, the lease number, 00:26:28.553 --> 00:26:30.650 what field it's in. 00:26:30.650 --> 00:26:33.190 It also shows you how many acres have been assigned 00:26:33.190 --> 00:26:36.393 to the well, and what the allowable is. 00:26:38.920 --> 00:26:43.920 Like I said, drilling down, deeper into the information, 00:26:45.460 --> 00:26:48.333 will give us more detailed information. 00:26:50.250 --> 00:26:55.250 On this next screen, we have our API number, 00:26:55.430 --> 00:26:56.570 we have our well number, 00:26:56.570 --> 00:26:58.650 we have all of our information at the top. 00:26:58.650 --> 00:27:00.480 It also has many tabs, but we're just going 00:27:00.480 --> 00:27:02.250 to stick to what's down here. 00:27:02.250 --> 00:27:05.092 Something to keep in mind, if you're ever wondering, 00:27:05.092 --> 00:27:09.390 at what point in time you're looking at, right here, 00:27:09.390 --> 00:27:12.083 it tells you, this is for April, 2015. 00:27:16.040 --> 00:27:18.400 You wanna make sure that it's the most current date, 00:27:18.400 --> 00:27:19.233 so you know exactly that, 00:27:19.233 --> 00:27:22.153 that's the most current information that we have on file. 00:27:24.100 --> 00:27:26.600 When you click the lease number again, 00:27:26.600 --> 00:27:27.490 again, we're gonna get 00:27:27.490 --> 00:27:30.930 into more well specific information. 00:27:30.930 --> 00:27:34.030 On this page is gonna tell you that it's producing 00:27:34.030 --> 00:27:36.290 what it's capable of producing, 00:27:36.290 --> 00:27:40.080 and all the well information at the top, 00:27:40.080 --> 00:27:42.710 and what your monthly allowable is, 00:27:42.710 --> 00:27:44.363 and what the top allowable is. 00:27:47.180 --> 00:27:50.370 This page is on the next slide too, 00:27:50.370 --> 00:27:52.650 it's the bottom half of the page. 00:27:52.650 --> 00:27:56.130 It'll tell you if you need to file G-10s, 00:27:56.130 --> 00:27:57.650 if they're required. 00:27:57.650 --> 00:28:00.160 And then it also, it's one of the few places 00:28:00.160 --> 00:28:04.480 that you can find the most current G-10 that was filed, 00:28:04.480 --> 00:28:05.670 for this well. 00:28:05.670 --> 00:28:08.187 So it was a survey, it tells you the test date, 00:28:08.187 --> 00:28:09.540 and the effective date, 00:28:09.540 --> 00:28:13.755 and what the information was, that was on that G-10. 00:28:13.755 --> 00:28:15.966 Like I said, the more you drill down 00:28:15.966 --> 00:28:19.733 into a well's information, the more specific it gets. 00:28:24.010 --> 00:28:27.230 The Return button will take you to the previous page, 00:28:27.230 --> 00:28:28.410 if you use your Back button, 00:28:28.410 --> 00:28:29.970 it doesn't always work in our query. 00:28:29.970 --> 00:28:32.150 So it's better if you use the Return button, 00:28:32.150 --> 00:28:34.243 if it's available on your screen. 00:28:36.960 --> 00:28:41.510 Now we may wanna know what the field information is, 00:28:41.510 --> 00:28:43.030 in this situation. 00:28:43.030 --> 00:28:45.720 This well's in the Newark, East, Barnett Shale. 00:28:45.720 --> 00:28:48.713 If you click on the field number, 00:28:49.800 --> 00:28:53.630 it will bring up your field rules and the remarks 00:28:53.630 --> 00:28:56.514 that have been left on the field. 00:28:56.514 --> 00:28:59.020 They're usually by date, 00:28:59.020 --> 00:29:01.860 this one goes all the way back to 1986, and so at the top, 00:29:01.860 --> 00:29:04.680 it would have your most current information. 00:29:04.680 --> 00:29:07.543 It also has your special field rules here. 00:29:08.930 --> 00:29:12.160 This is actually more the bottom half of a page, 00:29:12.160 --> 00:29:14.643 the top half looks like this. 00:29:16.930 --> 00:29:19.010 This would show you your field name, 00:29:19.010 --> 00:29:21.340 and your field information, your discovery county, 00:29:21.340 --> 00:29:24.763 some basic information that is on the field. 00:29:28.608 --> 00:29:33.033 Then we'll go to the oil side. 00:29:37.960 --> 00:29:40.130 The Oil Proration Query. 00:29:40.130 --> 00:29:43.250 It provides a way for you to search for the proration data 00:29:43.250 --> 00:29:46.950 for oil wells, by using the following search criteria; 00:29:46.950 --> 00:29:51.400 district, API number, oil lease number, well type, 00:29:51.400 --> 00:29:55.023 field type, county, field, and the operator. 00:29:58.900 --> 00:30:01.590 Again, you'll go to your Data Online Research Queries, 00:30:01.590 --> 00:30:05.370 and you'll go down to the Proration Query by Oil, 00:30:05.370 --> 00:30:07.203 and you'll Launch the Application. 00:30:09.410 --> 00:30:12.750 Like I was saying, when you are doing an oil search, 00:30:12.750 --> 00:30:17.270 you would have to put in your district also, here, 00:30:17.270 --> 00:30:18.480 and then you would also have 00:30:18.480 --> 00:30:20.300 to put in your oil lease number. 00:30:20.300 --> 00:30:21.150 And the reason is, 00:30:21.150 --> 00:30:25.720 is because oil lease numbers are not unique, 00:30:25.720 --> 00:30:29.190 and so you could have more than one lease 00:30:29.190 --> 00:30:31.840 with the lease number 39874. 00:30:31.840 --> 00:30:33.540 So you have to put the district in, 00:30:33.540 --> 00:30:35.020 so that it knows to look 00:30:35.020 --> 00:30:37.993 just in District 8 for that lease number. 00:30:38.890 --> 00:30:40.823 So then you'd wanna click Submit. 00:30:43.660 --> 00:30:47.413 And this will take you to the lease information. 00:30:48.270 --> 00:30:51.110 Another thing about oil leases is, 00:30:51.110 --> 00:30:55.680 it'll show you this lease has three wells on it. 00:30:55.680 --> 00:30:57.660 So, these are three different wells. 00:30:57.660 --> 00:30:58.493 So you need to know which one 00:30:58.493 --> 00:31:00.683 that you wanna know specifics about. 00:31:01.930 --> 00:31:04.520 In this case, we're gonna look at, well number 1A, 00:31:04.520 --> 00:31:06.570 and we're gonna use the API number 00:31:06.570 --> 00:31:08.833 to review the well information. 00:31:12.620 --> 00:31:17.620 So, this oil well is on schedule in two places. 00:31:18.640 --> 00:31:21.210 So when you're looking by API number, 00:31:21.210 --> 00:31:23.300 which is what we used to get to this screen, 00:31:23.300 --> 00:31:26.660 it's gonna show you both of the wells. 00:31:26.660 --> 00:31:31.660 This first row was on schedule first, 00:31:32.370 --> 00:31:37.370 and then it was worked over to the Spraberry field, 00:31:37.470 --> 00:31:39.410 from the Jailhouse, Fusselman. 00:31:39.410 --> 00:31:44.410 So, we've left the old well on as a partial plug. 00:31:44.540 --> 00:31:47.100 Then this well is now a producing well 00:31:47.100 --> 00:31:49.240 in the Spraberry, Trend area. 00:31:49.240 --> 00:31:53.788 So if you get to this point, you can see that the well, 00:31:53.788 --> 00:31:56.700 if it's on schedule in more than one place, 00:31:56.700 --> 00:31:58.610 and so, you know if you need to follow up 00:31:58.610 --> 00:32:00.310 on your partial plug. 00:32:00.310 --> 00:32:03.680 And so, it's really got a lot of really good information. 00:32:03.680 --> 00:32:06.720 It also tells you what the old lease number was, 00:32:06.720 --> 00:32:08.383 and then the new lease number. 00:32:11.280 --> 00:32:15.100 When you've looked at this and you got your information 00:32:15.100 --> 00:32:16.810 that you want, you can hit Return, 00:32:16.810 --> 00:32:18.593 again, instead of the Back button. 00:32:20.450 --> 00:32:23.870 And we're back to the lease information. 00:32:23.870 --> 00:32:25.870 So we did look at the API number. 00:32:25.870 --> 00:32:28.083 Now we're gonna look at the lease number. 00:32:32.790 --> 00:32:33.810 Here's our lease. 00:32:33.810 --> 00:32:35.470 It's got more information at the top. 00:32:35.470 --> 00:32:36.830 This time we're looking 00:32:36.830 --> 00:32:39.973 at the May, 2015 oil proration schedule. 00:32:41.320 --> 00:32:44.230 And we see what the allowables are, 00:32:44.230 --> 00:32:47.313 that they're producing, how many acres each well holds. 00:32:48.180 --> 00:32:52.351 And so then we're we're gonna use the well number button, 00:32:52.351 --> 00:32:57.351 link to find out specific information on this well, 1A. 00:33:05.641 --> 00:33:09.780 This screen is gonna be well specific. 00:33:09.780 --> 00:33:12.130 It will tell you that it's a producing well, 00:33:12.130 --> 00:33:14.510 that the allowable is prorated. 00:33:14.510 --> 00:33:17.010 It's also gonna tell you where the lowest perf is, 00:33:17.010 --> 00:33:18.663 how many acres are assigned. 00:33:19.680 --> 00:33:21.700 It's also where you can find out, 00:33:21.700 --> 00:33:24.820 where the last W-10 test was filed. 00:33:24.820 --> 00:33:27.810 This last test on this one was a survey. 00:33:27.810 --> 00:33:30.790 The test date was January 12th, 00:33:30.790 --> 00:33:33.040 and your effective date was February 1st. 00:33:33.040 --> 00:33:36.480 It'll tell you what the producing method is. 00:33:36.480 --> 00:33:39.670 So this is well specific. 00:33:39.670 --> 00:33:42.440 You can get some very detailed information, if you, 00:33:42.440 --> 00:33:46.633 like I said, you keep drilling down by well information. 00:33:48.240 --> 00:33:50.290 Again, we're gonna hit the Return button. 00:33:53.900 --> 00:33:55.360 And we're gonna take a look 00:33:55.360 --> 00:33:59.463 at how the field information looks on this one. 00:34:06.350 --> 00:34:09.380 Here's the field rules for the Spraberry Trend area. 00:34:09.380 --> 00:34:11.508 It gives you the information, 00:34:11.508 --> 00:34:14.596 the special field rules information, 00:34:14.596 --> 00:34:17.230 like if we looked it up in the field. 00:34:17.230 --> 00:34:20.640 It looks like there's a little bit more information here, 00:34:20.640 --> 00:34:22.413 like the allocation formula. 00:34:24.725 --> 00:34:26.330 But it still gives you your least spacing, 00:34:26.330 --> 00:34:29.453 and your well spacing, and acres per well. 00:34:31.400 --> 00:34:33.533 Again, we're gonna hit the return button. 00:34:38.470 --> 00:34:43.470 When we were looking at the the completions query, 00:34:43.880 --> 00:34:46.110 we just looked at a gas well. 00:34:46.110 --> 00:34:48.450 Here I'm gonna show you how you can go 00:34:48.450 --> 00:34:52.680 from looking at the Proration Schedule Query, 00:34:52.680 --> 00:34:55.480 to the completion for a W-2. 00:34:56.647 --> 00:35:00.240 As you can see, all of these wells have a dropdown, 00:35:00.240 --> 00:35:01.433 right next to them. 00:35:05.063 --> 00:35:07.840 If you just click on Completion, 00:35:07.840 --> 00:35:10.850 it'll automatically take you 00:35:10.850 --> 00:35:13.160 to the completion queries result. 00:35:13.160 --> 00:35:16.870 So this well has two results, 00:35:16.870 --> 00:35:20.810 one tracking number here, and one here, and as you can see, 00:35:20.810 --> 00:35:24.550 one was submitted before the second one. 00:35:24.550 --> 00:35:28.060 So there is a date order, if you wanna look at, 00:35:28.060 --> 00:35:29.250 which one you wanna look at. 00:35:29.250 --> 00:35:31.690 So we're gonna take a look at the first filing, 00:35:31.690 --> 00:35:32.683 for this well. 00:35:36.040 --> 00:35:38.740 Now we're looking at the completion 00:35:39.660 --> 00:35:43.610 for this W-2 instead of a G-1. 00:35:43.610 --> 00:35:47.460 And so you can view the report here, again, 00:35:47.460 --> 00:35:49.040 no public comments on this one, 00:35:49.040 --> 00:35:51.260 but you have all of these different reports 00:35:51.260 --> 00:35:53.460 that you can review. 00:35:53.460 --> 00:35:55.770 So if you click the view report here, 00:35:55.770 --> 00:35:57.250 it'll take you to the W-2. 00:35:59.440 --> 00:36:01.580 It looks similar to the G-1. 00:36:01.580 --> 00:36:04.860 It has all of the data entered by the operator 00:36:06.600 --> 00:36:08.993 that is on the W-2 form. 00:36:17.690 --> 00:36:19.133 The Severance Query. 00:36:20.250 --> 00:36:23.510 The Severance Query provides a way to search for wells 00:36:23.510 --> 00:36:27.580 on severed leases, by using the following criteria; 00:36:27.580 --> 00:36:31.370 you can look it up by oil wells, gas wells, or both. 00:36:31.370 --> 00:36:34.330 By the district, by the oil lease number, 00:36:34.330 --> 00:36:39.330 or gas well ID number, by the field, by operator, 00:36:42.100 --> 00:36:47.100 used by RRC Oil and Gas section, severance reason, 00:36:48.200 --> 00:36:53.000 certified letter date, severance category, current, 00:36:53.000 --> 00:36:55.060 historical, or both. 00:36:55.060 --> 00:36:57.160 So this is a very important query 00:36:57.160 --> 00:36:59.182 for operators to use, to find out, 00:36:59.182 --> 00:37:03.130 if they think they maybe have missed a letter from us, 00:37:03.130 --> 00:37:05.213 this is always updated. 00:37:06.630 --> 00:37:10.328 That way it helps operators stay in compliance, 00:37:10.328 --> 00:37:13.253 if they review this often. 00:37:16.300 --> 00:37:19.610 So again, you'll go to the Severance Query, 00:37:19.610 --> 00:37:21.830 in the Data Online Research Queries, 00:37:21.830 --> 00:37:24.673 and you'll select Launch Application. 00:37:27.130 --> 00:37:30.710 And then you'll have the search criteria 00:37:30.710 --> 00:37:32.693 for your Severance Queries. 00:37:34.490 --> 00:37:39.490 The most encompassing way for you to review, if you, 00:37:40.720 --> 00:37:43.380 as an operator, have any leases that are coming up 00:37:43.380 --> 00:37:45.360 for severance, or have severed, 00:37:45.360 --> 00:37:47.803 you'd wanna search by operator. 00:37:51.960 --> 00:37:54.840 You can use the operator number, 00:37:54.840 --> 00:37:58.090 or you can use the name of the operator. 00:37:58.090 --> 00:37:59.660 And when you click Search, 00:37:59.660 --> 00:38:04.660 it will put the operator name in this box, on the left. 00:38:04.680 --> 00:38:09.680 You have to make that selection, it'll turn it gray. 00:38:10.640 --> 00:38:12.610 And then you have to click the Add button, 00:38:12.610 --> 00:38:17.420 so that it reflects over here in the operator selection box. 00:38:17.420 --> 00:38:19.600 Then you click the Submit button. 00:38:19.600 --> 00:38:22.610 If you don't select this and hit add, 00:38:22.610 --> 00:38:23.760 and put it in over here, 00:38:23.760 --> 00:38:25.300 it will not come up with any results. 00:38:25.300 --> 00:38:27.450 So make sure that you don't skip that step. 00:38:28.730 --> 00:38:30.883 Then you will hit the Submit button. 00:38:34.290 --> 00:38:38.150 Another way to make sure that you're seeing all 00:38:38.150 --> 00:38:42.320 of your active severances or certified letters, 00:38:42.320 --> 00:38:44.663 you wanna do outstanding all, 00:38:45.590 --> 00:38:48.610 on the Severance/Seal category. 00:38:48.610 --> 00:38:51.564 You will leave everything else blank, in this situation. 00:38:51.564 --> 00:38:54.950 You would just choose your operator, and Outstanding All, 00:38:54.950 --> 00:38:57.910 this is a dropdown box, and you have these three options, 00:38:57.910 --> 00:39:01.023 you wanna use the Outstanding All and click Submit. 00:39:06.720 --> 00:39:08.870 For the example that was chosen, 00:39:08.870 --> 00:39:12.083 this operator has 14 results. 00:39:13.320 --> 00:39:15.030 Keep in mind that Outstanding All, 00:39:15.030 --> 00:39:17.560 doesn't mean that they have 14 severances. 00:39:17.560 --> 00:39:19.570 It can mean that they have a mixture 00:39:19.570 --> 00:39:22.440 of severances and certified letters. 00:39:22.440 --> 00:39:23.913 It's gonna bring up both. 00:39:26.173 --> 00:39:29.520 Again, drilling down gives us more information. 00:39:29.520 --> 00:39:34.443 So we're gonna be using the example of this oil lease 11119. 00:39:37.270 --> 00:39:38.600 You just click on the link, 00:39:38.600 --> 00:39:40.323 and it takes you to the next page. 00:39:41.360 --> 00:39:44.880 And again, you will click on the lease number again, 00:39:44.880 --> 00:39:46.733 to bring up the next page. 00:39:48.780 --> 00:39:52.397 So this shows all the severance issues 00:39:54.870 --> 00:39:56.480 that have been on this lease. 00:39:56.480 --> 00:40:01.090 So if you need to just take all of this information, 00:40:01.090 --> 00:40:02.470 you can hit the Download button, 00:40:02.470 --> 00:40:05.510 and it'll put it into an Excel spreadsheet for you. 00:40:05.510 --> 00:40:07.170 But, let me go over a little bit 00:40:07.170 --> 00:40:10.201 about this page and how to read it. 00:40:10.201 --> 00:40:12.359 These column headers are probably one 00:40:12.359 --> 00:40:15.810 of the most important things on this page, 00:40:15.810 --> 00:40:19.320 because it kind of looks confusing, 00:40:19.320 --> 00:40:22.770 if you don't understand what all the columns stand for. 00:40:22.770 --> 00:40:25.760 So we'll do the first row. 00:40:25.760 --> 00:40:30.360 This severance, or this issue has been sent out 00:40:31.940 --> 00:40:33.940 by the production department. 00:40:33.940 --> 00:40:37.290 And this is the reason they sent it out. 00:40:37.290 --> 00:40:42.290 So, on 5/22 of 2008, a certified letter was issued. 00:40:43.920 --> 00:40:48.830 So in 30 days, the operator did not respond 00:40:48.830 --> 00:40:51.580 or resolve the issue for the certified letter, 00:40:51.580 --> 00:40:53.283 so then the lease was severed. 00:40:55.620 --> 00:40:58.510 When this slideshow is made, 00:40:58.510 --> 00:41:00.250 the violation hadn't been resolved. 00:41:00.250 --> 00:41:03.100 So they're still severed, for this issue, 00:41:03.100 --> 00:41:05.060 and no fee has been paid. 00:41:05.060 --> 00:41:07.540 But, if you go down one line, you can see 00:41:07.540 --> 00:41:12.051 that when P-5 issued a certified letter, 00:41:12.051 --> 00:41:16.380 they resolved the issue on 3/10. 00:41:16.380 --> 00:41:20.443 So the date gets put in the resolved column. 00:41:21.480 --> 00:41:24.380 If there is a date in the resolved column, 00:41:24.380 --> 00:41:26.810 that means that, that issue has been taken care of 00:41:26.810 --> 00:41:27.760 by the operator, 00:41:27.760 --> 00:41:31.132 and that the Railroad Commission has recognized that, 00:41:31.132 --> 00:41:32.582 that issue has been resolved. 00:41:33.538 --> 00:41:36.430 That is a good indicator of, 00:41:36.430 --> 00:41:38.420 which issues on your severance listing, 00:41:38.420 --> 00:41:40.823 that you need to worry about, per lease. 00:41:41.960 --> 00:41:43.760 Another thing that can be an issue is, 00:41:43.760 --> 00:41:47.140 even if there's a resolve date, if there's no... 00:41:47.140 --> 00:41:49.760 like down here, here's a resolve date, 00:41:49.760 --> 00:41:52.720 but apparently they didn't pay their severance fee. 00:41:52.720 --> 00:41:57.200 So his would still be a severed lease, 00:41:57.200 --> 00:42:00.100 until they pay the fee. 00:42:00.100 --> 00:42:02.680 So up here, on the top of this, 00:42:02.680 --> 00:42:06.063 you will see that there is a amount due. 00:42:06.910 --> 00:42:08.710 Unless this shows zero, 00:42:08.710 --> 00:42:11.750 and all of these dates are filled in, 00:42:11.750 --> 00:42:13.653 this lease is still severed. 00:42:15.298 --> 00:42:19.100 Something to keep in mind, when you go to look 00:42:19.100 --> 00:42:20.380 at your severance listing, 00:42:20.380 --> 00:42:23.870 you might see this date is all filled in, 00:42:23.870 --> 00:42:26.970 but if these say no, if your fee received says no, 00:42:26.970 --> 00:42:30.393 then the issue is still not resolved. 00:42:30.393 --> 00:42:32.333 Something to keep in mind. 00:42:36.930 --> 00:42:41.500 For severances, the P-4 will not be reissued unless 00:42:41.500 --> 00:42:44.570 that $750 severance fee is paid. 00:42:44.570 --> 00:42:47.323 If severed, it is unlawful for the operator 00:42:47.323 --> 00:42:51.970 to use a well for production, injection, or disposal, 00:42:51.970 --> 00:42:56.440 or for a gatherer to transport oil or gas from the lease. 00:42:56.440 --> 00:42:59.070 The commission may impose an administrative penalty 00:42:59.070 --> 00:43:02.503 of up to $10,000 for each of those violations. 00:43:03.440 --> 00:43:06.800 So for the one that says for gatherer to transport oil 00:43:06.800 --> 00:43:07.790 or gas from the lease, 00:43:07.790 --> 00:43:10.270 even if you are not producing the lease anymore, 00:43:10.270 --> 00:43:12.890 because you're severed and you've shut everything in, 00:43:12.890 --> 00:43:14.640 they are not allowed to come and pick up oil 00:43:14.640 --> 00:43:18.563 from your tanks because that lease as a whole is severed. 00:43:25.020 --> 00:43:30.020 For the reconnect process for severances is, 00:43:32.020 --> 00:43:35.660 the payments can be made in person by mail or by phone. 00:43:35.660 --> 00:43:36.890 But I am gonna have to say, 00:43:36.890 --> 00:43:38.485 that in-person is probably not 00:43:38.485 --> 00:43:40.990 how it's being handled right now, 00:43:40.990 --> 00:43:44.873 due to the limited access to our Central Records Department. 00:43:45.900 --> 00:43:49.130 But by phone or by mail is certainly acceptable. 00:43:49.130 --> 00:43:52.660 And you would be calling our Central Fees Department, 00:43:52.660 --> 00:43:54.523 at 512-463-6882. 00:43:55.990 --> 00:43:59.440 And they do credit card payments over the phone. 00:43:59.440 --> 00:44:01.520 Or you can pay by check, 00:44:01.520 --> 00:44:03.634 and send it to the Austin office, 00:44:03.634 --> 00:44:07.190 payable to the Railroad Commission of Texas, 00:44:07.190 --> 00:44:10.853 with the attention of Central Fees. 00:44:11.810 --> 00:44:14.890 So I know that this was supposed to be a whole hour, 00:44:14.890 --> 00:44:16.510 but I'm actually done. 00:44:16.510 --> 00:44:18.770 I just have our contacts page. 00:44:18.770 --> 00:44:23.460 So if you have any questions that are for Well Compliance, 00:44:23.460 --> 00:44:25.330 you can call our General Q number, 00:44:25.330 --> 00:44:28.203 which is 512-463-6975. 00:44:29.100 --> 00:44:32.060 There is a fax number on this presentation, 00:44:32.060 --> 00:44:33.900 but I'm pretty sure we don't have access 00:44:33.900 --> 00:44:35.323 to a fax machine anymore. 00:44:37.030 --> 00:44:39.075 But we do have the email, 00:44:39.075 --> 00:44:43.570 the Proration Unit email @rrc.texas.gov. 00:44:43.570 --> 00:44:48.013 And we can of course take scanned documents that way. 00:44:49.506 --> 00:44:50.460 So that's it. 00:44:50.460 --> 00:44:52.023 Was there any questions? 00:44:55.570 --> 00:44:58.380 Trisha, there's only one question remaining, 00:44:58.380 --> 00:44:59.830 and unfortunately, 00:44:59.830 --> 00:45:02.230 it's not actually a question for our department. 00:45:04.580 --> 00:45:07.550 The question is what credit cards do you accept? 00:45:07.550 --> 00:45:10.660 Oh yes, I would call the Central Fees Department 00:45:10.660 --> 00:45:15.380 and ask them that question, because they're the ones 00:45:15.380 --> 00:45:17.890 that handle the money in that situation. 00:45:17.890 --> 00:45:22.133 So you can call the 512-463-6882 and ask them. 00:45:28.550 --> 00:45:31.633 I'm not seeing any new questions being asked. 00:45:33.010 --> 00:45:35.430 We'll leave it for just a little bit longer. 00:45:35.430 --> 00:45:36.263 Okay. 00:45:47.990 --> 00:45:50.683 I do wanna thank everybody for joining me today. 00:45:56.490 --> 00:45:59.160 We do actually have two new questions. 00:45:59.160 --> 00:46:01.810 Actually there just comments Trisha, for you. 00:46:01.810 --> 00:46:03.537 Thank you guys. 00:46:03.537 --> 00:46:06.310 There's a "Thank you." 00:46:06.310 --> 00:46:07.930 A "Very good presentation." 00:46:07.930 --> 00:46:10.290 And then "A great presentation, thank you." 00:46:10.290 --> 00:46:12.652 Oh, well, thank you for coming. 00:46:12.652 --> 00:46:14.220 And with that, I guess we'll wrap it up. 00:46:14.220 --> 00:46:15.800 This concludes our webinar. 00:46:15.800 --> 00:46:19.293 Thank you all so much for attending and participating.