00:00:07.030 --> 00:00:08.070
Good morning and thank you
00:00:08.070 --> 00:00:09.490
for attending this webinar.
00:00:09.490 --> 00:00:11.860
You may submit questions
throughout the presentation
00:00:11.860 --> 00:00:14.240
by clicking the Q&A button in the center
00:00:14.240 --> 00:00:16.030
of the bottom of your window.
00:00:16.030 --> 00:00:18.450
You will see both the
questions and responses
00:00:18.450 --> 00:00:20.020
after they have been answered.
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Some questions may be held for answer
00:00:21.870 --> 00:00:23.980
until the end of the presentation.
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Presentations and webinar
recordings are all available
00:00:27.060 --> 00:00:30.890
by navigating to our RRC
regulatory webinars from the oil
00:00:30.890 --> 00:00:32.950
and gas workshops and seminars page
00:00:32.950 --> 00:00:35.620
on the Railroad
Commission of Texas website.
00:00:35.620 --> 00:00:37.940
Our presenter this
morning is Deborah Davis,
00:00:37.940 --> 00:00:39.910
manager of the production audit section,
00:00:39.910 --> 00:00:41.850
and the administrative
compliance department
00:00:41.850 --> 00:00:43.660
of the oil and gas division.
00:00:43.660 --> 00:00:45.780
All right, let's go
ahead and get started.
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Deborah, whenever you are ready.
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Good morning.
00:00:50.210 --> 00:00:52.200
As Molly just mentioned,
my name is Deborah Davis.
00:00:52.200 --> 00:00:55.040
I'm the Production
Manager and in today's class,
00:00:55.040 --> 00:01:00.000
we're gonna be going over
the Form P-18 and the Form T-1.
00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:02.740
At any time, if you have any
questions as Molly mentioned,
00:01:02.740 --> 00:01:04.230
there is the Q&A.
00:01:04.230 --> 00:01:07.650
I do have, responding
to the Q&A questions,
00:01:07.650 --> 00:01:10.190
Shantay Washington for the P-18s
00:01:10.190 --> 00:01:11.920
and Connie Liscano for the T-1s
00:01:12.930 --> 00:01:15.080
and we'll go ahead and get started.
00:01:15.080 --> 00:01:18.423
So what is a P-18 report?
00:01:21.950 --> 00:01:25.960
We're gonna also talk about
when is the P-18 report due?
00:01:25.960 --> 00:01:28.240
Who needs to file a report?
00:01:28.240 --> 00:01:31.193
And how to properly
file the P-18 report?
00:01:32.420 --> 00:01:35.270
So what is the P-18 report?
00:01:35.270 --> 00:01:38.740
The P-18 report is a
monthly report that is filed
00:01:38.740 --> 00:01:42.110
to notify the Railroad
Commission of the amount of water
00:01:42.110 --> 00:01:44.770
and oil and condensate that was received
00:01:44.770 --> 00:01:47.040
and skimmed for each month.
00:01:47.040 --> 00:01:49.050
As we mentioned, monthly.
00:01:49.050 --> 00:01:51.973
So they are due at the
Commission monthly.
00:01:52.930 --> 00:01:54.713
When is the P-18 report due?
00:01:55.690 --> 00:02:00.690
The P-18 report due is, it's
due the 15th of each month
00:02:01.350 --> 00:02:02.890
from the previous month.
00:02:02.890 --> 00:02:07.230
So for an example
would be your June 2020
00:02:07.230 --> 00:02:09.990
is due by the end of, excuse me,
00:02:09.990 --> 00:02:14.870
is due by July the 15th,
2020 in the Austin office.
00:02:14.870 --> 00:02:18.700
So whatever you pick
up the previous month,
00:02:18.700 --> 00:02:20.540
that following month by the 15th,
00:02:20.540 --> 00:02:22.940
you are required to submit that.
00:02:22.940 --> 00:02:27.940
And just keep in mind, if
you don't submit it by the 15th,
00:02:28.130 --> 00:02:31.493
you will possibly receive
a delinquent notice.
00:02:32.360 --> 00:02:34.400
If you receive a delinquent
notice and you know
00:02:34.400 --> 00:02:36.450
that you have submitted
it to the Commission,
00:02:36.450 --> 00:02:37.897
go ahead and give us a call.
00:02:37.897 --> 00:02:41.370
And the reason we say that
is, sometimes what happens
00:02:41.370 --> 00:02:43.780
is we continue to
receive the same reports
00:02:43.780 --> 00:02:47.840
over and over again and
there may be an issue going on,
00:02:47.840 --> 00:02:49.880
such as there could be the issue
00:02:49.880 --> 00:02:52.080
that there's something lacking,
00:02:52.080 --> 00:02:53.650
that's something that's not correct
00:02:53.650 --> 00:02:55.890
and we'll talk a little
bit more about that
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once we go into the presentation.
00:02:59.220 --> 00:03:01.500
Who needs to file a report?
00:03:01.500 --> 00:03:04.730
The person that's gonna
be filing the P-18 is gonna be
00:03:04.730 --> 00:03:06.860
the operator of the facilities
00:03:06.860 --> 00:03:09.340
for which the skim liquid hydrocarbons
00:03:09.340 --> 00:03:13.160
are sold or disposed of by injection
00:03:13.160 --> 00:03:17.060
or other approved
method if the facility serves
00:03:17.060 --> 00:03:20.083
more than one lease or gas unit.
00:03:21.060 --> 00:03:26.060
If a facility serves only
one oil lease or gas unit,
00:03:26.210 --> 00:03:29.420
any liquid hydrocarbons
removed from the facility
00:03:29.420 --> 00:03:32.280
must be recorded on the PR report
00:03:32.280 --> 00:03:34.810
which is the monthly production report
00:03:34.810 --> 00:03:38.290
from that oil lease or the gas unit.
00:03:38.290 --> 00:03:42.680
But remember that the
P-18 report must be filed.
00:03:42.680 --> 00:03:46.400
So on Thursday, I'll be
giving the presentation
00:03:46.400 --> 00:03:48.360
about the form PR.
00:03:48.360 --> 00:03:50.670
So on the monthly production report,
00:03:50.670 --> 00:03:55.670
which is the PR, the code
eight represents the scam.
00:03:55.780 --> 00:03:59.030
So any scam is anything
that's recorded off
00:03:59.030 --> 00:04:00.523
of this form of the P-18.
00:04:03.180 --> 00:04:04.300
And now we're gonna talk
00:04:04.300 --> 00:04:06.703
about how to properly file the P-18.
00:04:11.330 --> 00:04:14.600
So, just remember
that this is salt water,
00:04:14.600 --> 00:04:18.790
all salt water accepted into
the system is to be reported
00:04:18.790 --> 00:04:22.443
on Section II, lines two through five.
00:04:23.850 --> 00:04:25.890
This volume will be broken down
00:04:25.890 --> 00:04:29.180
into the volume of salt water coming in
00:04:29.180 --> 00:04:32.230
from producing properties that is oil,
00:04:32.230 --> 00:04:34.560
oil leases or gas wells.
00:04:34.560 --> 00:04:37.740
So just remember in Section
II, line three these properties
00:04:37.740 --> 00:04:41.053
will be individually
identified in Section V.
00:04:43.260 --> 00:04:45.640
The volume of salt water coming in
00:04:45.640 --> 00:04:48.680
from non-producing
properties, for example,
00:04:48.680 --> 00:04:53.680
like plants, wash pits,
reserve pits, et cetera,
00:04:54.210 --> 00:04:57.200
that's gonna be in
Section II, line four.
00:04:57.200 --> 00:04:58.780
These non-producing properties
00:04:58.780 --> 00:05:02.542
are not to be individual
identified in Section V,
00:05:02.542 --> 00:05:05.083
since they cannot be allocated back.
00:05:06.550 --> 00:05:10.140
Salt water systems are
not to accept material
00:05:10.140 --> 00:05:14.010
for backing trucks or
other haulers if the material
00:05:14.010 --> 00:05:17.350
was obtained by cleaning
storage tank bottoms.
00:05:17.350 --> 00:05:20.050
If such material is removed
from the producing properties,
00:05:20.050 --> 00:05:23.440
it must be hauled to an
appropriate reclamation plant,
00:05:23.440 --> 00:05:25.403
according to the Commission procedures.
00:05:26.620 --> 00:05:28.950
In addition, just remember
that the salt water systems
00:05:28.950 --> 00:05:32.180
are not authorized to
haul liquid hydrocarbons
00:05:32.180 --> 00:05:35.840
from producing properties
except for the small amount
00:05:35.840 --> 00:05:40.620
which may be entrained
in the salt water.
00:05:40.620 --> 00:05:42.570
So we just wanna make
sure that you're not using
00:05:42.570 --> 00:05:45.400
the P-18 report for
the wrong information.
00:05:45.400 --> 00:05:49.790
And it's for skim liquid but
just make sure that you are
00:05:49.790 --> 00:05:52.440
only accounting for the
part that you're supposed to.
00:05:58.920 --> 00:06:01.360
So we're gonna go over
a couple of the terms
00:06:01.360 --> 00:06:06.360
that are used on the P-18
and these are just the popular
00:06:06.680 --> 00:06:10.330
terms that we at the
Commission, we get calls about.
00:06:10.330 --> 00:06:14.210
So we just wanted to
break those terms down.
00:06:14.210 --> 00:06:17.412
So skim hydrocarbons,
those are the oil and gas
00:06:17.412 --> 00:06:20.810
condensate accumulations that result
00:06:20.810 --> 00:06:24.540
from the saltwater disposal
skimming operations.
00:06:24.540 --> 00:06:27.260
So that's what the hydrocarbons are.
00:06:27.260 --> 00:06:30.530
For allocation, that means
that you're charging back
00:06:30.530 --> 00:06:33.880
to where those leases
were recovered, that amount,
00:06:33.880 --> 00:06:36.640
the charge back of the scrubber oil,
00:06:36.640 --> 00:06:39.460
the skim hydrocarbons
recover from the plant
00:06:39.460 --> 00:06:41.920
or the saltwater disposal system.
00:06:41.920 --> 00:06:44.090
So that's when you're allocating back
00:06:44.090 --> 00:06:46.430
what you have collected.
00:06:46.430 --> 00:06:48.870
Tolerance is the amount of scrubber oil
00:06:48.870 --> 00:06:53.320
that may be recovered for
the saltwater disposal system
00:06:53.320 --> 00:06:56.800
must be allocated to
the producing properties.
00:06:56.800 --> 00:07:01.230
So if you have producing
properties, this is the tolerance
00:07:01.230 --> 00:07:05.073
it allows you in order to allocate back.
00:07:06.020 --> 00:07:10.080
Identifiable slugs are the
volumes of liquid hydrocarbons
00:07:10.080 --> 00:07:13.500
that is received at the
disposal facility where the origin
00:07:13.500 --> 00:07:18.500
of such liquid hydrocarbons
can be identified clearly.
00:07:18.940 --> 00:07:22.050
So that means that they
have an RRC number
00:07:22.050 --> 00:07:25.853
that's associated, so you're
able to identify those slugs.
00:07:27.210 --> 00:07:28.943
For producing properties,
00:07:30.410 --> 00:07:34.930
a producing property is one
that has an RRC lease number
00:07:34.930 --> 00:07:39.930
and that's either an oil
lease number or a gas ID.
00:07:40.430 --> 00:07:43.310
So just remember all
those producing properties,
00:07:43.310 --> 00:07:46.530
those are the ones that's
gonna be allocating back
00:07:46.530 --> 00:07:47.860
on the PR report.
00:07:47.860 --> 00:07:50.240
So you're gonna be
using either the five-digit
00:07:50.240 --> 00:07:53.960
oil lease number or the
gas ID, which is six digits.
00:07:53.960 --> 00:07:56.423
So those are considered
producing properties.
00:08:02.630 --> 00:08:03.640
So we're gonna go over
00:08:03.640 --> 00:08:06.600
where can you locate the P-18 report?
00:08:06.600 --> 00:08:09.640
So just keep in mind the P-18 reports,
00:08:09.640 --> 00:08:13.290
they are received to the
Commission hard copy
00:08:13.290 --> 00:08:16.130
and that's the only
way that those reports
00:08:16.130 --> 00:08:19.290
should be submitted to the
Commission but due to the COVID
00:08:19.290 --> 00:08:23.730
right now we are accepting
those P-18s by email.
00:08:23.730 --> 00:08:25.940
And the reason we're doing
that is because we know a lot
00:08:25.940 --> 00:08:28.660
of people are working from
home and so they don't have
00:08:28.660 --> 00:08:32.160
the capability to send
those by hard copy.
00:08:32.160 --> 00:08:36.060
But once you return to
the office, you are required
00:08:36.060 --> 00:08:39.500
to submit those P-18s
the hard copy version
00:08:39.500 --> 00:08:44.500
because we need the hard
copy with original signatures
00:08:45.540 --> 00:08:48.440
and also all the attachments
that go along with the P-18s.
00:08:49.760 --> 00:08:53.140
We're just doing the temporary
accepting those emails
00:08:53.140 --> 00:08:55.680
for the convenience to avoid receiving
00:08:55.680 --> 00:08:58.190
the delinquent notices
because we know that you have
00:08:58.190 --> 00:09:00.610
the data but just unable to submit it
00:09:00.610 --> 00:09:02.700
to the Commission at this time.
00:09:02.700 --> 00:09:06.680
So to locate that P-18
report, you're gonna go under
00:09:06.680 --> 00:09:10.600
the Oil and Gas, then
you go to the drop down
00:09:10.600 --> 00:09:11.913
and go to Forms.
00:09:13.640 --> 00:09:17.760
Once there, in alphabetical order,
00:09:17.760 --> 00:09:20.463
we're gonna go to the
Oil and Gas Forms Library.
00:09:22.810 --> 00:09:25.680
We'll go down to where it says P-18
00:09:25.680 --> 00:09:28.053
and it's the Skim Oil Condensate Report.
00:09:37.780 --> 00:09:40.270
While completing the
P-18 report, just remember
00:09:40.270 --> 00:09:42.280
that you must have an active P-5
00:09:42.280 --> 00:09:43.760
with the Railroad Commission.
00:09:43.760 --> 00:09:46.090
You have to have an active
P-5 to do any kind of business
00:09:46.090 --> 00:09:48.150
with the Railroad Commission.
00:09:48.150 --> 00:09:51.310
So, also you have to
have the saltwater disposal
00:09:51.310 --> 00:09:53.610
P-18 specialty code.
00:09:53.610 --> 00:09:58.200
So sometimes you may
hear the abbreviation SWD,
00:09:58.200 --> 00:10:01.100
that stands for the salt water disposal.
00:10:01.100 --> 00:10:06.100
So that is a requirement
in order to do the skimming
00:10:06.580 --> 00:10:08.990
and have a skimming
facilities you must have
00:10:08.990 --> 00:10:13.150
that specialty code and
also again the active P-5.
00:10:13.150 --> 00:10:14.800
When submitting the report,
00:10:14.800 --> 00:10:17.910
also remember to use blue or black ink.
00:10:17.910 --> 00:10:20.340
The reason we request that
blue or black ink is because
00:10:20.340 --> 00:10:23.630
when we do the images,
when we upload this information
00:10:23.630 --> 00:10:26.430
into the Neubus, if it's lighter colors,
00:10:26.430 --> 00:10:29.900
it won't pick up as far as a clear image
00:10:29.900 --> 00:10:31.720
of the report of the P-18.
00:10:31.720 --> 00:10:34.840
So that's the reason why we
are requiring that you use blue
00:10:34.840 --> 00:10:38.380
or black ink and
please do not use pencil
00:10:38.380 --> 00:10:40.530
because of course this is
a government document.
00:10:40.530 --> 00:10:43.700
At any time, those
figures could be erased
00:10:43.700 --> 00:10:47.750
and on the form actually
it tells you to use ink.
00:10:47.750 --> 00:10:51.200
So please make sure that
you are using blue or black ink.
00:10:51.200 --> 00:10:53.530
As far as the font size,
00:10:53.530 --> 00:10:57.560
we suggest that you use
the size 10 to 12 font size
00:10:57.560 --> 00:11:01.563
and that's because it's legible
when that image is uploaded.
00:11:02.750 --> 00:11:06.870
Remember to use only whole
numbers on the P-18 report.
00:11:06.870 --> 00:11:09.710
So remember, don't use any negatives.
00:11:09.710 --> 00:11:13.510
Don't use any decimals,
don't use any fractions,
00:11:13.510 --> 00:11:15.083
only whole numbers.
00:11:16.360 --> 00:11:19.270
Reports should be legible for scanning.
00:11:19.270 --> 00:11:23.890
Again, we use a third party,
so the company is Neubus.
00:11:23.890 --> 00:11:26.300
So if it's not legible for scanning,
00:11:26.300 --> 00:11:27.700
that's when we run into the problem
00:11:27.700 --> 00:11:31.610
and we may have to
require that additional P-18
00:11:31.610 --> 00:11:34.310
to be submitted to the
Commission if it's not legible.
00:11:37.330 --> 00:11:39.160
So what we're gonna do
is we're gonna go ahead
00:11:39.160 --> 00:11:42.533
and go over a form P-18.
00:11:46.200 --> 00:11:48.660
So at the top left,
00:11:48.660 --> 00:11:52.680
we require that you put your
operator name and the address.
00:11:52.680 --> 00:11:57.010
Now as far as the address, a
lot of people have consultants
00:11:57.010 --> 00:11:59.150
or agencies submit for them.
00:11:59.150 --> 00:12:04.150
So whatever address you want your P-18
00:12:04.400 --> 00:12:08.180
as far as the hard copies,
if there's a discrepancy,
00:12:08.180 --> 00:12:09.470
whatever address you want,
00:12:09.470 --> 00:12:11.450
that's the address you're
gonna wanna put on here.
00:12:11.450 --> 00:12:16.200
Although it says exactly
shown on P-5 in parentheses,
00:12:16.200 --> 00:12:19.340
what happens is because
there's several agents
00:12:19.340 --> 00:12:22.950
that submit the P-18s
and if there's like an error
00:12:22.950 --> 00:12:26.460
that's going on, like a
no signature or decimals
00:12:26.460 --> 00:12:29.310
or things like that, if
we use the address
00:12:29.310 --> 00:12:33.850
that the P-5 has, a
lot of times the agent
00:12:33.850 --> 00:12:36.000
does not receive that P-18.
00:12:36.000 --> 00:12:38.720
So it's up to you,
what address you want,
00:12:38.720 --> 00:12:41.810
any kind of discrepancies
as far as the hard copy,
00:12:41.810 --> 00:12:43.580
not our letters, just the hard copy
00:12:43.580 --> 00:12:45.430
when you're submitting these reports.
00:12:47.910 --> 00:12:51.160
For the reporting period,
that's gonna be the month
00:12:51.160 --> 00:12:53.460
and the year that you're filling out
00:12:53.460 --> 00:12:55.273
the information, the data for.
00:12:56.750 --> 00:12:59.830
For the RRC district,
that's gonna be the district
00:12:59.830 --> 00:13:01.883
where the facility is located.
00:13:03.170 --> 00:13:07.120
You'll check correct your
report if it's gonna be corrected.
00:13:07.120 --> 00:13:09.870
If it's just the original,
just leave that as is,
00:13:09.870 --> 00:13:12.270
no check mark is needed.
00:13:12.270 --> 00:13:16.420
For the operator, that's gonna
be your P-5 operator number.
00:13:16.420 --> 00:13:18.663
So that is a six-digit number.
00:13:20.130 --> 00:13:23.500
For the name of the
gathering system or facility,
00:13:23.500 --> 00:13:27.400
that's gonna be the name
that your company has
00:13:27.400 --> 00:13:29.440
for that facility.
00:13:29.440 --> 00:13:34.130
So as our example,
we have Oil in the Water,
00:13:34.130 --> 00:13:36.990
that would be the facility
name that we have.
00:13:36.990 --> 00:13:40.600
For the system serial
number, the first two digits,
00:13:40.600 --> 00:13:42.470
that's gonna be the district.
00:13:42.470 --> 00:13:45.900
The four digit that's following
is going to be the system
00:13:45.900 --> 00:13:49.090
serial number that you're
assigned by the Commission.
00:13:49.090 --> 00:13:54.090
If it's your very first one,
you will not have a four-digit
00:13:54.720 --> 00:13:57.420
after the district, so you
can always represent that
00:13:57.420 --> 00:13:59.560
with putting the word new.
00:13:59.560 --> 00:14:01.620
Once we were receive your first P-18,
00:14:01.620 --> 00:14:04.320
that's when you're assigned
that system serial number.
00:14:05.250 --> 00:14:06.780
For the location,
00:14:06.780 --> 00:14:09.330
we want this to be very
descriptive as possible.
00:14:09.330 --> 00:14:11.880
If you can give us the
section and the block,
00:14:11.880 --> 00:14:13.920
the survey and the county,
00:14:13.920 --> 00:14:17.140
what helps us is if someone
had to go to this location,
00:14:17.140 --> 00:14:19.310
the more information is put on here,
00:14:19.310 --> 00:14:22.780
that's what is valuable
for the Commission.
00:14:22.780 --> 00:14:27.470
For the lease or the ID
number, that's going to be
00:14:27.470 --> 00:14:29.410
the five-digit for the oil lease number
00:14:29.410 --> 00:14:31.540
or the six-digit for the gas.
00:14:31.540 --> 00:14:34.430
If you have not received
an RRC lease number
00:14:34.430 --> 00:14:35.770
from the Commission,
00:14:35.770 --> 00:14:39.220
you can provide us with
a drilling permit number.
00:14:39.220 --> 00:14:41.990
So you have to have one
of the three numbers there.
00:14:41.990 --> 00:14:45.240
You can't leave it blank
'cause we can't process it.
00:14:45.240 --> 00:14:49.240
So if it has an RRC lease
number for the five digits,
00:14:49.240 --> 00:14:50.950
make sure you provide that.
00:14:50.950 --> 00:14:53.440
Now as long as there's
a drilling permit number,
00:14:53.440 --> 00:14:56.460
we can't continue on
until that lease number
00:14:56.460 --> 00:14:58.010
has been assigned but still you need
00:14:58.010 --> 00:14:59.763
to provide that to the Commission.
00:15:01.400 --> 00:15:05.460
In Section I, the important
things that we need
00:15:05.460 --> 00:15:08.820
in Section I are number two,
00:15:08.820 --> 00:15:12.460
where it's the injection
into the disposal well.
00:15:12.460 --> 00:15:16.260
The name and the well
number of the disposal wells,
00:15:16.260 --> 00:15:19.240
and then the authorization
for the disposal well,
00:15:19.240 --> 00:15:23.540
if you can provide us with
the UIC permit number.
00:15:23.540 --> 00:15:25.310
And this information is very valuable
00:15:25.310 --> 00:15:30.310
because we do verify data
with the UIC department.
00:15:30.320 --> 00:15:32.140
So that's the reason for the importance
00:15:32.140 --> 00:15:34.303
of having that information.
00:15:39.210 --> 00:15:42.330
Now, we're gonna go
ahead and go into Section II
00:15:43.480 --> 00:15:47.090
of the P-18 and this is gonna take us
00:15:47.090 --> 00:15:49.610
through Section II through Section IV.
00:15:49.610 --> 00:15:52.100
It's all in the same part of the form.
00:15:52.100 --> 00:15:55.890
So for number one, does the
system receive sea salt water
00:15:55.890 --> 00:15:58.240
for more than one operator?
00:15:58.240 --> 00:16:01.930
So if you are collecting
for more than one operator,
00:16:01.930 --> 00:16:04.920
you're going to check Yes.
00:16:04.920 --> 00:16:09.690
If you are not receiving
from any other operators
00:16:09.690 --> 00:16:12.843
and it's just your
own, you will check No.
00:16:13.890 --> 00:16:15.850
Number two is important
'cause a lot of times
00:16:15.850 --> 00:16:18.603
we don't receive that
information for some reason.
00:16:19.550 --> 00:16:23.170
We're needing to know the
number of wells or leases
00:16:23.170 --> 00:16:27.210
that we're receiving salt water from.
00:16:27.210 --> 00:16:29.853
So for example, this one says 54.
00:16:30.950 --> 00:16:35.283
So this number represents
the numbers that should be listed
00:16:36.210 --> 00:16:38.583
on the additional page
when we go to Section V.
00:16:40.030 --> 00:16:42.100
So number three is
gonna be water received
00:16:42.100 --> 00:16:46.070
for producing properties
during the reporting period.
00:16:46.070 --> 00:16:48.663
So you'll provide us the amounts.
00:16:49.760 --> 00:16:52.880
Water received from
non-producing properties.
00:16:52.880 --> 00:16:56.300
So the difference on your producing,
00:16:56.300 --> 00:16:58.010
that's gonna be your producing
00:16:58.010 --> 00:17:02.723
that has the RRC lease
numbers, the non-producing is not.
00:17:03.660 --> 00:17:06.310
So you're gonna put
whatever volumes you have
00:17:06.310 --> 00:17:08.780
for your non-producing properties.
00:17:08.780 --> 00:17:12.130
The total barrels of water
received during the period.
00:17:12.130 --> 00:17:15.778
As you can see they're in quotations,
00:17:15.778 --> 00:17:17.080
excuse me, the parentheses,
00:17:17.080 --> 00:17:20.300
we have lines three plus line four.
00:17:20.300 --> 00:17:23.700
That's gonna give you your
total for line number five.
00:17:23.700 --> 00:17:27.630
So as you see, they
have 5,000 plus the 2,000,
00:17:27.630 --> 00:17:31.013
which equals the line five of the 7,000.
00:17:32.740 --> 00:17:36.410
For number six is gonna be
the total liquid hydrocarbon skim
00:17:36.410 --> 00:17:38.923
for water received
during the reporting period.
00:17:39.760 --> 00:17:41.303
On this one, it has 100.
00:17:42.240 --> 00:17:44.450
The tolerance of the liquid hydrocarbons
00:17:44.450 --> 00:17:47.700
not required to be
allocated back to the lease.
00:17:47.700 --> 00:17:52.700
So this is gonna be your
line three times the 0.0005
00:17:54.190 --> 00:17:58.410
and that's gonna give you the tolerance,
00:17:58.410 --> 00:18:02.393
which is one of the terms
that we talked about previously.
00:18:03.580 --> 00:18:07.300
The excess skim liquid
hydrocarbons to be allocated
00:18:07.300 --> 00:18:09.920
or credited back to leases.
00:18:09.920 --> 00:18:12.940
To get that number, it's
gonna be line number six
00:18:12.940 --> 00:18:15.710
minus line number seven
and that's gonna give you
00:18:15.710 --> 00:18:18.753
the total number that you
need to put on line number eight.
00:18:19.960 --> 00:18:24.480
Liquid hydrocarbons received
as identifiable slugs credited
00:18:24.480 --> 00:18:29.200
to leases and/or gas wells
from which they were processed.
00:18:29.200 --> 00:18:31.000
You'll provide the number there.
00:18:31.000 --> 00:18:33.520
And then for the line number 10,
00:18:33.520 --> 00:18:36.290
we also have the calculation
and that's gonna be
00:18:36.290 --> 00:18:39.520
the line eight minus
line nine is gonna give us
00:18:40.510 --> 00:18:42.380
the line number 10 number
00:18:42.380 --> 00:18:45.570
and that's gonna be the
excess skim liquid hydrocarbons
00:18:45.570 --> 00:18:48.790
not credited on line number nine
00:18:48.790 --> 00:18:51.980
but to be allocated
back to the properties.
00:18:51.980 --> 00:18:54.580
So that again is gonna
be line number eight
00:18:54.580 --> 00:18:55.933
minus line number nine.
00:18:57.530 --> 00:19:01.440
So section number three,
storage and run data.
00:19:01.440 --> 00:19:05.860
So this part right here is
usually the part that we get
00:19:05.860 --> 00:19:08.770
a lot of kickback on
where you may receive
00:19:08.770 --> 00:19:13.080
the delinquent notices in
the discrepancy notices.
00:19:13.080 --> 00:19:15.640
So the delinquent
notices that we send out
00:19:15.640 --> 00:19:18.700
are computer-generated,
our discrepancy letters,
00:19:18.700 --> 00:19:21.460
the staff actually sends
those out manually.
00:19:21.460 --> 00:19:22.830
And so when we run into problems,
00:19:22.830 --> 00:19:27.080
this is where we usually see
several of those problems.
00:19:27.080 --> 00:19:28.240
The liquid hydrocarbons
00:19:28.240 --> 00:19:31.180
and storage beginning
of reporting period.
00:19:31.180 --> 00:19:34.510
So this number comes
from the end of the month
00:19:34.510 --> 00:19:37.470
from your previous filing.
00:19:37.470 --> 00:19:40.220
So we have noticed
that this is where we run
00:19:40.220 --> 00:19:42.080
into the problems because
we notice that they're not
00:19:42.080 --> 00:19:44.280
picking up the correct
number to start with.
00:19:45.751 --> 00:19:48.900
Number two is the liquid
hydrocarbons skimmed
00:19:48.900 --> 00:19:53.580
during the reporting period
but were not returned to leases.
00:19:53.580 --> 00:19:55.740
The total liquid hydrocarbons sold
00:19:55.740 --> 00:19:57.510
during the reporting period
00:19:57.510 --> 00:19:59.810
and the line number four,
to get line number four
00:19:59.810 --> 00:20:04.120
it's gonna be line number
one plus line number two,
00:20:04.120 --> 00:20:07.900
minus line number three,
will give you line number four.
00:20:07.900 --> 00:20:11.380
So line number four for
your next filing month,
00:20:11.380 --> 00:20:13.480
which is showing the 75,
00:20:13.480 --> 00:20:15.990
it's going to be for
your next month filing,
00:20:15.990 --> 00:20:19.620
you're gonna start
Section III off with that 75.
00:20:19.620 --> 00:20:22.673
Section number four
is your gatherer data.
00:20:23.690 --> 00:20:25.200
So on here, you're gonna tell us
00:20:25.200 --> 00:20:27.970
if any liquid hydrocarbons were sold.
00:20:27.970 --> 00:20:30.860
What is the name of
the company, the amount
00:20:30.860 --> 00:20:33.680
and the RRC number can be the T-1 number
00:20:33.680 --> 00:20:38.220
or if it was from another P-18
but we need to know the form.
00:20:38.220 --> 00:20:42.300
So that's why on this
example, they have T-1 dash
00:20:42.300 --> 00:20:46.110
and then the district
and the four digits after.
00:20:46.110 --> 00:20:48.630
So you definitely need
to provide us with that
00:20:48.630 --> 00:20:53.313
because we do reference
this when we do our spot audits.
00:20:54.170 --> 00:20:56.620
And then of course
you need your signature.
00:20:56.620 --> 00:20:59.430
Print your name, make sure
your printed name is there
00:20:59.430 --> 00:21:02.190
because sometimes we
can't rent those signatures.
00:21:02.190 --> 00:21:04.520
Date, put your title in
the telephone number
00:21:04.520 --> 00:21:07.653
of whoever we can contact
if we have any issues.
00:21:12.160 --> 00:21:15.300
For Section V, now we
have noticed that we're getting
00:21:15.300 --> 00:21:17.310
a lot of kickbacks
on those session fives
00:21:17.310 --> 00:21:20.020
because a lot of people
what they're doing
00:21:20.020 --> 00:21:22.760
is they're not filling
out all the sections
00:21:22.760 --> 00:21:24.180
that are required.
00:21:24.180 --> 00:21:26.150
So in the upper right-hand corner,
00:21:26.150 --> 00:21:27.830
you're gonna put your
system serial number,
00:21:27.830 --> 00:21:30.580
which is from the previous page,
00:21:30.580 --> 00:21:32.183
the district in the four digits.
00:21:34.236 --> 00:21:38.370
Separate the districts, make
sure you only have district one
00:21:38.370 --> 00:21:42.370
information on this page
or the various districts.
00:21:42.370 --> 00:21:45.250
For the field name, use the field name
00:21:45.250 --> 00:21:48.090
that comes off the proration schedule.
00:21:48.090 --> 00:21:52.440
For column number two,
that's going to be the lease name
00:21:52.440 --> 00:21:55.630
or the gas well name that you're signed
00:21:55.630 --> 00:21:57.430
with the Railroad Commission,
00:21:57.430 --> 00:21:59.223
that's gonna come off of your P-4.
00:22:00.150 --> 00:22:02.730
The name of the operator of leases,
00:22:02.730 --> 00:22:07.370
whoever you're picking up
from, use their whole P-5 name
00:22:08.540 --> 00:22:10.640
and then for the column number four,
00:22:10.640 --> 00:22:13.250
the lease or the RRC ID number,
00:22:13.250 --> 00:22:16.710
that's gonna be the five
digit for the oil lease number
00:22:16.710 --> 00:22:20.513
or the six digit for gas or
the drilling permit number.
00:22:21.490 --> 00:22:23.970
For column number five,
that's gonna be what's allocated
00:22:23.970 --> 00:22:26.220
to the lease or the gas well.
00:22:26.220 --> 00:22:29.720
Column number six, that's
the slugs that are credited back
00:22:29.720 --> 00:22:32.380
and you're not gonna always have slugs.
00:22:32.380 --> 00:22:35.330
And column seven, that's
gonna be the water received
00:22:35.330 --> 00:22:38.480
from the leases or the gas wells.
00:22:38.480 --> 00:22:41.210
And then at the bottom, as
you notice, there's the totals.
00:22:41.210 --> 00:22:44.530
So column five, you're just
adding the 94 plus the three,
00:22:44.530 --> 00:22:49.530
that's where the 97 came
in, the two and then the 5,000.
00:22:50.550 --> 00:22:51.930
The instructions are located
00:22:51.930 --> 00:22:54.310
in the bottom portion of this report.
00:22:54.310 --> 00:22:56.990
There are some forms
that are listed on here
00:22:56.990 --> 00:22:58.310
that are outdated.
00:22:58.310 --> 00:23:02.340
We are in the process of
getting the P-18 report updated
00:23:03.200 --> 00:23:05.640
because this is a
form that is an old form.
00:23:05.640 --> 00:23:08.513
So we will be getting
that information updated.
00:23:10.250 --> 00:23:12.860
So P-18 discrepancies
that we do run into.
00:23:12.860 --> 00:23:15.240
As I mentioned before
the out of balance.
00:23:15.240 --> 00:23:16.630
That's if you're not starting off
00:23:16.630 --> 00:23:18.583
with the correct amount in Section III.
00:23:20.340 --> 00:23:22.603
If you don't have a
reporting period listed.
00:23:23.480 --> 00:23:26.640
No signature on the certification
00:23:26.640 --> 00:23:29.260
or if you're using negative,
decimals or fractions,
00:23:29.260 --> 00:23:32.630
those the issues that we're
running into with discrepancies.
00:23:32.630 --> 00:23:35.530
So again, if you receive
a delinquent notice,
00:23:35.530 --> 00:23:39.370
just call in first, if you feel
that you have submitted
00:23:39.370 --> 00:23:43.430
the report to the Commission
and there may be this issue
00:23:43.430 --> 00:23:47.410
that you have some kind of
discrepancy that's causing us
00:23:47.410 --> 00:23:49.360
where we're not able to process it in.
00:23:49.360 --> 00:23:52.010
So that's why you're
receiving the delinquent notice.
00:23:53.200 --> 00:23:56.610
Improper formatting of the pages.
00:23:56.610 --> 00:23:59.290
Make sure that that is on landscape.
00:23:59.290 --> 00:24:01.710
If you're missing
information or put unknown
00:24:01.710 --> 00:24:06.170
in that Section V, make sure
that you don't list unknown.
00:24:06.170 --> 00:24:07.880
If you're picking up from a facility,
00:24:07.880 --> 00:24:10.560
you should have that RRC information.
00:24:10.560 --> 00:24:13.803
So make sure that you have
that listed on that Section V.
00:24:14.780 --> 00:24:16.800
The gatherer data in Section IV.
00:24:16.800 --> 00:24:20.840
That's the information where
if you have to put the T-1
00:24:20.840 --> 00:24:23.440
information in those
amounts that were picked up
00:24:23.440 --> 00:24:25.560
or other P-18s.
00:24:25.560 --> 00:24:28.960
If the report is too dark, the
shaded areas are too light.
00:24:28.960 --> 00:24:31.100
It's not legible for scanning,
00:24:31.100 --> 00:24:33.950
that's another one of our
discrepancies that we run into.
00:24:35.320 --> 00:24:37.980
So we're gonna show
you where you can locate
00:24:39.020 --> 00:24:41.180
the online research query.
00:24:41.180 --> 00:24:43.690
So if you go to the data
online research query
00:24:46.040 --> 00:24:47.480
and then we're gonna go to the Oil
00:24:47.480 --> 00:24:51.543
and Gas Image Records menu,
you'll launch the application.
00:24:53.460 --> 00:24:55.270
And then you can go to where it says
00:24:55.270 --> 00:24:58.903
Skim Oil Condensate Form P-18.
00:25:00.520 --> 00:25:01.660
This is our Neubus system.
00:25:01.660 --> 00:25:04.350
This is a third-party
company that we use,
00:25:04.350 --> 00:25:07.480
where once you submit
your P-18s, we upload those
00:25:07.480 --> 00:25:10.000
and these are where
public or anyone else
00:25:10.000 --> 00:25:12.300
that wants to go out
and review your P-18s
00:25:12.300 --> 00:25:14.150
that are submitted to the Commission.
00:25:16.230 --> 00:25:19.870
So you can put your system serial number
00:25:19.870 --> 00:25:21.120
or the reporting period
00:25:21.120 --> 00:25:24.740
or even if you just have
the operator number,
00:25:24.740 --> 00:25:27.510
sometimes people are looking
00:25:27.510 --> 00:25:29.280
and they may not have
your operator name.
00:25:29.280 --> 00:25:31.960
So there's various options
that they can look up
00:25:31.960 --> 00:25:35.637
and they can use as far as
how to look at those P-18s.
00:25:37.320 --> 00:25:41.830
You'll select Action, View Document
00:25:43.750 --> 00:25:45.250
and then your image will show.
00:25:48.780 --> 00:25:50.900
Just remember, in order to print this,
00:25:50.900 --> 00:25:53.870
you do have to download
and it's gonna download
00:25:53.870 --> 00:25:56.680
the whole image and of
course on this one it says,
00:25:56.680 --> 00:26:00.550
pages one of two, so
you have your cover page
00:26:00.550 --> 00:26:02.323
in the Neubus Section V.
00:26:06.010 --> 00:26:10.360
For Q&As, so allocation
of non-producing.
00:26:10.360 --> 00:26:13.390
So the non-producing, just
remember that does not go
00:26:13.390 --> 00:26:18.390
on the producing line and
you do not put it on Section V.
00:26:20.370 --> 00:26:24.113
They are only included
in Section II, line four.
00:26:25.290 --> 00:26:29.220
So, these includes water
from properties of out of state.
00:26:29.220 --> 00:26:31.040
So, sometimes you may receive waters
00:26:31.040 --> 00:26:33.740
from Louisiana or other states.
00:26:33.740 --> 00:26:36.850
So, that's considered
non-producing properties.
00:26:36.850 --> 00:26:41.380
Delinquent notices are
received for a sold well
00:26:41.380 --> 00:26:43.370
if the previous operator didn't submit
00:26:43.370 --> 00:26:47.500
all of their delinquent
reports prior to selling.
00:26:47.500 --> 00:26:49.413
But if you received delinquent notices
00:26:49.413 --> 00:26:51.980
and you are the new
operator, get in touch with us
00:26:51.980 --> 00:26:55.160
because we'll be able to work with you.
00:26:55.160 --> 00:26:56.680
You're not gonna be required to submit
00:26:56.680 --> 00:27:00.120
for someone else's reports
that they haven't submitted.
00:27:00.120 --> 00:27:03.190
Just remember when taking
over a saltwater disposal
00:27:03.190 --> 00:27:07.730
from a non-compliant operator,
that there are those issues
00:27:07.730 --> 00:27:09.480
if they didn't submit the report,
00:27:09.480 --> 00:27:11.690
so just communicate with us.
00:27:11.690 --> 00:27:14.230
You have our contact information,
00:27:14.230 --> 00:27:18.313
it's gonna be 512-463-6726.
00:27:19.830 --> 00:27:23.076
And just any unusual
situation that you have,
00:27:23.076 --> 00:27:25.370
just go ahead and contact
us 'cause a lot of times
00:27:25.370 --> 00:27:28.610
it's the back and forth of
the reports that we receive.
00:27:28.610 --> 00:27:30.710
And we're not really getting anywhere
00:27:30.710 --> 00:27:34.320
and it's the operators are
just sending the same reports.
00:27:34.320 --> 00:27:36.270
So just reach out to
us so we can figure out
00:27:36.270 --> 00:27:38.790
what exactly is causing
those discrepancies
00:27:38.790 --> 00:27:40.773
or causing those delinquent notices.
00:27:41.810 --> 00:27:46.060
Here are useful links for if
you need a copy of the P-18
00:27:46.060 --> 00:27:49.990
or if you need to search
the P-18s under the Neubus
00:27:49.990 --> 00:27:52.383
which is the Neubus
is what I just went over.
00:27:53.960 --> 00:27:56.360
We also have that data
online research query.
00:27:56.360 --> 00:27:59.120
The link to that and
then if you don't have
00:27:59.120 --> 00:28:02.750
the T-1 registered number,
we have the link for that
00:28:02.750 --> 00:28:04.500
and that again is under our Neubus.
00:28:06.290 --> 00:28:08.520
So the contact information again
00:28:08.520 --> 00:28:10.230
is our production audit department.
00:28:10.230 --> 00:28:14.820
This is our general
number, 512-463-6726.
00:28:17.350 --> 00:28:22.350
Our general email is