00:00:00.810 --> 00:00:02.020
Good afternoon
and thank you
00:00:02.020 --> 00:00:03.620
for attending this webinar.
00:00:03.620 --> 00:00:06.290
You may submit questions
throughout the presentation
00:00:06.290 --> 00:00:08.440
by clicking the Q and
A button in the center
00:00:08.440 --> 00:00:10.060
of the bottom of your window.
00:00:10.060 --> 00:00:12.110
You will see both the
questions and responses
00:00:12.110 --> 00:00:13.620
after they have been answered.
00:00:13.620 --> 00:00:15.620
Some questions may be held for answer
00:00:15.620 --> 00:00:17.780
until the end of the presentation.
00:00:17.780 --> 00:00:20.830
Presentations and webinar
recordings are all available
00:00:20.830 --> 00:00:24.050
by navigating to RRC regulatory webinars
00:00:24.050 --> 00:00:26.320
from the oil and gas
workshops and seminars page
00:00:26.320 --> 00:00:28.800
on the Railroad
Commission of Texas website.
00:00:28.800 --> 00:00:31.010
Our presenter this
afternoon is David King
00:00:31.010 --> 00:00:32.380
of the drilling permit section
00:00:32.380 --> 00:00:34.350
in the administrative
compliance department
00:00:34.350 --> 00:00:36.030
of the oil and gas division.
00:00:36.030 --> 00:00:37.960
All right, let's go
ahead and get started.
00:00:37.960 --> 00:00:39.410
David, whenever you're ready.
00:00:40.460 --> 00:00:41.870
Thank you, Molly.
00:00:41.870 --> 00:00:43.170
Good afternoon, everybody.
00:00:44.180 --> 00:00:45.950
We are doing this, yet again, virtually,
00:00:45.950 --> 00:00:48.600
so for those of y'all
who we look forward
00:00:48.600 --> 00:00:51.023
to seeing in person, I apologize.
00:00:51.950 --> 00:00:53.440
I hope everyone is safe and healthy
00:00:53.440 --> 00:00:55.040
and making it through this time.
00:00:56.090 --> 00:00:58.530
Lorenzo Garza, my
manager, and Aaron Pratt,
00:00:58.530 --> 00:01:00.820
one of my coworkers are also joining us.
00:01:00.820 --> 00:01:03.650
They will be fielding any
questions that you might submit.
00:01:03.650 --> 00:01:06.410
Some of those questions
might be answered in the text.
00:01:06.410 --> 00:01:08.970
We will have some preplanned
breaks during the flow
00:01:08.970 --> 00:01:12.190
of the presentation for
them to read out loud
00:01:12.190 --> 00:01:14.240
any questions that we
might need everybody
00:01:14.240 --> 00:01:15.653
to get an answer for.
00:01:16.810 --> 00:01:19.260
So if you want to say
hi to them, do so in chat.
00:01:19.260 --> 00:01:22.110
Otherwise, I will give you
all a heads up when we get
00:01:22.110 --> 00:01:24.460
to the point in the
presentation where we will start
00:01:24.460 --> 00:01:27.240
asking for some questions to be read.
00:01:27.240 --> 00:01:30.100
So please just make sure as
the presentation is going on,
00:01:30.100 --> 00:01:32.240
you're going ahead and
submitting those questions
00:01:32.240 --> 00:01:34.910
when they pop in your head,
don't hold them, don't wait.
00:01:34.910 --> 00:01:36.880
It won't interrupt the
flow of the presentation.
00:01:36.880 --> 00:01:38.610
And in fact, they'll be
able to queue them up
00:01:38.610 --> 00:01:40.320
and figure out which ones
we want to read out loud
00:01:40.320 --> 00:01:41.420
or answer immediately.
00:01:42.500 --> 00:01:44.770
So with that being
said, we will go ahead
00:01:44.770 --> 00:01:46.880
and get on with this presentation.
00:01:46.880 --> 00:01:48.550
As Molly said, my name is David King.
00:01:48.550 --> 00:01:50.943
I'm the team lead for
the drilling permits group.
00:01:51.800 --> 00:01:55.240
What we will be going over
in this presentation today
00:01:55.240 --> 00:01:58.960
is how to file the W-1 applications.
00:01:58.960 --> 00:02:03.370
Now just on a high level,
this is going to be an overview.
00:02:03.370 --> 00:02:06.450
So a lot of the real picky
details in case by case scenarios
00:02:06.450 --> 00:02:07.400
are not going to be gone over.
00:02:07.400 --> 00:02:10.210
It's generally going to be the
Statewide rules that govern
00:02:10.210 --> 00:02:14.200
the filings that we review
under, how to utilize the system,
00:02:14.200 --> 00:02:17.470
and some changes that have
gone forth into the system.
00:02:17.470 --> 00:02:19.020
And we'll also be talking
about attachments, you know,
00:02:19.020 --> 00:02:21.900
file size requirements and file names,
00:02:21.900 --> 00:02:23.300
things that can cause you errors.
00:02:23.300 --> 00:02:27.910
So, by all means, if you do
have any case by case scenarios,
00:02:27.910 --> 00:02:30.170
ask them in the questions,
we will get to them,
00:02:30.170 --> 00:02:32.120
but we may not read them out loud,
00:02:32.120 --> 00:02:34.560
case by case doesn't
always apply to everybody,
00:02:34.560 --> 00:02:36.630
but we'll get you a good overview.
00:02:36.630 --> 00:02:40.610
So for those of y'all who
are here for reinforcement,
00:02:40.610 --> 00:02:41.680
I thank you for attending.
00:02:41.680 --> 00:02:43.650
For those of y'all who
are here because this is
00:02:43.650 --> 00:02:45.530
brand new to you, welcome,
00:02:45.530 --> 00:02:47.120
feel free to ask any questions you need,
00:02:47.120 --> 00:02:48.270
there's not a dumb one.
00:02:49.440 --> 00:02:53.720
So when we are doing the
review of a drilling permit,
00:02:53.720 --> 00:02:57.000
we're governed by five
basic Statewide rules.
00:02:57.000 --> 00:02:59.930
As you can see on the slide
right here, Statewide rule five,
00:02:59.930 --> 00:03:02.923
37, 38, 40 and 86.
00:03:03.770 --> 00:03:08.040
Statewide rule five is
how your plat needs to be
00:03:08.040 --> 00:03:10.970
created and the information
that it needs to show.
00:03:10.970 --> 00:03:13.620
These are going to things
like your county name,
00:03:13.620 --> 00:03:15.600
operator name, lease name.
00:03:15.600 --> 00:03:18.570
Do you have your
perpendicular call distances
00:03:18.570 --> 00:03:21.023
from your lease lines
and your survey lines?
00:03:22.283 --> 00:03:24.510
And one thing about Statewide rule five,
00:03:24.510 --> 00:03:27.810
it does not require you to
show acreage on the plat.
00:03:27.810 --> 00:03:29.680
However, if you put acreage on the plat,
00:03:29.680 --> 00:03:33.730
it needs to be accurate from
your records and it also needs
00:03:33.730 --> 00:03:36.340
to be accurate to match
all the other documents
00:03:36.340 --> 00:03:37.990
that you have attached to the W-1
00:03:39.950 --> 00:03:43.780
Statewide rule 37, for those
experienced users out there,
00:03:43.780 --> 00:03:46.160
this is your spacing rule.
00:03:46.160 --> 00:03:49.450
It will cover how close to a
lease line your well location
00:03:49.450 --> 00:03:52.200
is, in particular, the
production of the well,
00:03:52.200 --> 00:03:53.863
not the surface location.
00:03:54.730 --> 00:03:58.910
It's also going to cover the
distance between producing
00:03:58.910 --> 00:04:00.493
sections of your wellbore.
00:04:02.095 --> 00:04:03.795
Statewide rule 38 is your density.
00:04:04.660 --> 00:04:07.730
Now this is just a simple
mathematics equation.
00:04:07.730 --> 00:04:11.650
We are going to look at
the absolute bare minimum
00:04:11.650 --> 00:04:14.410
coverage and acres
the field rules require.
00:04:14.410 --> 00:04:16.260
That will either be one single value,
00:04:16.260 --> 00:04:18.290
or you could have an
optional value in there,
00:04:18.290 --> 00:04:20.713
whatever the lowest
number is we will look at.
00:04:21.570 --> 00:04:24.340
We will then multiply that
number by the well count
00:04:24.340 --> 00:04:27.380
on your W-1 and the resulting product
00:04:28.690 --> 00:04:31.203
we will then compare with
your total lease acreage.
00:04:32.600 --> 00:04:36.283
Statewide rule 40, your
double assignment of acreage.
00:04:37.650 --> 00:04:40.740
Our group will be reviewing
whether or not your leases
00:04:40.740 --> 00:04:43.000
on a two-dimensional
basis are overlapping
00:04:43.000 --> 00:04:46.623
with your other leases
and wells in the same field.
00:04:48.450 --> 00:04:50.910
There's also another aspect
to rule 40 that our group is
00:04:50.910 --> 00:04:53.610
starting to help out the
well compliance group with,
00:04:53.610 --> 00:04:57.060
and that's going to be
overlapping of producing intervals
00:04:57.060 --> 00:04:58.340
on a subsurface basis.
00:04:58.340 --> 00:05:01.200
This is more of a
three-dimensional look.
00:05:01.200 --> 00:05:04.233
We now have GIS tools that
can help us assess a lot of this.
00:05:05.230 --> 00:05:08.150
We will help them clean
this up at the beginning,
00:05:08.150 --> 00:05:09.893
but that's the aspect
of Statewide rule 40
00:05:09.893 --> 00:05:11.723
that the completions group looks at.
00:05:12.880 --> 00:05:15.710
And then Statewide rule
86, this is the one that's had
00:05:15.710 --> 00:05:18.190
the most movement
over the past recent years,
00:05:18.190 --> 00:05:19.850
off-lease penetration
points have been added,
00:05:19.850 --> 00:05:21.910
horizontal wellbores,
UFT rules can affect
00:05:21.910 --> 00:05:24.110
some of these things
in profile assignments.
00:05:25.420 --> 00:05:28.630
So Statewide rule 86,
you'll never actually apply
00:05:28.630 --> 00:05:31.790
for an exception for
through the drilling permit.
00:05:31.790 --> 00:05:34.490
But if you need to get an
exception for Statewide rule 86,
00:05:34.490 --> 00:05:37.070
that almost exclusively goes
through the engineering group,
00:05:37.070 --> 00:05:39.030
because you have an off-lease terminus.
00:05:39.030 --> 00:05:41.300
And we will talk about
some of those issues here
00:05:41.300 --> 00:05:43.123
as the presentation continues.
00:05:44.960 --> 00:05:46.880
We are going to start
getting into the guts
00:05:46.880 --> 00:05:48.630
of the information here,
00:05:48.630 --> 00:05:50.740
but I do want to call your
attention to any of the handouts
00:05:50.740 --> 00:05:53.320
that you might've
already gotten or received.
00:05:53.320 --> 00:05:55.730
At the bottom of this
slide, you'll see notes.
00:05:55.730 --> 00:05:59.530
Every slide has some extensive
additional information that
00:05:59.530 --> 00:06:02.260
we can't cover in a
full hour presentation
00:06:02.260 --> 00:06:04.300
that answers a lot of questions.
00:06:04.300 --> 00:06:05.717
Please feel free to read
through some of this
00:06:05.717 --> 00:06:08.190
and maybe it answers your question.
00:06:08.190 --> 00:06:10.850
It's also a good guide just
to have on hand at the office.
00:06:10.850 --> 00:06:13.640
So download the PowerPoint, keep it.
00:06:13.640 --> 00:06:15.670
If you've printed it
out, the PDF handouts,
00:06:15.670 --> 00:06:17.100
you want to keep
those, you can highlight
00:06:17.100 --> 00:06:21.120
the important stuff, but every
year when we have changes,
00:06:21.120 --> 00:06:22.890
we go reassess these notes.
00:06:22.890 --> 00:06:25.270
We are human, there might be
a couple misspellings in there,
00:06:25.270 --> 00:06:26.740
we try to filter them out,
00:06:26.740 --> 00:06:28.940
but largely the information
is up to date and accurate
00:06:28.940 --> 00:06:30.813
for the most recent rule changes.
00:06:33.470 --> 00:06:37.680
So proceeding on, this is the
landing screen that you see
00:06:38.780 --> 00:06:42.220
when you start filing a
drilling permit application.
00:06:42.220 --> 00:06:44.700
Right after you log in
with your credentials,
00:06:44.700 --> 00:06:46.463
you will end up at this page.
00:06:47.790 --> 00:06:51.200
Please be advised,
you are already logged in
00:06:51.200 --> 00:06:53.010
when you see this page.
00:06:53.010 --> 00:06:55.830
When you click this
option right here, new W-1,
00:06:58.991 --> 00:07:01.550
you will be filing it under your name.
00:07:01.550 --> 00:07:05.570
New W-1 will give you additional options
00:07:05.570 --> 00:07:08.943
that you will see on the
field list tab as we get in.
00:07:10.120 --> 00:07:14.363
The other options on this page
are amend an approved permit,
00:07:15.320 --> 00:07:19.490
copy existing W-1, reapply
for an expired permit,
00:07:19.490 --> 00:07:20.640
and then existing W-1s.
00:07:22.120 --> 00:07:24.260
Amend approved
permit is exactly what it is.
00:07:24.260 --> 00:07:25.670
You need to make a
change to your permit,
00:07:25.670 --> 00:07:27.670
maybe your surface location moved,
00:07:27.670 --> 00:07:29.230
maybe you need to add a new field.
00:07:29.230 --> 00:07:30.663
You will use this option.
00:07:31.650 --> 00:07:35.500
Copy existing W-1, this
is more of a convenience.
00:07:35.500 --> 00:07:38.410
In all honesty, this sometimes creates
00:07:38.410 --> 00:07:40.630
more issues than it's worth.
00:07:40.630 --> 00:07:44.530
That it will basically
take an existing W-1,
00:07:44.530 --> 00:07:46.900
copy all of the
information to a new one,
00:07:46.900 --> 00:07:49.990
and then you start making
changes based on that.
00:07:49.990 --> 00:07:53.270
If you're filing a batch of
wells on the same lease,
00:07:53.270 --> 00:07:57.070
this can help shortcut some
data entry like your lease name,
00:07:57.070 --> 00:07:59.220
things of that nature, total acreage,
00:07:59.220 --> 00:08:01.760
but you're still gonna need
to go in and manually change
00:08:01.760 --> 00:08:06.120
the well number, any
call distances on there.
00:08:06.120 --> 00:08:07.880
So with the exception
of a few variables,
00:08:07.880 --> 00:08:09.860
you're still filing a new permit.
00:08:09.860 --> 00:08:12.920
And using this option,
you can sometimes file
00:08:12.920 --> 00:08:15.960
duplicate information if
you don't go change that.
00:08:15.960 --> 00:08:19.100
So if you ever use copy existing W-1,
00:08:19.100 --> 00:08:21.900
please make sure that you are
making the necessary changes
00:08:21.900 --> 00:08:24.550
on subsequent permits so
that you don't get an issue.
00:08:25.570 --> 00:08:29.060
Reapply for expired permit
is an option that will let you
00:08:29.060 --> 00:08:31.970
keep the API number
that was issued to a permit
00:08:31.970 --> 00:08:33.870
that was never used.
00:08:33.870 --> 00:08:36.300
So, as you all know,
and if you don't know,
00:08:36.300 --> 00:08:37.970
a drilling permit is good for two years
00:08:37.970 --> 00:08:40.100
from the date of the initial approval.
00:08:40.100 --> 00:08:41.790
You can amend it a thousand times,
00:08:41.790 --> 00:08:44.480
it will not change the fact
that it expires two years
00:08:44.480 --> 00:08:46.980
from the date of the first approval.
00:08:46.980 --> 00:08:48.343
Now, if it does expire,
00:08:49.670 --> 00:08:53.420
you can keep that same API
number by using this option.
00:08:53.420 --> 00:08:54.930
So your records can stay up to date.
00:08:54.930 --> 00:08:56.990
We won't generate a new one,
00:08:56.990 --> 00:08:58.560
but you will receive a new permit number
00:08:58.560 --> 00:09:00.650
because this is going
to be a new permit.
00:09:00.650 --> 00:09:02.710
So there's a convenience to using this.
00:09:02.710 --> 00:09:04.550
Should you not choose
to use this option,
00:09:04.550 --> 00:09:06.850
you would simply just
go up and file a new W-1
00:09:08.130 --> 00:09:09.730
and then repermit that location.
00:09:10.790 --> 00:09:14.670
Existing W-1s are where
your work in progress
00:09:14.670 --> 00:09:16.370
W-1s are stored.
00:09:16.370 --> 00:09:18.670
We don't have visibility of these.
00:09:18.670 --> 00:09:21.330
If you have a permit
application that is in your existing
00:09:21.330 --> 00:09:23.253
W-1s and you ask us questions on it,
00:09:24.275 --> 00:09:26.010
we will need to see screenshots
because we can't look
00:09:26.010 --> 00:09:27.203
those up in the system.
00:09:29.120 --> 00:09:31.390
This page will also give you
access to a couple of pieces
00:09:31.390 --> 00:09:35.460
of important information through
the search queries offered,
00:09:35.460 --> 00:09:38.160
the drilling permits
query and the field query.
00:09:38.160 --> 00:09:40.780
The field query will give you
the ability to look up a field
00:09:40.780 --> 00:09:43.243
based on the name or
based on the field number.
00:09:44.120 --> 00:09:46.850
This can take you to the
field rules via the docket,
00:09:46.850 --> 00:09:49.490
and it'll give it a
summary at the bottom.
00:09:49.490 --> 00:09:51.270
And the drilling permit
query, most of y'all are
00:09:51.270 --> 00:09:53.740
familiar with unless you're a new user.
00:09:53.740 --> 00:09:56.700
That's a very beefy search form that has
00:09:56.700 --> 00:09:59.270
a lot of information fields on it,
00:09:59.270 --> 00:10:01.050
where you can search
for a drilling permit.
00:10:01.050 --> 00:10:04.570
You can search by survey
name, by county, by district,
00:10:04.570 --> 00:10:07.280
by the API number itself,
by the permit number,
00:10:07.280 --> 00:10:08.560
the operator name.
00:10:08.560 --> 00:10:10.560
You can go to the very
bottom of this page and actually
00:10:10.560 --> 00:10:13.990
search for a date range
of submission or approvals.
00:10:13.990 --> 00:10:15.870
So it's a pretty, it's a
very good tool to use
00:10:15.870 --> 00:10:17.533
if you need to do research.
00:10:21.110 --> 00:10:24.980
Once you get into the act of filing,
00:10:24.980 --> 00:10:29.690
whether you have done
an amendment or a new drill,
00:10:29.690 --> 00:10:31.293
you have a purpose of filing.
00:10:32.730 --> 00:10:35.440
New drill means that that
is a brand new location.
00:10:35.440 --> 00:10:38.590
It has never been
permitted up until this point.
00:10:38.590 --> 00:10:41.890
An amendment from a new
drill will still be a new drill.
00:10:41.890 --> 00:10:43.993
You're amending a new drill location.
00:10:45.503 --> 00:10:47.120
Recompletion means that you already have
00:10:47.120 --> 00:10:49.300
a well in the field and a
completion record has been
00:10:49.300 --> 00:10:52.400
approved and validated by
our completions department.
00:10:52.400 --> 00:10:54.200
And now you need to come
in and do additional work
00:10:54.200 --> 00:10:56.960
to the well that requires a W-1 filing.
00:10:56.960 --> 00:11:00.977
You would set the purpose
of filing as recompletion.
00:11:02.040 --> 00:11:06.020
Reclass is where you have a well
00:11:06.020 --> 00:11:08.660
that needs to change the type.
00:11:08.660 --> 00:11:11.930
And that means if you have a gas well,
00:11:11.930 --> 00:11:13.713
and it needs to go to an oil well,
00:11:13.713 --> 00:11:16.180
and the field rules are different.
00:11:16.180 --> 00:11:17.930
If the field rules are the same,
00:11:17.930 --> 00:11:21.380
you don't need to file that reclass.
00:11:21.380 --> 00:11:22.650
I repeat.
00:11:22.650 --> 00:11:26.180
If the field rules for
oil or gas are the same,
00:11:26.180 --> 00:11:27.200
the exact same,
00:11:27.200 --> 00:11:30.549
you don't need to file
a W-1 to reclass this.
00:11:30.549 --> 00:11:32.761
You contact operation
department and you file
00:11:32.761 --> 00:11:36.350
the necessary documents that they need.
00:11:36.350 --> 00:11:38.530
If you were going from an injection well
00:11:38.530 --> 00:11:41.743
to a (audio garbles), regardless
of what (audio garbles),
00:11:43.470 --> 00:11:44.877
you will always (audio garbles).
00:11:45.820 --> 00:11:47.710
This is because injection
models are not subject
00:11:47.710 --> 00:11:50.280
to the Statewide rules
that the producing wells are.
00:11:50.280 --> 00:11:51.940
Therefore, we now have to review it
00:11:51.940 --> 00:11:55.423
under the legal confines
of the Statewide rules.
00:11:56.670 --> 00:12:01.040
If you are going from a
producing well to an injection well,
00:12:01.040 --> 00:12:04.260
or any other type of service
well that is non-producing,
00:12:04.260 --> 00:12:06.450
you do not need to file the reclass.
00:12:08.580 --> 00:12:10.430
I have seen a couple of
these get filed in the system.
00:12:10.430 --> 00:12:12.320
So I'll repeat that.
00:12:12.320 --> 00:12:14.330
If you are going from a productive well
00:12:14.330 --> 00:12:16.570
to a nonproductive well,
00:12:16.570 --> 00:12:18.497
you don't need to file a reclass.
00:12:19.368 --> 00:12:23.050
And field transfer, this is
simply to change the field
00:12:23.050 --> 00:12:24.230
that the well is producing in.
00:12:24.230 --> 00:12:27.640
So you're currently completed
and producing in field A,
00:12:27.640 --> 00:12:29.700
you want to move it
to field B that requires
00:12:29.700 --> 00:12:32.020
no mechanical work in the field.
00:12:32.020 --> 00:12:34.210
This is administrative paperwork.
00:12:34.210 --> 00:12:36.560
You would file a field transfer.
00:12:36.560 --> 00:12:40.070
Every field transfer
W-1 application requires
00:12:40.070 --> 00:12:41.600
an approved field transfer letter
00:12:41.600 --> 00:12:43.333
from the engineering group.
00:12:44.310 --> 00:12:46.910
The system will not
prevent you from filing it
00:12:46.910 --> 00:12:48.420
if you don't have that attachment there,
00:12:48.420 --> 00:12:50.430
but we will send you a problem letter,
00:12:50.430 --> 00:12:52.530
forms lacking, if you don't have it.
00:12:52.530 --> 00:12:56.080
So please make sure that if
you're filing a field transfer,
00:12:56.080 --> 00:12:58.430
you have provided the
approved field transfer letter
00:12:58.430 --> 00:12:59.773
from the engineering unit.
00:13:00.690 --> 00:13:02.213
There's one caveat to that.
00:13:03.350 --> 00:13:06.240
If you are transferring
from Spraberry Trend area
00:13:06.240 --> 00:13:09.130
to the Spraberry Trend area rule 40.
00:13:09.130 --> 00:13:10.790
or the other way around,
00:13:10.790 --> 00:13:13.970
you do not need to get
the field transfer letter.
00:13:13.970 --> 00:13:16.113
You only need to submit the W-1.
00:13:18.460 --> 00:13:21.100
Reentering is very basic.
00:13:21.100 --> 00:13:22.730
It's used to go back into a well.
00:13:22.730 --> 00:13:25.430
that's previously been
plugged to service.
00:13:25.430 --> 00:13:27.280
So if you find an old
well out in the field,
00:13:27.280 --> 00:13:29.270
and maybe you want
to go explore it again,
00:13:29.270 --> 00:13:31.473
reentry is going to
be your option to use.
00:13:34.690 --> 00:13:38.580
All of the purpose of filing
types that we just discussed
00:13:39.590 --> 00:13:42.100
are going to be some of the
first options that you select
00:13:42.100 --> 00:13:43.740
on the general information screen.
00:13:43.740 --> 00:13:45.513
They're all located right up here.
00:13:46.360 --> 00:13:49.690
So if you can see what I
just highlighted up there,
00:13:49.690 --> 00:13:52.040
that is where all of
those options are located.
00:13:54.260 --> 00:13:57.603
You'll select one of these,
only one needs to be selected.
00:13:58.580 --> 00:14:02.280
You don't need to select
multiple, and that's bad form,
00:14:02.280 --> 00:14:03.113
don't do that.
00:14:04.560 --> 00:14:08.210
Expedite, if you check
this box, you'll pay
00:14:08.210 --> 00:14:11.383
the additional $375 expedite fee.
00:14:13.227 --> 00:14:18.010
And we will review this
permit in front of the ones
00:14:18.010 --> 00:14:19.683
that do not have that fee date.
00:14:20.680 --> 00:14:23.050
It doesn't mean that it
get approved in a day.
00:14:23.050 --> 00:14:24.380
If we find problems on it,
00:14:24.380 --> 00:14:26.580
we will still have to
address them accordingly.
00:14:26.580 --> 00:14:29.170
But it means that we'll
put a priority on this review
00:14:29.170 --> 00:14:31.120
over the ones that don't have expedite.
00:14:33.730 --> 00:14:35.850
Don't think of it as
not being fair, think of it
00:14:35.850 --> 00:14:39.970
as you telling us this
permit takes priority
00:14:39.970 --> 00:14:41.530
over these other ones.
00:14:41.530 --> 00:14:44.067
I have seen an operator,
for example, file six permits.
00:14:44.067 --> 00:14:47.080
Two of them are expedited,
four of them were not.
00:14:47.080 --> 00:14:49.510
That simply means that
those two that they expedited,
00:14:49.510 --> 00:14:50.860
they have an upcoming spud date,
00:14:50.860 --> 00:14:53.450
the four that are just getting in place.
00:14:53.450 --> 00:14:55.450
That's how you want to use the expedite.
00:14:56.470 --> 00:14:58.200
Load more profiles.
00:14:58.200 --> 00:15:00.333
This you can select
more than one option.
00:15:01.740 --> 00:15:03.630
So if you're filing a
vertical, horizontal well,
00:15:03.630 --> 00:15:06.330
meaning that you've
got a vertical at the spot
00:15:06.330 --> 00:15:09.340
of the surface, and you
have a horizontal lateral
00:15:09.340 --> 00:15:12.250
coming off, you want
to select both of those.
00:15:12.250 --> 00:15:14.300
Same thing with vertical directional
00:15:14.300 --> 00:15:15.880
or horizontal directional.
00:15:15.880 --> 00:15:17.223
We have seen that before.
00:15:18.670 --> 00:15:21.200
If you choose the side tract option,
00:15:21.200 --> 00:15:24.813
you will always have one
of the other profiles selected.
00:15:26.100 --> 00:15:27.680
So if you select vertical,
00:15:27.680 --> 00:15:30.590
you don't necessarily have to
have horizontal or directional
00:15:30.590 --> 00:15:35.080
selected, only if you have
that profile on the plat as well.
00:15:35.080 --> 00:15:36.920
But if you select side tract,
00:15:36.920 --> 00:15:39.560
you need to have one of
the other profiles on there
00:15:39.560 --> 00:15:41.570
so that we know that this
is a horizontal side tract,
00:15:41.570 --> 00:15:43.220
or this is a vertical side tract.
00:15:45.370 --> 00:15:48.320
One thing to mention
about the mobile profiles.
00:15:48.320 --> 00:15:51.793
There were some recent
changes made to the online system.
00:15:53.780 --> 00:15:58.780
If you have a non-producing
vertical location
00:16:01.210 --> 00:16:03.430
at the surface location of a horizontal
00:16:03.430 --> 00:16:06.870
or directional wellbore,
regardless of whether
00:16:06.870 --> 00:16:10.650
that non-producing surface location is
00:16:10.650 --> 00:16:13.540
on the lease or off the
lease, you will not select it
00:16:13.540 --> 00:16:15.763
and you will not
indicate it on the plat.
00:16:16.670 --> 00:16:18.030
It's a non-producing well
00:16:18.030 --> 00:16:20.610
you'll be running logs or monitoring.
00:16:20.610 --> 00:16:23.743
The automated Statewide
rules do not need to assess that.
00:16:24.630 --> 00:16:28.910
So if you have a horizontal
or a directional well,
00:16:28.910 --> 00:16:33.410
and the surface location is
either on lease or off lease,
00:16:33.410 --> 00:16:35.840
and you have a non-producing vertical
00:16:35.840 --> 00:16:39.263
where that surface is, you
don't indicate that anymore.
00:16:40.990 --> 00:16:45.723
However, if that vertical is a producer,
00:16:47.400 --> 00:16:50.450
one, it can only be
located inside the lease
00:16:50.450 --> 00:16:54.150
with that surface location,
two, you will include it.
00:16:54.150 --> 00:16:57.390
That's because as a
producing vertical location,
00:16:57.390 --> 00:16:59.803
we have to review it
under the Statewide rules.
00:17:02.100 --> 00:17:06.670
The next line is the
horizontal wellbore types,
00:17:06.670 --> 00:17:07.653
right along here.
00:17:08.720 --> 00:17:10.370
This is where you will
tell us whether this is
00:17:10.370 --> 00:17:12.423
a production sharing agreement, a PSA,
00:17:13.320 --> 00:17:14.383
an allocation,
00:17:16.040 --> 00:17:17.170
a stack lateral.
00:17:17.170 --> 00:17:21.140
and if stack lateral, what
the parent number is.
00:17:21.140 --> 00:17:23.070
So the parent number
would be department number
00:17:23.070 --> 00:17:26.343
from the well you are
associating this child well to.
00:17:27.840 --> 00:17:30.890
You cannot have both
of these boxes checked
00:17:30.890 --> 00:17:35.890
at the same time, but
you can have one of these
00:17:36.070 --> 00:17:39.340
and also stack lateral
selected at the same time.
00:17:39.340 --> 00:17:41.930
So your well cannot be
a PSA and an allocation
00:17:41.930 --> 00:17:45.240
at the same time, but it
could be a PSA by itself,
00:17:45.240 --> 00:17:47.643
or it could be a PSA stack lateral.
00:17:49.040 --> 00:17:51.170
So make sure that you're
being very clear and diligent
00:17:51.170 --> 00:17:53.020
with these classifications here.
00:17:53.020 --> 00:17:55.363
If it's not a PSA or
it's not an allocation,
00:17:56.370 --> 00:17:58.200
and it's not a stack lateral,
00:17:58.200 --> 00:18:01.000
then no information
is required in this line.
00:18:01.000 --> 00:18:04.630
And you can see by the
little asterisks that are up here,
00:18:04.630 --> 00:18:07.300
these three lines with
the asterisks will require
00:18:07.300 --> 00:18:09.860
a selection of some form.
00:18:09.860 --> 00:18:13.350
These boxes, expedite and wellbore type,
00:18:13.350 --> 00:18:16.240
they do not require a selection
because maybe you don't want
00:18:16.240 --> 00:18:19.900
it expedited and it doesn't
fit these three criteria.
00:18:19.900 --> 00:18:22.780
So it is okay for
expedite to be left empty.
00:18:22.780 --> 00:18:26.010
And it is okay for this
entire line to be left empty.
00:18:26.010 --> 00:18:30.010
What is not okay is if
you select stack lateral
00:18:30.010 --> 00:18:31.810
and leave this box empty,
00:18:31.810 --> 00:18:34.330
make sure you put the permanent
number of the parent well
00:18:34.330 --> 00:18:36.633
in this box if you have selected this.
00:18:38.270 --> 00:18:41.273
Moving along, lease name,
00:18:41.273 --> 00:18:42.610
what are you calling your acreage?
00:18:42.610 --> 00:18:43.800
Very simple.
00:18:43.800 --> 00:18:47.163
Well number, what is the
well number of the well?
00:18:48.012 --> 00:18:51.130
So in the roadshow
presentation that we give,
00:18:51.130 --> 00:18:54.731
I bring up the whole SAT
example, I'm going to do that here.
00:18:54.731 --> 00:18:56.210
If you get the lease name
wrong, or the well number wrong,
00:18:56.210 --> 00:18:59.710
you just failed the SAT, so
please read what's on the plat.
00:18:59.710 --> 00:19:02.110
This should match, that's
very, very easy to do.
00:19:03.330 --> 00:19:06.440
Total vertical depth, what is
the deepest part of the well
00:19:06.440 --> 00:19:09.053
from the surface to the
deepest part of the well?
00:19:10.210 --> 00:19:12.203
I kinda said that wrong, so I apologize.
00:19:13.650 --> 00:19:15.810
What is the deepest depth of the well
00:19:15.810 --> 00:19:18.360
from the surface, there you go.
00:19:18.360 --> 00:19:20.070
Do you have rights to develop minerals
00:19:20.070 --> 00:19:21.048
that are in your right of way?
00:19:21.048 --> 00:19:22.908
This pertains to any right of way,
00:19:22.908 --> 00:19:25.040
whether it be a road
or any other property,
00:19:25.040 --> 00:19:27.720
go through your records and make sure.
00:19:27.720 --> 00:19:29.520
You need to select either yes or no.
00:19:31.945 --> 00:19:34.000
Are you subjected to Statewide rule 36?
00:19:34.000 --> 00:19:36.590
This is automatically
determined, the system handles
00:19:36.590 --> 00:19:40.000
this based on the information
and you'll handle this process
00:19:40.000 --> 00:19:42.170
at the district level.
00:19:42.170 --> 00:19:44.833
Our group does not
have a lot to do with this.
00:19:46.110 --> 00:19:48.720
However, the system is
programmed to identify
00:19:48.720 --> 00:19:49.750
the fields that have this.
00:19:49.750 --> 00:19:52.840
So some fields may
pop up with a rule 36,
00:19:52.840 --> 00:19:55.227
but you don't pay for an
exception fee for rule 36
00:19:55.227 --> 00:19:57.027
and our group won't be reviewing it.
00:19:57.880 --> 00:20:00.890
And county, county's very important.
00:20:00.890 --> 00:20:03.490
Please make sure your county's accurate.
00:20:03.490 --> 00:20:06.560
We will do a double check
as part of our normal review,
00:20:06.560 --> 00:20:09.000
but if the county's wrong and
we generate an API number,
00:20:09.000 --> 00:20:10.870
that's the wrong FIPS code
00:20:10.870 --> 00:20:14.000
FIPS code is the county
code, that's the first three digits.
00:20:14.000 --> 00:20:16.780
Well, it's the second
set of digits in an API.
00:20:16.780 --> 00:20:21.780
API number is 42
12345678, 42 is a state code,
00:20:22.580 --> 00:20:25.400
we don't use it cause
we only regulate Texas.
00:20:25.400 --> 00:20:27.630
The next three digits
are the county code.
00:20:27.630 --> 00:20:29.810
Zero zero zero one
would be the first one.
00:20:29.810 --> 00:20:31.463
I believe that's Andrews County.
00:20:32.430 --> 00:20:33.780
If you're not in Andrews County,
00:20:33.780 --> 00:20:35.930
but you put Andrews
County on this application,
00:20:35.930 --> 00:20:38.720
you're going to have
a zero zero one FIPS.
00:20:38.720 --> 00:20:40.430
Your API will start with zero zero one,
00:20:40.430 --> 00:20:43.249
but that won't be reflective
of where the well is.
00:20:43.249 --> 00:20:44.290
We'll have to burn it and regenerate it.
00:20:44.290 --> 00:20:46.440
So please make sure
your county's accurate.
00:20:47.630 --> 00:20:50.300
Over here on the right,
we've got GPS coordinates.
00:20:50.300 --> 00:20:52.860
The datum, this is where
you would tell us whether
00:20:52.860 --> 00:20:57.860
it's NAD 83, WGS 84, or NAD 27.
00:20:57.920 --> 00:21:00.580
You want to make sure
the datum is accurate.
00:21:00.580 --> 00:21:03.680
State plane coordinates, if
you are using state plane,
00:21:03.680 --> 00:21:06.833
make sure you enter the
X value and the Y value.
00:21:07.670 --> 00:21:11.850
X value will be longitude,
Y value will be latitude.
00:21:11.850 --> 00:21:15.870
Not all state plane coordinates
are given to you in XY,
00:21:15.870 --> 00:21:18.820
sometimes they're simply
labeled easting and northing
00:21:18.820 --> 00:21:20.980
or latitude and longitude.
00:21:20.980 --> 00:21:22.543
If you think of this as a grid,
00:21:23.910 --> 00:21:28.500
the X and the Y will reference
the state plane on a grid.
00:21:28.500 --> 00:21:31.947
So X will be the ones
that run up and down,
00:21:31.947 --> 00:21:34.023
that's going to reference
your latitude lines.
00:21:35.470 --> 00:21:37.283
That's also known as northing.
00:21:38.660 --> 00:21:42.230
The Y coordinates, I
apologize, Y goes up and down.
00:21:42.230 --> 00:21:45.840
I just caught myself for all
you mathematicians out there.
00:21:45.840 --> 00:21:49.270
The Y coordinates will
reference the latitude
00:21:49.270 --> 00:21:50.620
and that is the northing.
00:21:50.620 --> 00:21:54.240
The X coordinates that
run this way will represent
00:21:54.240 --> 00:21:58.023
your longitudinal lines,
that's going to be the eastings.
00:21:59.090 --> 00:22:01.950
So if you get a plat that
doesn't specifically say XY,
00:22:01.950 --> 00:22:03.320
you can look at that.
00:22:03.320 --> 00:22:05.690
This information is in the
notes at the bottom of the slide,
00:22:05.690 --> 00:22:07.710
as well, if that helps you out.
00:22:07.710 --> 00:22:10.603
That can sometimes
be tricky, as you saw.
00:22:11.440 --> 00:22:14.370
Select a zone, there
are five state plane zones
00:22:14.370 --> 00:22:19.370
in the state of Texas,
North Central, South Central,
00:22:19.560 --> 00:22:22.103
and Central, North, and South.
00:22:23.690 --> 00:22:25.610
This is part of the
state plane coordinates.
00:22:25.610 --> 00:22:27.970
It should also be
shown on the plat exactly
00:22:29.170 --> 00:22:32.176
to make sure you're
selecting this accordingly.
00:22:32.176 --> 00:22:35.210
You can enter degrees, minutes,
seconds over in these boxes.
00:22:35.210 --> 00:22:39.650
We want to see degrees,
so 32 minutes, 42 seconds,
00:22:39.650 --> 00:22:42.400
18.93, for an example.
00:22:42.400 --> 00:22:45.098
Longitude will always have a
negative up here in the degrees
00:22:45.098 --> 00:22:46.350
and the minutes and seconds.
00:22:46.350 --> 00:22:48.670
If you have decimal degrees,
00:22:48.670 --> 00:22:51.520
you'll enter the entire
number in just the degrees box.
00:22:51.520 --> 00:22:54.710
Please do not break that up
and put them in the other boxes.
00:22:54.710 --> 00:22:57.070
That's not how you
convert decimal degrees.
00:22:57.070 --> 00:23:00.660
There is a formula to convert
them, if you know it, use it.
00:23:00.660 --> 00:23:02.830
There are utilities
online that'll do it for you.
00:23:02.830 --> 00:23:04.870
If you know them, use them.
00:23:04.870 --> 00:23:08.670
If you get decimal degrees,
there's no need to convert them.
00:23:08.670 --> 00:23:13.110
You can put the entire
string here, 32.12345,
00:23:13.110 --> 00:23:16.290
longitude, negative 110.12345.
00:23:16.290 --> 00:23:17.990
That whole thing goes in that box.
00:23:21.830 --> 00:23:24.043
We just covered the GPS coordinates.
00:23:27.390 --> 00:23:29.270
I want to make sure that this slide
00:23:29.270 --> 00:23:30.520
right here is understood.
00:23:31.380 --> 00:23:33.615
If the coordinates you're
entering on the W-1
00:23:33.615 --> 00:23:36.060
are not on the plat,
there's going to be an issue.
00:23:36.060 --> 00:23:38.590
The coordinates you put
on the W-1 must match
00:23:38.590 --> 00:23:39.590
what is on the plat.
00:23:43.460 --> 00:23:44.607
The datums allowed, we went over that
00:23:44.607 --> 00:23:46.784
and you saw where the options were.
00:23:46.784 --> 00:23:49.423
There's NAD 27, NAD 83, and WGS 84.
00:23:50.380 --> 00:23:52.210
And the three systems that we accept,
00:23:52.210 --> 00:23:53.900
we went over that in the entry boxes,
00:23:53.900 --> 00:23:56.930
degrees, minutes, seconds,
also known as DMS.
00:23:56.930 --> 00:23:58.440
Decimal degrees and state plane,
00:23:58.440 --> 00:24:01.610
and remember the state
plane zone is required
00:24:01.610 --> 00:24:03.240
to be shown on the plat.
00:24:03.240 --> 00:24:07.303
So if you don't put the
state plane zone on the plat,
00:24:07.303 --> 00:24:09.983
you are going to get a problem letter.
00:24:09.983 --> 00:24:12.250
And sometimes the
wrong zone is on the plat.
00:24:12.250 --> 00:24:15.600
Make sure that you're putting
the correct zone on the plat
00:24:16.480 --> 00:24:17.313
and it is there.
00:24:20.510 --> 00:24:22.550
Also captured on the
general information screen
00:24:22.550 --> 00:24:24.580
at the bottom half will be your
00:24:24.580 --> 00:24:26.353
surface location descriptions.
00:24:27.470 --> 00:24:29.490
This is where you're going
to enter your non-parallel
00:24:29.490 --> 00:24:31.730
perpendicular calls, survey names,
00:24:31.730 --> 00:24:34.330
your distances and directions
from the nearest town.
00:24:35.220 --> 00:24:37.520
That was used when we
didn't really have satellites.
00:24:37.520 --> 00:24:39.070
It's still part of this application,
00:24:39.070 --> 00:24:41.650
whether it's applicable or
not is another argument.
00:24:41.650 --> 00:24:43.550
It's still required information, though.
00:24:43.550 --> 00:24:45.773
So please make sure
you're putting it on there.
00:24:48.517 --> 00:24:50.310
And this is what the lower
half of that screen looks like
00:24:50.310 --> 00:24:52.390
and we'll briefly go over some of these.
00:24:52.390 --> 00:24:55.960
Your surface location type.
that is going to be whether
00:24:55.960 --> 00:24:59.293
or not you're on land,
you're in a waterway, etc.
00:25:00.180 --> 00:25:02.970
Be careful with this, once set,
00:25:02.970 --> 00:25:05.870
it can really affect
your P5 because certain
00:25:05.870 --> 00:25:08.723
surface location types cost
more towards your bond.
00:25:09.750 --> 00:25:13.120
Inland waterways increase
your bond pretty significantly
00:25:13.120 --> 00:25:14.580
as opposed to just the land location.
00:25:14.580 --> 00:25:16.740
So make sure you're
being cognizant of this.
00:25:16.740 --> 00:25:19.590
If you have a well that's in
the water and it's classified
00:25:19.590 --> 00:25:21.160
truly as water, please make sure
00:25:21.160 --> 00:25:23.060
you select that accordingly.
00:25:23.060 --> 00:25:26.623
Direction, that's basic, I'm
not even going to cover that.
00:25:27.520 --> 00:25:29.450
where are you going from the town.
00:25:29.450 --> 00:25:32.050
Distance, same thing,
how far away is it.
00:25:32.050 --> 00:25:34.950
So you want to measure
from the town to the well,
00:25:34.950 --> 00:25:37.740
what direction, and
then the name of the town
00:25:37.740 --> 00:25:38.743
you just came from.
00:25:40.170 --> 00:25:43.293
Surface information,
or survey. apologize.
00:25:44.680 --> 00:25:47.110
If you know your abstract number,
00:25:47.110 --> 00:25:49.810
here's the shortcut, enter
in the abstract number,
00:25:49.810 --> 00:25:53.010
click auto-populate,
the rest will fill up for you.
00:25:53.010 --> 00:25:55.500
I know a lot of times
there's a long survey name
00:25:55.500 --> 00:25:57.850
and there's other sorts
of information out here.
00:25:57.850 --> 00:25:59.220
If you have the abstract number,
00:25:59.220 --> 00:26:01.730
type it in, click auto-populate,
00:26:01.730 --> 00:26:03.780
and it fills the rest
of this in for you.
00:26:05.560 --> 00:26:08.240
I am aware of situations
on the university land areas
00:26:08.240 --> 00:26:09.890
where sometimes the little borders
00:26:09.890 --> 00:26:11.703
need to be specifically addressed.
00:26:12.630 --> 00:26:15.700
It doesn't always
automatically populate the labor.
00:26:15.700 --> 00:26:17.400
So if you do the abstract number,
00:26:17.400 --> 00:26:19.870
click auto-populate and
the labor is still empty,
00:26:19.870 --> 00:26:22.250
and you need it, go
ahead and type that in.
00:26:22.250 --> 00:26:25.190
Or you can put that
information in this box here.
00:26:25.190 --> 00:26:27.930
We will not delete
anything that is in this box.
00:26:27.930 --> 00:26:30.900
We will simply move it up
here to the survey name,
00:26:30.900 --> 00:26:32.530
or we will add it as a comment
00:26:32.530 --> 00:26:34.030
to the end of the application.
00:26:35.220 --> 00:26:38.280
What not to put in
this box are things like
00:26:38.280 --> 00:26:40.340
this is an allocation well
00:26:40.340 --> 00:26:42.450
or the surface location is off lease,
00:26:42.450 --> 00:26:44.940
or this has an off
lease penetration point.
00:26:44.940 --> 00:26:48.780
This box is asking specific
additional information
00:26:48.780 --> 00:26:51.410
for the survey location.
00:26:51.410 --> 00:26:54.010
There are other fields on
this application that capture
00:26:54.010 --> 00:26:56.150
those three examples I mentioned.
00:26:56.150 --> 00:26:57.270
I've seen some other comments
00:26:57.270 --> 00:26:59.580
put in here that are just silly.
00:26:59.580 --> 00:27:01.640
We only want survey information.
00:27:01.640 --> 00:27:04.520
Relevant information will help
us review this permit faster,
00:27:04.520 --> 00:27:06.423
anything extraneous takes time away.
00:27:07.800 --> 00:27:09.550
And your survey line calls.
00:27:09.550 --> 00:27:12.690
These are going to be
perpendicular survey line calls.
00:27:12.690 --> 00:27:15.600
This presentation is not
geared towards telling you how to
00:27:15.600 --> 00:27:18.130
make them, but I will
give you a very, very,
00:27:18.130 --> 00:27:20.860
very quick example and it will be rough.
00:27:20.860 --> 00:27:23.090
If you have a survey
section that is a square,
00:27:23.090 --> 00:27:25.230
like I'm drawing over here on the side,
00:27:25.230 --> 00:27:26.980
and your well is right here,
00:27:26.980 --> 00:27:31.070
you want 90 degrees
from the reference line.
00:27:31.070 --> 00:27:32.990
We don't want 90 degrees at the well.
00:27:32.990 --> 00:27:35.650
We want 90 degrees
from the reference line.
00:27:35.650 --> 00:27:38.730
And what non-parallel
means is the reference line
00:27:38.730 --> 00:27:41.520
you're coming from are
not parallel to each other.
00:27:41.520 --> 00:27:44.260
So in this very quick
example that I drew,
00:27:44.260 --> 00:27:49.260
if that is your well location,
these are good calls.
00:27:49.560 --> 00:27:53.370
However, if you gave us this green call
00:27:53.370 --> 00:27:55.240
and this west red call, that's wrong,
00:27:55.240 --> 00:27:58.590
because the lines are parallel.
00:27:58.590 --> 00:28:01.870
If you decided to do
something like this, that's wrong,
00:28:01.870 --> 00:28:04.743
that's not a 90 degree angle,
that's a 45 degree angle.
00:28:05.820 --> 00:28:08.963
Also, please shy away
from doing things like this,
00:28:10.390 --> 00:28:14.153
using this corner, along with this line.
00:28:15.380 --> 00:28:17.790
This point is also part of this line,
00:28:17.790 --> 00:28:19.780
you can't call the same line twice.
00:28:19.780 --> 00:28:23.510
As long as your calls are
separated from a corner,
00:28:23.510 --> 00:28:25.170
and two lines that are not parallel,
00:28:25.170 --> 00:28:27.850
and they're 90 degrees
to these reference lines,
00:28:27.850 --> 00:28:28.900
you're in good shape.
00:28:33.000 --> 00:28:37.140
Okay, so couple pieces
of information I want to
00:28:37.140 --> 00:28:39.450
point out on your
application before we start
00:28:39.450 --> 00:28:41.680
getting into the other sections.
00:28:41.680 --> 00:28:43.160
Your status number is at the top
00:28:43.160 --> 00:28:44.950
and your tracking number is here.
00:28:44.950 --> 00:28:48.100
If you ever submit an
application and you still see
00:28:48.100 --> 00:28:50.620
a tracking number,
don't do anything else.
00:28:50.620 --> 00:28:51.810
Don't try to resubmit.
00:28:51.810 --> 00:28:54.700
Don't try to process
another payment, just stop,
00:28:54.700 --> 00:28:56.630
and either email Lorenzo or I,
00:28:56.630 --> 00:28:59.530
or use the drilling
permit dash info address,
00:28:59.530 --> 00:29:01.260
or call us.
00:29:01.260 --> 00:29:03.060
What that means is
the system had a hiccup
00:29:03.060 --> 00:29:04.940
and maybe your payment did process,
00:29:04.940 --> 00:29:07.110
but it didn't pull the application in.
00:29:07.110 --> 00:29:08.960
If that's the case,
00:29:08.960 --> 00:29:11.490
you can give us that tracking
number and we can pull that
00:29:11.490 --> 00:29:12.773
application in manually.
00:29:13.670 --> 00:29:15.230
Or we can tell you whether
00:29:15.230 --> 00:29:17.420
or not the payment even processed.
00:29:17.420 --> 00:29:19.730
The reason you don't want
to try to push another payment
00:29:19.730 --> 00:29:21.780
through into the system is
because you could create
00:29:21.780 --> 00:29:24.130
a situation where there
are duplicate payments.
00:29:25.960 --> 00:29:28.100
Statewide rule 78, as
we'll get to at the end
00:29:28.100 --> 00:29:30.823
of this presentation,
does not allow refunds.
00:29:32.040 --> 00:29:34.910
There have been occasions
where system glitches have allowed
00:29:34.910 --> 00:29:37.860
refunds, but it takes quite some time.
00:29:37.860 --> 00:29:39.540
So please, please, please,
00:29:39.540 --> 00:29:42.040
if you ever see that situation,
00:29:42.040 --> 00:29:44.100
you got your status number
and you got a tracking number,
00:29:44.100 --> 00:29:46.420
you hit submit, but
it's not in the system,
00:29:46.420 --> 00:29:48.370
and you still see it in
your work in progress,
00:29:48.370 --> 00:29:50.220
just stop and contact us.
00:29:50.220 --> 00:29:52.150
We can help you fix it or
give you the information
00:29:52.150 --> 00:29:53.993
you need to find a course of action.
00:29:57.820 --> 00:29:59.410
After you're done with
the general information tab,
00:29:59.410 --> 00:30:02.550
you move to the field
list tab, this is very simple.
00:30:02.550 --> 00:30:05.250
This is what you will
see when you click on it.
00:30:05.250 --> 00:30:08.160
You're going to have a
button that says add field.
00:30:08.160 --> 00:30:10.100
What the field list tab
allows you to do is enter
00:30:10.100 --> 00:30:13.070
the regulatory fields that
you wish to permanent.
00:30:13.070 --> 00:30:16.270
The first field you insure
by default will become
00:30:16.270 --> 00:30:17.333
the primary field.
00:30:18.240 --> 00:30:20.040
Once you add a second field,
00:30:20.040 --> 00:30:23.040
you then have the ability
to change whether or not
00:30:23.040 --> 00:30:26.380
you want that new field
to be the primary or not.
00:30:26.380 --> 00:30:29.090
The primary field does
not really have a whole ton
00:30:29.090 --> 00:30:32.720
of importance other than
it controls the information
00:30:32.720 --> 00:30:34.113
at the top of the banner.
00:30:35.099 --> 00:30:38.010
And what I mean by the
banner, I mean, this stuff,
00:30:38.010 --> 00:30:40.520
everything that is up here at the top.
00:30:40.520 --> 00:30:45.520
So your operator name
right there, your district,
00:30:46.850 --> 00:30:49.193
this is all controlled
by the primary field.
00:30:50.110 --> 00:30:52.510
So you might have a field
that has a 7C assignment,
00:30:52.510 --> 00:30:55.890
but it's located in Midland
County, that would be okay.
00:30:55.890 --> 00:30:57.310
It's happened.
00:30:57.310 --> 00:30:59.310
But that primary field is designating
00:30:59.310 --> 00:31:00.560
this district assignment.
00:31:02.210 --> 00:31:05.020
So primary field is really
only going to have a driver
00:31:05.020 --> 00:31:07.623
on maybe a location information.
00:31:08.620 --> 00:31:10.870
It doesn't have a whole
lot of other purpose,
00:31:11.750 --> 00:31:13.970
but if that's the intended
field that you do want
00:31:13.970 --> 00:31:15.510
to actually try and permit in,
00:31:15.510 --> 00:31:18.990
then please make sure you
are selecting that as you need
00:31:18.990 --> 00:31:21.723
and everything will
be reviewed correctly.
00:31:23.020 --> 00:31:25.300
You can change that once
you've added another field,
00:31:25.300 --> 00:31:27.410
as I mentioned, once
you've added 10 fields,
00:31:27.410 --> 00:31:28.890
you can juggle them around,
00:31:28.890 --> 00:31:30.690
that for whatever
reason you want to call us
00:31:30.690 --> 00:31:33.040
and you want field number
six to be the primary,
00:31:33.040 --> 00:31:34.033
it can be done.
00:31:34.990 --> 00:31:36.630
You can control that
at the time of filing,
00:31:36.630 --> 00:31:39.150
but remember if you're
calling in to change
00:31:39.150 --> 00:31:42.110
the primary field, if it's being done so
00:31:42.110 --> 00:31:44.510
because there's a district
issue at the top of your banner,
00:31:44.510 --> 00:31:45.343
we can do that.
00:31:45.343 --> 00:31:48.380
If it's not being done, do
you need to contact us?
00:31:48.380 --> 00:31:49.893
I'm just tossing it out there.
00:31:51.940 --> 00:31:55.840
So third image for this
slide, when you hit that button,
00:31:55.840 --> 00:31:57.810
add field, you'll be brought to this.
00:31:57.810 --> 00:32:01.123
This looks identical
to the field list query.
00:32:02.480 --> 00:32:04.490
You can type in the field name
00:32:05.598 --> 00:32:08.163
and if you use either
one of the first two options,
00:32:09.460 --> 00:32:12.250
my advice is to use the second one,
00:32:12.250 --> 00:32:15.333
containing these
characters, this one right here.
00:32:16.550 --> 00:32:17.870
If you do beginning,
00:32:17.870 --> 00:32:19.410
there's a lot of fields
that began with that.
00:32:19.410 --> 00:32:23.210
If you do contains, it'll
search the entire field name.
00:32:23.210 --> 00:32:25.830
So Spraberry Trend area,
00:32:25.830 --> 00:32:29.590
if you do contains
and you type in Trend,
00:32:29.590 --> 00:32:32.020
there are fewer Trend
area fields out there
00:32:32.020 --> 00:32:33.110
than there are Spraberries.
00:32:33.110 --> 00:32:34.630
So if you do beginning with Spraberry,
00:32:34.630 --> 00:32:38.100
you're going to get a very
long list that looks like this,
00:32:38.100 --> 00:32:39.550
and it continues going below.
00:32:40.870 --> 00:32:42.820
If you do Trend, you're only
going to get the ones that have
00:32:42.820 --> 00:32:45.070
Trend area and not some
of the other Spraberry
00:32:45.070 --> 00:32:47.700
you can't see at
the bottom of this list.
00:32:47.700 --> 00:32:50.920
Same goes to if you don't
know how to spell the field,
00:32:50.920 --> 00:32:53.020
if you can just get a
string of letters in there,
00:32:53.020 --> 00:32:54.470
you can start picking it out.
00:32:55.454 --> 00:32:57.570
Now your golden ticket here is matching
00:32:57.570 --> 00:32:58.500
this number exactly.
00:32:58.500 --> 00:33:00.490
If you select that button
and then you type in
00:33:00.490 --> 00:33:03.060
the eight-digit field
number and hit search,
00:33:03.060 --> 00:33:03.970
you're good to go.
00:33:03.970 --> 00:33:06.320
That'll pull up that
field and that field only.
00:33:07.400 --> 00:33:10.020
You'll then select it from the list.
00:33:10.020 --> 00:33:11.580
When you click on it, it'll turn gray.
00:33:11.580 --> 00:33:13.490
And then you click the submit button.
00:33:13.490 --> 00:33:17.363
It'll then populate it into
your field list tab right here,
00:33:18.990 --> 00:33:21.580
which is a good segue
into the next section
00:33:21.580 --> 00:33:23.803
of this particular presentation.
00:33:25.900 --> 00:33:29.130
Field list tab has
00:33:29.130 --> 00:33:30.470
two of those things I mentioned
00:33:30.470 --> 00:33:34.080
not to put in the
surface survey location
00:33:34.080 --> 00:33:36.050
additional information box.
00:33:36.050 --> 00:33:37.870
This is where you tell us
whether or not you have
00:33:37.870 --> 00:33:40.620
an off lease surface or an
off lease penetration point.
00:33:42.300 --> 00:33:46.360
This will be key for additional
reviews down the road
00:33:46.360 --> 00:33:48.053
on your W-1 application.
00:33:51.280 --> 00:33:55.430
Also, I want to mention
with the recent changes
00:33:55.430 --> 00:33:59.570
to the online system,
if you have a permit
00:33:59.570 --> 00:34:01.303
that has a creation date,
00:34:02.220 --> 00:34:05.240
so if they're at the top,
you have a created date.
00:34:05.240 --> 00:34:06.720
If your creation date
00:34:09.030 --> 00:34:14.030
was prior to May 30th or May 31st,
00:34:15.340 --> 00:34:18.130
I believe, if it was prior to that,
00:34:18.130 --> 00:34:20.463
your field list tab will look like this.
00:34:21.690 --> 00:34:26.573
If your created date was after May 31st,
00:34:28.510 --> 00:34:33.060
you will no longer see
the well count, nearest well
00:34:33.060 --> 00:34:37.290
on lease, and nearest lease
line are on this field list tab.
00:34:37.290 --> 00:34:40.350
That is all handled
on the field details tab,
00:34:40.350 --> 00:34:42.730
those values were changed
so that we could automate
00:34:42.730 --> 00:34:44.340
more of the complex field rules.
00:34:44.340 --> 00:34:46.840
And we'll go over that
here in just a few moments.
00:34:48.200 --> 00:34:49.500
As we're progressing through this,
00:34:49.500 --> 00:34:51.610
I'm going to come up
on a quick little point
00:34:51.610 --> 00:34:53.393
in the presentation for questions.
00:34:54.830 --> 00:34:56.930
I don't think any questions
have been submitted thus far,
00:34:56.930 --> 00:34:59.760
so if you do have anything
that you want to answered
00:34:59.760 --> 00:35:01.700
or maybe something needs
to be made more clear,
00:35:01.700 --> 00:35:03.920
or I went too fast on a
couple of these things,
00:35:03.920 --> 00:35:05.327
please drop those in the Q and A box.
00:35:05.327 --> 00:35:06.783
And here in a few slides,
00:35:07.966 --> 00:35:08.799
we'll give you the opportunity to get
00:35:08.799 --> 00:35:10.513
some information out of that.
00:35:12.200 --> 00:35:15.140
So the next screen we are looking at
00:35:15.140 --> 00:35:16.740
is the field details tab.
00:35:16.740 --> 00:35:19.240
Once you've gone
through adding your fields
00:35:19.240 --> 00:35:21.500
and you've dictated
on the field list tab
00:35:21.500 --> 00:35:23.470
whether or not you're
off lease or on lease,
00:35:23.470 --> 00:35:25.760
this is where you start
entering information
00:35:25.760 --> 00:35:27.473
on the field details tab.
00:35:28.530 --> 00:35:30.730
So on this tab,
00:35:30.730 --> 00:35:33.130
I've highlighted this because
we just mentioned this,
00:35:33.130 --> 00:35:34.750
are you off lease surface, are you
00:35:34.750 --> 00:35:36.440
an off lease penetration point.
00:35:36.440 --> 00:35:38.760
If you selected yes on the previous tab,
00:35:38.760 --> 00:35:39.593
the field list tab,
00:35:39.593 --> 00:35:41.970
it'll summarize those
choices right here.
00:35:41.970 --> 00:35:43.970
And in this case you chose yes for both.
00:35:48.940 --> 00:35:50.730
The information that
we're going to require
00:35:50.730 --> 00:35:53.800
in a brief summary
on the field details tab
00:35:53.800 --> 00:35:56.180
will be your distance
to nearest lease line,
00:35:56.180 --> 00:35:59.760
that is simply the shortest
distance from the producing
00:35:59.760 --> 00:36:02.233
point of your wellbore
to the lease line.
00:36:04.460 --> 00:36:06.610
Distance to nearest well, again,
00:36:06.610 --> 00:36:09.250
shortest distance between
production of your applied for
00:36:09.250 --> 00:36:12.350
or proposed well to a neighboring well
00:36:12.350 --> 00:36:14.610
in the same regulatory field.
00:36:14.610 --> 00:36:16.580
If you have eight
different regulatory fields
00:36:16.580 --> 00:36:18.650
on your permit, you very well may have
00:36:18.650 --> 00:36:21.770
eight different nearest
well distances or none at all
00:36:21.770 --> 00:36:24.250
if this is the first
in all those fields.
00:36:24.250 --> 00:36:26.170
Total wells on the
lease is your well count.
00:36:26.170 --> 00:36:27.993
This applies to rule 38 density.
00:36:29.010 --> 00:36:31.520
Total acres on the lease, how big is it?
00:36:31.520 --> 00:36:33.930
That's a very basic question.
00:36:33.930 --> 00:36:36.170
Did you build your house on
a one-acre lot or did you build
00:36:36.170 --> 00:36:38.550
your house on a
20-acre lot by the beach?
00:36:38.550 --> 00:36:40.163
How large is that lease?
00:36:42.520 --> 00:36:45.840
Two known parallel
perpendicular lease line distances.
00:36:45.840 --> 00:36:49.030
This follows exactly
that very crude drawing
00:36:49.030 --> 00:36:50.513
I put on that previous slide.
00:36:51.580 --> 00:36:55.360
We want to see 90
degree from the lease line
00:36:55.360 --> 00:36:56.803
to the well location,
00:36:59.260 --> 00:37:04.260
and they do need to
be from parallel lines.
00:37:11.300 --> 00:37:12.433
Are you a pooled unit?
00:37:13.360 --> 00:37:14.833
Is it a unitized lease?
00:37:18.090 --> 00:37:20.010
The well type, is it a producer
00:37:21.590 --> 00:37:23.303
or is it a service well?
00:37:24.500 --> 00:37:26.830
And then the completion depth.
00:37:26.830 --> 00:37:30.330
This cannot be greater
than your total depth,
00:37:30.330 --> 00:37:32.930
but it can be equal to or
less than the total depth.
00:37:35.490 --> 00:37:37.490
Also, when you're doing your well count,
00:37:39.200 --> 00:37:40.330
going to kind of come back over here,
00:37:40.330 --> 00:37:42.023
on your total wells on lease,
00:37:43.480 --> 00:37:47.950
I want to go ahead and
make clear that your well count
00:37:49.260 --> 00:37:52.390
will account for any well
in the lease boundaries,
00:37:52.390 --> 00:37:55.230
including another operator
should it happen to be there.
00:37:55.230 --> 00:37:58.248
There are a lot of situations
where one operator can agree
00:37:58.248 --> 00:37:59.750
to another one to have their
production on your lease.
00:37:59.750 --> 00:38:02.010
You need to account
for that in your well count,
00:38:02.010 --> 00:38:04.860
whether or not you're
operating that well, we don't care.
00:38:04.860 --> 00:38:07.700
If a well is producing within
your acreage boundaries
00:38:07.700 --> 00:38:09.010
from the fields you're applying for
00:38:09.010 --> 00:38:10.510
it as part of your well count.
00:38:11.440 --> 00:38:16.440
This also goes into play
with allocation and PSA Wells.
00:38:18.370 --> 00:38:19.660
If you have an allocation well
00:38:19.660 --> 00:38:22.220
where half of the horizontal
lateral is in your lease,
00:38:22.220 --> 00:38:24.840
you still account for
it in your well count.
00:38:24.840 --> 00:38:27.240
You will go look at that
P16 to figure out how much
00:38:27.240 --> 00:38:29.160
acreage is holding a reporting
00:38:29.160 --> 00:38:31.580
That's a much more detailed
and longer conversation
00:38:31.580 --> 00:38:33.650
than we have time for here,
so if you have any questions
00:38:33.650 --> 00:38:36.763
about that, please feel
free to email about that.
00:38:37.650 --> 00:38:41.163
My contact information is at
the end of this presentation.
00:38:43.200 --> 00:38:46.340
Another thing to mention
regarding the completion depth
00:38:46.340 --> 00:38:47.740
over here on this slide,
00:38:47.740 --> 00:38:50.180
this is not going to be a
representation of your measured
00:38:50.180 --> 00:38:52.770
depth if you're filing a
directional or a horizontal.
00:38:52.770 --> 00:38:55.110
A measured depth is
how long is that hole.
00:38:55.110 --> 00:38:58.450
You put a string in the hole
and a little mouse carried
00:38:58.450 --> 00:39:01.550
it all the way to the end,
how long is that string?
00:39:01.550 --> 00:39:03.420
What we're looking
for in total vertical depth
00:39:03.420 --> 00:39:07.060
and completion depth is a straight line
00:39:07.060 --> 00:39:09.490
from the surface to that point.
00:39:09.490 --> 00:39:11.373
So how tall is a building?
00:39:14.610 --> 00:39:17.270
That's a vertical distance.
00:39:17.270 --> 00:39:21.300
All the depths on the W-1
application are going to be TVDs,
00:39:22.970 --> 00:39:25.750
total vertical depths, in
terms of displacement.
00:39:25.750 --> 00:39:29.080
Your total depth will
be how far down does
00:39:29.080 --> 00:39:32.100
that hole itself go,
00:39:32.100 --> 00:39:34.610
from the surface to that lowest point.
00:39:34.610 --> 00:39:37.500
Your completion depth will be
what is the lowest perforation
00:39:37.500 --> 00:39:40.210
you're putting in here from the surface
00:39:40.210 --> 00:39:41.440
to that lowest perforation.
00:39:41.440 --> 00:39:43.470
So on a horizontal well,
00:39:43.470 --> 00:39:45.980
you don't want to
measure the run of the well
00:39:45.980 --> 00:39:48.550
to that perforation, you
just want to measure
00:39:48.550 --> 00:39:51.193
how deep of a hole you
need to dig to get to it.
00:39:55.830 --> 00:40:00.020
The field details tab has
the terminus information
00:40:00.020 --> 00:40:01.773
for horizontal wells.
00:40:03.281 --> 00:40:05.063
And that's what we're
looking at right here.
00:40:07.420 --> 00:40:10.340
Your terminus point,
your last take point,
00:40:10.340 --> 00:40:12.320
your first take point and
your penetration point,
00:40:12.320 --> 00:40:14.490
all that information is entered here.
00:40:14.490 --> 00:40:19.320
All of these values, 476
Northeast 50 Northwest,
00:40:19.320 --> 00:40:22.200
these are those two non-parallel
perpendicular lease line
00:40:22.200 --> 00:40:23.850
calls that we were talking about.
00:40:25.090 --> 00:40:27.150
If you have a directional
or a horizontal well,
00:40:27.150 --> 00:40:29.340
you also have survey information.
00:40:29.340 --> 00:40:32.640
Again, enter in the abstract
number, hit auto-populate,
00:40:32.640 --> 00:40:34.240
the rest of it fills in for you.
00:40:35.670 --> 00:40:36.503
It's easy mode.
00:40:39.010 --> 00:40:40.420
At the bottom of this tab,
00:40:40.420 --> 00:40:42.220
based on the field you were viewing,
00:40:43.510 --> 00:40:45.560
you'll have a summary
of the field rules.
00:40:47.230 --> 00:40:49.610
I want to make clear
what this little box means,
00:40:49.610 --> 00:40:51.730
where it says don't
permit, and it says an N,
00:40:51.730 --> 00:40:53.553
what that means is it's asking,
00:40:54.750 --> 00:40:57.280
is this a field that
you cannot permit in?
00:40:57.280 --> 00:40:58.933
The answer to that is no.
00:41:00.340 --> 00:41:04.110
So don't permit, no,
it's kind of reversed.
00:41:04.110 --> 00:41:06.760
This is good, you
can permit in this field.
00:41:06.760 --> 00:41:10.700
If you see an N, that
means you can permit in it.
00:41:10.700 --> 00:41:14.783
If you see a Y that means,
yes, do not permit in this field.
00:41:16.120 --> 00:41:18.200
It's almost like you're
asking a question.
00:41:18.200 --> 00:41:21.180
Is this a field I should not permit in?
00:41:21.180 --> 00:41:23.300
No, this is not a field you should
00:41:23.300 --> 00:41:25.427
permit in, this is a good one.
00:41:25.427 --> 00:41:27.660
Is this a field you
should not permit in?
00:41:27.660 --> 00:41:30.500
Yes, this is a field you
should not file a permit in.
00:41:30.500 --> 00:41:32.070
So make that distinction.
00:41:32.070 --> 00:41:35.210
If this says Y, you
shouldn't be using the field.
00:41:35.210 --> 00:41:36.973
If it says N, you're good to go.
00:41:40.780 --> 00:41:42.363
And here's a big image.
00:41:45.870 --> 00:41:47.620
Lorenzo just brought up a point,
00:41:47.620 --> 00:41:50.780
if any of y'all have noticed on the plat
00:41:50.780 --> 00:41:54.620
St Andrew's Field, that
that flag is saying, yes,
00:41:54.620 --> 00:41:56.890
that is a known issue
and it will be fixed.
00:41:56.890 --> 00:42:00.000
So that would be the only
exception to what I just said,
00:42:00.000 --> 00:42:02.270
plat St. Andrew's Field.
00:42:02.270 --> 00:42:05.653
You can permit in it, regardless
of what this message says.
00:42:08.540 --> 00:42:11.790
This is an overview of
special horizontal field rules.
00:42:11.790 --> 00:42:16.420
There's a box up here
that will allow you to click
00:42:18.780 --> 00:42:21.540
an illustration that will
show you what a lot of these
00:42:21.540 --> 00:42:23.883
take point rules look like.
00:42:25.490 --> 00:42:27.050
I have that image.
00:42:27.050 --> 00:42:28.170
We will get to it in a second,
00:42:28.170 --> 00:42:32.220
but what I want to do now is
spend about five minutes or so
00:42:32.220 --> 00:42:34.373
on the updates to the field details tab.
00:42:35.840 --> 00:42:36.840
At the end of May,
00:42:36.840 --> 00:42:40.760
we revised the W-1
application so that all of the W-1
00:42:40.760 --> 00:42:44.550
applications that previously
went to our engineering queue,
00:42:44.550 --> 00:42:47.340
that's our group not
the engineering unit,
00:42:47.340 --> 00:42:51.543
for an additional review
based on manual field rules.
00:42:52.800 --> 00:42:55.140
We changed it to where
they don't have that extra step.
00:42:55.140 --> 00:42:57.540
This allows those permits
to get through faster.
00:42:58.870 --> 00:43:01.530
So in a field that has
dual lease line spacing,
00:43:01.530 --> 00:43:03.990
where you might have 330
perpendicular or 100 feet
00:43:03.990 --> 00:43:08.620
heel and toe, the system
will now automatically review
00:43:08.620 --> 00:43:10.290
that based on the
information you entered.
00:43:10.290 --> 00:43:13.310
In doing so, we had to
create some new fields
00:43:13.310 --> 00:43:16.320
and change around the field details tab.
00:43:16.320 --> 00:43:18.070
We've had a few questions about it,
00:43:20.020 --> 00:43:21.330
maybe a couple of
frustrations here and there,
00:43:21.330 --> 00:43:22.850
but when it was explained,
00:43:22.850 --> 00:43:27.500
it was released and
understanding was achieved
00:43:27.500 --> 00:43:29.200
as to why these changes were made.
00:43:30.480 --> 00:43:35.370
So what I want to show is if you have
00:43:35.370 --> 00:43:38.350
a vertical well, on the basic details
00:43:38.350 --> 00:43:42.900
of the field details,
tab in this red box,
00:43:42.900 --> 00:43:45.561
you're now going to be asked
for the distance to nearest
00:43:45.561 --> 00:43:46.970
lease line from the surface location.
00:43:46.970 --> 00:43:49.270
Yes, this is the surface.
00:43:49.270 --> 00:43:51.600
Previously, this would be the nearest
00:43:51.600 --> 00:43:53.960
producing point of any well.
00:43:53.960 --> 00:43:57.430
This is now actually going
to reference the surface.
00:43:57.430 --> 00:44:01.040
Now, because a vertical well
is referenced at the surface,
00:44:01.040 --> 00:44:03.000
there's really not a lot of
change in procedure here,
00:44:03.000 --> 00:44:06.300
but this kicks in for
directional and horizontal wells,
00:44:06.300 --> 00:44:07.433
which we see now.
00:44:09.180 --> 00:44:13.740
On a directional well, you
now have in the wellbore
00:44:13.740 --> 00:44:17.300
profile box distance
to nearest lease line
00:44:17.300 --> 00:44:20.110
from bottom hole location.
00:44:20.110 --> 00:44:21.583
So going back previously,
00:44:22.950 --> 00:44:25.330
this will still remain
distance to nearest
00:44:25.330 --> 00:44:27.450
lease line from surface location,
00:44:27.450 --> 00:44:29.380
this remains as you're
seeing it right here
00:44:29.380 --> 00:44:30.960
for direction on horizontal wells,
00:44:30.960 --> 00:44:33.660
but rule spacing will no
longer be assessed from here.
00:44:35.350 --> 00:44:36.750
It will in verticals, it will not
00:44:36.750 --> 00:44:39.190
on horizontal and directionals.
00:44:39.190 --> 00:44:41.840
Directionals on your profile section,
00:44:41.840 --> 00:44:43.930
where you have the bottom hole calls,
00:44:43.930 --> 00:44:46.880
you now have the box that
references the production.
00:44:46.880 --> 00:44:50.240
So this is the new box asking
for the nearest lease line
00:44:50.240 --> 00:44:53.040
from the bottom hole
location of that directional well.
00:44:53.040 --> 00:44:55.780
This is the number that your
field rules will automatically
00:44:55.780 --> 00:44:59.003
be checked against for
conformance to rule 37.
00:45:00.210 --> 00:45:03.523
On a horizontal well
without the special rules,
00:45:05.090 --> 00:45:06.900
you now have a box
that says nearest distance
00:45:06.900 --> 00:45:08.913
from any take point to a lease line.
00:45:10.770 --> 00:45:12.600
So that horizontal
well, first take point,
00:45:12.600 --> 00:45:14.150
through and including
the last take point,
00:45:14.150 --> 00:45:15.500
what is the nearest distance
00:45:15.500 --> 00:45:18.130
anywhere along that
section to a lease line?
00:45:18.130 --> 00:45:19.393
You will enter that here.
00:45:20.480 --> 00:45:23.443
This is what the system
will now automatically check.
00:45:26.000 --> 00:45:29.280
If you have special field
rules for a horizontal well,
00:45:29.280 --> 00:45:32.400
meaning you have the
heel and toe distances,
00:45:32.400 --> 00:45:37.400
you will enter both the
nearest from the heel and toe,
00:45:37.490 --> 00:45:39.920
and I'll show you what that
looks like on the diagram,
00:45:39.920 --> 00:45:42.350
and the nearest perpendicular.
00:45:42.350 --> 00:45:45.300
These two boxes the
system will check against.
00:45:45.300 --> 00:45:48.320
If either one of these does not meet
00:45:48.320 --> 00:45:49.790
the dual lease line spacing rules,
00:45:49.790 --> 00:45:52.500
you'll be flagged
automatically for a rule 37.
00:45:52.500 --> 00:45:55.990
If everything passes and
you have no other exceptions,
00:45:55.990 --> 00:45:57.390
this would then be approved.
00:45:59.510 --> 00:46:03.150
So what are we talking
about, heel and toe spacing?
00:46:03.150 --> 00:46:07.820
Well, very short, if
you draw a straight line
00:46:07.820 --> 00:46:10.270
through the wellbore
at the last take point,
00:46:10.270 --> 00:46:12.290
anything on the terminus
side will be considered
00:46:12.290 --> 00:46:13.270
the heel and toe spacing.
00:46:13.270 --> 00:46:16.824
Think of it as a radius,
that little semicircle
00:46:16.824 --> 00:46:19.650
I just drew is 100 feet
radius and all sides.
00:46:19.650 --> 00:46:24.560
We want to determine on
these little spokes coming out,
00:46:24.560 --> 00:46:27.393
are you 100 feet or less?
00:46:28.360 --> 00:46:31.020
Perpendicular spacing
is exactly what it says.
00:46:31.020 --> 00:46:34.430
This is where you go
perpendicular from the wellbore.
00:46:34.430 --> 00:46:36.870
When you're determining
rule spacing distances,
00:46:36.870 --> 00:46:38.870
you go perpendicular from the wellbore.
00:46:38.870 --> 00:46:41.100
When you're making your reference calls,
00:46:41.100 --> 00:46:43.413
you go perpendicular
from the reference lines.
00:46:44.290 --> 00:46:47.020
So those two boxes
that we just discussed,
00:46:47.020 --> 00:46:49.003
nearest heel and toe distance,
00:46:50.130 --> 00:46:52.163
nearest perpendicular distance,
00:46:53.770 --> 00:46:56.260
your nearest perpendicular
distance will come out
00:46:56.260 --> 00:46:57.910
90 degrees from the wellbore.
00:46:57.910 --> 00:47:02.080
Your heel and toe will be
a little 100 foot semicircle
00:47:03.660 --> 00:47:04.797
on the end of the first take point
00:47:04.797 --> 00:47:05.997
and the last take point.
00:47:07.170 --> 00:47:10.820
And this is the illustration
that you can view
00:47:10.820 --> 00:47:14.395
from that link that's in
the field rule summary
00:47:14.395 --> 00:47:16.345
at the bottom of the field details tab.
00:47:18.410 --> 00:47:20.460
Here's another view of the wellbore.
00:47:20.460 --> 00:47:22.560
So when we're talking
about total vertical depth,
00:47:22.560 --> 00:47:24.843
this is a good slide to mention this on.
00:47:25.740 --> 00:47:27.330
If you follow this wellbore path,
00:47:27.330 --> 00:47:30.933
like I'm drawing this green
line, that's a measured depth.
00:47:31.840 --> 00:47:34.580
If you put your completion
depth as a measured depth,
00:47:34.580 --> 00:47:36.800
and it's like 20,000 feet,
00:47:36.800 --> 00:47:41.220
that's wrong because what
you want to be looking for,
00:47:41.220 --> 00:47:43.460
your total vertical
depth is from the surface
00:47:43.460 --> 00:47:45.920
right here, straight down.
00:47:45.920 --> 00:47:48.200
So all depth values you put on the W-1
00:47:48.200 --> 00:47:49.560
will be using this reference.
00:47:49.560 --> 00:47:51.950
The only time you'll be
using your measured distance
00:47:51.950 --> 00:47:54.370
like this is with completion packets.
00:47:54.370 --> 00:47:56.943
So I hope that kind of
clears up some of that.
00:47:59.330 --> 00:48:00.650
Off lease penetration point.
00:48:00.650 --> 00:48:03.070
I'm going to get through
these slides and then we'll see
00:48:03.070 --> 00:48:05.540
if there is any other questions.
00:48:05.540 --> 00:48:07.750
And every slide after that
is gonna be very basic stuff.
00:48:07.750 --> 00:48:10.050
So we're nearing the
end of this presentation.
00:48:12.120 --> 00:48:14.783
If you have an off
lease penetration point,
00:48:15.750 --> 00:48:18.220
you will be entering survey line calls.
00:48:18.220 --> 00:48:20.810
The system automatically
changes as you can see right here,
00:48:20.810 --> 00:48:21.673
it says survey.
00:48:22.760 --> 00:48:24.910
You'll simply put
whatever survey calls are.
00:48:24.910 --> 00:48:27.400
You don't need a reference
lease signs in this case.
00:48:27.400 --> 00:48:30.520
You'll tell us how you
resolve the exception.
00:48:30.520 --> 00:48:34.920
I will note, the system now
has been updated to where
00:48:34.920 --> 00:48:38.100
the date you put in
this box will be assessed
00:48:38.100 --> 00:48:41.790
with the filing date of your W-1.
00:48:41.790 --> 00:48:45.380
If 21 days has not passed
from the date in this box
00:48:45.380 --> 00:48:46.360
to the date you're filing it,
00:48:46.360 --> 00:48:48.710
it will not allow you to submit it.
00:48:48.710 --> 00:48:51.400
Yes, we are aware of two fields.
00:48:51.400 --> 00:48:53.700
One of which has already
been approved to a 14-day
00:48:53.700 --> 00:48:58.093
penetration point
timeframe, another might be.
00:48:59.360 --> 00:49:02.223
If you have any of
those in the meantime,
00:49:03.210 --> 00:49:06.150
do not indicate this as
off lease penetration,
00:49:06.150 --> 00:49:08.360
file it and email us immediately.
00:49:08.360 --> 00:49:10.950
We will then jump back in and change it.
00:49:10.950 --> 00:49:13.690
That's because the system
can't account for that gap.
00:49:13.690 --> 00:49:16.110
We are working to get
that corrected, until it is
00:49:16.110 --> 00:49:17.840
we have to make this workaround.
00:49:17.840 --> 00:49:20.610
For that question specifically,
if you have any issues,
00:49:20.610 --> 00:49:22.513
please send me an email.
00:49:23.980 --> 00:49:27.450
And I do believe that we
have one question that we want
00:49:27.450 --> 00:49:28.670
to get out live. Lorenzo,
00:49:28.670 --> 00:49:30.670
will you go ahead and ask that question?
00:49:34.410 --> 00:49:36.303
Sure, can you hear me?
00:49:38.070 --> 00:49:39.220
You are good.
00:49:39.220 --> 00:49:41.130
Okay, so the question is
00:49:41.130 --> 00:49:44.290
for the heel toe
distance when permitting
00:49:44.290 --> 00:49:47.290
for a horizontal allocation well,
00:49:47.290 --> 00:49:51.603
which box would you want
to reflect a one foot lease line?
00:49:53.040 --> 00:49:55.449
Thank you
for that question.
00:49:55.449 --> 00:49:57.003
Let me use some of
these new little tools.
00:49:57.880 --> 00:50:02.010
Okay, if you have this red line
00:50:02.010 --> 00:50:03.840
is your tract boundary.
00:50:03.840 --> 00:50:07.513
Tract a on one side,
Tract B on the other, okay.
00:50:08.670 --> 00:50:11.740
Your wellbore is intersecting
00:50:11.740 --> 00:50:14.230
This tract line at 90 degrees.
00:50:14.230 --> 00:50:17.900
You'll enter your one foot
in the heel and toe box.
00:50:17.900 --> 00:50:19.380
That is because this red line,
00:50:19.380 --> 00:50:21.243
although it's a tract boundary,
00:50:22.290 --> 00:50:24.240
is still an exterior boundary.
00:50:24.240 --> 00:50:27.620
This is why allocation and
PSA is getting one foot spacing.
00:50:27.620 --> 00:50:30.390
Developmental tract A
meets developmental tract B,
00:50:30.390 --> 00:50:32.803
you're leaving one lease
and entering another.
00:50:33.770 --> 00:50:36.690
If your wellbore is
intersecting that line
00:50:36.690 --> 00:50:41.690
at any other angle, you'll put one foot
00:50:41.880 --> 00:50:44.080
in both of the boxes.
00:50:44.080 --> 00:50:47.560
That's because in the case
of the 90 degree intersection,
00:50:47.560 --> 00:50:50.060
your perpendicular will
never intersect this line.
00:50:51.070 --> 00:50:53.000
And for those people that
they're going to say, well,
00:50:53.000 --> 00:50:55.650
it's on the line, we're not
going to talk about that.
00:50:57.270 --> 00:51:00.750
In this case, your
perpendicular distance
00:51:00.750 --> 00:51:04.210
will intersect this red
line and your heel and toe
00:51:04.210 --> 00:51:05.820
distance will intersect it.
00:51:05.820 --> 00:51:08.350
So if your well is crossing
your developmental boundaries
00:51:08.350 --> 00:51:12.003
at 90 degrees, use the
heel and toe one foot only.
00:51:13.080 --> 00:51:15.670
If it's intersecting at any other angle
00:51:15.670 --> 00:51:19.620
outside of 90 degrees,
shallower or more obtuse,
00:51:19.620 --> 00:51:21.903
you will put one foot
in both of those boxes.
00:51:27.730 --> 00:51:30.410
Going back to the off
lease penetration points,
00:51:30.410 --> 00:51:33.260
the date that we are going to
be reviewing and assessing,
00:51:34.440 --> 00:51:38.020
will be the most recent
date on your green card.
00:51:38.020 --> 00:51:41.720
So if you see here,
date of delivery, 7/5,
00:51:41.720 --> 00:51:44.210
date of delivery, 5/7,
00:51:44.210 --> 00:51:48.843
in this case we're going to
be using the July 5th date.
00:51:51.720 --> 00:51:54.557
This is because you're
not notified until you hold it.
00:51:54.557 --> 00:51:55.820
This is not the date
that you mail it out,
00:51:55.820 --> 00:51:57.000
it's the date that they get it.
00:51:57.000 --> 00:51:58.750
So you need to make
sure that you're providing
00:51:58.750 --> 00:51:59.683
these green cards.
00:52:00.570 --> 00:52:04.430
If for some reason, you
can't get the green card,
00:52:04.430 --> 00:52:06.360
it's a loss in the
mail, you didn't get it,
00:52:06.360 --> 00:52:08.757
it's torn up, weather got it, etc.,
00:52:10.230 --> 00:52:14.080
you can print out a confirmation
from the postal service.
00:52:14.080 --> 00:52:15.890
And as long as we have the location
00:52:15.890 --> 00:52:19.200
it got delivered to, the delivery date,
00:52:19.200 --> 00:52:20.680
we're going to be okay.
00:52:20.680 --> 00:52:22.280
This one I put on here
is an example of this is
00:52:22.280 --> 00:52:23.650
going to be problematic.
00:52:23.650 --> 00:52:27.370
It was delivered to a mail
room in Texas on July 5th.
00:52:27.370 --> 00:52:29.030
Okay, we're good on
the date, we can assess
00:52:29.030 --> 00:52:30.560
that the timeframe was met,
00:52:30.560 --> 00:52:32.133
but what mail room in Texas?
00:52:33.479 --> 00:52:35.870
Is that the break room
in my mom's office,
00:52:35.870 --> 00:52:39.530
or is that the destination
you were trying to send it to?
00:52:39.530 --> 00:52:44.393
So we want to make sure
that if you are still having issues
00:52:45.510 --> 00:52:48.860
with the off lease
penetration green cards,
00:52:48.860 --> 00:52:52.083
you know that you can still get that in.
00:52:56.360 --> 00:52:57.533
00:52:59.140 --> 00:53:01.960
Plat, self explanatory,
plat is always required,
00:53:01.960 --> 00:53:03.840
no questions asked.
00:53:03.840 --> 00:53:08.400
P-12, this will only
be for pooled units.
00:53:08.400 --> 00:53:12.130
If you have checked pooled
unit on your field details tab,
00:53:12.130 --> 00:53:14.973
you must provide a P-12,
the system will require that.
00:53:16.200 --> 00:53:19.910
If you are filing an
allocation or a PSA well,
00:53:19.910 --> 00:53:22.580
in which one of the developmental
tracts is a pooled unit,
00:53:22.580 --> 00:53:25.940
you will not check pooled
unit on the field details tab,
00:53:25.940 --> 00:53:28.350
but you will still provide a P-12
00:53:28.350 --> 00:53:30.970
to support that pooled
unit you are using
00:53:32.000 --> 00:53:36.170
P-16, this will be used
for all horizontal wells
00:53:36.170 --> 00:53:37.330
in any field
00:53:41.020 --> 00:53:44.080
and then all wellbore
profiles in UFT fields,
00:53:44.080 --> 00:53:46.610
that includes vertical and directionals.
00:53:48.220 --> 00:53:51.000
Waivers, lists, letters,
these are generally going
00:53:51.000 --> 00:53:52.850
to be used for your rule
exceptions or notifications
00:53:52.850 --> 00:53:54.700
of off lease penetration points.
00:53:54.700 --> 00:53:57.850
We just went over examples
of off lease penetration point
00:53:57.850 --> 00:54:00.810
notifications, that is
a type of attachment.
00:54:00.810 --> 00:54:04.110
A service list would be for
any notifications that need to
00:54:04.110 --> 00:54:05.763
go out for a rule exception.
00:54:06.810 --> 00:54:09.160
Due diligence letter, if
you select a publication,
00:54:09.160 --> 00:54:11.070
you're required to test
that due diligence letter
00:54:11.070 --> 00:54:13.150
per the Office of General Counsel.
00:54:13.150 --> 00:54:16.860
We are aware that the
selection box says a disclaimer,
00:54:16.860 --> 00:54:18.240
that you've done your due diligence,
00:54:18.240 --> 00:54:20.143
but our Office of General
Counsel has also required
00:54:20.143 --> 00:54:21.960
that that attachment be there.
00:54:21.960 --> 00:54:24.770
So please make sure
you're adding that attachment.
00:54:24.770 --> 00:54:26.920
Field transfer letter,
we covered that earlier.
00:54:26.920 --> 00:54:29.190
Anytime you're doing
a field transfer W-1,
00:54:29.190 --> 00:54:31.390
we need that approved
field transfer letter.
00:54:32.330 --> 00:54:34.290
These are going to be
messages you receive
00:54:34.290 --> 00:54:36.550
if your documents are missing.
00:54:36.550 --> 00:54:39.200
So if you don't attach a
plat, it's going to show up.
00:54:40.140 --> 00:54:42.070
Now this might just be here inherently
00:54:42.070 --> 00:54:43.340
when you get the attachment section,
00:54:43.340 --> 00:54:45.420
but that's because you
haven't put anything up here.
00:54:45.420 --> 00:54:47.700
If you started loading
attachment types and you still see
00:54:47.700 --> 00:54:50.463
this, make sure that you
attach the missing one.
00:54:55.410 --> 00:54:57.310
So we covered some of this stuff here.
00:54:58.790 --> 00:55:01.440
This slide covers P-12 particulars.
00:55:01.440 --> 00:55:02.533
I would invite you all to read through
00:55:02.533 --> 00:55:04.300
some of the notes on this.
00:55:04.300 --> 00:55:07.090
This helps address and
clear up a lot of the issues
00:55:07.090 --> 00:55:10.350
of when to use a P-12 with
an allocation or PSA well.
00:55:10.350 --> 00:55:12.640
As I mentioned, if you were filing
00:55:12.640 --> 00:55:14.910
a pooled unit application,
00:55:14.910 --> 00:55:18.160
you'll check pooled unit on
the field details and the P-12,
00:55:18.160 --> 00:55:21.023
in that case, will match
the entire W-1 filing.
00:55:22.370 --> 00:55:25.660
If you're using an
allocation or a PSA well,
00:55:25.660 --> 00:55:28.520
that has a pooled unit in it,
00:55:28.520 --> 00:55:32.290
the P-12 will be attached,
you will not check pooled unit.
00:55:32.290 --> 00:55:35.510
And that P-12 only needs
to match the pooled unit
00:55:36.460 --> 00:55:39.423
in the development,
not the W-1 application.
00:55:42.060 --> 00:55:46.620
Tract identifiers on the P-12
in all cases should match up.
00:55:46.620 --> 00:55:49.720
So even if you're using an
allocation or PSA that has
00:55:49.720 --> 00:55:51.740
a pooled unit in it, you should still
00:55:51.740 --> 00:55:53.133
have tract identifiers.
00:55:54.560 --> 00:55:55.810
That would also be there.
00:55:58.470 --> 00:56:00.590
On the attachment
screen, you have the ability
00:56:00.590 --> 00:56:05.590
to associate documents
to a particular field.
00:56:08.240 --> 00:56:12.110
So if your P=12 is for the
Leslie unit in lease name,
00:56:12.110 --> 00:56:16.363
in this example, we
have this P-12 in this box.
00:56:17.310 --> 00:56:19.790
This is for the Leslie unit,
you can see in the file name.
00:56:19.790 --> 00:56:22.893
So they've only associated
the Leslie unit plat,
00:56:23.820 --> 00:56:27.850
The Selman unit and the
glacier B plat are not associated
00:56:27.850 --> 00:56:28.873
with this P-12.
00:56:30.010 --> 00:56:32.030
Now when you come down here,
00:56:32.030 --> 00:56:33.530
here's a Leslie unit page two,
00:56:33.530 --> 00:56:35.870
so they still have
Leslie unit associated,
00:56:35.870 --> 00:56:39.420
but now this last
P-12 is the Selman unit
00:56:39.420 --> 00:56:41.530
and they've associated
settlement unit plat.
00:56:41.530 --> 00:56:44.700
So you can tell us which
P-12 goes to which plat
00:56:44.700 --> 00:56:47.450
in the case where you're
attaching multiple unit plats.
00:56:49.720 --> 00:56:52.880
P-16s, so we covered this briefly,
00:56:52.880 --> 00:56:56.920
all wells in any UFT field,
regardless of the profile,
00:56:56.920 --> 00:56:59.960
all horizontal wells
period in every allocation
00:56:59.960 --> 00:57:01.493
or PSA well that you file.
00:57:05.150 --> 00:57:07.200
I have another
presentation for the P-16,
00:57:08.240 --> 00:57:10.200
if you would like it emailed,
00:57:10.200 --> 00:57:13.601
you can shoot me an email
at the address in the back.
00:57:13.601 --> 00:57:15.590
I don't want to cover all of
the details of this because we
00:57:15.590 --> 00:57:17.240
don't have much time left.
00:57:17.240 --> 00:57:20.310
But what I do want to cover
as it pertains to the W-1 is
00:57:20.310 --> 00:57:23.620
that you will be listing
only wells that have been
00:57:23.620 --> 00:57:25.173
completed or proposed,
00:57:26.230 --> 00:57:27.287
meaning you have approved permits
00:57:27.287 --> 00:57:28.320
but you haven't drilled them,
00:57:28.320 --> 00:57:29.570
or they have been drilled
00:57:30.550 --> 00:57:34.020
in the same regulatory field
that that P-16 references.
00:57:34.020 --> 00:57:36.800
You don't need to list any
service type wells, injectors,
00:57:36.800 --> 00:57:39.100
disposals, cathodics,
don't put that on there.
00:57:41.360 --> 00:57:44.710
In UFT fields, you only
need to show the profile
00:57:44.710 --> 00:57:45.550
that you're applying for.
00:57:45.550 --> 00:57:46.900
If you're applying for a vertical well,
00:57:46.900 --> 00:57:49.545
you only need to show
other vertical and directionals.
00:57:49.545 --> 00:57:50.950
If you're applying for a horizontal,
00:57:50.950 --> 00:57:52.430
that's all you need to do.
00:57:52.430 --> 00:57:54.410
To save a long discussion,
00:57:54.410 --> 00:57:57.590
I've added this fancy-dancy
little chart here for everybody.
00:57:57.590 --> 00:57:59.220
You can save this slide if you want,
00:57:59.220 --> 00:58:01.450
you can download the
image off of here, print it out,
00:58:01.450 --> 00:58:02.900
put it on your wall.
00:58:02.900 --> 00:58:06.860
But this will tell you section
by section on the P-16,
00:58:06.860 --> 00:58:10.203
profile by profile when it is
needed and when it is not.
00:58:11.210 --> 00:58:15.590
The one thing I will call
out, if you look right here,
00:58:15.590 --> 00:58:17.630
section four is completely optional
00:58:17.630 --> 00:58:20.000
unless you're filing a PSA well.
00:58:20.000 --> 00:58:22.060
That is because this is a
section where you give us
00:58:22.060 --> 00:58:23.360
that percentage statement.
00:58:27.400 --> 00:58:29.840
And as we get to the end of your filing,
00:58:29.840 --> 00:58:31.520
you'll have the ability
to enter comments.
00:58:31.520 --> 00:58:34.020
This is where you
start spilling your guts.
00:58:34.020 --> 00:58:36.230
Allocation well, this is
an off lease penetration,
00:58:36.230 --> 00:58:39.450
anything extra or redundant
that you want to tell us,
00:58:39.450 --> 00:58:41.170
this is your open forum.
00:58:41.170 --> 00:58:43.330
Anything else, if you've been through
00:58:43.330 --> 00:58:47.260
a long drawn-out discussion
or strategy session with myself,
00:58:47.260 --> 00:58:49.960
Lorenzo, or well compliance,
or you're being told to file
00:58:49.960 --> 00:58:52.670
this for any reason, please put anything
00:58:52.670 --> 00:58:54.750
and everything that will help us look at
00:58:54.750 --> 00:58:56.860
this situation in this box.
00:58:56.860 --> 00:58:59.810
This is where you can
potentially avoid problems
00:58:59.810 --> 00:59:02.260
by explaining the situations
to us ahead of time.
00:59:06.000 --> 00:59:08.320
We're about to see your last step.
00:59:08.320 --> 00:59:11.660
You want to double check the
review page and make sure that
00:59:11.660 --> 00:59:14.053
you got blue check marks
up and down the board.
00:59:15.720 --> 00:59:17.503
Blue check marks look like this.
00:59:18.640 --> 00:59:19.823
It's a blue check mark.
00:59:21.490 --> 00:59:23.450
It's pretty self explanatory.
00:59:23.450 --> 00:59:25.400
As you've seen, a lot
of this is user-guided
00:59:25.400 --> 00:59:27.010
and it's kind of common sense.
00:59:27.010 --> 00:59:30.983
If you follow the displays
and the diagrams.
00:59:31.870 --> 00:59:33.920
Any error messages that you might have
00:59:33.920 --> 00:59:37.670
you'll see them up here as
I'm highlighting very crudely.
00:59:37.670 --> 00:59:38.790
So this one is telling you to say
00:59:38.790 --> 00:59:40.710
what rule exception is needed.
00:59:40.710 --> 00:59:43.093
You want to go back and
double check that well.
00:59:44.100 --> 00:59:47.870
This submit button down
here, this is your last chance.
00:59:47.870 --> 00:59:51.360
This is where you submit it in
to actually make the payment.
00:59:51.360 --> 00:59:52.600
Once you click that button,
00:59:52.600 --> 00:59:55.370
you'll then have the
option to select credit card
00:59:55.370 --> 00:59:56.840
or electronic check.
00:59:56.840 --> 01:00:00.810
And as you can see, you
don't yet have a status number,
01:00:00.810 --> 01:00:03.000
you only have a tracking number here.
01:00:03.000 --> 01:00:05.120
If after processing your payment,
01:00:05.120 --> 01:00:08.940
you see a status number and
you still see a tracking number,
01:00:08.940 --> 01:00:11.040
that's where you want
to stop and call us.
01:00:12.510 --> 01:00:15.450
So it's going to take you
through these next few slides,
01:00:15.450 --> 01:00:16.410
this is the payment portal.
01:00:16.410 --> 01:00:18.330
If you've ever bought anything online,
01:00:18.330 --> 01:00:21.540
which who hasn't nowadays
except maybe a two year old,
01:00:21.540 --> 01:00:25.230
and even that's hard to say
now, you know how to do this.
01:00:25.230 --> 01:00:27.450
It's going to give you
an itemized rundown.
01:00:27.450 --> 01:00:29.940
You'll make your
payment, you'll verify it.
01:00:29.940 --> 01:00:32.330
You'll have the payment portal options.
01:00:32.330 --> 01:00:33.820
You go through the credit card,
01:00:33.820 --> 01:00:36.260
you submit your payments and boom.
01:00:36.260 --> 01:00:39.850
If you see this status number,
tracking number's gone,
01:00:39.850 --> 01:00:42.200
authorization trace
number, you're good to go.
01:00:42.200 --> 01:00:45.193
If you still see tracking
number, stop, contact us.
01:00:46.810 --> 01:00:48.910
So we can assist you if you're,
01:00:48.910 --> 01:00:51.220
did the system timed
out during the payment,
01:00:51.220 --> 01:00:53.770
if it was successful, but
the W-1 didn't get pulled in,
01:00:53.770 --> 01:00:55.360
or if you have duplicate
payment messages,
01:00:55.360 --> 01:00:57.600
this is why I was talking about
throughout the presentation
01:00:57.600 --> 01:00:58.623
stop and call us.
01:00:59.720 --> 01:01:02.780
We can't help you if
your card is rejected,
01:01:02.780 --> 01:01:04.550
if you don't have enough
money to pay for it,
01:01:04.550 --> 01:01:07.710
or you use the wrong credit card, etc.
01:01:07.710 --> 01:01:10.410
We can't issue you refunds.
01:01:10.410 --> 01:01:12.850
That's very, very, very
important to remember.
01:01:12.850 --> 01:01:14.840
So check your credit card
balance and make sure
01:01:14.840 --> 01:01:15.820
your bank account is there,
01:01:15.820 --> 01:01:18.660
make sure you're authorized
to use the payment.
01:01:18.660 --> 01:01:21.270
Use a drilling permit query
right after you make that
01:01:21.270 --> 01:01:24.410
payment to make sure you
can see it in a name cue.
01:01:24.410 --> 01:01:27.483
If it doesn't pull up, it's
not in our system yet.
01:01:30.420 --> 01:01:32.960
To avoid fees that we cannot refund,
01:01:32.960 --> 01:01:35.380
I'm going to revert
back to the hidden motif,
01:01:35.380 --> 01:01:36.533
stop and call us.
01:01:37.460 --> 01:01:40.180
I would rather you speak
to us for five to 10 minutes
01:01:40.180 --> 01:01:42.270
to resolve a duplicate payment issue
01:01:42.270 --> 01:01:45.580
than have to tell you that
you have to pay for this again
01:01:45.580 --> 01:01:47.500
and we can't issue a
refund, 'cause let's face it,
01:01:47.500 --> 01:01:49.920
the market is not kind right now.
01:01:49.920 --> 01:01:51.460
You don't need to be
spending extra money
01:01:51.460 --> 01:01:53.360
that you shouldn't be spending.
01:01:53.360 --> 01:01:55.170
You can ask for the
manager, which is Lorenzo,
01:01:55.170 --> 01:01:57.820
or you can ask for the team
lead, which is me, David.
01:01:59.630 --> 01:02:03.060
So disclaimer, Statewide rule 78,
01:02:03.060 --> 01:02:04.220
we cannot issue refunds.
01:02:04.220 --> 01:02:07.740
This is legislated through
the Texas legislature.
01:02:07.740 --> 01:02:10.170
All permitting fees are nonrefundable.
01:02:10.170 --> 01:02:12.500
So please make sure
you're reviewing everything.
01:02:12.500 --> 01:02:13.710
If you have an issue
01:02:16.600 --> 01:02:20.660
that you're unsure of
whether or not you need to file
01:02:20.660 --> 01:02:23.700
an amendment or a
recompletion, stop and call us.
01:02:23.700 --> 01:02:25.090
If you file an amendment and it was
01:02:25.090 --> 01:02:28.170
supposed to be a
recompletion, we can't fix that.
01:02:28.170 --> 01:02:30.880
If you file a recompletion and
maybe it was supposed to be
01:02:30.880 --> 01:02:32.720
a new drill, or a field transfer,
01:02:32.720 --> 01:02:34.940
or a reclass, we can fix that,
01:02:34.940 --> 01:02:37.690
but we can't make that
recompletion an amendment.
01:02:37.690 --> 01:02:40.023
So you need to stop and
make sure you're good on that.
01:02:41.670 --> 01:02:44.310
Sometimes if the
comptroller is unable to even
01:02:44.310 --> 01:02:46.150
get your money or
they decline a payment,
01:02:46.150 --> 01:02:48.360
we may actually need
to seek a new payment
01:02:48.360 --> 01:02:50.280
if that is the case, and
a lot of that is going to be
01:02:50.280 --> 01:02:52.453
at the comptroller's
level other than us.
01:02:54.180 --> 01:02:58.600
So for any questions
regarding W-1 issues, payments,
01:02:58.600 --> 01:03:00.090
do you have everything needed to submit,
01:03:00.090 --> 01:03:03.060
call distance questions,
rule questions, etc.,
01:03:03.060 --> 01:03:05.470
please use these contact pieces of info,
01:03:05.470 --> 01:03:07.023
phone number, fax machine.
01:03:09.240 --> 01:03:12.990
That email address is
monitored by Lorenzo and I.
01:03:12.990 --> 01:03:15.430
So that's a good one to use.
01:03:15.430 --> 01:03:16.710
You can also go to the website and see
01:03:16.710 --> 01:03:18.170
if you can look up anything.
01:03:18.170 --> 01:03:21.250
If you look on the notes
section of this slide,
01:03:21.250 --> 01:03:25.070
I've entered my direct phone
number and my direct email
01:03:25.070 --> 01:03:28.030
if you want to reach
out straight to me as well.
01:03:28.030 --> 01:03:32.303
So one last public service
announcement for both you and us.
01:03:34.070 --> 01:03:36.730
You are your best defense in preventing
01:03:36.730 --> 01:03:38.750
problems with your application.
01:03:38.750 --> 01:03:41.410
Please be diligent and check your work
01:03:41.410 --> 01:03:44.220
before submitting it for review.
01:03:44.220 --> 01:03:46.980
If you do that and
you get all issues out,
01:03:46.980 --> 01:03:48.240
then you're staring at that nice,
01:03:48.240 --> 01:03:49.670
pretty sunset in that picture.
01:03:49.670 --> 01:03:52.420
If you don't, then
you've got a whole line
01:03:52.420 --> 01:03:53.790
of love letters coming at you
01:03:53.790 --> 01:03:56.940
and I know you don't
want to deal with that.
01:03:56.940 --> 01:03:59.790
So that concludes the presentation.
01:03:59.790 --> 01:04:02.540
I want to reach out real
quick to Lorenzo and Aaron.
01:04:02.540 --> 01:04:04.070
One, thank you all for being on hand
01:04:04.070 --> 01:04:06.070
for monitoring any questions.
01:04:06.070 --> 01:04:09.270
At this point, do we have
anything that we want
01:04:09.270 --> 01:04:11.243
to take care of live?
01:04:16.660 --> 01:04:17.620
It doesn't
look like we have
01:04:17.620 --> 01:04:19.050
any open questions right now.
01:04:19.050 --> 01:04:21.623
So we'll go ahead and
conclude our webinar.
01:04:22.880 --> 01:04:25.740
There is an evaluation
available on the RRC
01:04:25.740 --> 01:04:28.000
regulatory webinars page
01:04:28.000 --> 01:04:29.960
on the Railroad
Commission of Texas website.
01:04:29.960 --> 01:04:33.448
And we really appreciate
you taking the time to fill it out.
01:04:33.448 --> 01:04:35.663
Thank you everyone
so much for participating.