00:00:02.400 --> 00:00:03.420
Good afternoon,
00:00:03.420 --> 00:00:07.550
and welcome to our
webinar about RRC CASES,
00:00:07.550 --> 00:00:08.383
which stands for
00:00:08.383 --> 00:00:11.950
Case Administration
Service Electronic System.
00:00:11.950 --> 00:00:12.860
I'm Dana Lewis,
00:00:12.860 --> 00:00:14.780
the director of the Hearings division
00:00:14.780 --> 00:00:17.760
and your moderator
for today's presentation.
00:00:17.760 --> 00:00:18.760
For your convenience,
00:00:18.760 --> 00:00:20.880
this presentation may be downloaded
00:00:20.880 --> 00:00:23.343
at the web address
indicated on the screen.
00:00:27.950 --> 00:00:29.483
Please advance the slide.
00:00:34.570 --> 00:00:35.520
Thank you.
00:00:35.520 --> 00:00:38.370
I'm excited to share this
milestone of efficiency
00:00:38.370 --> 00:00:40.300
and transparency with you.
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When I started with the Commission
00:00:41.560 --> 00:00:43.010
four and a half years ago,
00:00:43.010 --> 00:00:46.250
there were stacks of paper
files in everyone's offices.
00:00:46.250 --> 00:00:48.690
And our hearing schedule was maintained
00:00:48.690 --> 00:00:50.920
in a ledger in Docket Services.
00:00:50.920 --> 00:00:53.090
A lot has changed since then.
00:00:53.090 --> 00:00:57.560
Now our hearings calendar and
dockets created in RRC CASES,
00:00:57.560 --> 00:01:02.140
are updated real time and
available to the public 24/7.
00:01:02.140 --> 00:01:04.295
While our hearings calendar
was made available online
00:01:04.295 --> 00:01:09.010
a few years ago, it was
just last August in 2019,
00:01:09.010 --> 00:01:11.860
that we implemented phase one of CASES.
00:01:11.860 --> 00:01:13.510
With 18 oil and gas,
00:01:13.510 --> 00:01:16.330
and seven legal enforcement case types.
00:01:16.330 --> 00:01:18.350
In April of 2020,
00:01:18.350 --> 00:01:21.800
we took an enormous step
forward by opening a portal
00:01:21.800 --> 00:01:25.810
to the public that allows
anyone, anywhere, anytime,
00:01:25.810 --> 00:01:28.550
to access dockets in hearings.
00:01:28.550 --> 00:01:30.420
Documents in a case or docket,
00:01:30.420 --> 00:01:34.570
maybe viewed and downloaded
without going into our offices
00:01:34.570 --> 00:01:37.300
or having to make an
open records request.
00:01:37.300 --> 00:01:39.770
Additionally, authenticated users
00:01:39.770 --> 00:01:41.830
may upload documents for filing
00:01:41.830 --> 00:01:44.380
directly to an established case.
00:01:44.380 --> 00:01:47.540
This past August, we
implemented phase two,
00:01:47.540 --> 00:01:50.910
which brought all remaining
docket types on the system.
00:01:50.910 --> 00:01:52.510
That means all oil and gas,
00:01:52.510 --> 00:01:54.500
surface mining and reclamation,
00:01:54.500 --> 00:01:57.690
as well as dockets originating
from oversight and safety
00:01:57.690 --> 00:02:00.520
are all in RRC CASES.
00:02:00.520 --> 00:02:02.480
This is a good time to move on
00:02:02.480 --> 00:02:05.210
to the specifics of how to use CASES.
00:02:05.210 --> 00:02:08.850
Our Hearings division office
manager, Carmen Calderon,
00:02:08.850 --> 00:02:11.590
will take you through a
thorough demonstration
00:02:11.590 --> 00:02:13.260
of how to use CASES.
00:02:13.260 --> 00:02:15.550
After that we will hear
from other divisions
00:02:15.550 --> 00:02:17.840
and how they use CASES.
00:02:17.840 --> 00:02:20.790
Finally, we will wrap
up with a Q&A session,
00:02:20.790 --> 00:02:25.090
where you can ask CASES
related questions of the panelists.
00:02:25.090 --> 00:02:27.010
If you are a Zoom participant,
00:02:27.010 --> 00:02:29.410
you may type your questions in the Q&A
00:02:29.410 --> 00:02:32.180
at the bottom of the screen at any time,
00:02:32.180 --> 00:02:33.440
but we will wait until the end
00:02:33.440 --> 00:02:35.560
of the presentation to answer.
00:02:35.560 --> 00:02:37.953
Let's move on to the
demonstration, Carmen.
00:02:39.160 --> 00:02:41.640
Hello, my name is
Carmen Calderon,
00:02:41.640 --> 00:02:44.110
I am the office manager
of the Hearings division,
00:02:44.110 --> 00:02:46.360
at the Railroad Commission of Texas.
00:02:46.360 --> 00:02:48.530
I will walk you through
the basic functionality
00:02:48.530 --> 00:02:50.620
of the CASES online portal,
00:02:50.620 --> 00:02:53.420
as well as how to upload
a document to the portal
00:02:53.420 --> 00:02:55.250
as an authenticated user,
00:02:55.250 --> 00:02:58.110
or a docket in the Hearings division.
00:02:58.110 --> 00:03:01.730
Please use the latest
version of Google Chrome,
00:03:01.730 --> 00:03:05.220
Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft
Edge, or Apple Safari,
00:03:05.220 --> 00:03:07.763
when using the RRC CASES online portal.
00:03:08.655 --> 00:03:12.310
For an optimal experience,
Google Chrome is recommended.
00:03:12.310 --> 00:03:14.000
And you cannot run the latest version
00:03:14.000 --> 00:03:17.843
of the listed browsers,
technical issues may occur.
00:03:18.800 --> 00:03:22.010
The RRC CASES online tool
00:03:22.010 --> 00:03:26.650
can be found on the RRC homepage,
00:03:26.650 --> 00:03:30.513
as well as the hearings
tab of the RRC website.
00:03:32.020 --> 00:03:34.710
Once you click on the RRC CASES link,
00:03:34.710 --> 00:03:37.853
it will take you to the landing
page of the application.
00:03:38.950 --> 00:03:42.090
From here, if you are just
looking to find a docket,
00:03:42.090 --> 00:03:44.320
you can click the Find a Case button,
00:03:44.320 --> 00:03:47.010
and if you are an authenticated user,
00:03:47.010 --> 00:03:48.940
and are seeking to file a document,
00:03:48.940 --> 00:03:50.860
you can click the Upload a Document
00:03:50.860 --> 00:03:52.840
to a docket at matter button.
00:03:52.840 --> 00:03:54.940
You can also click the links
00:03:54.940 --> 00:03:57.050
for the RRC CASES user guide,
00:03:57.050 --> 00:03:59.840
and authenticated user request form.
00:03:59.840 --> 00:04:02.630
If you click on the Find a Case button
00:04:02.630 --> 00:04:04.493
as selected on the slide,
00:04:05.900 --> 00:04:09.453
it will bring you to this
page of the CASES System.
00:04:12.960 --> 00:04:17.573
homepage, a user can find a case,
00:04:19.210 --> 00:04:20.833
view the hearings calendar,
00:04:22.400 --> 00:04:23.980
on the Hearings Calendar page,
00:04:23.980 --> 00:04:27.333
you can view the hearings
that are scheduled.
00:04:29.160 --> 00:04:31.360
View forms available for download,
00:04:31.360 --> 00:04:34.413
such as authenticated user request form,
00:04:35.520 --> 00:04:36.853
hearing requests form,
00:04:37.841 --> 00:04:39.293
prehearing request form,
00:04:40.470 --> 00:04:43.773
appearance slip, and
electronic consent form.
00:04:44.930 --> 00:04:49.810
Additional forms may be
found on the RRC webpage
00:04:49.810 --> 00:04:52.033
under the Hearings tab.
00:04:56.350 --> 00:04:59.800
If you are just wanting to find a case,
00:04:59.800 --> 00:05:01.423
then click Find a Case.
00:05:03.140 --> 00:05:07.160
To find a docket users
can click Find a Case
00:05:07.160 --> 00:05:11.700
which will redirect to the
RRC CASES search portal.
00:05:11.700 --> 00:05:15.470
Users can find a docket by
using various search terms
00:05:15.470 --> 00:05:19.250
like using the last four
digits of a docket number,
00:05:19.250 --> 00:05:20.783
eight digit case number,
00:05:22.610 --> 00:05:23.793
year filed,
00:05:25.030 --> 00:05:30.260
operator name, district
number, type of case,
00:05:30.260 --> 00:05:33.713
or any keyword contained in
the subject style of the docket.
00:05:35.960 --> 00:05:38.640
Also, you can actually try and search
00:05:38.640 --> 00:05:40.840
for a record in the
search bar located here.
00:05:44.210 --> 00:05:47.680
Click search when the desired
information has been filled,
00:05:47.680 --> 00:05:50.930
users may start the
results on the left-hand side
00:05:50.930 --> 00:05:53.663
of the screen by the
case or case document.
00:05:58.690 --> 00:06:02.800
Users may also sort
by the classification bar,
00:06:02.800 --> 00:06:06.020
which includes the docket group,
00:06:06.020 --> 00:06:08.450
filing year, case number,
00:06:08.450 --> 00:06:13.570
status, date time opened,
district information,
00:06:13.570 --> 00:06:17.043
rule number, business
area, case record type.
00:06:20.060 --> 00:06:21.760
Selected the desired docket number
00:06:21.760 --> 00:06:25.060
for additional detailed
information regarding the docket,
00:06:25.060 --> 00:06:27.363
and view documents at
the bottom of the page.
00:06:28.560 --> 00:06:32.170
If you are looking for a
specific docket number,
00:06:32.170 --> 00:06:36.160
and are entering the last four
digits of that docket number,
00:06:36.160 --> 00:06:38.360
the search may return the docket
00:06:38.360 --> 00:06:40.823
and documents with the same digits.
00:06:42.310 --> 00:06:46.670
A document is represented by an envelope
00:06:46.670 --> 00:06:49.463
with a purple background
as marked in this slide.
00:06:51.150 --> 00:06:54.640
A docket is represented by a briefcase
00:06:54.640 --> 00:06:56.320
with a yellow background.
00:06:56.320 --> 00:06:58.230
You will want to select the briefcase
00:06:58.230 --> 00:07:00.080
with the yellow
background to get the docket
00:07:00.080 --> 00:07:01.663
as marked in this slide.
00:07:03.720 --> 00:07:05.170
The next slide,
00:07:05.170 --> 00:07:08.870
shows detailed information
on the docket page layout.
00:07:08.870 --> 00:07:12.130
Note, you can hover over
the information symbol
00:07:12.130 --> 00:07:16.240
next to each field name
to see a short description.
00:07:16.240 --> 00:07:19.513
Fields to show you on this
slide is the docket number,
00:07:20.550 --> 00:07:24.753
party name, hearing
date, and subject texts.
00:07:26.780 --> 00:07:29.360
Case documents related to the docket,
00:07:29.360 --> 00:07:33.260
will only pull up a limited
number of filed documents
00:07:33.260 --> 00:07:34.373
in this view.
00:07:35.300 --> 00:07:39.510
To make certain you are
getting the full list of documents,
00:07:39.510 --> 00:07:42.903
you will need to click View
All as marked in this slide.
00:07:46.073 --> 00:07:48.380
Once you have found the
document that you want to view
00:07:48.380 --> 00:07:50.270
on the file and correspondence number
00:07:50.270 --> 00:07:52.190
for that specific document,
00:07:52.190 --> 00:07:53.610
that file and correspondence number
00:07:53.610 --> 00:07:55.453
is indicated in blue font.
00:07:57.550 --> 00:08:01.990
The following correspondence
document will open in Box.
00:08:01.990 --> 00:08:04.360
The Box preview shows the uploaded file
00:08:04.360 --> 00:08:08.483
as it was received in the cases
portal and processed by RRC.
00:08:09.430 --> 00:08:11.750
You will be able to see the document
00:08:11.750 --> 00:08:14.500
in a smaller preview window.
00:08:14.500 --> 00:08:16.890
To expand the preview window,
00:08:16.890 --> 00:08:19.310
and expand that document,
00:08:19.310 --> 00:08:21.550
click the four expanded arrows
00:08:21.550 --> 00:08:25.523
at the bottom middle of the
viewer, as marked in this slide.
00:08:28.070 --> 00:08:31.490
All files can be downloaded
through the Box preview.
00:08:31.490 --> 00:08:33.530
You can hover over
the information symbol
00:08:33.530 --> 00:08:34.980
next to each field name,
00:08:34.980 --> 00:08:37.193
to see a short
description of each field.
00:08:38.610 --> 00:08:41.890
Note, that some files are
not available for preview
00:08:41.890 --> 00:08:44.250
depending on their uploaded file format,
00:08:44.250 --> 00:08:46.660
or role in an active docket.
00:08:46.660 --> 00:08:49.130
You may have to download a file to view.
00:08:49.130 --> 00:08:51.730
So if an image does not appear,
00:08:51.730 --> 00:08:54.823
you can download the
document or Zip file to view it.
00:08:58.470 --> 00:09:03.130
Next, I'll be showing you
how to upload a document
00:09:03.130 --> 00:09:04.693
as an authenticated user.
00:09:05.530 --> 00:09:08.520
An in depth user guide can
be found within the application
00:09:08.520 --> 00:09:11.570
to assist with viewing
a case or a docket,
00:09:11.570 --> 00:09:13.670
as well as how to upload
documents for filing
00:09:13.670 --> 00:09:15.513
at the link provided in this slide.
00:09:18.070 --> 00:09:20.750
Users with an active role in a docket
00:09:20.750 --> 00:09:24.410
must become an authenticated
user to upload documents
00:09:24.410 --> 00:09:27.123
for filing and view additional
details on the docket.
00:09:28.090 --> 00:09:31.513
To becoming authenticated
user within RRC CASES,
00:09:31.513 --> 00:09:35.350
a user must complete the
Authenticated User Request Form
00:09:35.350 --> 00:09:37.703
found on the RRC website shown here.
00:09:39.070 --> 00:09:40.500
I'm going to talk about logging in
00:09:40.500 --> 00:09:42.550
as an authenticated user in a moment,
00:09:42.550 --> 00:09:45.330
but you can also log
in from the login link
00:09:45.330 --> 00:09:47.053
on this page as well.
00:09:49.450 --> 00:09:52.480
Follow instructions and fill in
00:09:52.480 --> 00:09:57.480
the Authenticated User Request
Form as shown on this slide.
00:09:57.500 --> 00:10:00.370
Requesters must send a completed form
00:10:00.370 --> 00:10:05.370
to rrconline-security@rrc.texas.gov.
00:10:09.070 --> 00:10:12.520
Once approved, authenticated
users can add files
00:10:12.520 --> 00:10:16.113
to a docket or case
for review and approval.
00:10:17.480 --> 00:10:19.100
They may download additional documents
00:10:19.100 --> 00:10:20.930
related to a docket by signing in
00:10:20.930 --> 00:10:23.510
with their username and password.
00:10:23.510 --> 00:10:26.090
Please note that it
may take up to 24 hours,
00:10:26.090 --> 00:10:29.580
for a user to become listed
as an authenticated user.
00:10:29.580 --> 00:10:32.760
So if you know you
have an upcoming filing,
00:10:32.760 --> 00:10:36.390
you'll want to submit in
advance of when you need to file.
00:10:36.390 --> 00:10:39.220
This is so you can make certain
you're an authenticated user
00:10:39.220 --> 00:10:41.013
prior to uploading cases.
00:10:41.950 --> 00:10:44.780
Also multiple employees of a company
00:10:44.780 --> 00:10:46.723
may become an authenticated user.
00:10:47.740 --> 00:10:52.110
Okay, to add or upload
a document to a docket,
00:10:52.110 --> 00:10:54.623
click Upload a Document
to a docketed matter.
00:10:56.230 --> 00:10:58.453
It will bring you to the sign-on page,
00:10:59.450 --> 00:11:01.810
log in as an authenticated user.
00:11:01.810 --> 00:11:03.070
As I stated earlier,
00:11:03.070 --> 00:11:05.960
you can also log in with the login link
00:11:05.960 --> 00:11:07.893
on the Main Cases page.
00:11:09.010 --> 00:11:11.290
Please note for hearings,
00:11:11.290 --> 00:11:14.210
documents only may
be uploaded to dockets
00:11:14.210 --> 00:11:16.630
created in RRC CASES.
00:11:16.630 --> 00:11:20.200
To identify if a docket was
created in RRC CASES,
00:11:20.200 --> 00:11:23.003
the docket number is in
the format listed on this slide.
00:11:24.932 --> 00:11:28.040
Authenticated users
can upload files to docket
00:11:28.040 --> 00:11:32.480
from which the user initiated
the document upload process.
00:11:32.480 --> 00:11:34.640
The document upload process is completed
00:11:34.640 --> 00:11:37.220
over the course of several steps.
00:11:37.220 --> 00:11:38.930
First, you must acknowledge
00:11:38.930 --> 00:11:41.850
that documents uploaded
to the CASES online portal,
00:11:41.850 --> 00:11:44.250
are not considered confidential.
00:11:44.250 --> 00:11:45.160
00:11:45.160 --> 00:11:48.160
any files containing potentially
confidential information,
00:11:48.160 --> 00:11:50.420
should be delivered to the
Railroad Commission of Texas
00:11:50.420 --> 00:11:53.370
using previously established processes
00:11:53.370 --> 00:11:55.233
in accordance with agency rules.
00:11:56.240 --> 00:12:02.033
For additional information,
see 16TAC 1.168.
00:12:03.900 --> 00:12:06.600
Then, you can select
the document to upload
00:12:06.600 --> 00:12:09.980
to its corresponding case
with the browser device button.
00:12:09.980 --> 00:12:11.530
This button will launch your computer's
00:12:11.530 --> 00:12:12.740
default file explorer
00:12:12.740 --> 00:12:16.710
so you can find and select
the file you wish to upload.
00:12:16.710 --> 00:12:19.990
Click Upload, once your
document has been selected.
00:12:19.990 --> 00:12:23.930
Please be aware that one
file can be uploaded at a time,
00:12:23.930 --> 00:12:27.950
and that files cannot
exceed 15 gigabytes in size.
00:12:27.950 --> 00:12:30.250
Please contact RRC for assistance
00:12:30.250 --> 00:12:33.203
with files that exceed 15 gigabytes.
00:12:34.390 --> 00:12:36.295
You will receive a success message
00:12:36.295 --> 00:12:40.290
when your file has been
successfully uploaded,
00:12:40.290 --> 00:12:43.380
click Finish to conclude the process.
00:12:43.380 --> 00:12:44.560
Repeat the above steps
00:12:44.560 --> 00:12:47.710
to upload additional
documents to your docket.
00:12:47.710 --> 00:12:48.860
One thing to note,
00:12:48.860 --> 00:12:51.510
please make certain that
you click the Finish button.
00:12:53.310 --> 00:12:55.600
If the file uploaded successfully,
00:12:55.600 --> 00:12:58.150
you will receive a verification message,
00:12:58.150 --> 00:13:00.760
to the email stored on your profile.
00:13:00.760 --> 00:13:03.763
A copy of that message
is shown on this slide.
00:13:05.890 --> 00:13:08.000
Just some notes to share with you,
00:13:08.000 --> 00:13:11.010
documents may be uploaded immediately,
00:13:11.010 --> 00:13:13.500
but may take up to 24 to 48 hours
00:13:13.500 --> 00:13:16.010
to be reviewed and accepted.
00:13:16.010 --> 00:13:17.430
Our Docket Services staff
00:13:17.430 --> 00:13:20.890
is reviewing documents that
come through the portal daily.
00:13:20.890 --> 00:13:23.180
As soon as they accept the documents,
00:13:23.180 --> 00:13:25.130
you will receive another email message
00:13:25.130 --> 00:13:29.100
indicating the status of the
uploaded document has changed.
00:13:29.100 --> 00:13:33.220
Or you may return to the
cases portal upload screen,
00:13:33.220 --> 00:13:35.800
to check the status of your document.
00:13:35.800 --> 00:13:40.260
The following status field
shows the disposition of the file
00:13:40.260 --> 00:13:42.830
as determined by the Hearings division.
00:13:42.830 --> 00:13:45.580
The status detail field
provides additional context
00:13:45.580 --> 00:13:47.463
to the filing status decision.
00:13:49.560 --> 00:13:52.330
For instance, if a filing is accepted,
00:13:52.330 --> 00:13:55.400
it will show the filing status
as reviewed accepted,
00:13:55.400 --> 00:13:57.490
or for receipt only,
00:13:57.490 --> 00:13:59.893
and status detailed as filed in docket.
00:14:00.870 --> 00:14:03.120
If a document is rejected,
00:14:03.120 --> 00:14:04.470
it will show the filing status
00:14:04.470 --> 00:14:08.070
as reviewed unaccepted or other,
00:14:08.070 --> 00:14:11.150
and the status detail would
show a number of reasons
00:14:11.150 --> 00:14:15.230
such as untimely, incomplete,
00:14:15.230 --> 00:14:17.770
no corresponding docket number,
00:14:17.770 --> 00:14:20.430
contact Docket Services for details,
00:14:20.430 --> 00:14:23.770
inappropriately filed,
discovery material,
00:14:23.770 --> 00:14:26.550
or contact guests services for details.
00:14:26.550 --> 00:14:28.600
Again, an in-depth user guide
00:14:28.600 --> 00:14:30.870
can be found within the application
00:14:30.870 --> 00:14:33.870
to assist with viewing a case or docket,
00:14:33.870 --> 00:14:36.483
as well as how to upload
documents for filing.
00:14:37.930 --> 00:14:41.290
Contact information
for the Hearings division
00:14:41.290 --> 00:14:43.163
may be found on this slide.
00:14:45.960 --> 00:14:47.460
Thank you for your time today.
00:14:48.630 --> 00:14:49.463
Thank you Carmen,
00:14:49.463 --> 00:14:53.350
for that thorough explanation
of how to use RRC CASES.
00:14:53.350 --> 00:14:55.590
We will now hear from Lorenzo Garza
00:14:55.590 --> 00:14:56.960
with the Oil and Gas Division.
00:14:56.960 --> 00:14:57.793
00:14:58.870 --> 00:14:59.703
Thank you, Dana,
00:14:59.703 --> 00:15:01.420
and thanks Carmen
for all that information,
00:15:01.420 --> 00:15:03.210
you've just provided.
00:15:03.210 --> 00:15:05.360
First, we're gonna start off with,
00:15:05.360 --> 00:15:07.810
giving an explanation of
what your Oil and Gas Division
00:15:07.810 --> 00:15:09.760
is responsible for.
00:15:09.760 --> 00:15:12.200
So the Railroad Commissioner
regulates the exploration
00:15:12.200 --> 00:15:15.580
and production of oil and
natural gas in the state.
00:15:15.580 --> 00:15:18.240
And the Oil and Gas Division
is responsible for assuring
00:15:18.240 --> 00:15:21.840
that these operations meet
all applicable Commission rules
00:15:21.840 --> 00:15:23.670
and state laws,
00:15:23.670 --> 00:15:26.600
and groups that are
involved with that process
00:15:26.600 --> 00:15:28.770
or our Technical Permitting section,
00:15:28.770 --> 00:15:32.540
our administrative compliance
section and field operations.
00:15:32.540 --> 00:15:34.730
So what I'm gonna
talk about this afternoon
00:15:34.730 --> 00:15:37.710
is what are the most
common requested hearings
00:15:37.710 --> 00:15:40.470
that we processed through our division?
00:15:40.470 --> 00:15:43.350
Who should you send those requests to?
00:15:43.350 --> 00:15:45.440
What kind of information
should you provide
00:15:45.440 --> 00:15:47.369
with your hearing requests?
00:15:47.369 --> 00:15:50.140
Who can use a CASES System how?
00:15:50.140 --> 00:15:51.900
And some important closing information
00:15:51.900 --> 00:15:55.903
that all active parties in a
hearing should be aware of.
00:15:57.040 --> 00:15:58.650
00:15:58.650 --> 00:16:00.750
So our field operations department
00:16:02.240 --> 00:16:05.360
issues violations to
operators throughout the state,
00:16:05.360 --> 00:16:09.690
who are not in compliance with
the Ethical Commission rules.
00:16:09.690 --> 00:16:13.210
Majority of these
violations can be resolved
00:16:13.210 --> 00:16:14.420
by coming into compliance,
00:16:14.420 --> 00:16:17.540
taking care of those
issues in a timely manner.
00:16:17.540 --> 00:16:21.350
Any violation that is not taken care of
00:16:21.350 --> 00:16:22.800
within the specified timeframe
00:16:22.800 --> 00:16:25.640
can be referred to our
Legal Enforcement division,
00:16:25.640 --> 00:16:28.120
and set up for hearings.
00:16:28.120 --> 00:16:32.773
At any time an operator can
come in and request a hearing,
00:16:32.773 --> 00:16:36.070
concerning the violations
they may have received.
00:16:36.070 --> 00:16:38.937
In doing so, in not
coming to compliance,
00:16:38.937 --> 00:16:42.200
for not requesting these
hearings in a timely manner,
00:16:42.200 --> 00:16:45.150
can result in leases being severed,
00:16:45.150 --> 00:16:47.770
and or your P5 being revoked.
00:16:47.770 --> 00:16:51.050
So it's very important that if
you do get these violations
00:16:51.050 --> 00:16:53.633
that you take care of
these in a timely manner.
00:16:55.760 --> 00:16:57.620
Our Technical Permitting group
00:16:57.620 --> 00:17:01.850
handles quite a variety
of different environmentally
00:17:01.850 --> 00:17:03.440
bi-metal type hearings.
00:17:03.440 --> 00:17:06.010
Our Environment Permitting group,
00:17:06.010 --> 00:17:08.630
handles water protection issues,
00:17:08.630 --> 00:17:11.750
and Chapter four, section B issues.
00:17:11.750 --> 00:17:14.850
These resolve around
recycling facilities,
00:17:14.850 --> 00:17:16.030
the initial permitting,
00:17:16.030 --> 00:17:18.020
and the renewal of
these types of permits
00:17:18.020 --> 00:17:20.310
for these facilities.
00:17:20.310 --> 00:17:22.610
Our UIC department,
00:17:22.610 --> 00:17:25.490
or Underground Injection
Control department,
00:17:25.490 --> 00:17:28.890
handles Statewide
rule nine and 46 cases,
00:17:28.890 --> 00:17:32.890
which involve the
injection of produced waters
00:17:32.890 --> 00:17:37.670
into formations and if there's protests,
00:17:37.670 --> 00:17:39.970
or administrative denials,
00:17:39.970 --> 00:17:41.820
an operative will come
in and request a hearing
00:17:41.820 --> 00:17:44.010
to get these matters resolved.
00:17:44.010 --> 00:17:46.970
They also handle enhanced
oil recovery projects,
00:17:46.970 --> 00:17:50.970
which again also entail
some sort of disposal
00:17:50.970 --> 00:17:54.180
or injection of material
into the ground.
00:17:54.180 --> 00:17:56.273
So these will come under their purview.
00:17:57.620 --> 00:17:59.570
Any of the groups
that we're talking about
00:17:59.570 --> 00:18:01.670
can also take in complaints,
00:18:01.670 --> 00:18:04.290
or any kind of good faith claim matters.
00:18:04.290 --> 00:18:06.640
So, you know, if you're not sure
00:18:06.640 --> 00:18:08.220
of who you should send it to,
00:18:08.220 --> 00:18:10.110
then, you know, just send
it to anyone in the groups
00:18:10.110 --> 00:18:12.210
and then they can take
care of any of those matters
00:18:12.210 --> 00:18:13.483
if they need to.
00:18:14.690 --> 00:18:19.020
Our engineering department
predominantly takes in matters
00:18:19.020 --> 00:18:20.860
concerning flaring exceptions,
00:18:20.860 --> 00:18:23.580
they set up quite a few hearings
00:18:23.580 --> 00:18:25.463
revolving around Statewide rule 32.
00:18:26.340 --> 00:18:30.260
They also intake new
fuel discovery applications,
00:18:30.260 --> 00:18:32.020
as well as again good faith claim
00:18:32.020 --> 00:18:36.760
or other complaints
concerning potential well issues
00:18:36.760 --> 00:18:37.633
and so forth.
00:18:40.620 --> 00:18:43.620
Our next is our Administrative
Compliance section,
00:18:43.620 --> 00:18:45.750
this is made up of our P-5 department,
00:18:45.750 --> 00:18:47.330
our drilling permit section,
00:18:47.330 --> 00:18:49.880
well compliance and our
production reporting group.
00:18:50.800 --> 00:18:53.309
Predominantly our p-5 department
00:18:53.309 --> 00:18:56.940
is taking care of issues
concerning Statewide rule one,
00:18:56.940 --> 00:19:00.240
specifically about the required
00:19:00.240 --> 00:19:04.920
types of identification
that can be accepted
00:19:04.920 --> 00:19:06.490
by the Commission.
00:19:06.490 --> 00:19:10.490
They also deal predominantly
with our inactive wells
00:19:10.490 --> 00:19:11.860
under Statewide rule five,
00:19:11.860 --> 00:19:14.170
and getting operators
to come into compliance,
00:19:14.170 --> 00:19:17.360
to plug the appropriate number of wells,
00:19:17.360 --> 00:19:20.860
to meet their obligation
per Statewide rule 15.
00:19:20.860 --> 00:19:23.660
And so they usually
are setting up hearings
00:19:23.660 --> 00:19:26.150
that go for operators who are requesting
00:19:28.120 --> 00:19:30.797
to get more time or to, you know,
00:19:31.700 --> 00:19:33.350
give us reasons why they're not able
00:19:33.350 --> 00:19:35.220
to come into compliance.
00:19:35.220 --> 00:19:36.760
Our drilling permits department
00:19:36.760 --> 00:19:41.050
typically handles Statewide
rule 37 and 38, protests.
00:19:41.050 --> 00:19:43.620
And we will set those up in Cases
00:19:43.620 --> 00:19:45.870
if we need to go to
hearing on those matters.
00:19:48.830 --> 00:19:50.650
We also have our Well
Compliance department
00:19:50.650 --> 00:19:53.540
who typically are doing
stuff around fuel rules.
00:19:53.540 --> 00:19:57.091
They process a fuel rule applications,
00:19:57.091 --> 00:19:59.810
fuel consolidation requests.
00:19:59.810 --> 00:20:04.260
They're also dealing with
Statewide rule 49 cases,
00:20:04.260 --> 00:20:06.680
which are our gas to oil ratio,
00:20:06.680 --> 00:20:08.170
and our most efficient rate
00:20:08.170 --> 00:20:11.743
to help those operators
who had the unfortunate,
00:20:13.680 --> 00:20:15.210
of having a good well,
00:20:15.210 --> 00:20:18.190
and producing more than
the field rules allow them to do.
00:20:18.190 --> 00:20:21.470
So, obviously we wanna
help folks out with that problem,
00:20:21.470 --> 00:20:22.350
but this is something
00:20:22.350 --> 00:20:25.190
that cannot be administratively
taken into account
00:20:25.190 --> 00:20:26.740
so those have to go to hearing.
00:20:28.590 --> 00:20:30.840
So, if you are requesting a hearing,
00:20:30.840 --> 00:20:31.960
if it's a matter
00:20:31.960 --> 00:20:35.000
that falls under the
Administrative Compliance purview,
00:20:35.000 --> 00:20:37.550
then those requests can be mailed to me
00:20:37.550 --> 00:20:39.820
at the address listed on this slide.
00:20:39.820 --> 00:20:44.820
Also, if it's involving our
Technical Permitting section,
00:20:45.150 --> 00:20:48.020
then those requests can
be mailed Paul DuBois
00:20:48.020 --> 00:20:49.300
who's the assistant director
00:20:49.300 --> 00:20:50.900
of our Technical Permitting unit
00:20:53.730 --> 00:20:55.540
Field operations.
00:20:55.540 --> 00:20:59.387
Any violations that are
hearings you requested for,
00:21:00.900 --> 00:21:03.500
those requests can be
sent into the district office
00:21:03.500 --> 00:21:05.790
who issued the violation.
00:21:05.790 --> 00:21:07.660
If you're not sure of the address
00:21:07.660 --> 00:21:09.370
for those particular offices,
00:21:09.370 --> 00:21:10.740
the link on this slide
00:21:10.740 --> 00:21:13.933
will take you to those
addresses on our website.
00:21:15.790 --> 00:21:19.520
So what should you provide
with a hearing request?
00:21:19.520 --> 00:21:21.690
If applicable, you should
provide a service list,
00:21:21.690 --> 00:21:26.630
those are all the effective
parties to the hearing request.
00:21:26.630 --> 00:21:28.280
Depending on the hearing request,
00:21:28.280 --> 00:21:30.830
you may have to provide certain data,
00:21:30.830 --> 00:21:33.630
geologic information,
engineering reports,
00:21:33.630 --> 00:21:36.883
plats, maps, seismic information,
00:21:38.410 --> 00:21:39.500
all that can be determined
00:21:39.500 --> 00:21:42.320
on the type of app
hearing you're requesting.
00:21:42.320 --> 00:21:44.870
Any correspondence between
the applicant and the Commission.
00:21:44.870 --> 00:21:47.350
So this is concerning
a notice of violation
00:21:47.350 --> 00:21:50.120
or a severance letter
or something like that.
00:21:50.120 --> 00:21:52.010
You'll need to provide copies of that,
00:21:52.010 --> 00:21:56.210
so we know which department
is the one responsible
00:21:56.210 --> 00:21:57.740
for that hearing.
00:21:57.740 --> 00:21:59.200
And then if necessary,
00:21:59.200 --> 00:22:02.270
any language that you would
like to appear in the order,
00:22:02.270 --> 00:22:03.690
if it is approved.
00:22:03.690 --> 00:22:04.980
So that's always very helpful,
00:22:04.980 --> 00:22:07.050
so that way everyone's clear
00:22:07.050 --> 00:22:09.703
as to what we hope the
outcome of that hearing to be.
00:22:12.290 --> 00:22:14.240
Carmen did a really great job
00:22:14.240 --> 00:22:16.050
about talking about authenticated users,
00:22:16.050 --> 00:22:18.570
so I'm gonna just kinda go
through this really quickly.
00:22:18.570 --> 00:22:21.200
Again, you need to make sure you submit
00:22:21.200 --> 00:22:25.330
the authenticated user request
form as Carmen mentioned.
00:22:25.330 --> 00:22:26.740
But once you're able to do so,
00:22:26.740 --> 00:22:29.280
you'll be able to track the progress
00:22:29.280 --> 00:22:31.370
of your hearing request.
00:22:31.370 --> 00:22:35.290
You can review the
documents that you've submitted
00:22:35.290 --> 00:22:38.120
and you can pay any fees or fines.
00:22:38.120 --> 00:22:41.180
Now, if we're talking
about a lot of information,
00:22:41.180 --> 00:22:42.013
as Carmen said,
00:22:42.013 --> 00:22:45.500
sometimes we can have
files that exceeds 15 gigabytes.
00:22:45.500 --> 00:22:48.850
You can always hold off
on providing the information
00:22:48.850 --> 00:22:50.700
with your initial hearing request,
00:22:50.700 --> 00:22:53.890
and then once your case
is set up in the system
00:22:53.890 --> 00:22:56.010
and you get your initial notifications,
00:22:56.010 --> 00:22:57.470
then you can go in there
00:22:57.470 --> 00:23:00.350
and upload those documents yourself.
00:23:00.350 --> 00:23:03.850
That way you can make
sure everything gets uploaded
00:23:03.850 --> 00:23:06.100
that needs to be there.
00:23:06.100 --> 00:23:08.840
And again, our non-authenticated users
00:23:08.840 --> 00:23:12.500
have the ability to go
in there and view a case,
00:23:12.500 --> 00:23:17.030
view old cases, see the
status of pending cases.
00:23:17.030 --> 00:23:22.030
And again, we're trying to
be transparent with the public.
00:23:22.250 --> 00:23:24.320
So this is a way for them to come in
00:23:24.320 --> 00:23:27.023
and be able to see the
process of what's going on.
00:23:28.774 --> 00:23:33.442
Again, Carmen explained how
you can access the CASES System,
00:23:33.442 --> 00:23:35.730
some of the pieces of information
00:23:35.730 --> 00:23:38.380
that can allow you to delve into there
00:23:38.380 --> 00:23:39.720
and get the information you need
00:23:39.720 --> 00:23:41.340
or the docket number.
00:23:41.340 --> 00:23:43.350
And I provided you a kind of a format
00:23:43.350 --> 00:23:45.920
of what that docket number looks like,
00:23:45.920 --> 00:23:47.340
but the operator name,
00:23:47.340 --> 00:23:49.800
the type of case, specific keywords
00:23:49.800 --> 00:23:51.220
or the district will help you
00:23:51.220 --> 00:23:54.420
be able to access a
list of different cases
00:23:54.420 --> 00:23:57.203
that may be what you're looking for.
00:23:59.800 --> 00:24:03.070
And the closing reminder
I wanted to provide to folks
00:24:03.070 --> 00:24:07.070
is that if you do have a case set up,
00:24:07.070 --> 00:24:09.990
once you start communicating
with the Commission,
00:24:09.990 --> 00:24:12.810
you need to remember
that all communication
00:24:12.810 --> 00:24:17.280
needs to be shared with
all the parties to that hearing.
00:24:17.280 --> 00:24:18.600
The failure to do so
00:24:18.600 --> 00:24:23.600
could keep your hearing
from being set up in a docket,
00:24:24.050 --> 00:24:26.930
it could potentially lead to
a dismissal of the hearing
00:24:26.930 --> 00:24:30.440
because all the information
hasn't been shared
00:24:30.440 --> 00:24:31.850
to all the affected parties.
00:24:31.850 --> 00:24:35.270
So, remember that, you
know, once we're down,
00:24:35.270 --> 00:24:37.990
we've got to that point where
you do have a hearing set up,
00:24:37.990 --> 00:24:40.570
that you're cognizant
of who you're sharing
00:24:40.570 --> 00:24:41.490
this information with,
00:24:41.490 --> 00:24:43.720
it needs to go to all parties.
00:24:43.720 --> 00:24:46.460
And if you have any questions
about any of this information,
00:24:46.460 --> 00:24:47.900
feel free to reach out to me
00:24:47.900 --> 00:24:50.703
and I'm gonna pass it
on to the next presenter.
00:24:51.920 --> 00:24:52.880
Thank you Lorenzo,
00:24:52.880 --> 00:24:55.890
for providing us with a
lot of valuable information.
00:24:55.890 --> 00:24:57.670
Moving on, Cade Harris
00:24:57.670 --> 00:24:59.720
with Surface Mining
and Reclamation Division
00:24:59.720 --> 00:25:01.460
will present next.
00:25:01.460 --> 00:25:02.293
00:25:03.500 --> 00:25:04.410
Thank you Dana.
00:25:04.410 --> 00:25:06.333
My name is Cade Harris
and I'm an inspector
00:25:06.333 --> 00:25:08.560
with the Surface Mining
and Reclamation Division,
00:25:08.560 --> 00:25:11.460
and I'll be taking you through
how we will be using CASES.
00:25:13.060 --> 00:25:14.480
So as previously stated,
00:25:14.480 --> 00:25:17.880
all necessary personnel need
to become authenticated users.
00:25:17.880 --> 00:25:20.390
If you have submitted
or requested documents
00:25:20.390 --> 00:25:22.030
to or from the Hearings
division in the past,
00:25:22.030 --> 00:25:24.020
you're gonna wanna become,
00:25:24.020 --> 00:25:25.470
or you gonna wanna download and submit
00:25:25.470 --> 00:25:27.960
the authenticated user request
form as soon as possible.
00:25:27.960 --> 00:25:30.960
And that can be found here
at the link circled on the slide.
00:25:33.070 --> 00:25:35.920
Surface Mining is now in
the prototype testing phase
00:25:35.920 --> 00:25:37.710
of integrating our MINERS system.
00:25:37.710 --> 00:25:38.670
MINERS stands for
00:25:38.670 --> 00:25:41.720
mining inspection and
enforcement reporting system.
00:25:41.720 --> 00:25:44.360
This will internally house
all documents related
00:25:44.360 --> 00:25:47.600
to all reports, notice of violations,
00:25:47.600 --> 00:25:49.343
bond releases etc.
00:25:52.170 --> 00:25:54.190
In the event of a
violation being contested,
00:25:54.190 --> 00:25:55.460
all associated documents
00:25:55.460 --> 00:25:57.270
can now instantly be
shared with Hearings
00:25:57.270 --> 00:25:59.393
and docketed via her MINERS system.
00:26:01.890 --> 00:26:04.300
And just as per NoV's,
00:26:04.300 --> 00:26:06.990
our bond releases can
now also be instantly shared
00:26:06.990 --> 00:26:08.540
and tied to an existing docket.
00:26:10.900 --> 00:26:11.733
As you can see,
00:26:11.733 --> 00:26:14.000
the process is the same
for bond release reports.
00:26:14.000 --> 00:26:16.280
All this info once approved.
00:26:16.280 --> 00:26:18.833
will be available to
the public via CASES.
00:26:21.800 --> 00:26:25.560
So looking forward, MINERS
is currently only internal
00:26:25.560 --> 00:26:29.020
and only available to our
inspection and enforcement staff.
00:26:29.020 --> 00:26:30.420
Eventually our permitting section,
00:26:30.420 --> 00:26:32.670
will have a similar system
for their business area
00:26:32.670 --> 00:26:34.480
that will integrate with
00:26:34.480 --> 00:26:37.090
to transmit and make available
staff technical analyses,
00:26:37.090 --> 00:26:39.593
correspondence related to
any significant revisions etc.
00:26:43.680 --> 00:26:45.040
Thank you for your time,
00:26:45.040 --> 00:26:46.800
if there are any questions or concerns,
00:26:46.800 --> 00:26:48.150
not answered in today's webinar,
00:26:48.150 --> 00:26:49.920
please feel free to contact myself
00:26:49.920 --> 00:26:51.070
or anyone in Surface Mining,
00:26:51.070 --> 00:26:53.420
at the email and phone
number provided, thanks.
00:26:54.450 --> 00:26:55.450
Thank you Cade.
00:26:55.450 --> 00:26:57.730
We will know here from Claudia Godoy,
00:26:57.730 --> 00:26:59.210
representing Oversight and Safety.
00:26:59.210 --> 00:27:00.043
00:27:01.690 --> 00:27:03.250
Thank you Dana.
00:27:03.250 --> 00:27:05.410
Good afternoon, my
name is Claudia Godoy,
00:27:05.410 --> 00:27:08.394
I'm a financial analyst in
the Gas Services department
00:27:08.394 --> 00:27:11.230
of the Oversight and Safety Division.
00:27:11.230 --> 00:27:13.200
Additionally, Andrea Maxwell,
00:27:13.200 --> 00:27:15.260
team lead of the
research specialist group,
00:27:15.260 --> 00:27:17.190
will assist with answering any questions
00:27:17.190 --> 00:27:18.863
at the end of this presentation.
00:27:20.220 --> 00:27:23.650
I will be discussing the
00:27:23.650 --> 00:27:26.300
as it relates to Gas Services filings.
00:27:26.300 --> 00:27:31.300
For the first time, gas utilities
can file documents online
00:27:31.390 --> 00:27:33.160
and the public can view those documents
00:27:33.160 --> 00:27:35.680
using the RRC CASES System.
00:27:35.680 --> 00:27:36.980
Prior to this,
00:27:36.980 --> 00:27:40.503
all gas utility filings were
made in person or by mail.
00:27:42.070 --> 00:27:42.903
00:27:42.903 --> 00:27:46.460
let me clarify the difference
between a case and a docket.
00:27:46.460 --> 00:27:50.950
All new gas utility filings
filed after August 24th
00:27:50.950 --> 00:27:52.790
via the RRC CASES System
00:27:52.790 --> 00:27:56.210
are created as a case by Gas Services.
00:27:56.210 --> 00:27:58.200
Cases that remain in Gas Services
00:27:58.200 --> 00:28:01.583
are administered by the
department until the case is closed.
00:28:02.690 --> 00:28:05.030
A Gas Services case becomes a docket
00:28:05.030 --> 00:28:07.130
when it's referred to and administered
00:28:07.130 --> 00:28:09.450
by the agency's Legal
Enforcement section
00:28:09.450 --> 00:28:10.803
or the Hearings division.
00:28:11.700 --> 00:28:14.710
The Hearings division will
continue to administer dockets,
00:28:14.710 --> 00:28:16.260
conduct hearings,
00:28:16.260 --> 00:28:18.480
and prepare recommendations
for the Commission
00:28:18.480 --> 00:28:21.580
on issues that need
resolution in oil and gas,
00:28:21.580 --> 00:28:22.850
pipeline safety,
00:28:22.850 --> 00:28:25.540
alternative fuel safety, gas utilities,
00:28:25.540 --> 00:28:28.543
and surface mining within
the Commission's jurisdiction.
00:28:31.070 --> 00:28:34.250
Gas Services manages
different types of cases.
00:28:34.250 --> 00:28:36.240
Examples of cases that are administered
00:28:36.240 --> 00:28:39.110
by Gas Services from beginning to end,
00:28:39.110 --> 00:28:41.480
are applications of abandonments,
00:28:41.480 --> 00:28:43.600
applications for section 311
00:28:43.600 --> 00:28:47.030
for review of the reasonableness
of a transportation rate,
00:28:47.030 --> 00:28:48.380
surrender of jurisdiction
00:28:48.380 --> 00:28:50.880
to the Commission by city government,
00:28:50.880 --> 00:28:53.563
and interim rate
adjustments or GRIP filings.
00:28:54.440 --> 00:28:56.690
Business areas such as Gas Services
00:28:56.690 --> 00:28:59.620
will be responsible for creating cases
00:28:59.620 --> 00:29:01.750
and then transferring them
to the Hearings division
00:29:01.750 --> 00:29:03.900
for review and docketing.
00:29:03.900 --> 00:29:06.450
Example of cases that
begin in Gas Services
00:29:06.450 --> 00:29:08.370
and administered by
the Hearings division
00:29:08.370 --> 00:29:10.400
are formal complaints,
00:29:10.400 --> 00:29:12.870
statement of intents to change rates,
00:29:12.870 --> 00:29:14.533
and appeals from city action.
00:29:16.630 --> 00:29:18.350
What steps must be completed
00:29:18.350 --> 00:29:22.100
before filing documents
to a Gas Services case?
00:29:22.100 --> 00:29:24.040
First as Carmen mentioned,
00:29:24.040 --> 00:29:26.290
you must be an authenticated user.
00:29:26.290 --> 00:29:27.160
If you're not,
00:29:27.160 --> 00:29:29.620
please submit the
authenticated user request form
00:29:29.620 --> 00:29:32.603
to the Information
Technology Services Division.
00:29:33.440 --> 00:29:37.440
Next, Gas Services will have
to create a new case number.
00:29:37.440 --> 00:29:40.550
If you don't know the case
number or need one created,
00:29:40.550 --> 00:29:43.630
please contact Gas Services
at the contact information
00:29:43.630 --> 00:29:45.293
at the end of this presentation.
00:29:46.230 --> 00:29:49.290
Third, once access has
been approved by ITS
00:29:49.290 --> 00:29:51.730
and a case number has been created,
00:29:51.730 --> 00:29:53.070
the authenticated user
00:29:53.070 --> 00:29:56.270
can start uploading documents to a case.
00:29:56.270 --> 00:29:59.020
As mentioned earlier,
depending on the case type,
00:29:59.020 --> 00:30:01.600
the case may be
administered by Gas Services
00:30:01.600 --> 00:30:03.810
or the Hearings division.
00:30:03.810 --> 00:30:06.440
If the case is administered
by the Hearings division,
00:30:06.440 --> 00:30:09.313
the case number will be
converted to a docket number.
00:30:10.620 --> 00:30:14.780
Next I'll discuss the benefits
of the RRC CASES System.
00:30:14.780 --> 00:30:16.690
One benefit of the CASES System,
00:30:16.690 --> 00:30:19.790
is that it provides better
access to cases and dockets
00:30:19.790 --> 00:30:22.940
for both internal and external users.
00:30:22.940 --> 00:30:25.330
After a Gas Services case is closed,
00:30:25.330 --> 00:30:27.740
users can view the documents online
00:30:27.740 --> 00:30:30.580
instead of waiting weeks or
months for the case or docket
00:30:30.580 --> 00:30:34.390
to be posted to the Commission's
online archival system,
00:30:34.390 --> 00:30:36.430
Neo Docs or novice.
00:30:36.430 --> 00:30:40.020
If the case is docketed,
users can view the documents
00:30:40.020 --> 00:30:41.620
as they are filed, reviewed,
00:30:41.620 --> 00:30:44.853
and approved for publication
by the Hearings division.
00:30:45.790 --> 00:30:47.990
The second benefit of the CASES System,
00:30:47.990 --> 00:30:50.570
is that maintaining an
electronic record type
00:30:50.570 --> 00:30:52.730
rather than relying on paper documents
00:30:52.730 --> 00:30:54.423
improves quality control.
00:30:55.280 --> 00:30:57.630
A third benefit of the CASES System
00:30:57.630 --> 00:31:00.010
is that it improves efficiency.
00:31:00.010 --> 00:31:02.510
For example, public requesting documents
00:31:02.510 --> 00:31:04.110
through the open records process
00:31:04.110 --> 00:31:06.730
can now save time
and view the information
00:31:06.730 --> 00:31:09.300
in the CASES System
without having to go through
00:31:09.300 --> 00:31:11.580
the open records process.
00:31:11.580 --> 00:31:15.670
Additionally users can download
case or docket documents
00:31:15.670 --> 00:31:17.440
without having to use regular mail,
00:31:17.440 --> 00:31:19.190
or make the trip to the Commission.
00:31:20.880 --> 00:31:23.870
Carmen spoke about how to
navigate through the online portal
00:31:23.870 --> 00:31:25.570
as a public user,
00:31:25.570 --> 00:31:28.100
but Gas Services would
like to point out a few things
00:31:28.100 --> 00:31:31.680
as you upload or search
documents in a case.
00:31:31.680 --> 00:31:34.240
As public user associated to a case,
00:31:34.240 --> 00:31:36.400
please note that only one document
00:31:36.400 --> 00:31:38.750
can be uploaded at a time.
00:31:38.750 --> 00:31:41.950
Do not submit confidential
documents through the portal,
00:31:41.950 --> 00:31:45.180
then instead contact Gas
Services to receive directions
00:31:45.180 --> 00:31:48.580
on how to submit
those confidential items.
00:31:48.580 --> 00:31:51.140
You will receive an email
from the CASES System
00:31:51.140 --> 00:31:54.270
when a document has
been uploaded to a case,
00:31:54.270 --> 00:31:58.170
and Gas Services staff will
contact the user of a case,
00:31:58.170 --> 00:32:01.013
when a document has
been uploaded by staff.
00:32:01.920 --> 00:32:05.040
As you search for documents
in a Gas Services case,
00:32:05.040 --> 00:32:07.670
please note that
documents are only available
00:32:07.670 --> 00:32:09.960
after the case is closed.
00:32:09.960 --> 00:32:13.350
Alternatively, documents
and Gas Services dockets
00:32:13.350 --> 00:32:15.650
are available for public review,
00:32:15.650 --> 00:32:17.930
as the documents are filed, reviewed,
00:32:17.930 --> 00:32:20.460
and approved by the Hearings division.
00:32:20.460 --> 00:32:23.660
One thing to note,
only gas utility cases
00:32:23.660 --> 00:32:26.580
and dockets created after August 24th
00:32:26.580 --> 00:32:29.630
will be available in RRC CASES.
00:32:29.630 --> 00:32:33.870
For all cases or dockets
not created in RRC CASES,
00:32:33.870 --> 00:32:36.190
please continue to
refer to the Commission's
00:32:36.190 --> 00:32:38.480
gas utility dockets website,
00:32:38.480 --> 00:32:42.033
or on the Commissions online
archival system, Neo Docs.
00:32:43.150 --> 00:32:44.270
Thank you for your time,
00:32:44.270 --> 00:32:47.540
and we hope that this
presentation has been helpful.
00:32:47.540 --> 00:32:49.920
I wanted to provide
the following resources
00:32:49.920 --> 00:32:51.510
shown on this slide,
00:32:51.510 --> 00:32:53.350
which may be beneficial for cases
00:32:53.350 --> 00:32:55.580
or docket related information.
00:32:55.580 --> 00:32:57.610
One thing I wanna point out for filers,
00:32:57.610 --> 00:32:59.990
is that you'll find a helpful user guide
00:32:59.990 --> 00:33:01.810
on the CASES homepage.
00:33:01.810 --> 00:33:03.860
In it we'll show you step-by-step,
00:33:03.860 --> 00:33:07.540
how to upload a document to a case.
00:33:07.540 --> 00:33:10.110
Additionally, if there're any
questions you may think of
00:33:10.110 --> 00:33:11.500
after this presentation,
00:33:11.500 --> 00:33:14.890
or if you need a new case
number assigned by Gas Services,
00:33:14.890 --> 00:33:17.510
please reach out to us
at the contact information
00:33:17.510 --> 00:33:18.870
shown on this slide.
00:33:18.870 --> 00:33:19.703
Thank you.
00:33:21.450 --> 00:33:22.810
Thank you, Claudia.
00:33:22.810 --> 00:33:26.250
And finally Melissa Glaze or Megan Neal,
00:33:26.250 --> 00:33:29.053
from Legal Enforcement,
will discuss the payment portal.
00:33:31.420 --> 00:33:32.340
Good afternoon.
00:33:32.340 --> 00:33:33.670
My name is Melissa Glaze,
00:33:33.670 --> 00:33:36.030
I'm an attorney with the
Legal Enforcement section
00:33:36.030 --> 00:33:37.750
of the office of General Counsel,
00:33:37.750 --> 00:33:40.490
and I'll be standing
in for Ms. Neal today.
00:33:40.490 --> 00:33:42.720
Before I dive into the payment portal,
00:33:42.720 --> 00:33:45.030
I will mention that Legal
Enforcement dockets
00:33:45.030 --> 00:33:47.140
are also viewable by the public,
00:33:47.140 --> 00:33:49.740
and authenticated users
can upload documents,
00:33:49.740 --> 00:33:51.250
in the same manner described
00:33:51.250 --> 00:33:54.650
in the Hearing Divisions
portion of the presentation.
00:33:54.650 --> 00:33:56.510
Not only can you view a case,
00:33:56.510 --> 00:33:58.880
you can also pay
administrative penalties
00:33:58.880 --> 00:34:00.793
for Legal Enforcement dockets.
00:34:02.640 --> 00:34:04.410
To make a payment on a case,
00:34:04.410 --> 00:34:08.450
first navigate to the CASES
online portal homepage,
00:34:08.450 --> 00:34:10.600
click the Make a Payment button
00:34:10.600 --> 00:34:13.160
on the right-hand side of the screen.
00:34:13.160 --> 00:34:16.453
Credit card transactions cannot
equal or exceed $1 million.
00:34:17.330 --> 00:34:20.870
Electronic check or ACH transactions
00:34:20.870 --> 00:34:23.210
cannot exceed $5 million.
00:34:23.210 --> 00:34:24.550
Payments cannot be divided
00:34:24.550 --> 00:34:27.230
into multiple electronic transactions.
00:34:27.230 --> 00:34:29.690
For more information on payment options,
00:34:29.690 --> 00:34:33.523
00:34:39.180 --> 00:34:41.270
Locate the docket you'd like to pay,
00:34:41.270 --> 00:34:44.830
using the Search Cases
bar to search by case number.
00:34:44.830 --> 00:34:46.510
The CASES case number,
00:34:46.510 --> 00:34:48.810
is the eight-ticket digit docket number,
00:34:48.810 --> 00:34:50.890
of the Legal Enforcement docket.
00:34:50.890 --> 00:34:52.570
If you have an older docket number
00:34:52.570 --> 00:34:54.800
that precedes the
implementation of CASES
00:34:54.800 --> 00:34:57.780
on August 31, 2019,
00:34:57.780 --> 00:34:59.530
you will not be able to use the portal,
00:34:59.530 --> 00:35:02.620
and will need to pay
through alternative methods.
00:35:02.620 --> 00:35:04.400
After you locate your docket,
00:35:04.400 --> 00:35:08.060
enter your payment amount
in the Enter an Amount bar,
00:35:08.060 --> 00:35:10.210
then click Next.
00:35:10.210 --> 00:35:13.300
Confirm that you have
located the correct docket,
00:35:13.300 --> 00:35:14.523
then click Next.
00:35:16.510 --> 00:35:17.533
Next slide, please.
00:35:18.930 --> 00:35:22.080
You will be redirected to the
Railroad Commission of Texas
00:35:22.080 --> 00:35:23.580
payment portal.
00:35:23.580 --> 00:35:25.410
Confirm your payment amount,
00:35:25.410 --> 00:35:28.330
then choose a payment
type from the Electronic Check
00:35:28.330 --> 00:35:30.280
or Credit Card buttons.
00:35:30.280 --> 00:35:31.923
Then click Continue.
00:35:33.360 --> 00:35:35.120
Electronic checks allow users
00:35:35.120 --> 00:35:39.320
to submit direct bank transfers
locally and internationally,
00:35:39.320 --> 00:35:42.303
credit card payments allow
for any card transaction.
00:35:44.190 --> 00:35:47.580
If you selected Electronic
Check as your payment type
00:35:47.580 --> 00:35:49.410
and clicked Continue,
00:35:49.410 --> 00:35:51.440
enter your contact information.
00:35:51.440 --> 00:35:54.450
First name, last name, company name,
00:35:54.450 --> 00:35:56.900
phone number, and email address.
00:35:56.900 --> 00:35:58.880
Then click Continue.
00:35:58.880 --> 00:36:01.810
Please note any information
added in this section
00:36:01.810 --> 00:36:03.530
will be used to contact the payer
00:36:03.530 --> 00:36:05.363
in the event of a payment question.
00:36:07.630 --> 00:36:11.310
On the next page, verify
that your information is correct,
00:36:11.310 --> 00:36:15.133
then click Continue or click
Previous to make changes.
00:36:17.080 --> 00:36:20.433
Verify your payment
type, then click Next.
00:36:22.770 --> 00:36:24.680
Input your contact information,
00:36:24.680 --> 00:36:28.210
first and last name,
address, city, state,
00:36:28.210 --> 00:36:30.490
Zip code, and phone number.
00:36:30.490 --> 00:36:32.313
Then click Next.
00:36:34.230 --> 00:36:37.100
Input your payment
information, then click Next.
00:36:37.100 --> 00:36:40.100
You must enter all required fields.
00:36:40.100 --> 00:36:43.453
Name on the account, routing
number and account number.
00:36:45.940 --> 00:36:47.600
Verify your authorization
00:36:47.600 --> 00:36:49.490
by reading the terms and conditions,
00:36:49.490 --> 00:36:51.360
and clicking the check box that reads,
00:36:51.360 --> 00:36:54.440
Yes, I authorize this transaction.
00:36:54.440 --> 00:36:56.530
Complete the recapture verification,
00:36:56.530 --> 00:36:58.333
then click Submit Payment.
00:37:02.180 --> 00:37:04.470
Wait for your payment to be processed.
00:37:04.470 --> 00:37:06.210
Once your payment has been processed,
00:37:06.210 --> 00:37:09.140
you will be redirected to a
payment confirmation page,
00:37:09.140 --> 00:37:11.550
and an automated email confirmation
00:37:11.550 --> 00:37:14.410
will be sent to the
email address provided.
00:37:14.410 --> 00:37:18.050
View the confirmation page
to verify your confirmation.
00:37:18.050 --> 00:37:20.650
Do not close the window
or use the Back button
00:37:20.650 --> 00:37:22.393
while the processing screen is up.
00:37:24.800 --> 00:37:27.850
If you have selected Credit
Card as your payment type,
00:37:27.850 --> 00:37:31.620
enter your contact
information, then click Continue.
00:37:31.620 --> 00:37:33.660
Again, the information you enter here
00:37:33.660 --> 00:37:37.223
will be used to contact you
should payment questions arise.
00:37:39.060 --> 00:37:42.740
Verify your information and
record your register number.
00:37:42.740 --> 00:37:46.550
Additionally, note the
additional texas.gov price,
00:37:46.550 --> 00:37:49.920
which adds a small fee
for payment via credit card.
00:37:49.920 --> 00:37:51.520
Click Make Payment,
00:37:51.520 --> 00:37:53.270
and you will be directed to a site
00:37:53.270 --> 00:37:55.143
to input your payment information.
00:37:58.330 --> 00:37:59.960
Verify your payment type,
00:37:59.960 --> 00:38:03.280
and input your billing address
and credit card information.
00:38:03.280 --> 00:38:04.720
Note that the address you enter
00:38:04.720 --> 00:38:06.660
in the customer information section,
00:38:06.660 --> 00:38:09.283
must match the billing
address of your credit card.
00:38:11.750 --> 00:38:14.983
Input your payment
information, then click Next.
00:38:17.340 --> 00:38:19.200
Verify your payment information,
00:38:19.200 --> 00:38:21.750
complete the recapture verification,
00:38:21.750 --> 00:38:23.443
then click Submit Payment.
00:38:26.570 --> 00:38:28.780
Wait for your payment to be processed.
00:38:28.780 --> 00:38:30.640
Once your payment has been processed,
00:38:30.640 --> 00:38:33.570
you will be redirected to a
payment confirmation page,
00:38:33.570 --> 00:38:35.520
and an automated email
00:38:35.520 --> 00:38:38.170
will be sent to the
email address provided.
00:38:38.170 --> 00:38:41.300
Again, do not close the window
00:38:41.300 --> 00:38:44.693
or use the Back button while
the processing screen is up.
00:38:46.400 --> 00:38:47.660
When payment is complete,
00:38:47.660 --> 00:38:50.570
users will be redirected
to the confirmation page.
00:38:50.570 --> 00:38:52.850
Users may select Print Confirmation
00:38:52.850 --> 00:38:55.300
at the bottom of the
page for their records,
00:38:55.300 --> 00:38:59.420
or select Return to return
to the RRC payment portal.
00:38:59.420 --> 00:39:02.580
An in-depth guide can be
found at the top right-hand side
00:39:02.580 --> 00:39:03.680
of the payment portal.
00:39:04.530 --> 00:39:06.220
If you have any questions,
00:39:06.220 --> 00:39:08.350
please direct them to Legal Enforcement
00:39:08.350 --> 00:39:10.580
at the email address listed here.
00:39:10.580 --> 00:39:11.413
Thank you.
00:39:12.870 --> 00:39:14.400
Thank you, Melissa.
00:39:14.400 --> 00:39:16.190
Now for the fun part, we're onto Q&A.
00:39:16.190 --> 00:39:18.420
If you are a Zoom participant,
00:39:18.420 --> 00:39:21.300
and have a question that
you have not typed in the Q&A,
00:39:21.300 --> 00:39:22.620
please type it now,
00:39:22.620 --> 00:39:24.590
and we will do our best to answer it.
00:39:24.590 --> 00:39:27.430
If you want a particular
person to answer your question,
00:39:27.430 --> 00:39:30.960
please indicate their name
or the division they represent.
00:39:30.960 --> 00:39:34.277
I see that we have some
questions in our Q&A.
00:39:34.277 --> 00:39:35.960
Let me pull this up.
00:39:35.960 --> 00:39:38.570
All right, the first question is,
00:39:38.570 --> 00:39:41.480
do you have a copy of the
slides you can email to us?
00:39:41.480 --> 00:39:44.260
If so, please email me a set,
00:39:44.260 --> 00:39:47.090
and it gives the email address.
00:39:47.090 --> 00:39:50.260
So I believe that we do
have a copy of the slides,
00:39:50.260 --> 00:39:52.830
and I believe that our public assist
00:39:52.830 --> 00:39:56.973
will be able to email that to
you after this presentation.
00:39:57.890 --> 00:40:00.210
Right, so the next question is,
00:40:00.210 --> 00:40:03.720
what is the difference
between a hearing request form,
00:40:03.720 --> 00:40:05.963
and a pre-hearing request form?
00:40:07.400 --> 00:40:09.150
Carmen, do you want to answer that?
00:40:11.540 --> 00:40:12.590
Yes, sure.
00:40:12.590 --> 00:40:14.030
Thanks Dana.
00:40:14.030 --> 00:40:15.680
A hearing request form,
00:40:15.680 --> 00:40:17.250
well the difference between
a hearing request form
00:40:17.250 --> 00:40:19.830
and pre-hearing request form is simple.
00:40:19.830 --> 00:40:21.190
The pre-hearing request form,
00:40:21.190 --> 00:40:26.190
is a pre-hearing conference
prior to the hearing.
00:40:26.500 --> 00:40:27.900
So you're just setting dates,
00:40:27.900 --> 00:40:32.900
or requesting dates
on that particular form,
00:40:34.300 --> 00:40:36.280
for your pre-hearing conference form
00:40:36.280 --> 00:40:38.543
or for the hearing form.
00:40:39.920 --> 00:40:43.650
So Carmen, basically
it's the same thing.
00:40:43.650 --> 00:40:45.650
It's just the form is particular
00:40:45.650 --> 00:40:47.740
to what type of hearing you're having,
00:40:47.740 --> 00:40:50.640
but it's effectively the
same type of information.
00:40:50.640 --> 00:40:52.110
00:40:52.110 --> 00:40:52.943
Thank you.
00:40:54.437 --> 00:40:55.270
All right.
00:40:55.270 --> 00:40:57.330
The next question is for Lorenzo,
00:40:57.330 --> 00:40:59.410
who uploads the docket file,
00:40:59.410 --> 00:41:01.370
which has traditionally
been, for example,
00:41:01.370 --> 00:41:02.800
in a permitting matter,
00:41:02.800 --> 00:41:06.450
the application, protest,
notices of deficiency,
00:41:06.450 --> 00:41:08.480
responses, draft permit,
00:41:08.480 --> 00:41:10.630
and other correspondence
between the applicant,
00:41:10.630 --> 00:41:14.570
and protestants and
environmental permitting.
00:41:14.570 --> 00:41:17.150
Is that each division's responsibility
00:41:17.150 --> 00:41:19.640
or does that now fall on the applicant?
00:41:19.640 --> 00:41:21.540
If you discussed this, I missed it.
00:41:21.540 --> 00:41:22.443
Sorry, thank you.
00:41:23.600 --> 00:41:24.940
Thanks Dana.
00:41:24.940 --> 00:41:27.930
So note certain items
00:41:28.900 --> 00:41:31.160
could be the
responsibility of the filer,
00:41:31.160 --> 00:41:33.414
but if we're talking for example,
00:41:33.414 --> 00:41:38.090
an issue concerning
rule 37, a hearing request.
00:41:38.090 --> 00:41:40.440
So I would go in there
00:41:40.440 --> 00:41:43.330
and attach the drilling
permit application,
00:41:43.330 --> 00:41:46.460
protests, the service list that came in
00:41:46.460 --> 00:41:47.930
with the application.
00:41:47.930 --> 00:41:50.400
So everything that was originally filed,
00:41:50.400 --> 00:41:53.490
that needed to be included
in the hearing request,
00:41:53.490 --> 00:41:55.210
we would go ahead and attach that.
00:41:55.210 --> 00:41:57.751
Now what your responsibility would be
00:41:57.751 --> 00:42:01.180
is to either with your
request for the hearing,
00:42:01.180 --> 00:42:03.520
provide any other
supporting documentation,
00:42:03.520 --> 00:42:05.490
that you would like us to include,
00:42:05.490 --> 00:42:08.300
in that hearing request
when we set it up,
00:42:08.300 --> 00:42:10.623
or once it's set up in CASES,
00:42:10.623 --> 00:42:12.040
then you could go in there
00:42:12.040 --> 00:42:14.780
and upload any other
supporting information
00:42:14.780 --> 00:42:17.510
that you feel is
necessary for that hearing.
00:42:17.510 --> 00:42:20.050
Now, other departments
may do it differently,
00:42:20.050 --> 00:42:23.530
but typically if it's something
associated with a permit,
00:42:23.530 --> 00:42:26.240
most of the information that
has come in for that permit
00:42:26.240 --> 00:42:30.030
will probably be submitted
with that request for hearing.
00:42:31.500 --> 00:42:33.190
Thank you, Lorenzo.
00:42:33.190 --> 00:42:34.710
Our next question is,
00:42:34.710 --> 00:42:38.140
how long does it take to get
a docket number assigned,
00:42:38.140 --> 00:42:41.300
after a hearing request form is filed?
00:42:41.300 --> 00:42:44.140
So I will go ahead
and take a stab at this,
00:42:44.140 --> 00:42:48.550
with the CASES System this
is really a different process.
00:42:48.550 --> 00:42:53.550
And all of the hearing requests
go through the divisions,
00:42:54.600 --> 00:42:59.170
and the divisions create
the case in their division.
00:42:59.170 --> 00:43:03.060
So it will already have
a number in the system.
00:43:03.060 --> 00:43:05.470
And then once they refer it to us,
00:43:05.470 --> 00:43:07.775
and we accept it as docketed,
00:43:07.775 --> 00:43:09.950
it will automatically
have a docket number.
00:43:09.950 --> 00:43:13.110
So before you get that hearing
request form sent out to you,
00:43:13.110 --> 00:43:14.770
that's requesting dates,
00:43:14.770 --> 00:43:16.830
we will already have a docket number
00:43:16.830 --> 00:43:19.220
if the docket has been created in CASES.
00:43:19.220 --> 00:43:20.380
And of course all new dockets
00:43:20.380 --> 00:43:22.580
are now being created in CASES.
00:43:22.580 --> 00:43:24.730
So hope that answers your question.
00:43:24.730 --> 00:43:27.250
Feel free to contact Docket Services
00:43:27.250 --> 00:43:30.810
if you need any further
information about that.
00:43:30.810 --> 00:43:34.123
The final, nope, I see a
couple more questions.
00:43:35.200 --> 00:43:38.070
So if I already have a sad form,
00:43:38.070 --> 00:43:39.830
will I still need to fill out
00:43:39.830 --> 00:43:43.020
the case authorization
user request form.
00:43:43.020 --> 00:43:44.870
Carmen, do you wanna answer that one?
00:43:48.140 --> 00:43:50.570
Yes, he will have to fill out
00:43:50.570 --> 00:43:53.903
a authorization user request form.
00:43:55.300 --> 00:43:56.133
00:43:57.160 --> 00:44:00.130
So there are
two different forms,
00:44:00.130 --> 00:44:01.693
two different systems, right?
00:44:02.540 --> 00:44:03.373
00:44:05.670 --> 00:44:09.563
What is the file size that
you can upload in the system?
00:44:11.800 --> 00:44:14.233
I'll take that
it's 15 gigabytes.
00:44:16.490 --> 00:44:19.280
And again, if you're
trying to upload something
00:44:19.280 --> 00:44:21.100
and you have a question,
00:44:21.100 --> 00:44:23.700
if you're working with
the division at the time,
00:44:23.700 --> 00:44:25.360
then go ahead and contact the division
00:44:25.360 --> 00:44:26.600
if you're having issues.
00:44:26.600 --> 00:44:28.270
If it's already been
referred to hearings
00:44:28.270 --> 00:44:30.090
and you're trying to upload a file,
00:44:30.090 --> 00:44:32.090
then contact our Docket Services
00:44:32.090 --> 00:44:35.760
and they'll be able to walk
you through the process.
00:44:35.760 --> 00:44:36.640
All right,
00:44:36.640 --> 00:44:41.380
let's see, are oil and gas
rule nine docketed matters
00:44:41.380 --> 00:44:45.230
now incorporated into RRC CASES.
00:44:45.230 --> 00:44:47.660
Those were not
included earlier this year
00:44:47.660 --> 00:44:49.463
during the initial roll out.
00:44:51.270 --> 00:44:53.690
So the answer to that is yes.
00:44:53.690 --> 00:44:56.250
And so the next question
is also tied into this one.
00:44:56.250 --> 00:44:59.010
He meant, or they meant will,
00:44:59.010 --> 00:45:03.807
but yes, those are now
incorporated into CASES System.
00:45:05.460 --> 00:45:09.230
So the technical permit
folks can set those up
00:45:09.230 --> 00:45:11.160
and then you can work
with them to provide
00:45:11.160 --> 00:45:14.253
all the necessary documentation
to upload into that request.
00:45:15.390 --> 00:45:17.070
Yes. Thanks for
catching that Lorenzo,
00:45:17.070 --> 00:45:20.150
cause I was thinking
rule nines were included.
00:45:20.150 --> 00:45:25.150
So yes, all docket types are
included in RRC CASES now.
00:45:26.640 --> 00:45:27.473
All right.
00:45:27.473 --> 00:45:30.540
To Claudia, is the docket
number format changing
00:45:30.540 --> 00:45:33.573
from GUD to OR,
00:45:35.210 --> 00:45:37.313
it says OR-year.
00:45:38.202 --> 00:45:40.500
Do you wanna answer that Claudia?
00:45:40.500 --> 00:45:43.000
Yes Dana, I'll answer it.
00:45:43.000 --> 00:45:47.140
Yes, the docket number
styling is changing from GUD,
00:45:47.140 --> 00:45:51.090
whatever number that was,
to OS and then the year,
00:45:51.090 --> 00:45:54.460
and then the numbers after that.
00:45:54.460 --> 00:45:58.200
If it doesn't have OS and
the year and just the numbers,
00:45:58.200 --> 00:45:59.147
that is a case,
00:45:59.147 --> 00:46:02.950
but if it has OS, year
and then the numbers,
00:46:02.950 --> 00:46:04.073
that's a docket.
00:46:05.300 --> 00:46:06.850
Right, so we
discussed the difference
00:46:06.850 --> 00:46:09.290
between a docket and a case.
00:46:09.290 --> 00:46:13.950
So in general, cases
are at the division level.
00:46:13.950 --> 00:46:18.340
So the ones that are
processed in the GUD cases
00:46:18.340 --> 00:46:20.640
that were typically processed
00:46:20.640 --> 00:46:25.640
by Gas Services will not
have that OS at the front of it.
00:46:26.210 --> 00:46:27.700
Only once they're referred to hearings,
00:46:27.700 --> 00:46:29.480
if they're referred to hearings.
00:46:29.480 --> 00:46:33.220
Legal Enforcement does
also have some dockets,
00:46:33.220 --> 00:46:35.390
but typically you'll only see a docket
00:46:35.390 --> 00:46:37.240
if it's in Legal Enforcement,
00:46:37.240 --> 00:46:39.413
or if it's been referred to hearings.
00:46:40.920 --> 00:46:43.520
And I know it's probably
tough for a lot of folks
00:46:43.520 --> 00:46:47.220
to move on from calling it GUD.
00:46:47.220 --> 00:46:49.543
I still call it GUD myself sometimes.
00:46:50.380 --> 00:46:52.460
So the next question is,
00:46:52.460 --> 00:46:55.030
you mentioned that a
copy of this presentation
00:46:55.030 --> 00:46:55.970
will be available,
00:46:55.970 --> 00:46:58.690
please let us know how to access it.
00:46:58.690 --> 00:47:00.320
We're going to go over that again
00:47:00.320 --> 00:47:02.850
and have a slide right
after we finish questions,
00:47:02.850 --> 00:47:05.053
that will give the web address again.
00:47:06.050 --> 00:47:08.210
Can you upload Zip files?
00:47:08.210 --> 00:47:09.043
Yes, you can.
00:47:09.043 --> 00:47:11.780
Carmen can explain that.
00:47:11.780 --> 00:47:13.440
Yes you can upload Zip files.
00:47:13.440 --> 00:47:18.440
Now understand that once
it is received and accepted
00:47:18.640 --> 00:47:22.570
to view it, you may have
to download the Zip files
00:47:23.610 --> 00:47:25.313
for viewing purposes.
00:47:27.480 --> 00:47:31.410
So for example, what
we've discovered that in Box,
00:47:31.410 --> 00:47:34.600
you cannot see the
contents of the Zip file.
00:47:34.600 --> 00:47:38.200
So anytime you can't see the
content of something in Box,
00:47:38.200 --> 00:47:41.780
you can download it and then
you're able to see everything
00:47:41.780 --> 00:47:42.970
that's in that file.
00:47:42.970 --> 00:47:43.910
So if there are you know,
00:47:43.910 --> 00:47:46.170
multiple documents in that Zip file,
00:47:46.170 --> 00:47:47.110
when you download it,
00:47:47.110 --> 00:47:49.510
you'll be able to access
all of those documents.
00:47:50.708 --> 00:47:55.708
The question upload file size
15 megabytes, or gigabytes.
00:47:55.920 --> 00:47:57.343
15 gigabytes.
00:48:00.010 --> 00:48:01.760
All right, and we
have another request
00:48:01.760 --> 00:48:06.760
to email to parsley energy
so we can take care of that.
00:48:07.730 --> 00:48:12.180
Public assist can take care
of that after our presentation.
00:48:12.180 --> 00:48:15.400
Let's see, if your matter
contains several docket numbers,
00:48:15.400 --> 00:48:17.343
which docket do you file in.
00:48:19.690 --> 00:48:20.523
00:48:22.360 --> 00:48:25.780
If your docket contains
several docket numbers,
00:48:25.780 --> 00:48:29.710
say your number is docket 1234,
00:48:30.614 --> 00:48:31.697
through 1240.
00:48:33.490 --> 00:48:37.960
Docket 1234 would be your parent docket.
00:48:37.960 --> 00:48:40.730
So you can upload through 1234,
00:48:43.420 --> 00:48:48.420
and indicate that it is for
all of those related dockets
00:48:51.610 --> 00:48:52.443
in your filing.
00:48:52.443 --> 00:48:57.443
And we can associate
it with the other ones.
00:48:58.160 --> 00:49:00.400
So, Carmen, let me follow up
00:49:00.400 --> 00:49:02.810
and ask you some questions about that.
00:49:02.810 --> 00:49:07.810
So an external user
is not able to mass add
00:49:07.890 --> 00:49:10.710
the way that we are
internally, is that correct?
00:49:10.710 --> 00:49:11.930
That is correct.
00:49:11.930 --> 00:49:12.763
00:49:12.763 --> 00:49:16.220
So if they're uploading a
document to one docket
00:49:16.220 --> 00:49:21.163
that they would like say going
into their other 10 dockets,
00:49:22.890 --> 00:49:25.850
would that be readily apparent to us
00:49:25.850 --> 00:49:28.550
when they upload or
should they give us a call
00:49:28.550 --> 00:49:29.880
and let us know?
00:49:29.880 --> 00:49:30.713
00:49:30.713 --> 00:49:32.040
They should give us a call,
00:49:32.040 --> 00:49:34.560
or send an email to
Hearings division people
00:49:34.560 --> 00:49:39.560
to let them know that
this particular document
00:49:39.770 --> 00:49:43.060
is related to all of these dockets.
00:49:43.060 --> 00:49:44.970
Right, so the best practice
00:49:44.970 --> 00:49:46.810
is to ensure that all your documents,
00:49:46.810 --> 00:49:49.220
that you file them on all your dockets,
00:49:49.220 --> 00:49:50.700
but if you have multiple dockets,
00:49:50.700 --> 00:49:53.600
and there's one document
that you would like to have
00:49:53.600 --> 00:49:54.720
in all of those dockets,
00:49:54.720 --> 00:49:57.260
and you would like
some assistance with that,
00:49:57.260 --> 00:49:59.590
then you would need
to call, contact, email,
00:49:59.590 --> 00:50:01.380
do something with Docket Services,
00:50:01.380 --> 00:50:03.910
so that we know that
you intend that document
00:50:03.910 --> 00:50:06.160
to go into all of those case files.
00:50:06.160 --> 00:50:09.110
And we do have a mass add function
00:50:09.110 --> 00:50:10.980
that's not available externally,
00:50:10.980 --> 00:50:12.400
and we would be able
to help you with that.
00:50:12.400 --> 00:50:14.780
But you have to let us
know because otherwise
00:50:14.780 --> 00:50:18.330
if we just get it in the
queue for Docket Services,
00:50:18.330 --> 00:50:20.440
Docket Services may
not know that you intend
00:50:20.440 --> 00:50:22.413
that for all of those dockets.
00:50:22.413 --> 00:50:23.713
00:50:23.713 --> 00:50:25.496
All right.
00:50:25.496 --> 00:50:26.830
All right, are both pre-hearing
00:50:26.830 --> 00:50:29.780
and hearing request forms required?
00:50:29.780 --> 00:50:31.750
Pre-hearing to establish a date,
00:50:31.750 --> 00:50:34.913
and hearing request
form to provide the details.
00:50:36.600 --> 00:50:37.433
00:50:40.260 --> 00:50:42.123
I believe that is correct.
00:50:44.520 --> 00:50:45.570
00:50:45.570 --> 00:50:47.660
If you have any questions about that,
00:50:47.660 --> 00:50:49.220
please contact Docket Services,
00:50:49.220 --> 00:50:52.450
and Docket Services can clarify for you,
00:50:52.450 --> 00:50:53.780
because I think we would need to know
00:50:53.780 --> 00:50:58.230
a little bit more information
about the specific situation.
00:50:58.230 --> 00:50:59.540
00:50:59.540 --> 00:51:00.373
00:51:00.373 --> 00:51:03.170
The last question that
I see here at this point
00:51:03.170 --> 00:51:06.210
is regarding items that
were previously sent via email
00:51:06.210 --> 00:51:07.833
to docket compliance.
00:51:08.900 --> 00:51:11.990
Are these to be uploaded on RRC CASES
00:51:11.990 --> 00:51:14.100
to the docket going forward?
00:51:14.100 --> 00:51:17.240
So we are not emailing compliance items
00:51:17.240 --> 00:51:19.253
to docket compliance anymore.
00:51:20.220 --> 00:51:22.360
I am not...
That's ours Dana.
00:51:22.360 --> 00:51:23.193
Okay, that makes sense.
00:51:23.193 --> 00:51:24.960
That's ours.
That's Gas Services.
00:51:24.960 --> 00:51:28.960
So please continue to
submit your docket compliance
00:51:28.960 --> 00:51:30.820
documents to the email address.
00:51:30.820 --> 00:51:33.890
Do not submit it through
the RRC CASES System.
00:51:33.890 --> 00:51:35.740
And that's just because we would like
00:51:35.740 --> 00:51:37.503
to review those documents first.
00:51:38.780 --> 00:51:39.613
Thank you.
00:51:40.900 --> 00:51:41.950
Thank you, Claudia.
00:51:41.950 --> 00:51:45.110
I did not recognize who
that question should go to
00:51:45.110 --> 00:51:46.250
right away.
00:51:46.250 --> 00:51:48.320
All right, that looks like,
00:51:48.320 --> 00:51:51.040
that we've answered all the questions.
00:51:51.040 --> 00:51:52.700
Thank you for joining us today.
00:51:52.700 --> 00:51:57.050
It's been our pleasure to
discuss RRC CASES with you.
00:51:57.050 --> 00:51:58.640
Remember, if you have questions
00:51:58.640 --> 00:52:01.640
about CASES that you
were unable to ask today,
00:52:01.640 --> 00:52:06.430
you can email public assist
at the email on the screen.
00:52:06.430 --> 00:52:10.690
We should have a slide up, yes we do.
00:52:10.690 --> 00:52:13.790
Or if your question
is division specific,
00:52:13.790 --> 00:52:16.440
you may contact the division directly.
00:52:16.440 --> 00:52:19.980
Finally, please remember that
you can find this presentation
00:52:19.980 --> 00:52:23.550
on the RRC website
indicated on the screen,
00:52:23.550 --> 00:52:25.700
and we also have an evaluation available
00:52:25.700 --> 00:52:28.300
for you to complete
at the same location.
00:52:28.300 --> 00:52:29.920
Please complete the evaluation
00:52:29.920 --> 00:52:33.400
as it helps us to perfect our webinars.
00:52:33.400 --> 00:52:35.380
This concludes today's webinar.
00:52:35.380 --> 00:52:37.893
Thank you and have a
great rest of your day.