00:00:05.942 --> 00:00:07.410
We got a good
crowd here this afternoon,
00:00:07.410 --> 00:00:09.560
so we're ready to go
ahead and get started.
00:00:12.190 --> 00:00:13.730
Good afternoon, everybody.
00:00:13.730 --> 00:00:18.730
My name is Trisha
Fleming and I will be hosting
00:00:18.830 --> 00:00:20.263
this webinar for everybody.
00:00:26.010 --> 00:00:30.010
This webinar is gonna be
about, How to Stay in Compliance.
00:00:30.010 --> 00:00:32.460
So just a little bit about myself.
00:00:32.460 --> 00:00:33.930
Again, my name is Trisha Fleming,
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I work in the Well Compliance Department
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in the Oil and Gas Division.
00:00:37.700 --> 00:00:42.250
I've been with the Railroad
Commission for 12 plus years.
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I've been in Well
Compliance for seven years
00:00:44.700 --> 00:00:48.890
and I was an Oil
Compliance Analyst for five.
00:00:48.890 --> 00:00:53.310
And I've been a Gas Analyst
for the last couple of years.
00:00:53.310 --> 00:00:55.500
Previously I worked in site remediation
00:00:55.500 --> 00:00:56.930
and technical permitting.
00:00:56.930 --> 00:01:00.455
So I've been around the
Railroad Commission a little bit.
00:01:00.455 --> 00:01:04.100
So to get started, I wanna make sure
00:01:04.100 --> 00:01:07.600
that everybody knows that
this PowerPoint presentation
00:01:07.600 --> 00:01:11.670
is available for download
from the RRC website.
00:01:11.670 --> 00:01:14.780
It's quite a long lengthy link.
00:01:14.780 --> 00:01:16.550
So I'll leave it up
there just for a second,
00:01:16.550 --> 00:01:18.503
so you guys can take note.
00:01:19.830 --> 00:01:24.470
We will be going over multiple topics
00:01:24.470 --> 00:01:26.020
within this presentation.
00:01:26.020 --> 00:01:28.050
And I'm gonna stop in between
00:01:29.820 --> 00:01:32.940
each section to see if
there's any questions.
00:01:32.940 --> 00:01:36.090
Keep in mind, there is a Q&A chat box
00:01:36.090 --> 00:01:38.460
that you can access at
the bottom of your screen.
00:01:38.460 --> 00:01:41.040
You can type your questions in there.
00:01:41.040 --> 00:01:44.410
Somebody will be in there
answering those questions,
00:01:44.410 --> 00:01:47.910
either through the chat process,
00:01:47.910 --> 00:01:51.050
or it could be that, if
it's a common question
00:01:51.050 --> 00:01:53.280
that we feel everybody should hear
00:01:53.280 --> 00:01:56.330
when I asked for questions,
it'll be given out loud
00:01:56.330 --> 00:01:58.230
and I'll answer it live for the group.
00:01:59.550 --> 00:02:01.410
If there's any questions
remaining at the end
00:02:01.410 --> 00:02:04.880
that maybe got missed,
or you thought of it
00:02:04.880 --> 00:02:07.130
after we had moved on, I'll answer those
00:02:07.130 --> 00:02:08.853
at the end of the presentation.
00:02:10.260 --> 00:02:12.410
So moving on.
00:02:12.410 --> 00:02:15.100
So this is the topics that we're gonna
00:02:15.100 --> 00:02:18.030
go over for this presentation.
00:02:18.030 --> 00:02:20.960
We're gonna go through the...
00:02:20.960 --> 00:02:24.980
Well, these are all queries
and compliance issues
00:02:24.980 --> 00:02:27.860
that fall under the Well
Compliance Department.
00:02:27.860 --> 00:02:30.140
So we're gonna look at
the proration schedules.
00:02:30.140 --> 00:02:33.460
We'll look at the gas
and oil wells supplements
00:02:33.460 --> 00:02:35.230
and how to read them a little bit.
00:02:35.230 --> 00:02:36.440
And then we're gonna go through
00:02:36.440 --> 00:02:39.670
quite a few of our
online research queries
00:02:39.670 --> 00:02:41.630
that can be very handy for an operator
00:02:41.630 --> 00:02:45.690
or for anybody that's involved
in the oil and gas industry.
00:02:45.690 --> 00:02:47.363
Very good information for them.
00:02:52.260 --> 00:02:55.750
So the first section we're gonna go over
00:02:55.750 --> 00:02:58.700
is the oil and gas proration schedules.
00:02:58.700 --> 00:03:01.770
They're posted to our
website every month.
00:03:01.770 --> 00:03:04.060
You can look at them by operator,
00:03:04.060 --> 00:03:06.840
field, gatherer, or purchasers.
00:03:06.840 --> 00:03:09.272
Again, they're updated monthly.
00:03:09.272 --> 00:03:12.420
So sometimes you may have made a change
00:03:12.420 --> 00:03:13.880
or you wanna know about a recent change
00:03:13.880 --> 00:03:17.693
and it may not be posted yet
since it's a monthly process.
00:03:20.530 --> 00:03:23.590
So from our home page, which if anybody
00:03:23.590 --> 00:03:26.300
has navigated our
homepage or website recently
00:03:26.300 --> 00:03:28.323
know that we recently updated it.
00:03:29.520 --> 00:03:31.540
So to get to the proration schedules,
00:03:31.540 --> 00:03:33.850
you're gonna wanna
select the oil and gas.
00:03:33.850 --> 00:03:37.270
It's got the little pump jack picture.
00:03:37.270 --> 00:03:39.740
You just click on that blue circle
00:03:39.740 --> 00:03:44.593
and it's gonna bring you to
the oil and gas landing page.
00:03:46.210 --> 00:03:47.520
The first one we're gonna look at
00:03:47.520 --> 00:03:49.910
it'll be for the operator.
00:03:49.910 --> 00:03:53.210
So you just click on by operator
00:03:53.210 --> 00:03:55.893
cause it's the proration
schedule by operator.
00:03:57.160 --> 00:04:01.260
And then it'll give you a
list of months and years.
00:04:01.260 --> 00:04:05.500
Now keep in mind that this information
00:04:05.500 --> 00:04:10.150
is available on the
website back to June, 2013.
00:04:10.150 --> 00:04:13.260
So if you wanna look at
historical proration schedules,
00:04:13.260 --> 00:04:15.993
we've kept them out there
and available for people.
00:04:17.190 --> 00:04:20.070
Another little handy note is
00:04:20.070 --> 00:04:23.260
if you wanna navigate in
between the proration schedules,
00:04:23.260 --> 00:04:25.820
you can use these links
on the right hand side
00:04:25.820 --> 00:04:28.100
of the screen over here
so that you can move
00:04:28.100 --> 00:04:31.180
between the different
proration schedules available
00:04:31.180 --> 00:04:33.700
without having to go
all the way back out
00:04:33.700 --> 00:04:36.193
and then back in to
the proration schedules.
00:04:37.300 --> 00:04:40.030
So we'll select by offer or...
00:04:40.030 --> 00:04:43.473
We're gonna go ahead
and look at May, 2021.
00:04:45.770 --> 00:04:47.890
And then because
we're looking by operator,
00:04:47.890 --> 00:04:49.120
they're gonna be...
00:04:49.120 --> 00:04:51.760
Your options in here
we'll be out by alphabet.
00:04:51.760 --> 00:04:54.410
So we're just for simplicity sake,
00:04:54.410 --> 00:04:56.483
we'll go ahead and we'll select the A.
00:04:57.510 --> 00:05:00.220
So if anybody's looked
at our proration schedules
00:05:00.220 --> 00:05:02.120
in the past, you're gonna realize that
00:05:02.120 --> 00:05:03.640
there's been a slight change
00:05:03.640 --> 00:05:05.940
with the updating of the website.
00:05:05.940 --> 00:05:10.940
So instead of getting a
downloaded text file in notepad,
00:05:11.810 --> 00:05:14.380
this will now open in your browser.
00:05:14.380 --> 00:05:19.010
So you can either click
the A or you can right click it
00:05:19.010 --> 00:05:21.120
so that you can open it in a new tab
00:05:21.120 --> 00:05:23.963
so that your current
tab stays open also.
00:05:25.700 --> 00:05:28.840
So we'll click A, and
then that'll give us
00:05:28.840 --> 00:05:32.963
the proration schedule
for operators by A.
00:05:34.060 --> 00:05:37.720
So on this one, we're
gonna look at, real quick,
00:05:37.720 --> 00:05:40.400
the difference between
how an oil well and a gas well
00:05:40.400 --> 00:05:42.560
looks like on the proration schedule.
00:05:42.560 --> 00:05:45.626
So the first two wells
on this proration schedule
00:05:45.626 --> 00:05:47.950
are gas ID numbers.
00:05:47.950 --> 00:05:52.060
So this one is gonna
show you your district,
00:05:52.060 --> 00:05:55.090
which is here and then your field name,
00:05:55.090 --> 00:05:56.350
and then your lease name,
00:05:56.350 --> 00:05:58.910
the gas ID number, and your well number,
00:05:58.910 --> 00:06:00.660
and then what it looks like on schedule.
00:06:00.660 --> 00:06:04.250
So one of these has a 14B2 status
00:06:04.250 --> 00:06:06.200
and the other one is an injection well.
00:06:08.720 --> 00:06:10.940
So if you... And then
this if there's any numbers
00:06:10.940 --> 00:06:13.320
under the status column of a gas well,
00:06:13.320 --> 00:06:17.640
that's how many MCFs
the well is overproduced.
00:06:17.640 --> 00:06:19.670
So it's really handy information.
00:06:19.670 --> 00:06:24.670
So then this next operator
has oil wells on schedule.
00:06:25.380 --> 00:06:28.500
So on this one, it's the district again.
00:06:28.500 --> 00:06:31.460
And this one has the field,
00:06:31.460 --> 00:06:33.410
which is the Roxie Yates
00:06:33.410 --> 00:06:35.820
listed over the top of the lease name.
00:06:35.820 --> 00:06:38.560
So it's field and lease name.
00:06:38.560 --> 00:06:41.310
And then after that, you're
gonna see the lease number.
00:06:42.280 --> 00:06:44.930
And the next column
is the movable balance
00:06:44.930 --> 00:06:47.180
of product on the lease.
00:06:47.180 --> 00:06:49.550
You're gonna have a well number,
00:06:49.550 --> 00:06:51.770
and then you're gonna have your,
00:06:51.770 --> 00:06:56.770
this one is your daily
allowable by oil and MCFs.
00:06:57.470 --> 00:06:59.420
And then on the right-hand side,
00:06:59.420 --> 00:07:04.170
you'll have your monthly
allowable barrels and MCFs.
00:07:04.170 --> 00:07:06.400
So they look slightly different,
00:07:06.400 --> 00:07:10.133
but it will list all wells
under that operator.
00:07:13.140 --> 00:07:14.730
So the next proration schedule
00:07:14.730 --> 00:07:16.610
we're gonna look at is by field.
00:07:16.610 --> 00:07:18.040
This is probably the one that
00:07:18.040 --> 00:07:20.120
I received the most requests on
00:07:20.120 --> 00:07:21.680
to make sure that it's updated,
00:07:21.680 --> 00:07:25.290
and it's the one that gives
00:07:25.290 --> 00:07:28.110
some really good testing information
00:07:28.110 --> 00:07:33.110
and requirements for
a G-10s and W-10s test
00:07:35.970 --> 00:07:38.370
when they're required,
the surveys are required.
00:07:39.285 --> 00:07:43.270
So again, we've find that there's a list
00:07:43.270 --> 00:07:45.540
of the months and years.
00:07:45.540 --> 00:07:49.700
This one goes back to May of 2013.
00:07:49.700 --> 00:07:51.560
So if you wanna look at historical data,
00:07:51.560 --> 00:07:53.713
it'll go back that far on the website.
00:07:56.440 --> 00:07:58.030
And we're gonna go
ahead and we'll look at
00:07:58.030 --> 00:08:03.030
the gas District 1
proration schedule by field.
00:08:04.170 --> 00:08:05.807
Again, it's the same.
00:08:05.807 --> 00:08:08.780
If you wanna open it
in this browser window,
00:08:08.780 --> 00:08:11.400
you can, or you can right
click and open in a new,
00:08:11.400 --> 00:08:13.023
since there's no text file.
00:08:14.250 --> 00:08:16.753
So on the gas proration schedule,
00:08:18.370 --> 00:08:20.860
you're gonna want to look at the,
00:08:20.860 --> 00:08:23.800
this is the first one
in there is a Wildcat,
00:08:23.800 --> 00:08:25.100
that's how it is on all of them.
00:08:25.100 --> 00:08:26.750
If there's any wells in a Wildcat field,
00:08:26.750 --> 00:08:27.973
that's the first field.
00:08:28.960 --> 00:08:31.380
But the interesting information on this
00:08:31.380 --> 00:08:35.070
is that your annual testing G-10,
00:08:35.070 --> 00:08:38.920
this information follows
the name of the field
00:08:38.920 --> 00:08:43.100
and the indicator is
this line of @ symbols.
00:08:43.100 --> 00:08:47.210
So your annual testing
G-10 for a Wildcat field
00:08:47.210 --> 00:08:49.810
would be September, October, November
00:08:49.810 --> 00:08:52.610
due December effective January.
00:08:52.610 --> 00:08:57.220
So this is why this is such
popular proration schedule
00:08:57.220 --> 00:08:59.370
for people to want to look at because
00:08:59.370 --> 00:09:02.913
it will show the fields
testing requirements.
00:09:03.950 --> 00:09:06.870
And then there's also the
remarks for the field, of course.
00:09:06.870 --> 00:09:10.380
In this one no well
in this field is eligible
00:09:10.380 --> 00:09:13.103
for an allowable because
it's a Wildcat field.
00:09:15.390 --> 00:09:18.120
Then this is not the best picture,
00:09:18.120 --> 00:09:20.703
but this is the oil proration schedule.
00:09:22.500 --> 00:09:27.390
So this one also has some
of the same information,
00:09:27.390 --> 00:09:29.790
Has your lease or your field name,
00:09:29.790 --> 00:09:32.790
and then it's gonna have
lots of field information.
00:09:32.790 --> 00:09:36.440
It's got your field
number, the county that
00:09:36.440 --> 00:09:38.820
the first well was discovered in.
00:09:38.820 --> 00:09:43.490
But again, well status test information
00:09:43.490 --> 00:09:44.900
for the form W-10.
00:09:44.900 --> 00:09:48.840
This one the testing period
is June through November,
00:09:48.840 --> 00:09:51.720
due December effective January.
00:09:51.720 --> 00:09:53.850
So the proration schedules have a lot of
00:09:53.850 --> 00:09:55.960
really good information
and they help you
00:09:55.960 --> 00:09:57.660
stay in compliance because you know when
00:09:57.660 --> 00:09:59.973
your G-10 and W-10 will be due.
00:10:01.290 --> 00:10:04.920
So we're gonna move
on to another section.
00:10:04.920 --> 00:10:06.970
I was just wanting to know if there were
00:10:06.970 --> 00:10:10.823
any kind of questions
that need to be answered.
00:10:12.540 --> 00:10:13.730
Trisha, it
looks like we actually
00:10:13.730 --> 00:10:16.180
have no open questions at this time.
00:10:16.180 --> 00:10:17.180
Thank you, Jackie.
00:10:19.490 --> 00:10:21.890
So the next section that
we're gonna start looking at
00:10:21.890 --> 00:10:23.150
are supplements.
00:10:23.150 --> 00:10:25.423
So supplements are,
00:10:26.650 --> 00:10:30.380
it is correspondence from
the Railroad Commission
00:10:30.380 --> 00:10:35.380
to the operator notifying
them the status of well
00:10:35.660 --> 00:10:38.690
based on the forms that
have been filed and processed
00:10:38.690 --> 00:10:41.311
by us here at the Railroad Commission.
00:10:41.311 --> 00:10:44.167
They're filed by the operator
00:10:44.167 --> 00:10:46.910
and it can be hard copies or online.
00:10:46.910 --> 00:10:48.980
So if you file something online,
00:10:48.980 --> 00:10:53.603
it will generate a
supplement to the operator.
00:10:57.570 --> 00:10:59.350
So when you receive a supplement,
00:10:59.350 --> 00:11:03.975
it's gonna be very informative to you on
00:11:03.975 --> 00:11:06.933
what changes have been made to the well.
00:11:07.900 --> 00:11:12.460
We encourage you to
review those very closely.
00:11:12.460 --> 00:11:15.790
It'll tell you if there's
something wrong,
00:11:15.790 --> 00:11:18.410
and they're generated every day.
00:11:18.410 --> 00:11:23.160
So sometimes if you
file a very large EDI file
00:11:23.160 --> 00:11:26.160
for your well tests, you could receive
00:11:26.160 --> 00:11:28.460
quite a few supplements in the mail
00:11:28.460 --> 00:11:29.920
telling you that you filed those,
00:11:29.920 --> 00:11:32.790
and we'll go over
supplements a little closer here
00:11:32.790 --> 00:11:34.313
in just a couple slides.
00:11:36.050 --> 00:11:41.050
So how to read the supplement
'cause they can be confusing.
00:11:42.480 --> 00:11:44.620
So if the well is in compliance
00:11:44.620 --> 00:11:47.450
a numeric allowable will be reflected.
00:11:47.450 --> 00:11:50.980
If the well is deficient a
non-numerical allowable code
00:11:50.980 --> 00:11:53.820
will be reflected.
00:11:53.820 --> 00:11:56.630
So there's a remark section on there
00:11:56.630 --> 00:11:59.923
that is very informative at
the bottom of the supplement.
00:12:00.780 --> 00:12:03.700
And if you fail to file all
necessary information,
00:12:03.700 --> 00:12:06.563
it will result in no
allowable being assigned.
00:12:09.380 --> 00:12:12.873
So first let's take a look at
the gas well supplements.
00:12:14.270 --> 00:12:18.780
So for the gas well,
this first supplement
00:12:18.780 --> 00:12:22.795
on the left-hand side,
it was originally set up
00:12:22.795 --> 00:12:25.170
with what we call forms lacking,
00:12:25.170 --> 00:12:27.650
that's what the 0W stands for.
00:12:27.650 --> 00:12:30.720
It means that the well
was set up deficient.
00:12:30.720 --> 00:12:32.570
This one happens to say that
00:12:32.570 --> 00:12:34.220
engineering problems were resolved.
00:12:34.220 --> 00:12:37.830
So we can assume that the deficiency
00:12:37.830 --> 00:12:40.110
had to do with the engineering group.
00:12:40.110 --> 00:12:43.750
So that's why the
previous allowable was OW.
00:12:43.750 --> 00:12:46.210
But if you look at the new allowable,
00:12:46.210 --> 00:12:49.900
the issues were resolved and
now the well has an allowable.
00:12:49.900 --> 00:12:52.610
So that's why these
are so important for us
00:12:52.610 --> 00:12:56.740
to understand how they work
because we wanna make sure that
00:12:56.740 --> 00:12:58.210
we're getting these issues resolved
00:12:58.210 --> 00:13:00.549
so our wells can have allowables.
00:13:00.549 --> 00:13:02.550
So if you look at this,
00:13:02.550 --> 00:13:06.630
there's an X after the
allowable code or amount.
00:13:06.630 --> 00:13:10.480
That's because this well
happens to be in a capacity field,
00:13:10.480 --> 00:13:12.140
and that's what the X stands for.
00:13:12.140 --> 00:13:14.920
So the 0X is fine, it was just when
00:13:14.920 --> 00:13:16.920
this supplement was issued
00:13:16.920 --> 00:13:20.470
the allowable had not been
calculated for that month yet.
00:13:20.470 --> 00:13:24.120
So once that calculates
that zero changes
00:13:24.120 --> 00:13:25.870
to whatever the allowable would be.
00:13:26.840 --> 00:13:28.660
Now on the right hand side,
00:13:28.660 --> 00:13:31.930
you'll see that the
previous allowable was zero,
00:13:31.930 --> 00:13:35.750
and then there's an allowable
on the new allowable column.
00:13:35.750 --> 00:13:39.070
Well that's because
a completion was filed
00:13:39.070 --> 00:13:42.460
that had an IP, an
initial potential test on it
00:13:42.460 --> 00:13:44.850
which gave the well it's allowable.
00:13:44.850 --> 00:13:46.610
So previously it had been filed as like
00:13:46.610 --> 00:13:49.404
a well record only maybe
the well wasn't completed yet,
00:13:49.404 --> 00:13:51.630
so it had zero allowable.
00:13:51.630 --> 00:13:54.093
But then now it has an allowable.
00:13:56.620 --> 00:13:58.803
So the oil well supplement.
00:13:59.680 --> 00:14:01.200
It looks a little bit different
00:14:01.200 --> 00:14:03.223
but essentially reads the same.
00:14:04.190 --> 00:14:06.820
The one on the left, it looks like
00:14:06.820 --> 00:14:09.790
a completion was filed with no test.
00:14:09.790 --> 00:14:12.040
So it was probably a well record only,
00:14:12.040 --> 00:14:15.340
maybe they hadn't
finished completing the well.
00:14:15.340 --> 00:14:18.730
So the well is set up delinquent a W2.
00:14:18.730 --> 00:14:22.360
And the reason is because the well needs
00:14:22.360 --> 00:14:24.380
an initial potential test filed on it
00:14:24.380 --> 00:14:26.670
prior to it being able to produce.
00:14:26.670 --> 00:14:30.560
So we set it up forms
lacking the form required
00:14:30.560 --> 00:14:32.260
for an allowable to be assigned.
00:14:32.260 --> 00:14:33.763
So in this case it's a W2.
00:14:34.850 --> 00:14:36.963
So on the right hand side,
00:14:37.940 --> 00:14:42.940
this one is a supplement
issued because a W-10 was filed.
00:14:44.290 --> 00:14:49.050
So essentially it's telling us what
00:14:49.050 --> 00:14:52.120
the old allowable was
versus new allowable,
00:14:52.120 --> 00:14:55.530
because a new survey test was filed.
00:14:55.530 --> 00:14:57.860
So again, nothing wrong with what's
00:14:57.860 --> 00:15:01.530
on this right-hand side,
just informational that
00:15:01.530 --> 00:15:04.713
the well allowable change
due to a W-10 being filed.
00:15:07.190 --> 00:15:08.172
00:15:08.172 --> 00:15:11.612
So we are gonna move
on to another section.
00:15:11.612 --> 00:15:13.606
I do see there's a couple of questions,
00:15:13.606 --> 00:15:17.383
and so I wanted to see if we
needed to answer those live.
00:15:19.940 --> 00:15:21.860
Yes, Trisha.
00:15:21.860 --> 00:15:24.440
One of the attendees is
asking if you could explain
00:15:24.440 --> 00:15:26.580
what the symbols mean,
following the numbers
00:15:26.580 --> 00:15:28.650
on the daily oil allowable, or sorry,
00:15:28.650 --> 00:15:30.520
daily allowable.
00:15:30.520 --> 00:15:33.343
And I held off on sending
the links on this one,
00:15:34.470 --> 00:15:36.842
because I thought we
could verbally tell everybody
00:15:36.842 --> 00:15:38.690
how to get to the code sheets.
00:15:38.690 --> 00:15:39.523
00:15:39.523 --> 00:15:42.650
So we do have...
00:15:42.650 --> 00:15:45.730
Those codes are
available on our website.
00:15:45.730 --> 00:15:49.343
In fact, if you go to
this same page where,
00:15:50.330 --> 00:15:51.790
from the homepage to go like
00:15:51.790 --> 00:15:54.290
you're gonna go to
the proration schedules,
00:15:54.290 --> 00:15:59.060
where it had the gather
purchaser, by operator, by field.
00:15:59.060 --> 00:16:03.170
Right underneath those
are the oil allowable symbols
00:16:03.170 --> 00:16:08.170
for oil and then they also
have the gas ones on there.
00:16:10.100 --> 00:16:12.586
We've been in the
process of updating them.
00:16:12.586 --> 00:16:15.590
The oil ones are brand
new and they look great.
00:16:15.590 --> 00:16:16.850
Thank you, Jackie.
00:16:16.850 --> 00:16:19.560
And we're gonna update the gas ones too,
00:16:19.560 --> 00:16:21.550
but they are there
available for you to look at
00:16:21.550 --> 00:16:23.420
and you can print them
and then you can understand
00:16:23.420 --> 00:16:26.710
maybe a little bit what
the different codes mean
00:16:26.710 --> 00:16:28.260
when you get your supplements
00:16:28.260 --> 00:16:29.960
or look on the proration schedule.
00:16:31.860 --> 00:16:33.360
Then the other question,
00:16:33.360 --> 00:16:35.580
though, it may be a little bit straight
00:16:35.580 --> 00:16:39.890
from the schedules themselves.
00:16:39.890 --> 00:16:42.580
It is a word that you
mentioned a couple of times,
00:16:42.580 --> 00:16:45.490
so I figured people might be curious.
00:16:45.490 --> 00:16:47.883
Can you explain what
a capacity field is?
00:16:48.960 --> 00:16:51.140
Capacity field is an
00:16:51.140 --> 00:16:54.050
absolute open flow gas field.
00:16:54.050 --> 00:16:59.050
Essentially, allowable is
mirrors exactly what you produced
00:16:59.580 --> 00:17:02.720
for the month in those gas fields.
00:17:02.720 --> 00:17:05.513
So that's what a capacity field is.
00:17:07.519 --> 00:17:08.450
And that concludes
00:17:08.450 --> 00:17:10.390
the questions for this section.
00:17:10.390 --> 00:17:12.320
Thank you, Jackie.
00:17:12.320 --> 00:17:13.153
00:17:13.153 --> 00:17:15.630
So our next section that
we're gonna start going over
00:17:15.630 --> 00:17:17.300
and what we'll pretty much take
00:17:17.300 --> 00:17:19.000
the remainder of the presentation
00:17:19.000 --> 00:17:21.390
are the online research queries.
00:17:21.390 --> 00:17:24.700
So keep in mind, nothing we talk about
00:17:24.700 --> 00:17:29.270
in this presentation requires a login.
00:17:29.270 --> 00:17:33.920
You can access all this
information from our homepage.
00:17:33.920 --> 00:17:38.420
So there's no need to
think that you have to have
00:17:38.420 --> 00:17:40.620
a special login or you
have to have access
00:17:40.620 --> 00:17:43.790
to this through the
online filing system.
00:17:43.790 --> 00:17:46.800
This is stuff that's available
directly from our homepage.
00:17:46.800 --> 00:17:50.470
So the online research
queries allow users
00:17:50.470 --> 00:17:52.760
to search for a variety
of data available
00:17:52.760 --> 00:17:55.653
in reference to oil and gas
wells in the state of Texas.
00:17:56.890 --> 00:17:59.550
So here we are again at our homepage.
00:17:59.550 --> 00:18:03.340
So we already kind of
looked at the oil and gas link.
00:18:03.340 --> 00:18:07.360
So now on some screens you
might have to kinda scroll down,
00:18:07.360 --> 00:18:11.590
but there's this dark blue
line of links that you can use.
00:18:11.590 --> 00:18:14.763
So we're gonna look at the queries link.
00:18:16.600 --> 00:18:17.750
And when you click on that,
00:18:17.750 --> 00:18:21.290
you'll land on this
research queries page.
00:18:21.290 --> 00:18:23.620
And the section we're gonna look under,
00:18:23.620 --> 00:18:25.560
all of our queries
are under oil and gas.
00:18:25.560 --> 00:18:27.050
If you scroll down on this page,
00:18:27.050 --> 00:18:30.480
there's links to many other parts
00:18:30.480 --> 00:18:31.680
of the Railroad Commission,
00:18:31.680 --> 00:18:34.023
but we're gonna focus on oil and gas.
00:18:36.640 --> 00:18:40.600
So one thing that is really handy is,
00:18:40.600 --> 00:18:44.720
you can see when you look
at the oil and gas queries,
00:18:44.720 --> 00:18:47.560
when those queries have been updated.
00:18:47.560 --> 00:18:49.620
As you can see, there
are some things in here
00:18:49.620 --> 00:18:51.050
that are updated nightly.
00:18:51.050 --> 00:18:54.960
We've got the Brownfields
and voluntary cleanup program,
00:18:54.960 --> 00:18:57.510
that one's annually.
00:18:57.510 --> 00:19:00.960
But most of them have
are nightly or monthly.
00:19:00.960 --> 00:19:02.780
The other one that's a little bit longer
00:19:02.780 --> 00:19:06.500
is this one here for
three to six months,
00:19:06.500 --> 00:19:08.010
and that has to do with the fact
00:19:08.010 --> 00:19:10.830
that they're imaging hard-copy documents
00:19:10.830 --> 00:19:12.590
so that they can be accessed online,
00:19:12.590 --> 00:19:14.490
so it takes a little longer.
00:19:14.490 --> 00:19:18.690
So again, this column
is very, very helpful
00:19:18.690 --> 00:19:21.453
to know if you're looking
at new information or not.
00:19:22.880 --> 00:19:24.470
So the first little query
00:19:24.470 --> 00:19:26.930
we're gonna look at is
the Completions Query.
00:19:26.930 --> 00:19:28.303
This is used to find completions
00:19:28.303 --> 00:19:30.560
that have been filed online.
00:19:30.560 --> 00:19:32.330
Using this query allows you to view
00:19:32.330 --> 00:19:34.980
all of the forms that
were filed with the Packet.
00:19:34.980 --> 00:19:38.580
So it can be very handy.
00:19:38.580 --> 00:19:41.270
This is one that is updated nightly,
00:19:41.270 --> 00:19:44.773
and so to access it you'll
wanna click launch application,
00:19:47.410 --> 00:19:50.563
and then you'll wanna
select the completions query.
00:19:53.800 --> 00:19:58.800
Then from here, what's really
nice is there's multiple ways
00:19:59.010 --> 00:20:02.810
you can look for the completions.
00:20:02.810 --> 00:20:04.960
If you only know the API number,
00:20:04.960 --> 00:20:08.020
you would wanna enter
that or the drilling permit,
00:20:08.020 --> 00:20:09.760
or maybe you even
know the tracking number
00:20:09.760 --> 00:20:12.770
for the completion you're looking for.
00:20:12.770 --> 00:20:14.460
But for our purposes
we're gonna go ahead
00:20:14.460 --> 00:20:17.003
and we're gonna use a lease number.
00:20:17.003 --> 00:20:19.010
So I entered a gas ID number,
00:20:19.010 --> 00:20:21.073
and then you just click the search,
00:20:24.760 --> 00:20:27.720
and then it'll pull up
the tracking number.
00:20:27.720 --> 00:20:29.630
And that tracking number is gonna be
00:20:29.630 --> 00:20:31.560
your link to the well information.
00:20:31.560 --> 00:20:33.760
So you'll just click on
the tracking number.
00:20:34.950 --> 00:20:38.690
And so you can view,
like it said, in the opening,
00:20:38.690 --> 00:20:40.900
you can view any of the documents
00:20:40.900 --> 00:20:43.723
that were submitted
with this completion.
00:20:44.900 --> 00:20:48.460
I mean, that's both
online, electronic forms
00:20:48.460 --> 00:20:53.020
that were filled out and any
attached scan documents
00:20:53.020 --> 00:20:54.210
that were attached to it.
00:20:54.210 --> 00:20:57.880
So like the Packet is usually
one that isn't electronic,
00:20:57.880 --> 00:20:59.910
they attach to the file.
00:20:59.910 --> 00:21:03.080
So it'll let you know when
this completion was approved
00:21:03.080 --> 00:21:04.520
and it's gonna let you know if there was
00:21:04.520 --> 00:21:09.190
any comments left on
this well by the RRC staff.
00:21:09.190 --> 00:21:10.740
So for us, we're just gonna go ahead
00:21:10.740 --> 00:21:13.293
and we'll take a quick look at the G1,
00:21:14.280 --> 00:21:17.130
how it looks when you click on that.
00:21:17.130 --> 00:21:21.550
So this is the completion G1 form,
00:21:21.550 --> 00:21:24.670
and it essentially takes
the electronic document
00:21:24.670 --> 00:21:28.840
and puts it into this form
so that you can print it out,
00:21:28.840 --> 00:21:32.524
download it, look at it,
whatever it is you need to do.
00:21:32.524 --> 00:21:36.320
So that's the completions query.
00:21:36.320 --> 00:21:41.083
So is there any questions
that need answered?
00:21:44.810 --> 00:21:45.940
Not at this time.
00:21:45.940 --> 00:21:46.990
Thank you.
00:21:48.020 --> 00:21:51.210
So our next Query
that we're gonna review
00:21:51.210 --> 00:21:53.253
is gonna be the Field Rules Query.
00:21:54.320 --> 00:21:55.670
So this is gonna allow you to see
00:21:55.670 --> 00:21:57.870
the latest rules for regulatory field
00:21:57.870 --> 00:22:00.570
by using the following search criteria.
00:22:00.570 --> 00:22:03.653
You can either use the field
name or the field number.
00:22:05.040 --> 00:22:08.300
So again, we're going to the queries,
00:22:08.300 --> 00:22:09.860
the online research queries.
00:22:09.860 --> 00:22:11.830
This one again is updated nightly,
00:22:11.830 --> 00:22:15.220
and we'll go ahead and
we'll click launch application.
00:22:15.220 --> 00:22:18.090
And so this is the
search box that you get
00:22:18.090 --> 00:22:20.260
so that you can pull up the field.
00:22:20.260 --> 00:22:23.200
So keep in mind that,
let's say you don't know
00:22:23.200 --> 00:22:26.000
the whole name, like, you
know it's a Wolfcamp field,
00:22:26.000 --> 00:22:29.220
and you'll kinda, well if I
see it I'll know what it is.
00:22:29.220 --> 00:22:31.570
You can type Wolfcamp and change it to,
00:22:31.570 --> 00:22:34.212
containing these characters,
and it's gonna pull up
00:22:34.212 --> 00:22:36.780
every field with the
word Wolfcamp in it.
00:22:36.780 --> 00:22:39.740
So it's kinda better
to know the field name
00:22:39.740 --> 00:22:42.690
and you can type it in
and use this like this one.
00:22:42.690 --> 00:22:43.600
This is the Sprayberry,
00:22:43.600 --> 00:22:45.600
I was looking for the
Sprayberry trend area.
00:22:45.600 --> 00:22:46.990
I don't have to enter the whole thing.
00:22:46.990 --> 00:22:49.321
I just have to give the system
something to search for.
00:22:49.321 --> 00:22:52.450
Or if you actually
know the field number,
00:22:52.450 --> 00:22:56.380
you have to select this,
matching this number exactly.
00:22:56.380 --> 00:22:58.230
Type the field number
and then click search,
00:22:58.230 --> 00:23:00.150
and then you only get one search result,
00:23:00.150 --> 00:23:02.300
and it's the field that
you're looking for.
00:23:03.970 --> 00:23:06.850
So on the next page,
because I did not type in
00:23:06.850 --> 00:23:09.120
the whole name it pulled
up all the Sprayberries.
00:23:09.120 --> 00:23:12.410
And there's quite a few
both in district 7C and 8.
00:23:12.410 --> 00:23:16.450
So you wanna make sure you
select the correct district too.
00:23:16.450 --> 00:23:19.780
So click it, make it
blue, so that's meaning
00:23:19.780 --> 00:23:21.890
you're selecting it,
and then you'll click
00:23:21.890 --> 00:23:23.313
the view field rules button.
00:23:26.220 --> 00:23:28.140
So the first...
00:23:28.140 --> 00:23:30.940
This is actually a larger
page, I had to split it into two.
00:23:30.940 --> 00:23:33.590
So we're gonna look at
the top part of the page.
00:23:33.590 --> 00:23:36.040
This is gonna give
you your oil field rules
00:23:36.040 --> 00:23:37.410
and your gas field rules.
00:23:37.410 --> 00:23:40.340
Keep in mind that they
do not have to be the same.
00:23:40.340 --> 00:23:42.600
You can have different
rules based on the product
00:23:42.600 --> 00:23:44.550
that's produced out of your well.
00:23:44.550 --> 00:23:47.090
And has the most
recent schedule, remarks,
00:23:47.090 --> 00:23:50.060
and comments available for you to see.
00:23:50.060 --> 00:23:53.910
And so then the
bottom part of that field,
00:23:53.910 --> 00:23:57.150
because Sprayberry is a UFT field,
00:23:57.150 --> 00:24:00.960
it has extra information at the bottom.
00:24:00.960 --> 00:24:05.600
So one thing that's very
handy is this portion down here,
00:24:05.600 --> 00:24:08.520
those are the most recent
dockets that have been filled
00:24:08.520 --> 00:24:09.353
on this field.
00:24:09.353 --> 00:24:11.250
I don't know if these
are for Sprayberry,
00:24:11.250 --> 00:24:13.890
but that's where you're gonna find
00:24:13.890 --> 00:24:15.853
the most recent information.
00:24:16.870 --> 00:24:19.170
What's really kinda helpful though,
00:24:19.170 --> 00:24:22.370
is if you need to know what
any of this information means,
00:24:22.370 --> 00:24:25.820
like dual lease line take point spacing,
00:24:25.820 --> 00:24:29.870
you can select screen
help or illustration,
00:24:29.870 --> 00:24:33.060
and it's gonna explain many of the terms
00:24:33.060 --> 00:24:36.920
and give you an illustration
of how those terms are used.
00:24:36.920 --> 00:24:41.540
So it's very, very helpful information,
00:24:41.540 --> 00:24:42.760
especially if you're in a field
00:24:42.760 --> 00:24:44.603
that you're not familiar with.
00:24:46.270 --> 00:24:47.390
So, okay.
00:24:47.390 --> 00:24:51.040
So we are gonna go
on to the next little query.
00:24:51.040 --> 00:24:54.133
So I'm just kinda wondering
if there's any questions.
00:25:00.396 --> 00:25:03.040
We do have one.
00:25:03.040 --> 00:25:04.550
00:25:04.550 --> 00:25:06.843
What are tolerances acres?
00:25:08.400 --> 00:25:11.660
Tolerance acres
are the acres that can be...
00:25:11.660 --> 00:25:14.170
Well, first of all, it's all
dictated by the field rules.
00:25:14.170 --> 00:25:16.640
So the best thing to do
is to always make sure
00:25:16.640 --> 00:25:18.020
you read the field rules to see
00:25:18.020 --> 00:25:20.850
how the tolerance acres are applied.
00:25:20.850 --> 00:25:24.230
But usually if a lease hits density
00:25:24.230 --> 00:25:26.950
and there's like a few acres left,
00:25:26.950 --> 00:25:29.400
they can use the
tolerance acres to add to
00:25:29.400 --> 00:25:32.700
the last well of the lease.
00:25:32.700 --> 00:25:35.570
Or like I said, field rules are unique,
00:25:35.570 --> 00:25:38.740
it could be that they
get spread out differently.
00:25:38.740 --> 00:25:42.210
But it usually has to
do with when your lease
00:25:42.210 --> 00:25:45.200
has hit the density level.
00:25:45.200 --> 00:25:47.230
You can only have like 20 acres left,
00:25:47.230 --> 00:25:49.630
but the field says you
have to have 40 per well,
00:25:49.630 --> 00:25:52.853
you can give those 20 acres
to one of your other wells.
00:25:57.140 --> 00:25:59.393
We did just
get a few questions.
00:26:02.280 --> 00:26:06.270
One of them is, does the
Commission check if requirements
00:26:06.270 --> 00:26:09.690
are complied by
operators for field rules?
00:26:09.690 --> 00:26:10.810
Most definitely.
00:26:10.810 --> 00:26:15.810
That is actually pretty much
what Well Compliance does
00:26:16.010 --> 00:26:18.020
when a well is completed.
00:26:18.020 --> 00:26:21.210
We make sure that the
operator is within compliance
00:26:21.210 --> 00:26:24.073
of the field rules their
well as completed in.
00:26:26.643 --> 00:26:28.980
And then I believe
that is the last question
00:26:28.980 --> 00:26:30.490
that we need to answer live.
00:26:30.490 --> 00:26:31.980
Okay, thank you.
00:26:31.980 --> 00:26:36.980
So our next section is the
New Lease IDs Built Query.
00:26:39.690 --> 00:26:44.690
So this Query is for if a like
a completion gets approved
00:26:47.300 --> 00:26:49.290
yesterday, and you wanna know
00:26:49.290 --> 00:26:51.980
what the lease number is now.
00:26:51.980 --> 00:26:55.100
You can use the New Lease ID Built Query
00:26:55.100 --> 00:26:59.870
to find the most like
recently issued ID number,
00:27:01.220 --> 00:27:03.093
gas ID numbers or lease numbers.
00:27:03.950 --> 00:27:05.865
And there's multiple
ways to look for these one.
00:27:05.865 --> 00:27:07.920
One thing I found interesting is,
00:27:07.920 --> 00:27:11.430
you can do a range of
days, the maximum is 90,
00:27:11.430 --> 00:27:14.570
but if you wanted to know
how many new gas ID
00:27:14.570 --> 00:27:17.020
or lease numbers were issued for a month
00:27:17.020 --> 00:27:19.240
to a certain operator, you can do that.
00:27:19.240 --> 00:27:22.233
So let's take a look at this query.
00:27:23.390 --> 00:27:28.350
So this one is updated
nightly, and we're gonna again,
00:27:28.350 --> 00:27:30.390
select launch application.
00:27:30.390 --> 00:27:34.800
So this is where you can
put in your search criteria.
00:27:34.800 --> 00:27:37.490
So you can do a date
range and then enter
00:27:37.490 --> 00:27:40.740
the operator number and click submit,
00:27:40.740 --> 00:27:44.240
and it's gonna give
you all of the lease IDs
00:27:44.240 --> 00:27:46.470
that were issued within that timeframe.
00:27:46.470 --> 00:27:49.250
So for our purposes, I just chose
00:27:49.250 --> 00:27:51.900
a drilling or an API number.
00:27:51.900 --> 00:27:54.290
So you enter the API number for the well
00:27:54.290 --> 00:27:56.640
that you wanna know
about and you click submit,
00:27:58.550 --> 00:28:02.170
and then it just shows your new.
00:28:02.170 --> 00:28:03.900
In this case, it's a gas ID number,
00:28:03.900 --> 00:28:06.630
it could be a lease number also.
00:28:06.630 --> 00:28:09.034
So it could be helpful if you wanna know
00:28:09.034 --> 00:28:14.034
of any kind of new leases
that have been approved,
00:28:14.320 --> 00:28:15.640
completions have been approved
00:28:15.640 --> 00:28:18.350
and you need to take care
of something immediately.
00:28:18.350 --> 00:28:20.010
You can look here the very next day
00:28:20.010 --> 00:28:22.123
from us approving it
and get your number.
00:28:23.720 --> 00:28:25.360
Okay, that was a little short one.
00:28:25.360 --> 00:28:29.230
So I'm gonna move on to
the Gatherer Purchaser Query.
00:28:29.230 --> 00:28:31.580
Do we have any questions, Jackie?
00:28:31.580 --> 00:28:32.610
No, we do not.
00:28:32.610 --> 00:28:33.623
Thank you.
00:28:34.610 --> 00:28:37.493
Okay, so the Gatherer/Purchaser Query,
00:28:38.420 --> 00:28:40.950
this one is pretty self-explanatory.
00:28:40.950 --> 00:28:44.040
This one is mostly to see if something
00:28:44.040 --> 00:28:46.210
has been changed on the P-4.
00:28:46.210 --> 00:28:50.740
So it provides a way for
gatherers and purchasers
00:28:50.740 --> 00:28:53.661
by using the following
criteria you can search for this.
00:28:53.661 --> 00:28:58.661
So we'll just go ahead and
we'll move into the query screen.
00:28:58.720 --> 00:29:01.228
This one is again, it's updated nightly.
00:29:01.228 --> 00:29:05.050
So if you filed a P-4 and you wanna know
00:29:05.050 --> 00:29:07.360
if your new
Gatherer/Purchaser is on there,
00:29:07.360 --> 00:29:09.003
this is a good way to do that.
00:29:10.150 --> 00:29:12.023
So we'll click launch application.
00:29:13.770 --> 00:29:16.370
So we're gonna use a gas ID number,
00:29:16.370 --> 00:29:17.780
probably 'cause I'm a gas analyst,
00:29:17.780 --> 00:29:19.430
so that's what I think
of when I think of
00:29:19.430 --> 00:29:20.560
looking this stuff up.
00:29:20.560 --> 00:29:24.070
But something to keep
in mind, gas ID numbers,
00:29:24.070 --> 00:29:25.830
you don't need to put the district in
00:29:25.830 --> 00:29:29.610
because they are individually
numbered throughout the state.
00:29:29.610 --> 00:29:32.530
Now, if you wanna look up an oil lease,
00:29:32.530 --> 00:29:35.580
you're gonna wanna use the district
00:29:35.580 --> 00:29:38.200
to help filter out any
oil lease numbers,
00:29:38.200 --> 00:29:40.780
'cause there could be
two oil lease numbers
00:29:40.780 --> 00:29:43.010
that are same but
in different districts.
00:29:43.010 --> 00:29:46.140
So just something to keep in mind.
00:29:46.140 --> 00:29:47.540
You'd enter a gas ID number
00:29:47.540 --> 00:29:49.723
or lease number and you click submit.
00:29:52.140 --> 00:29:57.140
And this screen shows
you what's on the P-4.
00:29:59.290 --> 00:30:04.290
You got your gas gatherer,
your gas purchaser,
00:30:05.360 --> 00:30:09.440
and then you have your
condensate gatherer also.
00:30:09.440 --> 00:30:11.570
But if we want a
little more information,
00:30:11.570 --> 00:30:13.913
we just click that gas ID number again.
00:30:15.670 --> 00:30:20.190
And this screen looks very
similar to the screen before it,
00:30:20.190 --> 00:30:23.230
but it does show you the operator
00:30:23.230 --> 00:30:26.090
of the lease if there
P-5 is active or not.
00:30:26.090 --> 00:30:28.220
So that's just kind of
some good information.
00:30:28.220 --> 00:30:30.653
So we'll click that gas ID number again,
00:30:31.719 --> 00:30:35.610
and then this screen breaks down
00:30:35.610 --> 00:30:38.073
the gatherer and purchaser
information even more.
00:30:39.020 --> 00:30:40.810
So it gives you your gatherer codes
00:30:40.810 --> 00:30:42.280
for the two gatherers you have,
00:30:42.280 --> 00:30:44.690
and then it's got your
purchaser system code
00:30:44.690 --> 00:30:48.433
for the purchasers that
are on that lease number.
00:30:52.841 --> 00:30:56.008
So it's really kinda good information.
00:30:57.210 --> 00:30:59.040
A lot of people don't know what
00:30:59.040 --> 00:31:00.920
their purchaser system codes are
00:31:00.920 --> 00:31:04.370
or what the gatherer codes
are or even if they're assigned.
00:31:04.370 --> 00:31:07.250
So this is a good place
to find that information.
00:31:07.250 --> 00:31:10.653
So just something to keep in mind.
00:31:12.780 --> 00:31:16.493
So that's it for the P-4 query.
00:31:17.890 --> 00:31:19.403
Do I have any questions?
00:31:20.710 --> 00:31:22.130
Yes, we do.
00:31:22.130 --> 00:31:22.963
00:31:22.963 --> 00:31:24.890
How do you add a
new purchaser or gatherer
00:31:24.890 --> 00:31:28.780
across proximate at
least 600 existing P-4s
00:31:28.780 --> 00:31:30.713
without submitting individual P-4s?
00:31:32.113 --> 00:31:34.020
Well, that's a
really good question.
00:31:34.020 --> 00:31:35.400
I believe she said 600,
00:31:35.400 --> 00:31:38.509
and I might've verbally said 650.
00:31:38.509 --> 00:31:40.010
(laughs happily)
00:31:40.010 --> 00:31:43.860
So we do have a way
through the online system,
00:31:43.860 --> 00:31:46.150
this would require a login.
00:31:46.150 --> 00:31:49.550
But for you to change
gatherer and purchasers
00:31:49.550 --> 00:31:52.430
through the online system that we have
00:31:52.430 --> 00:31:53.960
for gatherer purchaser changes.
00:31:53.960 --> 00:31:56.050
You can't do operator changes,
00:31:56.050 --> 00:31:58.500
just gather and purchaser changes.
00:31:58.500 --> 00:32:01.330
And there is actually an option in there
00:32:01.330 --> 00:32:05.500
for multiple leases and it will,
00:32:05.500 --> 00:32:09.190
you can pull 'em up
by district or by field.
00:32:09.190 --> 00:32:11.030
And there's one other search criteria
00:32:11.030 --> 00:32:13.810
that I cannot remember, I'm
sorry, off the top of my head,
00:32:13.810 --> 00:32:18.810
but it'll allow you to change
up to 400, I think, at once.
00:32:19.620 --> 00:32:22.690
So the lease cannot be severed
00:32:22.690 --> 00:32:24.130
and there can't be
anything wrong with it,
00:32:24.130 --> 00:32:26.370
but it makes it so that you don't have
00:32:26.370 --> 00:32:28.680
to send it individual P-4s.
00:32:28.680 --> 00:32:31.160
That is our preferred ways.
00:32:31.160 --> 00:32:34.020
There is a way that you can do a...
00:32:38.255 --> 00:32:42.470
There a way that you can also do an,
00:32:42.470 --> 00:32:44.590
what we call an auto P-4.
00:32:44.590 --> 00:32:47.360
And that is handled
through our P-5 Department
00:32:47.360 --> 00:32:49.810
because it's based on P-5 numbers
00:32:49.810 --> 00:32:51.490
and there are certain criteria.
00:32:51.490 --> 00:32:53.350
But because I don't work in P-5,
00:32:53.350 --> 00:32:54.960
I don't know what they are.
00:32:54.960 --> 00:32:59.960
But the preferred method is
through the P-4 online system
00:32:59.970 --> 00:33:02.090
that we have that you can access
00:33:02.090 --> 00:33:04.920
through your login information.
00:33:04.920 --> 00:33:07.110
So any other questions?
00:33:07.110 --> 00:33:09.199
We just got in one more?
00:33:09.199 --> 00:33:12.660
It says, our accounting group was afraid
00:33:12.660 --> 00:33:16.170
it was creating a new P-4 for each well
00:33:16.170 --> 00:33:19.120
selected rather than
adding a new gatherer.
00:33:19.120 --> 00:33:22.240
Okay, so that
system that you use
00:33:22.240 --> 00:33:24.720
to change purchasers and gatherers,
00:33:24.720 --> 00:33:28.120
it will not create a new
lease or a new well or any...
00:33:28.980 --> 00:33:30.110
It's existing.
00:33:30.110 --> 00:33:33.230
It's an existing lease and
you have to select that.
00:33:33.230 --> 00:33:35.740
You have to select the leases.
00:33:35.740 --> 00:33:37.220
There's a way to review it before
00:33:37.220 --> 00:33:39.053
you submit the P-4 that way.
00:33:40.860 --> 00:33:41.900
Yeah, I
believe that one was
00:33:41.900 --> 00:33:43.850
a followup to the previous question.
00:33:43.850 --> 00:33:45.540
Yeah, and that's fine.
00:33:45.540 --> 00:33:47.480
And that will be all.
00:33:47.480 --> 00:33:48.313
00:33:50.170 --> 00:33:53.720
So our next query
that we're gonna look at
00:33:53.720 --> 00:33:57.650
is the Proration Query,
and this is for the gas.
00:33:57.650 --> 00:33:59.891
So we already looked at proration query
00:33:59.891 --> 00:34:02.690
through the home page.
00:34:02.690 --> 00:34:05.840
This is an actual query that you can,
00:34:05.840 --> 00:34:09.040
so that you can enter
specific information
00:34:09.040 --> 00:34:11.540
instead of looking at
all the wells in the field
00:34:11.540 --> 00:34:13.190
or all the operators wells.
00:34:13.190 --> 00:34:14.920
If you just wanna look at one well,
00:34:14.920 --> 00:34:16.620
this would be where you find that.
00:34:19.980 --> 00:34:23.080
Again, it is updated monthly.
00:34:23.080 --> 00:34:25.930
So are the ones that we looked at
00:34:25.930 --> 00:34:28.130
when this presentation started.
00:34:28.130 --> 00:34:31.290
So they're most likely
anything you found in one
00:34:31.290 --> 00:34:32.270
you'll find in the other,
00:34:32.270 --> 00:34:34.870
because they are only updated monthly.
00:34:34.870 --> 00:34:37.053
So we would click launch application.
00:34:38.870 --> 00:34:41.292
And again, we're gonna
use a gas ID number
00:34:41.292 --> 00:34:43.470
and we'll use submit.
00:34:43.470 --> 00:34:46.060
Now keep in mind that
you can look for field
00:34:46.060 --> 00:34:48.410
or you can search by operator and maybe
00:34:49.790 --> 00:34:51.620
or maybe field type.
00:34:51.620 --> 00:34:54.893
So you have a lot of options
on how you can search.
00:34:57.560 --> 00:34:59.433
So on the next page.
00:35:00.730 --> 00:35:03.810
Here's the well
information that I looked for.
00:35:03.810 --> 00:35:05.850
It gives us the lease number,
00:35:05.850 --> 00:35:08.653
the gas ID number, and the API number.
00:35:10.760 --> 00:35:14.080
So in this case, we're gonna go ahead.
00:35:14.080 --> 00:35:16.990
Oh, and keep in mind
that my example today
00:35:16.990 --> 00:35:21.990
is a part of a stack lateral
set and it is a child well,
00:35:22.230 --> 00:35:24.170
and so it does not have an allowable
00:35:24.170 --> 00:35:29.170
or acres assigned to it because
of the stack lateral status.
00:35:29.410 --> 00:35:32.573
So we're gonna go ahead and
we'll move to the next screen.
00:35:33.630 --> 00:35:36.010
And here we are,
again, it's gonna just give
00:35:36.983 --> 00:35:38.230
additional information.
00:35:38.230 --> 00:35:41.080
As you can see the API
number no longer has a link,
00:35:41.080 --> 00:35:42.910
but the lease number does.
00:35:42.910 --> 00:35:44.520
So we're gonna go ahead and we'll select
00:35:44.520 --> 00:35:49.520
that guest ID number, and this gives us
00:35:50.370 --> 00:35:53.400
detailed information on this well.
00:35:53.400 --> 00:35:56.390
So in this case it's not
eligible for an allowable
00:35:56.390 --> 00:35:59.130
because it's a child well
in a stacked lateral set,
00:35:59.130 --> 00:36:01.860
but it does give some
of the testing information
00:36:01.860 --> 00:36:03.623
from the G1 that was filed.
00:36:05.730 --> 00:36:10.730
And it does say that
you would need to file,
00:36:11.770 --> 00:36:16.383
that this well does
require filing for a G-10.
00:36:18.760 --> 00:36:22.430
And then this is the
bottom half of that page.
00:36:22.430 --> 00:36:24.940
So what's interesting
about this page is,
00:36:24.940 --> 00:36:28.110
or this information is a
lot of people wanna know,
00:36:28.110 --> 00:36:30.720
well, what's the last
W-10 I filed or G-10, I filled.
00:36:30.720 --> 00:36:33.320
That information is
available on this screen.
00:36:33.320 --> 00:36:36.030
It doesn't give you every
one that's ever been filed,
00:36:36.030 --> 00:36:38.400
just the most recent.
00:36:38.400 --> 00:36:41.520
So this one the survey was filed.
00:36:41.520 --> 00:36:43.990
The test date was 11/01/2020,
00:36:43.990 --> 00:36:48.103
but it was effective 12/12/021.
00:36:53.360 --> 00:36:54.940
So we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna
00:36:54.940 --> 00:36:57.973
hit the return button on this one,
00:36:59.320 --> 00:37:02.710
because what's on the previous page
00:37:02.710 --> 00:37:05.320
is really good information too
00:37:05.320 --> 00:37:07.880
once you hit the field number.
00:37:07.880 --> 00:37:10.050
So we already looked
at the Field Rules Query,
00:37:10.050 --> 00:37:13.440
but this gives us additional information
00:37:13.440 --> 00:37:15.010
without having to go through
00:37:15.010 --> 00:37:17.743
three or four different queries.
00:37:19.600 --> 00:37:21.870
So here's your field information,
00:37:21.870 --> 00:37:25.470
there's your field rules for gas wells.
00:37:25.470 --> 00:37:29.660
And it tells you what the field name is.
00:37:29.660 --> 00:37:31.790
I mean it really gives you quite a bit
00:37:31.790 --> 00:37:33.410
of the field information.
00:37:33.410 --> 00:37:37.610
The comments that
have been left on the field.
00:37:37.610 --> 00:37:42.220
And so a lot of our
queries are connected.
00:37:42.220 --> 00:37:44.350
And so this is like...
00:37:44.350 --> 00:37:46.110
And keep in mind this up here,
00:37:46.110 --> 00:37:49.780
this is the proration by
field and it's results for July.
00:37:49.780 --> 00:37:52.380
So it's gonna let you
know when these field rules
00:37:52.380 --> 00:37:55.463
were last updated or this
information was last updated.
00:38:01.450 --> 00:38:04.670
So we're gonna look
at the Proration Query.
00:38:04.670 --> 00:38:07.240
I'm gonna go ahead and
do the Oil Proration Query,
00:38:07.240 --> 00:38:08.590
and then we'll just kinda answer
00:38:08.590 --> 00:38:12.700
the questions for the Proration
Queries at the same time.
00:38:12.700 --> 00:38:15.410
So the Oil Proration
Query is like the gas one,
00:38:15.410 --> 00:38:16.910
except for it looks slightly different
00:38:16.910 --> 00:38:20.833
because it's lease
well, not just well well.
00:38:23.930 --> 00:38:28.640
So the next page is the query again.
00:38:28.640 --> 00:38:30.680
So if you see here, they are separated.
00:38:30.680 --> 00:38:32.850
You gotta make sure that
you'd pick the right one.
00:38:32.850 --> 00:38:36.000
There's the Proration Query
Gas and Proration Query Oil.
00:38:36.000 --> 00:38:38.460
So we're gonna look at the oil.
00:38:38.460 --> 00:38:42.600
And then see I put the district
in and the lease number,
00:38:42.600 --> 00:38:44.250
'cause there could be another lease
00:38:44.250 --> 00:38:47.250
with the same lease
number, but a different district.
00:38:47.250 --> 00:38:49.510
So if we were gonna
look in district date
00:38:49.510 --> 00:38:50.683
and we'll click submit.
00:38:52.672 --> 00:38:57.040
So now we're looking
at the wells on the lease
00:38:57.040 --> 00:39:00.330
'cause oil leases have multiple wells.
00:39:00.330 --> 00:39:02.650
This one has three.
00:39:02.650 --> 00:39:05.780
So we're gonna use the
API number in this case
00:39:05.780 --> 00:39:09.343
to go ahead and take a look at the well.
00:39:12.160 --> 00:39:16.210
So this one just shows the active status
00:39:16.210 --> 00:39:17.200
of the operator.
00:39:17.200 --> 00:39:19.470
It gives you your acres,
00:39:19.470 --> 00:39:21.190
it tells you what your allowable is
00:39:21.190 --> 00:39:22.720
if the well is producing or not,
00:39:22.720 --> 00:39:25.300
what the potential is
and what the gas oil.
00:39:25.300 --> 00:39:29.340
So this is all related to
the allowable for this well.
00:39:29.340 --> 00:39:30.950
So we're gonna click return
00:39:30.950 --> 00:39:33.516
and go back to the previous screen.
00:39:33.516 --> 00:39:37.150
So now we're gonna look at the lease
00:39:39.640 --> 00:39:41.790
and the lease again...
00:39:41.790 --> 00:39:46.140
So this brings us to the lease
and we're gonna go ahead
00:39:46.140 --> 00:39:49.740
and then we're gonna check
and see what well 1A looks like.
00:39:49.740 --> 00:39:53.343
So now we can look at
the specific well information.
00:39:54.700 --> 00:39:58.010
So this well has.
00:39:58.010 --> 00:40:02.359
It's a producing well, it's prorated.
00:40:02.359 --> 00:40:06.040
So this information
is the well information,
00:40:06.040 --> 00:40:09.340
how many acres are assigned
that sort of information.
00:40:09.340 --> 00:40:11.197
And then there's that W-10 information
00:40:11.197 --> 00:40:13.320
for the last W-10 that was filed.
00:40:13.320 --> 00:40:15.340
This one had a retest filed,
00:40:15.340 --> 00:40:17.460
tells us the test date
and when the test date
00:40:17.460 --> 00:40:20.720
became effective and
then the test information.
00:40:20.720 --> 00:40:22.950
So again, really useful information
00:40:22.950 --> 00:40:25.470
if you wanna know about
that last W-10 or G-10
00:40:25.470 --> 00:40:27.250
that was filed.
00:40:27.250 --> 00:40:29.600
So we're gonna click
that return button again,
00:40:29.600 --> 00:40:33.200
and we're gonna look at
this wells field information.
00:40:33.200 --> 00:40:36.560
So it's the Sprayberry.
00:40:36.560 --> 00:40:38.220
So when we click on it, as you can see,
00:40:38.220 --> 00:40:40.310
there's been a lot of
activity in Sprayberry,
00:40:40.310 --> 00:40:43.570
but it does give you
your oil field rules.
00:40:43.570 --> 00:40:47.010
This one was updated June, 2021
00:40:47.010 --> 00:40:49.660
just happens to be when I
grabbed the screen capture.
00:40:50.580 --> 00:40:52.780
And it gives you all of this information
00:40:52.780 --> 00:40:54.810
on like dockets that were filed,
00:40:54.810 --> 00:40:57.380
and what it was doing,
and why they filed it.
00:40:57.380 --> 00:41:00.850
And so a lot of really good
information on the lease level
00:41:00.850 --> 00:41:04.020
without having to start
all over at the field query.
00:41:04.020 --> 00:41:06.747
So if we click return,
00:41:06.747 --> 00:41:09.793
I'm gonna show you
another little handy way
00:41:10.940 --> 00:41:14.430
to move between queries
without having to start all over.
00:41:14.430 --> 00:41:18.180
And in this one, there's a
dropdown that's available
00:41:18.180 --> 00:41:19.900
next to the API number.
00:41:19.900 --> 00:41:23.670
So we would wanna pick
the completions option
00:41:25.350 --> 00:41:28.410
and that will take us to
the completions query.
00:41:28.410 --> 00:41:29.530
And so, as you can see now
00:41:29.530 --> 00:41:31.730
we're looking at tracking numbers.
00:41:31.730 --> 00:41:33.560
So your tracking
number we're to go ahead
00:41:33.560 --> 00:41:37.493
and look at this one right
here in the middle 74049,
00:41:39.040 --> 00:41:41.850
and it'll show us everything that was...
00:41:41.850 --> 00:41:45.600
It was approved back in
2014, there was no comments,
00:41:45.600 --> 00:41:49.110
but we can always view this report
00:41:49.110 --> 00:41:51.147
and we might want to,
because it was a plug back
00:41:51.147 --> 00:41:53.870
and an initial potential in a new field.
00:41:53.870 --> 00:41:56.653
So if we click report, view report,
00:41:57.880 --> 00:42:00.580
then we're looking at the W-2.
00:42:00.580 --> 00:42:03.050
So it's really kinda handy.
00:42:03.050 --> 00:42:05.300
All the information is linked together
00:42:05.300 --> 00:42:06.920
as well as we can get it,
00:42:06.920 --> 00:42:08.990
so that you don't always
have to start all over,
00:42:08.990 --> 00:42:12.070
open a new tab, move between screens.
00:42:12.070 --> 00:42:15.173
The information is
connected through the system.
00:42:16.120 --> 00:42:17.110
So, okay.
00:42:17.110 --> 00:42:20.610
So I am about ready to
move on to our last query,
00:42:20.610 --> 00:42:22.593
does anybody have any questions?
00:42:25.490 --> 00:42:26.880
Trisha was I wondering
00:42:26.880 --> 00:42:30.870
if you don't mind expanding
on the download option
00:42:30.870 --> 00:42:34.470
for the oil and gas schedule queries
00:42:34.470 --> 00:42:37.313
and how that might benefit an operator.
00:42:38.740 --> 00:42:41.520
One thing I did wanna go
on ahead and point out is
00:42:42.810 --> 00:42:47.400
if you download the
data, especially if you're
00:42:47.400 --> 00:42:51.260
a big operator with a
large number of wells,
00:42:51.260 --> 00:42:53.430
and you see that you
don't have an allowable
00:42:53.430 --> 00:42:57.570
but you believe you should
have one, please reach out to us.
00:42:57.570 --> 00:42:58.470
00:42:58.470 --> 00:43:01.950
So some of our leases can also be...
00:43:01.950 --> 00:43:06.950
Like there's units that have
over a thousand wells on them.
00:43:07.290 --> 00:43:10.970
And so navigating
through this online system
00:43:10.970 --> 00:43:13.310
can be pretty daunting.
00:43:13.310 --> 00:43:16.090
So you can always
use this download option
00:43:16.090 --> 00:43:17.560
'cause this list could be...
00:43:17.560 --> 00:43:18.950
I mean, this is only three wells,
00:43:18.950 --> 00:43:23.320
but imagine 900 that you wanna
know about their allowables
00:43:23.320 --> 00:43:27.840
or something looks wrong
and you don't know why.
00:43:27.840 --> 00:43:30.830
'Cause once you
download you can sort those
00:43:30.830 --> 00:43:32.620
and try to figure out what's going on.
00:43:32.620 --> 00:43:35.480
So there's quite a few of our queries
00:43:35.480 --> 00:43:38.700
have a download option on it.
00:43:38.700 --> 00:43:41.090
So keep that in mind if you're dealing
00:43:41.090 --> 00:43:42.840
with a lot of information.
00:43:42.840 --> 00:43:45.530
You can download them and
put in an Excel spreadsheet,
00:43:45.530 --> 00:43:48.050
and then you can sort and
change whatever you need
00:43:48.050 --> 00:43:50.520
to get the information
that you're after.
00:43:50.520 --> 00:43:53.320
Something else I
want to point out is that,
00:43:53.320 --> 00:43:57.970
all of our queries have
a help tab up at the top.
00:43:57.970 --> 00:44:01.550
The help tab is for the external user
00:44:01.550 --> 00:44:05.443
to understand what the
queries are useful for,
00:44:05.443 --> 00:44:09.500
reading them can help
with that type of information.
00:44:09.500 --> 00:44:12.403
Always utilize the help on those.
00:44:14.550 --> 00:44:16.400
Did we get a couple
of questions, Jackie?
00:44:16.400 --> 00:44:19.090
Yes, we did,
we just got a couple.
00:44:19.090 --> 00:44:22.200
Is there a query that
shows all of the gas wells
00:44:22.200 --> 00:44:23.883
within a sharing agreement?
00:44:25.670 --> 00:44:27.623
00:44:29.090 --> 00:44:32.140
It would be by district,
lease number, API number.
00:44:32.140 --> 00:44:36.030
We don't really track how they cross.
00:44:36.030 --> 00:44:38.550
We do when we work a completion,
00:44:38.550 --> 00:44:40.550
but we don't really have a query for it.
00:44:42.550 --> 00:44:43.720
00:44:43.720 --> 00:44:46.748
Just as I was reading that
one, trying to think of ways
00:44:46.748 --> 00:44:48.598
that we might be able to assist them.
00:44:51.130 --> 00:44:53.700
As far as the sharing
agreement is concerned...
00:44:56.533 --> 00:44:57.366
I don't think so.
00:44:57.366 --> 00:44:58.199
Not necessarily.
00:44:58.199 --> 00:45:00.713
If it was a recently filed completion,
00:45:01.710 --> 00:45:05.160
and by recent, I mean,
since the creation
00:45:05.160 --> 00:45:09.440
of the online system,
you might be able to filter
00:45:09.440 --> 00:45:14.440
by PSA to find a PSA
well that was filled
00:45:15.340 --> 00:45:19.030
and then view a P-16 related to it
00:45:19.030 --> 00:45:22.360
or any completion near the well bore
00:45:22.360 --> 00:45:24.970
and then open up the attached P-16s
00:45:24.970 --> 00:45:27.750
and possibly see all of
the walls that are involved.
00:45:27.750 --> 00:45:29.191
00:45:29.191 --> 00:45:31.979
It is the best
recommendation I could give you.
00:45:31.979 --> 00:45:34.500
And then the next question is,
00:45:34.500 --> 00:45:36.450
the oil proration schedule shows
00:45:36.450 --> 00:45:39.300
one of our observation
wells this forms lacking,
00:45:39.300 --> 00:45:40.670
but there's no details.
00:45:40.670 --> 00:45:42.470
How do we find out more information?
00:45:43.840 --> 00:45:45.210
You can call
Well Compliance
00:45:45.210 --> 00:45:46.793
and we can look that up.
00:45:47.680 --> 00:45:49.860
More than likely...
00:45:49.860 --> 00:45:52.950
There's a good chance that
it's set up lacking a W2 because
00:45:52.950 --> 00:45:55.940
we would not want someone to file a W-10
00:45:55.940 --> 00:45:59.550
on an observation while
saying it's producing.
00:45:59.550 --> 00:46:01.490
We do that quite often for wells
00:46:01.490 --> 00:46:05.223
that require paperwork to
become a producing well.
00:46:06.290 --> 00:46:08.743
So we do get that call a lot because,
00:46:10.240 --> 00:46:12.860
wells that have no
perforations so that it's
00:46:12.860 --> 00:46:15.600
physically impossible
for them to produce.
00:46:15.600 --> 00:46:18.100
We will set them up forms lacking a W2
00:46:18.100 --> 00:46:21.670
because an operator
could complete the well
00:46:21.670 --> 00:46:23.810
and think they just need to file a W-10
00:46:23.810 --> 00:46:25.560
to turn it into a producing well,
00:46:25.560 --> 00:46:27.840
when really they need
to file a completion
00:46:27.840 --> 00:46:30.100
to show us the down whole work they did.
00:46:30.100 --> 00:46:33.350
So that's a pretty
common thing for wells
00:46:33.350 --> 00:46:38.350
that require a W2 to be
filed or G1, not just W2's.
00:46:41.170 --> 00:46:42.003
00:46:42.003 --> 00:46:46.543
So the next query and
the last one is the one that,
00:46:48.220 --> 00:46:51.040
that we always hope that
nobody ever has to be on,
00:46:51.040 --> 00:46:52.710
but it's our Severance Query.
00:46:52.710 --> 00:46:56.020
So this query provides
a way to search for wells
00:46:56.020 --> 00:46:59.330
on severed leases, or
soon to be severed leases
00:46:59.330 --> 00:47:01.850
by using the search criteria below.
00:47:01.850 --> 00:47:04.020
So of course there's
all the same options,
00:47:04.020 --> 00:47:07.740
district, field, and probably
if you're an operator,
00:47:07.740 --> 00:47:10.003
you're gonna be
looking for it by operator.
00:47:10.850 --> 00:47:15.850
So again, this is in our queries menu
00:47:15.960 --> 00:47:19.010
and it is updated nightly.
00:47:19.010 --> 00:47:22.070
And so this should be as up-to-date
00:47:22.070 --> 00:47:24.220
as you should get.
00:47:24.220 --> 00:47:26.100
We recommend, highly recommend
00:47:26.100 --> 00:47:29.050
that you check this query once a week,
00:47:29.050 --> 00:47:33.130
even if you don't have
any reason to believe
00:47:33.130 --> 00:47:36.360
that you're gonna need
to file anything with us,
00:47:36.360 --> 00:47:38.780
please check this weekly.
00:47:38.780 --> 00:47:40.950
It only takes a few
minutes and then you know
00:47:40.950 --> 00:47:43.020
you're good until the next week.
00:47:43.020 --> 00:47:45.483
So we're gonna hit launch application.
00:47:47.777 --> 00:47:51.080
So we're gonna go ahead
and search by operators
00:47:51.080 --> 00:47:53.623
since that's the most
common way to search.
00:47:55.580 --> 00:47:57.750
So you enter the operator number,
00:47:57.750 --> 00:48:00.450
or you can enter in an operator name
00:48:00.450 --> 00:48:01.670
if you don't know your number
00:48:01.670 --> 00:48:04.730
or know the number you wanna
look for and then click search.
00:48:04.730 --> 00:48:08.910
So what'll happen is the
operator you just searched for,
00:48:08.910 --> 00:48:11.130
shows up in this box.
00:48:11.130 --> 00:48:14.410
You wanna click that
and it's gonna highlight it.
00:48:14.410 --> 00:48:16.990
And then you wanna
make sure you click add.
00:48:16.990 --> 00:48:19.700
And then that moves
it from search results
00:48:19.700 --> 00:48:22.140
to operators selection.
00:48:22.140 --> 00:48:23.570
And then you click submit.
00:48:23.570 --> 00:48:27.500
If you don't highlight this and hit add,
00:48:27.500 --> 00:48:29.710
it will not bring up any results because
00:48:29.710 --> 00:48:32.769
you didn't make the operator selection.
00:48:32.769 --> 00:48:36.360
So then when you click search,
00:48:36.360 --> 00:48:40.350
it's gonna put the operator
name here and the number,
00:48:40.350 --> 00:48:44.320
and then on this query,
there's a dropdown right here
00:48:44.320 --> 00:48:47.820
and you're gonna wanna
choose outstanding all,
00:48:47.820 --> 00:48:49.730
'cause it's gonna show you all of
00:48:49.730 --> 00:48:53.260
the outstanding violations
that your operator number has.
00:48:53.260 --> 00:48:54.560
And then you're gonna go ahead
00:48:54.560 --> 00:48:56.133
and click the submit button.
00:48:58.570 --> 00:49:00.980
So this operator that
I'm using for this example
00:49:00.980 --> 00:49:04.310
has 14 results.
00:49:04.310 --> 00:49:07.500
And we're gonna go
ahead and we'll check out
00:49:07.500 --> 00:49:09.820
this lease 1119.
00:49:09.820 --> 00:49:11.730
So you just click on the link again,
00:49:11.730 --> 00:49:13.230
there is a download button.
00:49:13.230 --> 00:49:16.830
So you can download all the results
00:49:16.830 --> 00:49:18.080
that you get in this one.
00:49:20.410 --> 00:49:21.970
And then it's gonna pull up
00:49:21.970 --> 00:49:23.960
the lease that you just clicked on.
00:49:23.960 --> 00:49:26.740
So this operator's P-5 is delinquent,
00:49:26.740 --> 00:49:28.470
so that's another thing that this page
00:49:28.470 --> 00:49:33.390
will let you know is the
status of the operator's P-5.
00:49:34.490 --> 00:49:36.633
So we'll click the lease number again.
00:49:38.520 --> 00:49:42.870
And this page shows
all of the severances
00:49:42.870 --> 00:49:46.260
and fees owed that this well has had.
00:49:46.260 --> 00:49:50.740
So as you can see,
there's a dollar amount due,
00:49:50.740 --> 00:49:54.810
there's a violation, it
hasn't been resolved.
00:49:54.810 --> 00:49:58.010
So if you look, this column
is your certified letter column.
00:49:58.010 --> 00:50:02.370
So if you only have a
date here and no date here,
00:50:02.370 --> 00:50:04.610
there's still a chance to fix anything
00:50:04.610 --> 00:50:06.260
that's in this column.
00:50:06.260 --> 00:50:09.927
So it's not necessarily, you are severed
00:50:09.927 --> 00:50:13.853
it's that you could become
severed in the next 30 days.
00:50:15.400 --> 00:50:17.404
And then the remarks over here tell you
00:50:17.404 --> 00:50:19.723
what it is that's wrong.
00:50:21.800 --> 00:50:26.470
Another thing to look at is
the severances issued by.
00:50:26.470 --> 00:50:29.345
So this column over
here tells you who issued
00:50:29.345 --> 00:50:34.345
the certified letter or the severance.
00:50:34.350 --> 00:50:37.600
So you wanna make sure
that's who you're contacting
00:50:37.600 --> 00:50:39.830
regarding this information.
00:50:39.830 --> 00:50:43.760
So a lot of people think
that overproduction letters
00:50:43.760 --> 00:50:45.390
come from the production department,
00:50:45.390 --> 00:50:48.770
but a lot of times they come
from the proration department
00:50:48.770 --> 00:50:49.620
or Well Compliance.
00:50:49.620 --> 00:50:51.870
So you wanna make sure you're contacting
00:50:51.870 --> 00:50:55.290
the department that issued the letter.
00:50:55.290 --> 00:50:57.650
Again, there's a download button.
00:50:57.650 --> 00:51:00.520
Sometimes people take over
wells that have a lot of problems
00:51:00.520 --> 00:51:02.120
and they need to know
what they need to do
00:51:02.120 --> 00:51:05.290
to get those in compliance
so that they can produce them.
00:51:05.290 --> 00:51:07.610
You may need that
download button to look at
00:51:07.610 --> 00:51:11.673
all the different issues
that you have to correct.
00:51:12.530 --> 00:51:17.530
So when you do sever, the
P-4 is not gonna be reissued
00:51:21.210 --> 00:51:25.070
unless the $750 severance fee is paid.
00:51:25.070 --> 00:51:27.670
If it's severed, it's
unlawful for the operator
00:51:27.670 --> 00:51:29.310
to produce that well.
00:51:29.310 --> 00:51:30.683
And if they do,
00:51:33.925 --> 00:51:38.553
we could impose a thousand
dollars for each violation.
00:51:38.553 --> 00:51:41.800
So you can't produce the well,
00:51:41.800 --> 00:51:44.260
you can't inject or dispose on the well,
00:51:44.260 --> 00:51:46.960
nor can a gatherer
transport your oil or gas
00:51:46.960 --> 00:51:48.223
away from the lease.
00:51:50.798 --> 00:51:55.000
And then to get the well reconnected
00:51:55.000 --> 00:51:58.640
or to clear the
severance, you can call...
00:51:58.640 --> 00:52:01.080
To make the payment you can call
00:52:01.080 --> 00:52:02.693
our Central Fees Department,
00:52:03.940 --> 00:52:06.530
or you can write a check and send it
00:52:06.530 --> 00:52:07.943
to the Railroad Commission.
00:52:09.610 --> 00:52:12.240
And you wanna send your payment
00:52:12.240 --> 00:52:14.310
with your severance
letters so that we know
00:52:14.310 --> 00:52:17.163
which lease we're applying
the severance fee to.
00:52:18.870 --> 00:52:21.500
So that's about it for this one.
00:52:21.500 --> 00:52:22.663
Do we have questions?
00:52:27.800 --> 00:52:29.400
Yes, we have two.
00:52:29.400 --> 00:52:30.370
00:52:30.370 --> 00:52:32.040
Is there a way
when you download
00:52:32.040 --> 00:52:34.560
the results that you're able to maintain
00:52:34.560 --> 00:52:36.823
the hyperlink functionality?
00:52:38.890 --> 00:52:40.170
Yeah, I was
gonna say I'm not too sure,
00:52:40.170 --> 00:52:41.498
but Jackie might know that one.
00:52:41.498 --> 00:52:42.520
(chuckles happily)
00:52:42.520 --> 00:52:43.800
00:52:43.800 --> 00:52:47.110
Unfortunately, because the link...
00:52:50.510 --> 00:52:52.240
I'm thinking you're
hoping that you'll be able
00:52:52.240 --> 00:52:55.850
to click on the tracking number
and it will open up for you.
00:52:55.850 --> 00:52:58.930
But because that
requires an online login,
00:52:58.930 --> 00:53:02.400
it's only going to link
you to the login page.
00:53:02.400 --> 00:53:03.680
00:53:03.680 --> 00:53:07.690
So unfortunately,
not necessarily.
00:53:07.690 --> 00:53:10.520
But there are ways that
you can maintain some
00:53:10.520 --> 00:53:15.520
of the hyperlink functionality
for certain aspects
00:53:17.360 --> 00:53:19.850
of the queries themselves.
00:53:19.850 --> 00:53:23.360
However, they're not
gonna be able to maintain
00:53:23.360 --> 00:53:24.850
some of the search criteria.
00:53:24.850 --> 00:53:29.850
So, it's a bit convoluted
to try and implement.
00:53:30.099 --> 00:53:32.920
I would say that
simple answer is gonna be.
00:53:32.920 --> 00:53:34.351
Well, yeah, but...
Not easily.
00:53:34.351 --> 00:53:35.943
Right, there you go.
00:53:36.980 --> 00:53:40.140
And it depends on
what you're trying to link to.
00:53:40.140 --> 00:53:40.990
00:53:42.820 --> 00:53:46.633
The next question is,
00:53:48.460 --> 00:53:53.460
does this query cover all
certified or severance letters?
00:53:54.250 --> 00:53:56.690
Meaning from
every department?
00:53:56.690 --> 00:53:59.793
Yes, they will all show up there.
00:54:01.720 --> 00:54:04.600
I mean, I don't what else all would be,
00:54:04.600 --> 00:54:08.657
but I mean it's all the...
I mean each lease.
00:54:08.657 --> 00:54:11.663
So I'm gonna back
up a couple slides here.
00:54:16.735 --> 00:54:18.800
You can download all these leases
00:54:18.800 --> 00:54:23.330
but it's each lease has
its own unique severances.
00:54:23.330 --> 00:54:25.980
So first you have your lease list
00:54:25.980 --> 00:54:28.790
and then within each
lease, you're gonna have
00:54:28.790 --> 00:54:31.240
a separate list of like this,
00:54:31.240 --> 00:54:33.210
where it shows all
the different severance
00:54:33.210 --> 00:54:35.023
per well or per lease.
00:54:37.410 --> 00:54:42.410
But as you can see this one
lease had production and P-5.
00:54:44.280 --> 00:54:46.580
And if there was any other departments,
00:54:46.580 --> 00:54:47.900
it would be in there too.
00:54:47.900 --> 00:54:48.733
So yes.
00:54:51.050 --> 00:54:52.930
The next one is,
00:54:52.930 --> 00:54:55.800
if a violation resolve date is listed,
00:54:55.800 --> 00:54:57.610
why would it remain as outstanding?
00:54:57.610 --> 00:54:59.580
And this is a very common question.
00:54:59.580 --> 00:55:02.192
So it's a great one to answer live.
00:55:02.192 --> 00:55:04.890
I don't even
though the answer.
00:55:04.890 --> 00:55:06.723
I would think it would go away too.
00:55:08.700 --> 00:55:11.160
There's a
few different criteria
00:55:11.160 --> 00:55:15.010
that are required in
order to resolve a violation.
00:55:15.010 --> 00:55:18.050
Number one, the
violation has to be resolved.
00:55:18.050 --> 00:55:22.170
And number two, a fee has to be paid.
00:55:22.170 --> 00:55:23.830
Well, some
of these have the,
00:55:23.830 --> 00:55:26.170
like, this one is not required.
00:55:26.170 --> 00:55:27.720
Maybe it's because there's
00:55:29.690 --> 00:55:31.990
the lease has...
00:55:31.990 --> 00:55:35.770
It's probably because this
lease has outstanding severances
00:55:35.770 --> 00:55:39.708
and so it pulls up all the
previous severances with that.
00:55:39.708 --> 00:55:42.560
If those dates were all resolved,
00:55:42.560 --> 00:55:44.760
it probably would
have not been in the list.
00:55:45.640 --> 00:55:49.133
If you had
selected outstanding, yeah.
00:55:49.970 --> 00:55:51.400
But once you access the lease
00:55:51.400 --> 00:55:53.093
it does show you the history.
00:55:53.930 --> 00:55:55.570
It doesn't
filter out the ones
00:55:55.570 --> 00:55:57.350
in here that are resolved.
00:55:57.350 --> 00:56:01.480
It gives you the lease that
has outstanding severances
00:56:01.480 --> 00:56:03.343
and then the histories there.
00:56:05.820 --> 00:56:07.670
Another good one is,
00:56:07.670 --> 00:56:12.323
are there plans to make
a public W-10 G-10 query?
00:56:13.860 --> 00:56:17.440
There is one
actually out there,
00:56:17.440 --> 00:56:20.280
I just hadn't included
in my presentation yet.
00:56:20.280 --> 00:56:24.400
So it is on the same severance,
00:56:24.400 --> 00:56:29.230
or the online research
queries it's in there.
00:56:29.230 --> 00:56:31.230
And it's the wealth status report query
00:56:31.230 --> 00:56:34.023
towards the bottom of
the oil and gas queries.
00:56:35.030 --> 00:56:36.363
So it is there.
00:56:37.330 --> 00:56:41.470
Oh, keep in mind, those are
only for the W-10 and G-10
00:56:41.470 --> 00:56:44.090
that have been filed
through the online system.
00:56:44.090 --> 00:56:46.770
If an operator chooses to file paper,
00:56:46.770 --> 00:56:48.450
which we highly discourage,
00:56:48.450 --> 00:56:50.885
and we prefer them
all to be done online,
00:56:50.885 --> 00:56:53.020
they won't show up in there.
00:56:53.020 --> 00:56:54.603
So, just keep that in mind.
00:56:56.630 --> 00:56:58.260
We have somebody asking,
00:56:58.260 --> 00:57:00.950
occasionally there's
an error message saying
00:57:00.950 --> 00:57:03.370
that the number of
public queries for the day
00:57:03.370 --> 00:57:05.130
has been exceeded.
00:57:05.130 --> 00:57:08.123
If you log in, will that get
you around that limitation?
00:57:09.940 --> 00:57:11.840
That's a new one for me.
00:57:11.840 --> 00:57:13.923
I was unaware that that was an issue.
00:57:14.890 --> 00:57:17.270
I believe
that is actually built in
00:57:17.270 --> 00:57:22.270
to our queries in order
to prevent data mining
00:57:23.640 --> 00:57:28.640
so that the website doesn't
get slowed by over usage.
00:57:30.400 --> 00:57:31.400
Oh, okay.
00:57:32.380 --> 00:57:36.080
the queries are not
00:57:36.080 --> 00:57:38.360
all available through the online system.
00:57:38.360 --> 00:57:41.260
So I don't know that
logging in is necessarily
00:57:41.260 --> 00:57:43.190
going to help you there.
00:57:43.190 --> 00:57:45.710
If you do have a large
number of inquiries
00:57:45.710 --> 00:57:46.750
that you'd like to make,
00:57:46.750 --> 00:57:51.750
I would recommend you
contact central records
00:57:51.760 --> 00:57:54.560
or the department directly
to see how we can assist you.
00:57:57.940 --> 00:58:00.763
The next one is a little bit lengthy.
00:58:02.060 --> 00:58:05.700
Operators used to receive
severance letters in the mail,
00:58:05.700 --> 00:58:10.690
I understand now the computer
can move the well to sever
00:58:11.800 --> 00:58:14.480
just due to an expiration of time
00:58:14.480 --> 00:58:16.083
on the notice of violation.
00:58:16.980 --> 00:58:21.842
When is the operator in violation
when the mainframe updates
00:58:21.842 --> 00:58:25.163
overnight or when you
receive the severed letter?
00:58:26.877 --> 00:58:31.790
The way the letters work
or the severances work is,
00:58:31.790 --> 00:58:35.430
so if you look at, like on this example,
00:58:35.430 --> 00:58:39.240
this is the certified
letter issued date.
00:58:39.240 --> 00:58:44.000
So this date, in this
case it was 5/22/2008.
00:58:44.000 --> 00:58:46.750
That was what was printed on the letter.
00:58:46.750 --> 00:58:50.150
And so that's the date that is used for,
00:58:50.150 --> 00:58:53.150
when the certified
letter 30 day count starts,
00:58:53.150 --> 00:58:55.220
and for when it severs the lease,
00:58:55.220 --> 00:58:56.930
it would be based on the date,
00:58:56.930 --> 00:58:58.680
the letter was issued.
00:58:58.680 --> 00:59:01.673
That is a mainframe date,
so it's kind of the same.
00:59:03.720 --> 00:59:07.580
So, yeah, I know that the mail
can be slow and everything,
00:59:07.580 --> 00:59:09.720
but that's why we
encourage people to use
00:59:09.720 --> 00:59:14.330
the severance query,
because in this case that date,
00:59:14.330 --> 00:59:19.330
this lease, this violation
showed up the day
00:59:20.630 --> 00:59:22.950
that that certified letter was issued.
00:59:22.950 --> 00:59:27.100
So instead of having to wait
two weeks to get the mail,
00:59:27.100 --> 00:59:30.620
you knew the next day on May 23rd,
00:59:30.620 --> 00:59:32.800
that you had a certified
letter to take care of.
00:59:32.800 --> 00:59:35.010
So that's how those dates work.
00:59:35.010 --> 00:59:37.503
They're based on the date of the letter.
00:59:40.096 --> 00:59:43.030
And I believe that
is actually the last question.
00:59:43.030 --> 00:59:44.510
00:59:44.510 --> 00:59:49.510
And that was actually the last query.
00:59:50.780 --> 00:59:54.523
So we are done and there's
any follow up questions,
00:59:55.950 --> 00:59:58.230
and this is our information
in Well Compliance,
00:59:58.230 --> 01:00:00.553
all of it can be found on the website.
01:00:03.750 --> 01:00:08.430
And then please, on this last slide,
01:00:08.430 --> 01:00:13.150
please remember to
fill out an evaluation
01:00:13.150 --> 01:00:15.773
that's available on the
website, it's a survey.
01:00:17.424 --> 01:00:22.070
And then there's also
this link to the archive video
01:00:22.070 --> 01:00:23.610
of this webcast will be available
01:00:23.610 --> 01:00:26.263
on the same webpage as the presentation.
01:00:28.910 --> 01:00:32.573
So that's it, I'm so glad
everybody was able to come.
01:00:33.480 --> 01:00:35.920
And I hope you guys learned something.
01:00:35.920 --> 01:00:38.163
It's a lot of information.
01:00:39.030 --> 01:00:42.430
I love that these are now on a video
01:00:42.430 --> 01:00:44.340
so that you guys can
go back and go through
01:00:44.340 --> 01:00:47.900
and you can get the PowerPoint
or the PDF of the PowerPoint
01:00:47.900 --> 01:00:51.860
so that you can look
at it at another time.
01:00:51.860 --> 01:00:53.810
Do we have another question, Jackie?
01:00:53.810 --> 01:00:54.643
01:00:54.643 --> 01:00:57.440
Well, we have some
of these in great jobs.
01:00:57.440 --> 01:00:58.273
Thank you.
Thank you.
01:00:58.273 --> 01:01:00.718
With an exclamation point.
01:01:00.718 --> 01:01:04.760
There's one thing that
Joe actually wanted to add
01:01:04.760 --> 01:01:08.010
in reference to severances
01:01:08.010 --> 01:01:11.090
and that is a great thing
to always remember.
01:01:11.090 --> 01:01:14.200
The best way to avoid a
severance is to respond
01:01:14.200 --> 01:01:17.120
to the initial letter that you receive,
01:01:17.120 --> 01:01:20.550
either it being an allowable supplement
01:01:20.550 --> 01:01:25.140
or an overproduction letter, or a letter
01:01:25.140 --> 01:01:27.663
for overproduction due to forms lacking.
01:01:29.227 --> 01:01:30.113
01:01:31.530 --> 01:01:35.370
Usually we try to communicate
as much as we can.
01:01:35.370 --> 01:01:37.100
We know that sometimes the mail
01:01:37.100 --> 01:01:40.200
in our systems don't always cooperate.
01:01:40.200 --> 01:01:44.040
But supplements are....
01:01:44.040 --> 01:01:45.890
I mean, we send those out all the time.
01:01:45.890 --> 01:01:48.700
Every time we change
a well, one gets issued.
01:01:48.700 --> 01:01:51.960
So yes, always try to
review the documents
01:01:51.960 --> 01:01:55.503
that you get and take
care of it ahead of time.
01:01:58.980 --> 01:02:00.283
Anything else?
01:02:02.940 --> 01:02:04.960
I believe we covered it.
01:02:04.960 --> 01:02:08.970
The fact that the best way to
pull up the Severance Query
01:02:08.970 --> 01:02:13.290
is by just your operator
number without standing all.
01:02:13.290 --> 01:02:15.440
If you don't put in any
other search criteria,
01:02:15.440 --> 01:02:19.050
it's gonna capture
everything currently pending
01:02:20.090 --> 01:02:21.863
for your operator number.
01:02:22.950 --> 01:02:26.170
And in my opinion, one
of the best ways to utilize
01:02:26.170 --> 01:02:29.160
all of our queries is
to start out by putting
01:02:29.160 --> 01:02:31.090
in as little information as possible
01:02:31.090 --> 01:02:32.630
so that you don't possibly
01:02:33.660 --> 01:02:34.493
put in criteria
Filter something
01:02:34.493 --> 01:02:35.326
out on accident.
01:02:35.326 --> 01:02:37.660
Yeah, that's very true.
01:02:37.660 --> 01:02:39.490
And slowly narrow it down
01:02:39.490 --> 01:02:42.100
when you need to be more specific.
01:02:42.100 --> 01:02:43.420
01:02:43.420 --> 01:02:45.200
A side from that,
01:02:45.200 --> 01:02:48.040
it's great to put a face with the name.
01:02:48.040 --> 01:02:49.380
Great job.
01:02:49.380 --> 01:02:51.920
Yeah, we totally had
to be on camera this year
01:02:51.920 --> 01:02:54.760
and I understand 'cause I
do talk on the phone a lot
01:02:54.760 --> 01:02:55.900
and send a lot of emails.
01:02:55.900 --> 01:02:58.970
So it's good that you guys can at least
01:02:58.970 --> 01:03:00.370
see who you're dealing with.
01:03:03.010 --> 01:03:04.090
So, okay.
01:03:04.090 --> 01:03:05.283
I think that's it.
01:03:06.250 --> 01:03:07.933
Thank you very much.