WEBVTT 00:00:08.140 --> 00:00:11.060 Hello everybody. I'm gonna go ahead and welcome you 00:00:11.060 --> 00:00:14.330 to the pipeline permit and mapping portion of our webinar 00:00:14.330 --> 00:00:18.410 today. My name is Karley Bisbano and I've been on the 00:00:18.410 --> 00:00:21.609 permitting team for about two years here at the railroad 00:00:21.609 --> 00:00:25.260 commission. If you are watching via zoom today, I'm 00:00:25.260 --> 00:00:28.000 gonna go ahead and encourage you to utilize our Q&A 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:31.730 field to submit any questions you have during today's 00:00:31.730 --> 00:00:34.780 presentation. And I also want to take a moment to thank 00:00:34.789 --> 00:00:37.340 my colleagues Andy Martineck and Bruce Waterman 00:00:37.340 --> 00:00:40.289 who are on the call. They will be my moderators and 00:00:40.289 --> 00:00:42.359 are going to help with any questions that come through 00:00:42.359 --> 00:00:47.439 today as well. So thank you guys. 00:00:47.439 --> 00:00:50.929 Before we begin, I do want to remind everyone 00:00:50.929 --> 00:00:53.929 that our presentation today is available to be downloaded 00:00:53.929 --> 00:00:57.289 through this link here on our website. And we also 00:00:57.289 --> 00:01:00.439 have provided this link in the chat. I definitely encourage 00:01:00.439 --> 00:01:03.240 you to copy and paste the link for download. Follow 00:01:03.240 --> 00:01:05.569 along or you can always refer to it later if you want 00:01:05.569 --> 00:01:11.540 to come back to any content we share today. 00:01:11.540 --> 00:01:14.540 Okay, so in today's presentation, we're going to be 00:01:14.540 --> 00:01:18.250 going over the following items, we'll do some common 00:01:18.250 --> 00:01:22.379 renewal errors. We'll go over required documents. We're 00:01:22.379 --> 00:01:26.019 gonna review an updated cover letter template. I have 00:01:26.019 --> 00:01:29.680 a couple permitting reminders for everyone and we're 00:01:29.680 --> 00:01:32.890 going to go over the transfer merge process. We'll 00:01:32.890 --> 00:01:36.019 go over some common mapping errors and of course we'll 00:01:36.019 --> 00:01:38.760 have time for questions in the middle and at the end 00:01:38.760 --> 00:01:43.840 of our presentation. 00:01:43.840 --> 00:01:46.939 Okay, jumping right into those common renewal errors 00:01:46.950 --> 00:01:49.670 The top three renewal mistakes that we're seeing are 00:01:49.670 --> 00:01:53.459 tied to mileage discrepancies, wrong submission types 00:01:53.469 --> 00:01:58.340 and incomplete documents. 00:01:58.340 --> 00:02:00.900 So with the mileage discrepancy, we're seeing this 00:02:00.900 --> 00:02:03.849 occur when the mileage on the cover letter does not 00:02:03.849 --> 00:02:07.599 match what we see in the mapping shape files. This 00:02:07.599 --> 00:02:10.919 automatically results in a rejection since we do need 00:02:10.919 --> 00:02:14.069 those numbers to align. So as the operator, you're 00:02:14.069 --> 00:02:17.629 going to have two choices to correct a rejection related 00:02:17.629 --> 00:02:21.810 to this error. So first you can either correct the 00:02:21.810 --> 00:02:24.379 mileage on your cover letter to match what is in your 00:02:24.379 --> 00:02:27.699 shape files or if you agree that the mileage in the 00:02:27.699 --> 00:02:31.550 shape files is not correct you can go ahead and acknowledge 00:02:31.550 --> 00:02:34.050 that difference in your cover letter and then make 00:02:34.050 --> 00:02:37.530 a statement committing to amend that permit after the 00:02:37.530 --> 00:02:40.900 renewal is approved. So if you have this situation 00:02:40.900 --> 00:02:43.099 you are going to have to correct those shape files 00:02:43.110 --> 00:02:46.729 after the renewal. Since again, a renewal filing does 00:02:46.729 --> 00:02:49.590 not allow any changes to be made to the permit or the 00:02:49.590 --> 00:02:54.139 mapping. 00:02:54.139 --> 00:02:57.479 Hey, the next renewal error we see is when a renewal 00:02:57.479 --> 00:03:00.870 is trying to be submitted but under the wrong submission 00:03:00.870 --> 00:03:04.879 type. So an example of this would be when under that 00:03:04.889 --> 00:03:08.539 action toolbar you select amendment instead of selecting 00:03:08.539 --> 00:03:12.740 renewal. So renewals and amendments must be submitted 00:03:12.740 --> 00:03:15.840 separately from each other. That said if you do 00:03:15.840 --> 00:03:19.180 have an amendment that you need to file, its most likely 00:03:19.180 --> 00:03:22.240 going to be in your best interest to go ahead and file 00:03:22.240 --> 00:03:25.409 your renewal first. We get those renewals approved 00:03:25.409 --> 00:03:27.639 fairly quickly. The turnaround time is a little bit 00:03:27.639 --> 00:03:30.740 quicker than amendments. And since the fees and the 00:03:30.740 --> 00:03:34.060 deadlines are tied to the renewals being timely with 00:03:34.060 --> 00:03:37.150 that submission is going to be the most important compared 00:03:37.150 --> 00:03:40.840 to the amendment. 00:03:40.840 --> 00:03:43.900 The last error I want to touch on here is incomplete 00:03:43.909 --> 00:03:47.909 documents. So we see this when the mileage being left 00:03:47.919 --> 00:03:51.979 off of the cover letter.It will just say your cover 00:03:51.979 --> 00:03:54.009 letter might say I'm renewing my permit and leave it 00:03:54.009 --> 00:03:57.449 at that. We do need that mileage on the cover letter 00:03:57.449 --> 00:04:00.639 document because it helps us verify that everything 00:04:00.639 --> 00:04:03.969 on your permit is current. There's no missing line 00:04:03.969 --> 00:04:08.229 or anything like that. This said we have updated 00:04:08.229 --> 00:04:11.479 the cover letter template to hopefully help operators 00:04:11.490 --> 00:04:14.719 include that mileage information. If you do hang 00:04:14.719 --> 00:04:16.889 tight with me I'm gonna be going over what that new 00:04:16.889 --> 00:04:19.660 cover letter template looks like in just a 00:04:19.660 --> 00:04:24.839 few slides here. 00:04:24.839 --> 00:04:28.050 So we do understand that knowing what needs to be 00:04:28.050 --> 00:04:30.740 submitted with every submission can get a little bit 00:04:30.740 --> 00:04:34.220 hard to remember or maybe difficult and for that reason 00:04:34.220 --> 00:04:37.459 my team has created this required document cheat sheet 00:04:37.839 --> 00:04:41.250 to help you identify what exactly is needed for your 00:04:41.250 --> 00:04:44.470 submission. You would just find your submission type 00:04:44.480 --> 00:04:46.920 and then it lists there cleanly for you exactly what 00:04:46.920 --> 00:04:52.740 is required for each filing. 00:04:52.740 --> 00:04:55.430 Okay, just something I wanted to highlight here, You'll 00:04:55.430 --> 00:04:58.959 see that while something like the shape files are only 00:04:58.959 --> 00:05:02.639 required for certain filings, such as when you have 00:05:02.649 --> 00:05:06.060 a amendment related to mapping, that cover letter is 00:05:06.060 --> 00:05:09.350 going to be always required no matter what your submission 00:05:09.350 --> 00:05:13.069 type is. This being that we just want to know why 00:05:13.069 --> 00:05:15.410 you're submitting your filing, knowing what changes 00:05:15.410 --> 00:05:19.050 you're making helps us get it approved or reviewed 00:05:19.050 --> 00:05:24.040 a little bit quicker for you. 00:05:24.040 --> 00:05:27.110 So here I've gone ahead and we have linked the cheat 00:05:27.110 --> 00:05:30.519 sheet that you just saw. I do recommend to bookmark 00:05:30.519 --> 00:05:33.350 this page, you can save a screenshot of it to your 00:05:33.350 --> 00:05:37.009 desktop and if you do ever lose this link, we do have 00:05:37.009 --> 00:05:39.970 it on the pipeline safety and permitting portion of 00:05:39.970 --> 00:05:43.990 our website along with quite a few other helpful permitting 00:05:43.990 --> 00:05:46.050 and mapping guides that you might want to look through 00:05:50.139 --> 00:05:52.769 Okay, so moving along, we're gonna get to that cover 00:05:52.769 --> 00:05:56.050 letter template I mentioned a few slides ago. So this 00:05:56.050 --> 00:05:59.420 is gonna be more of a universal cover letter that can 00:05:59.420 --> 00:06:02.860 be used for all submission types. All that you'll have 00:06:02.860 --> 00:06:06.149 to do is fill out the section that is relevant to your 00:06:06.149 --> 00:06:10.230 filing. So we wanted to really create this as a way 00:06:10.230 --> 00:06:14.899 to help lower the rejections on submissions. And 00:06:14.899 --> 00:06:17.579 then that way is hopefully gonna cut out some back 00:06:17.579 --> 00:06:19.939 and forth that some operators have where permit 00:06:19.939 --> 00:06:23.120 rejected and then they have to redo it. Hopefully 00:06:23.120 --> 00:06:26.399 a nice clean cover letter template helps you get everything 00:06:26.399 --> 00:06:29.790 right the first time and helps us review it quicker 00:06:29.790 --> 00:06:35.410 as well. So a note here on the form, it is currently 00:06:35.420 --> 00:06:38.810 up for comment until I believe September 3 at that 00:06:38.810 --> 00:06:42.600 time it's going to go to conference. I'll go ahead 00:06:42.600 --> 00:06:46.129 and have Bruce or Andy if you will share a link where 00:06:46.129 --> 00:06:49.879 you can leave comments on the form if anyone has any 00:06:49.879 --> 00:06:53.670 feedback after we go over it today. There is going 00:06:53.670 --> 00:06:56.300 to be a high chance that this is gonna be a required 00:06:56.300 --> 00:06:59.240 document in the very near future. So I am going to 00:06:59.240 --> 00:07:01.930 go ahead and walk through each section a little in 00:07:01.930 --> 00:07:04.860 a little bit more detail so you can see what's the 00:07:04.860 --> 00:07:07.699 same, what's different and hopefully get a feel for 00:07:07.709 --> 00:07:14.439 what this form will look like in the future. 00:07:14.439 --> 00:07:17.470 Okay, so what we're looking at here is the top section 00:07:17.480 --> 00:07:21.699 of that pops fillable cover letter and this first section 00:07:21.699 --> 00:07:24.399 should be familiar to what you're putting on your cover 00:07:24.399 --> 00:07:28.069 letters. Currently we're just looking for your operator 00:07:28.069 --> 00:07:32.740 information and what permit you're working on 00:07:32.740 --> 00:07:36.230 and beneath that application type. This is you just 00:07:36.230 --> 00:07:40.459 letting us know, sorry we'll go back one more slide 00:07:40.470 --> 00:07:45.139 I 00:07:45.139 --> 00:07:48.519 Perfect. So in that middle section here under application 00:07:48.519 --> 00:07:51.579 type. This is where you'll let us know what type 00:07:51.589 --> 00:07:55.790 of application you're submitting and then beneath those 00:07:55.790 --> 00:07:58.329 sections, if you selected renewal, you would just fill 00:07:58.329 --> 00:08:01.819 out the renewal section, You know, inactivate amendment 00:08:01.829 --> 00:08:06.209 and so forth. So looking here that renewal section 00:08:06.209 --> 00:08:10.410 on the bottom, the imminent domain question here is 00:08:10.410 --> 00:08:13.290 something that is going to be required by our gas utilities 00:08:13.290 --> 00:08:16.870 team as more of an extension of that use of right of 00:08:16.870 --> 00:08:20.939 way question that we already have built into pops and 00:08:20.949 --> 00:08:24.750 in that field in the bottom right corner, that total 00:08:24.759 --> 00:08:27.699 active renewal permit mileage. Again, that's where 00:08:27.699 --> 00:08:30.560 we're looking for the active mileage of your permit 00:08:30.939 --> 00:08:34.019 and we hope that having it listed here as a sort of 00:08:34.019 --> 00:08:37.389 a required field is going to help it not get forgotten 00:08:37.389 --> 00:08:40.000 off of any future cover letters and help us get 00:08:40.000 --> 00:08:43.179 that information so that we can move forward with your 00:08:43.190 --> 00:08:48.840 with your renewals. 00:08:48.840 --> 00:08:52.480 Okay? So the next portion of this cover letter we move 00:08:52.480 --> 00:08:56.929 into new permits, we have inactivates and at the bottom 00:08:56.929 --> 00:08:59.799 we have about half of the amendment portion on this 00:08:59.799 --> 00:09:05.149 slide. So this new permit section at the top is again 00:09:05.159 --> 00:09:09.419 looking for that total mileage. And it also has a reminder 00:09:09.419 --> 00:09:13.500 to include that sign T4B transfer form if you're 00:09:13.500 --> 00:09:16.600 new permit is associated with the transfer because 00:09:16.600 --> 00:09:20.289 again the T4B does need to be included on any 00:09:20.299 --> 00:09:24.340 permit type that is involved with the transfer. 00:09:24.340 --> 00:09:27.990 The middle inactivate section here is built for 00:09:27.990 --> 00:09:31.149 you to tell us why you are closing out the permit. 00:09:31.840 --> 00:09:36.200 So as a note the lines cannot be idle If you are 00:09:36.210 --> 00:09:39.500 either have to be completely merging them off 00:09:39.500 --> 00:09:42.419 of the permit into a different permit or they do have 00:09:42.419 --> 00:09:46.860 to be completely improperly abandoned in place. 00:09:46.870 --> 00:09:49.509 If you have extra details that you want to provide 00:09:49.509 --> 00:09:53.379 for us. No worries. There will be an additional 00:09:53.379 --> 00:09:56.029 information section at the bottom of the cover letter 00:09:56.039 --> 00:09:59.120 so that you can sort of free form some comments if 00:09:59.120 --> 00:10:03.639 you feel some extra details are necessary. 00:10:03.639 --> 00:10:06.929 Okay? And then looking at the amendment section 00:10:06.929 --> 00:10:09.149 It's definitely going to be the media section of the 00:10:09.149 --> 00:10:11.809 cover letter since the amendments tend to have the 00:10:11.809 --> 00:10:16.509 most details. So what we've done here is we've included 00:10:16.519 --> 00:10:19.980 all of the mapping T4AMD codes that would 00:10:19.980 --> 00:10:24.240 be used during an amendment an amendment. So previously 00:10:24.240 --> 00:10:27.000 we know that you as the operator would have to look 00:10:27.000 --> 00:10:29.529 up which codes that you're using, using that guide to 00:10:29.529 --> 00:10:32.919 shape file submissions. And while that document is 00:10:32.919 --> 00:10:35.769 still going to be very helpful, we hope that having 00:10:35.769 --> 00:10:40.600 these codes listed here is going to make the cover 00:10:40.600 --> 00:10:44.320 letter easier and faster to fill out, we have the information 00:10:44.320 --> 00:10:47.159 and you just have to check off the relevant sections 00:10:48.340 --> 00:10:51.129 So for example if you were going to use this 00:10:51.139 --> 00:10:55.389 AMD Code section, if you are abandoning 10 miles 00:10:55.389 --> 00:10:59.350 of line you would put 10 next to the BP Code 00:10:59.350 --> 00:11:03.210 here, and before we move on I do want to note that 00:11:03.210 --> 00:11:06.350 we have gotten some questions about If you need to 00:11:06.350 --> 00:11:09.639 put a plus or a minus sign depending on if you're adding 00:11:09.639 --> 00:11:13.179 or taking away mileage and what I'll say to that is 00:11:13.179 --> 00:11:16.120 that the fields will allow you to put that character 00:11:16.120 --> 00:11:20.179 in there. So you could put negative 10 miles under 00:11:20.179 --> 00:11:25.179 that BP section, that said because the codes are pretty 00:11:25.179 --> 00:11:27.460 self explanatory and what you're doing, you know for 00:11:27.460 --> 00:11:30.950 example pipeline addition or abandoning pipeline, you 00:11:30.950 --> 00:11:33.210 could just put the mileage and we could figure it out 00:11:33.210 --> 00:11:36.110 from there but definitely feel free to use a plus or 00:11:36.110 --> 00:11:38.240 minus sign if you think it's going to help make the 00:11:38.240 --> 00:11:44.740 form a little bit more clear for you. 00:11:44.740 --> 00:11:48.929 Okay so here is the last portion of the amendment 00:11:48.929 --> 00:11:53.159 section of that cover letter and we have a detailed 00:11:53.159 --> 00:11:56.200 transfer section outlined here. So you can give us 00:11:56.210 --> 00:11:59.299 all the details on your information of whether it's 00:11:59.299 --> 00:12:02.919 a partial transfer, a full transfer transfer, merge 00:12:02.929 --> 00:12:07.039 and so on. And then for the codes that we have listed 00:12:07.039 --> 00:12:11.940 here is such as DP which is delete pipeline or oOM, other 00:12:11.940 --> 00:12:16.419 modification. We do have these required fields so that 00:12:16.419 --> 00:12:20.279 more detail can be left on those codes since with 00:12:20.279 --> 00:12:22.889 things like the leading pipeline, we specifically want 00:12:22.889 --> 00:12:27.299 to know what is going on in that case, and then at 00:12:27.299 --> 00:12:30.649 the bottom of this screen you will see that additional 00:12:30.659 --> 00:12:34.610 information section I mentioned, we just have a portion 00:12:34.610 --> 00:12:37.970 of it here, but it is a solid half of a page 00:12:37.970 --> 00:12:41.090 so that if you're, whether you're typing or handwriting 00:12:41.090 --> 00:12:43.870 it in, you do have lots and lots of room to sort 00:12:43.870 --> 00:12:50.340 of free form some comments if needed. 00:12:50.340 --> 00:12:54.059 Okay, we're going to move on to a few permit related 00:12:54.440 --> 00:12:58.509 reminders on these next few slides. I see some questions 00:12:58.509 --> 00:13:01.580 are coming in, so hang tight, we're going to have 00:13:01.580 --> 00:13:04.019 a little Q&A break in just a few minutes but 00:13:04.019 --> 00:13:06.649 definitely continue to be popping those into the chat 00:13:06.659 --> 00:13:09.379 and Bruce and Andy might get be able to get to them 00:13:09.389 --> 00:13:12.009 before we get to our break. So hang tight there and 00:13:12.009 --> 00:13:17.740 then we'll have just a couple reminders for you. 00:13:17.740 --> 00:13:22.100 Okay, so I did want to touch once again on what can 00:13:22.100 --> 00:13:25.590 and can't be combined under a T4 permit. So here 00:13:25.590 --> 00:13:28.850 we have what can be combined. The biggest note here 00:13:28.850 --> 00:13:32.559 would be that the lines do not have to be physically 00:13:32.559 --> 00:13:35.580 connected to each other, they can be in different parts 00:13:35.580 --> 00:13:38.710 of the state and still be under the same permit and 00:13:38.710 --> 00:13:41.120 then, you know, things like gathering and transmission 00:13:41.120 --> 00:13:45.090 lines can also be together if they are all liquid or 00:13:45.090 --> 00:13:50.039 all gas. 00:13:50.039 --> 00:13:53.429 Okay. And then similarly we have what cannot be combined 00:13:53.429 --> 00:13:56.850 on a permit together. The big one is gas versus 00:13:56.850 --> 00:14:00.159 liquid. Those do need to have their own T4 permits 00:14:00.639 --> 00:14:04.360 Additionally private versus common carrier or utility 00:14:04.360 --> 00:14:08.649 lines and then inter- and intrastate lines do 00:14:08.649 --> 00:14:15.940 need to be separated from each other 00:14:15.940 --> 00:14:19.539 Okay. Lastly I did want to remind everyone that the 00:14:19.539 --> 00:14:24.720 2022 mileage fee is going to be calculated December 00:14:24.720 --> 00:14:27.490 31 of this year. You know it kind of sneaks up on 00:14:27.490 --> 00:14:30.809 us pretty quickly since it's not due until April 00:14:30.809 --> 00:14:35.230 of next year. So just a note here that any changes 00:14:35.230 --> 00:14:38.129 to your permits that are going to affect your mileage 00:14:38.269 --> 00:14:42.419 those need to be submitted Into the pops queue by December 00:14:42.419 --> 00:14:47.500 30, sorry by December 1. On anything after that date 00:14:47.509 --> 00:14:50.669 we can't guarantee that it's going to be reviewed by 00:14:50.669 --> 00:14:54.549 that December 31 date. That said, we know it's 00:14:54.549 --> 00:14:57.129 kind of a crunch time for everyone that time of year 00:14:57.129 --> 00:15:00.279 so we will do our very best to get it done faster 00:15:00.279 --> 00:15:03.899 than that 30 day review period. But that said 00:15:03.899 --> 00:15:07.240 if you do get it done and submitted before December 00:15:07.240 --> 00:15:10.009 1, we can guarantee that it will be done before the 00:15:10.009 --> 00:15:14.039 end of the year and then whatever the mileage is at 00:15:14.039 --> 00:15:16.480 the end of the year that is going to be what your 00:15:16.480 --> 00:15:20.269 mileage fee is calculated from. So if you transfer 00:15:20.269 --> 00:15:23.580 permits or change your mileage after that date 00:15:23.580 --> 00:15:27.039 just keep in mind that it's going to be what was calculated 00:15:27.039 --> 00:15:31.759 on December 31. So if you have any transfers, transfers 00:15:31.759 --> 00:15:34.350 or abandoned lines that you think are going to be kind 00:15:34.350 --> 00:15:37.700 of lining up around that time of year, just keep 00:15:37.700 --> 00:15:40.639 it top of mind so that you can get your permits up 00:15:40.639 --> 00:15:47.240 to date before January 1. 00:15:47.240 --> 00:15:49.860 Okay. I feel like we've gone through a lot of content 00:15:49.860 --> 00:15:52.309 but at this time we're going to go ahead and take our 00:15:52.309 --> 00:15:57.159 first Q&A questions. If you don't have access 00:15:57.159 --> 00:16:00.590 to the zoom Q&A feature, definitely still keep 00:16:00.590 --> 00:16:04.309 your questions and at the very end I will have my team's 00:16:04.309 --> 00:16:08.070 contact information and my personal contact information 00:16:08.070 --> 00:16:11.870 so you can send us questions that way. 00:16:11.870 --> 00:16:15.860 So Bruce Andy do we have any questions at this time? 00:16:19.740 --> 00:16:23.899 There are no questions that are still 00:16:23.909 --> 00:16:28.340 open and he's answering one right now about the 00:16:28.340 --> 00:16:38.940 link to the presentation. 00:16:38.940 --> 00:16:41.970 Okay Perfect. I'll pause here for just another moment 00:16:42.539 --> 00:16:45.919 Again, Bruce Andy thank you guys for answering questions 00:16:45.919 --> 00:16:49.029 that they come in. Keep using that Q&A feature 00:16:49.029 --> 00:16:51.929 throughout the rest of the webinar and we'll take your 00:16:51.929 --> 00:16:55.720 questions, and again definitely email us if you have 00:16:55.720 --> 00:16:58.419 any lingering thoughts or concerns after we get done 00:16:58.419 --> 00:17:11.740 presenting today 00:17:11.740 --> 00:17:15.690 And then Andy whenever you are ready we'll 00:17:15.690 --> 00:17:21.839 go ahead and move on to the mapping section. 00:17:21.839 --> 00:17:23.849 Perfect. So as a slide says here, we're going to go 00:17:23.849 --> 00:17:28.740 over some of our pipeline mapping updates, 00:17:28.740 --> 00:17:31.819 we're gonna be doing a quick refresher on the transfer 00:17:31.819 --> 00:17:35.509 merge process. It's something that's about a year 00:17:35.509 --> 00:17:39.170 old now but still a little bit new to the pops system 00:17:39.539 --> 00:17:42.150 We're going to be going over some common shape file 00:17:42.160 --> 00:17:45.609 errors and we're going to be giving some hopefully 00:17:45.609 --> 00:17:49.289 good examples in regards to that new pops fillable 00:17:49.289 --> 00:17:55.940 cover letter template. 00:17:55.940 --> 00:17:58.920 Okay to speak on that transfer merge process for just 00:17:58.920 --> 00:18:04.210 a bit. If you are the acquiring operator of a full 00:18:04.210 --> 00:18:08.019 transfer, you're going to have two options. You can 00:18:08.019 --> 00:18:12.309 follow the full transfer process which has, you know 00:18:12.309 --> 00:18:15.359 been available for quite some time or you can do the 00:18:15.359 --> 00:18:19.309 new transfer merge process and I'll go into detail 00:18:19.309 --> 00:18:21.890 in a couple more slides on the differences between 00:18:21.890 --> 00:18:24.740 the two. 00:18:24.740 --> 00:18:28.579 Okay, so which type should you use? So if you accept 00:18:28.589 --> 00:18:32.359 the full transfer, you are accepting that T4 permit 00:18:32.369 --> 00:18:36.390 in its entirety and that is including that T4 permit 00:18:36.390 --> 00:18:39.299 number. So what is essentially happening is we are 00:18:39.299 --> 00:18:42.680 just taking that permit and we are changing the operating 00:18:42.680 --> 00:18:45.529 name to the requiring operators. The number stays the 00:18:45.529 --> 00:18:49.200 same. The mapping stays the same. It's now just been 00:18:49.200 --> 00:18:54.240 put in the new operators name and if you move the lines 00:18:54.240 --> 00:18:57.730 you acquired into an existing permit number that you 00:18:57.730 --> 00:19:01.160 already have, you are going to use the transfer merge 00:19:01.170 --> 00:19:04.670 process. And on this next slide, I think I have 00:19:04.670 --> 00:19:07.930 a breakdown of the specific differences between the 00:19:07.930 --> 00:19:12.539 two application types to go over. 00:19:12.539 --> 00:19:15.400 Okay, so between the full transfer and the transfer 00:19:15.400 --> 00:19:18.799 merge, the divesting operator still has to transfer 00:19:18.799 --> 00:19:21.329 first and that's going to initiate the process. So 00:19:21.329 --> 00:19:26.240 that's gonna be the same between the two. 00:19:26.240 --> 00:19:29.910 Okay. So are the fees different? If you accept the full 00:19:29.910 --> 00:19:33.789 transfer and that new permit number, You are going 00:19:33.789 --> 00:19:38.339 to have to pay the $500 permit renewal feet upon receiving 00:19:38.339 --> 00:19:41.549 that permit. It's similar to getting a new permit 00:19:41.549 --> 00:19:45.430 where you have to pay the fee that said if you merge 00:19:45.430 --> 00:19:48.619 those lines into an existing permit, you're not going 00:19:48.619 --> 00:19:52.259 to have an additional fee because you are going to 00:19:52.259 --> 00:19:54.880 already be renewing and paying the fees on the existing 00:19:54.880 --> 00:20:01.339 permit that you're moving those lines into. 00:20:01.339 --> 00:20:04.529 Okay. The other difference here is that full transfers 00:20:04.529 --> 00:20:09.359 can only be accepted one at a time where if you do 00:20:09.359 --> 00:20:14.779 the transfer merge, you can accept multiple transfers 00:20:14.789 --> 00:20:17.980 into your keeper permit at the same time. I know 00:20:17.980 --> 00:20:20.180 that might sound a little bit confusing. So what that 00:20:20.180 --> 00:20:24.880 would look like is if you have two transfers that are 00:20:24.880 --> 00:20:27.900 being sent to you. If you do a full transfer, you're 00:20:27.900 --> 00:20:30.869 going to have to hit action and go through the whole 00:20:30.869 --> 00:20:34.099 process of accepting that permit and then you'll have 00:20:34.099 --> 00:20:37.430 to do it again. If you do transfer merge, you'll just 00:20:37.430 --> 00:20:41.039 go into your one keeper permit and it will say do you 00:20:41.039 --> 00:20:44.460 want to accept the lines from permit one and permit 00:20:44.460 --> 00:20:47.460 two? You can say yes and you're doing it through one 00:20:47.940 --> 00:20:53.940 Application and one submission. 00:20:53.940 --> 00:20:56.960 Okay. The other big difference here is that if you 00:20:56.960 --> 00:21:00.470 do a full transfer, you do not require any shape files 00:21:00.470 --> 00:21:04.259 to be submitted. This is because you are just taking 00:21:04.259 --> 00:21:06.910 the mapping that currently exists on that permit. And 00:21:06.910 --> 00:21:10.819 again, we're just moving the operating name. Whereas 00:21:10.819 --> 00:21:13.630 if you do the transfer merge, you are going to have 00:21:13.630 --> 00:21:17.059 to submit new shape files because you need to reflect 00:21:17.440 --> 00:21:20.640 those acquired lines being added to your old existing 00:21:20.640 --> 00:21:26.740 lines that are in your current keeper permit. 00:21:26.740 --> 00:21:29.529 So what about the actual permit number? So with that 00:21:29.529 --> 00:21:34.049 full transfer, we are sending that existing permit 00:21:34.440 --> 00:21:37.750 over to the acquiring operator. With the transfer merge 00:21:37.750 --> 00:21:41.410 process, that permit that the transfer was divested 00:21:41.410 --> 00:21:45.230 from, that permit number is essentially inactivated 00:21:45.240 --> 00:21:48.160 And you are choosing which existing permit number you 00:21:48.160 --> 00:21:55.539 want those signs to be moved into. 00:21:55.539 --> 00:21:58.809 Hey, now we're going to be moving into some common 00:21:58.809 --> 00:22:02.210 shape file mistakes. The first one being incomplete 00:22:02.220 --> 00:22:06.369 or missing documents. So we do see this mostly with 00:22:06.369 --> 00:22:11.559 the T4B forms. Not being included with all transfers 00:22:12.339 --> 00:22:16.490 So again, all transferred types do require that T4B 00:22:16.490 --> 00:22:20.029 to be submitted and it must be signed by the acquiring 00:22:20.039 --> 00:22:22.769 and the divesting operator at the time of submission 00:22:23.740 --> 00:22:26.750 When in doubt if you are ever worried about whether 00:22:26.750 --> 00:22:30.039 or not it is needed. This is a perfect example to refer 00:22:30.039 --> 00:22:33.069 to that permit submission cheat sheet that we went 00:22:33.069 --> 00:22:39.940 over a little bit earlier in the presentation. 00:22:39.940 --> 00:22:44.500 The next common error we see here is when lines 00:22:44.509 --> 00:22:49.490 are missing from the shape files. So something to know 00:22:49.490 --> 00:22:53.500 is that whenever any shape file is submitted for a 00:22:53.500 --> 00:22:57.059 permit, it's going to completely replace what shape 00:22:57.059 --> 00:23:01.470 file was on file before. So it's basically deleting 00:23:01.470 --> 00:23:03.829 the old shape file. What you submit is going to be 00:23:03.839 --> 00:23:07.769 the complete entire shape file and mapping for that 00:23:07.769 --> 00:23:11.500 permit. So for that reason the shape file submitted 00:23:11.500 --> 00:23:15.819 needs to include all the lines, both the old ones and 00:23:15.819 --> 00:23:19.430 the new ones. And it also needs to include those abandoned 00:23:19.430 --> 00:23:24.839 lines as well. 00:23:24.839 --> 00:23:29.299 Here we have a little visual example here of an amendment 00:23:29.309 --> 00:23:34.789 to add some lines to a permit. So the orange lines 00:23:34.799 --> 00:23:38.769 are representing the existing lines that don't have 00:23:38.769 --> 00:23:42.960 any changes to them. And that blue teal green line 00:23:42.970 --> 00:23:45.670 is representing the new line being added to the permit 00:23:46.839 --> 00:23:49.869 So in the shape file for this amendment, we would need 00:23:49.869 --> 00:23:54.230 to see both these old and new the blue and the green 00:23:54.240 --> 00:23:57.589 segments. If you submitted a shape file that just had 00:23:57.589 --> 00:24:01.730 those blue new lines, we would have to reject that 00:24:01.730 --> 00:24:04.400 submission because when that shape file replaces the 00:24:04.400 --> 00:24:07.210 old one, we would then be missing all of your old existing 00:24:07.210 --> 00:24:13.940 lines from mapping. 00:24:13.940 --> 00:24:17.660 Okay so next we're going to cover the differences 00:24:18.039 --> 00:24:20.559 When there are differences between what you put in 00:24:20.559 --> 00:24:23.349 your cover letter and what we see in the shape files 00:24:24.039 --> 00:24:27.819 So all the documents tied to your submission essentially 00:24:27.819 --> 00:24:34.940 need to be telling the same story. 00:24:34.940 --> 00:24:39.950 So the first difference here is different data between 00:24:39.950 --> 00:24:43.089 the shape file and the cover letter. For example 00:24:43.089 --> 00:24:46.190 a cover letter says 10 miles are being abandoned 00:24:46.200 --> 00:24:51.390 but the shape file shows 10 miles being added and 00:24:51.390 --> 00:24:54.200 then we also see mileage differences whereas the cover 00:24:54.200 --> 00:24:57.019 letter might say something like there are five miles 00:24:57.019 --> 00:25:00.250 of new line but in the shape files we see 00:25:00.259 --> 00:25:04.240 10 new miles of line. 00:25:04.240 --> 00:25:08.799 And lastly here we see the new total active mileage 00:25:08.799 --> 00:25:13.039 number being off by a bit. So if you say there are 00:25:13.049 --> 00:25:16.710 five active remaining miles but the shape file show 00:25:16.720 --> 00:25:21.599 10 active miles. We have an error that results in a 00:25:21.609 --> 00:25:25.779 rejection. Since these are you know, simple errors 00:25:25.779 --> 00:25:30.829 that we we know are they happen really easily. We 00:25:30.839 --> 00:25:33.089 we hope that that new cover letter really helps to 00:25:33.089 --> 00:25:36.609 alleviate some of these common number issues and helps 00:25:36.619 --> 00:25:40.309 Both my team and the operator side better track 00:25:40.309 --> 00:25:43.450 the amount of mileage that's being adjusted per amendment 00:25:47.940 --> 00:25:50.589 Okay, so I do want to jump back to the cover letter 00:25:50.599 --> 00:25:54.849 and provide a few more details and some more examples 00:25:54.859 --> 00:26:01.940 of how that new form will be used. 00:26:01.940 --> 00:26:06.230 So the new form will ideally help us resolve cover 00:26:06.230 --> 00:26:09.089 letter errors and make everything as clear as possible 00:26:09.089 --> 00:26:16.339 for each submission. 00:26:16.339 --> 00:26:19.960 Okay. So this is looking again at the amendment portion 00:26:19.960 --> 00:26:24.160 of the cover letter And this shows all of the T4 00:26:24.160 --> 00:26:27.349 AMD codes available to be used in a shape file 00:26:28.740 --> 00:26:32.349 So before submitting your amendment, I do recommend 00:26:32.349 --> 00:26:35.599 to take a look at what codes you have listed in your 00:26:35.599 --> 00:26:39.819 shape file and make sure that they match what we have 00:26:39.819 --> 00:26:42.990 listed on the cover letter. And then if you ever 00:26:43.000 --> 00:26:46.279 are not sure if you're using the correct code, that's 00:26:46.279 --> 00:26:48.380 where that guide to shape file submissions is going 00:26:48.380 --> 00:26:50.940 to still come in handy because it has a little bit 00:26:50.940 --> 00:26:54.609 more detail on when and how these codes can be used 00:26:54.609 --> 00:26:57.640 and it's a really good resource. 00:26:57.640 --> 00:27:00.150 And then a separate note before we move on here 00:27:00.160 --> 00:27:03.299 that last code on the bottom right? The FT. Full 00:27:03.299 --> 00:27:07.410 transfer code? That's gonna be the only code here related 00:27:07.410 --> 00:27:11.339 to mapping that does not need shape files. So since 00:27:11.339 --> 00:27:14.529 a full transfer is essentially a type of amendment 00:27:14.539 --> 00:27:17.599 for the acquiring operator, we did want to include it 00:27:17.599 --> 00:27:20.230 in this section so that it still lived in the cover 00:27:20.230 --> 00:27:23.849 letter somewhere. If you are completing a full transfer 00:27:23.859 --> 00:27:27.369 you can just select that box and then not have to worry 00:27:27.369 --> 00:27:30.980 about any mapping or any other T4 AMD codes because 00:27:30.980 --> 00:27:33.599 again, with that full transfer you're essentially just 00:27:33.599 --> 00:27:36.150 changing the operator information and keeping the permit 00:27:36.160 --> 00:27:41.539 as is 00:27:41.539 --> 00:27:45.269 Okay, so to the right of each of these T4 AMD codes 00:27:45.279 --> 00:27:48.559 is where you're going to list the mileage associated 00:27:48.569 --> 00:27:52.829 for each code. For example, again if you are abandoning 00:27:52.829 --> 00:27:56.359 line, you would put the number of miles affected, 00:27:56.359 --> 00:27:59.920 just to the right there. And let's say you were 00:27:59.920 --> 00:28:03.930 adding five miles of new line next to PA right to 00:28:03.930 --> 00:28:07.160 the right of that, you would put plus five or just 00:28:07.160 --> 00:28:12.140 five would be fine. 00:28:12.140 --> 00:28:16.250 And then beneath these codes we have the before and 00:28:16.259 --> 00:28:20.960 after amendment mileage fields. So just an example 00:28:20.960 --> 00:28:24.799 of how to use these if you have a permit with 50 00:28:24.799 --> 00:28:27.859 miles of active line. And let's say you're abandoning 00:28:27.859 --> 00:28:31.960 10 miles, you would put in the top right corner BP 00:28:32.339 --> 00:28:36.079 -10 miles or just 10 miles. And then the bottom 00:28:36.079 --> 00:28:39.170 left you would put there were 50 miles before amendment 00:28:39.839 --> 00:28:42.559 And in the highlighted red field you would put there 00:28:42.559 --> 00:28:47.039 would be 40 active miles after the amendment. 00:28:47.039 --> 00:28:50.430 And just a note here about mapping in general before 00:28:50.430 --> 00:28:54.710 we move on. We do calculate shape final mileage 00:28:54.710 --> 00:28:58.069 using a projected coordinate system called the Texas 00:28:58.069 --> 00:29:02.359 Statewide Mapping system. And it's based on the NAD1927 00:29:02.660 --> 00:29:08.039 data. 00:29:08.039 --> 00:29:10.900 Okay, so again, this is a little bit of a repeat from 00:29:10.910 --> 00:29:13.230 earlier but I do want to mention it again just so that 00:29:13.230 --> 00:29:16.450 everyone is feeling comfortable and familiar with 00:29:16.450 --> 00:29:19.720 the new template. So again, in this section of the 00:29:19.720 --> 00:29:23.589 cover letter, we have added the additional fields that 00:29:23.589 --> 00:29:26.220 you see here that are going to allow you to provide 00:29:26.220 --> 00:29:29.630 a little bit more additional information whenever you're 00:29:29.640 --> 00:29:33.640 using these specific codes. 00:29:33.640 --> 00:29:36.440 If you have ever been in a situation with your permit 00:29:36.440 --> 00:29:40.819 where you've filed to delete some line and if you didn't 00:29:40.829 --> 00:29:43.920 provide a reason, you most likely have experienced 00:29:43.930 --> 00:29:48.140 a rejection from us. We've added this space next 00:29:48.140 --> 00:29:50.490 to these fields just to serve as reminders that we 00:29:50.500 --> 00:29:54.220 do want and need additional information on these. For 00:29:54.220 --> 00:29:57.140 example, if you're looking to delete pipeline, you 00:29:57.140 --> 00:30:00.950 do need to tell us why. We only delete pipeline 00:30:00.950 --> 00:30:04.039 for certain situations and scenarios and we do want 00:30:04.039 --> 00:30:06.519 to verify that the reason that you're giving us does 00:30:06.519 --> 00:30:09.910 match one of those cases that we do allow that situation 00:30:09.910 --> 00:30:13.569 to happen again. This is gonna be the 00:30:13.569 --> 00:30:17.529 same for that OM, other modification code. If you're 00:30:17.529 --> 00:30:21.119 making a change to a segment that is other modification 00:30:21.130 --> 00:30:24.829 we would like to just know why. Is it a name 00:30:24.829 --> 00:30:28.779 change? Are you changing the diameter? Our mappers 00:30:28.779 --> 00:30:32.259 just need to know what specifically they need to look 00:30:32.259 --> 00:30:34.609 for whenever they open your shape files to approve 00:30:34.609 --> 00:30:39.539 that submission. 00:30:39.539 --> 00:30:42.779 Okay, lastly we do have this large section of the cover 00:30:42.779 --> 00:30:46.240 letter template dedicated to the freeform additional 00:30:46.240 --> 00:30:49.829 information section. We did build the cover letter 00:30:49.829 --> 00:30:53.119 to help provide to help you provide all the information 00:30:53.130 --> 00:30:56.470 that's going to be needed, but definitely feel free 00:30:56.470 --> 00:30:59.569 to use this section to give as much clarity as you 00:30:59.569 --> 00:31:02.029 think is needed for your application to be reviewed 00:31:02.039 --> 00:31:05.940 successfully. It looks kind of small on this on 00:31:05.940 --> 00:31:09.359 this screen but it is about a solid half of a page 00:31:09.359 --> 00:31:12.609 So there's definitely room to write a paragraph 00:31:12.609 --> 00:31:15.269 or two. If if you do think it'll help with your application. 00:31:18.240 --> 00:31:23.920 The cover letter tangent is over and 00:31:23.920 --> 00:31:26.329 now I'm gonna go ahead and jump back over to those 00:31:26.329 --> 00:31:29.480 common shape file mistakes. So hang with me, we're 00:31:29.480 --> 00:31:33.589 getting close to the end here. But let's talk about 00:31:33.589 --> 00:31:37.460 when you're shape file is missing certain required 00:31:37.460 --> 00:31:42.920 fields. So all shape files must contain the 15 fields 00:31:42.930 --> 00:31:45.950 outlined in the guide to shape file submission document 00:31:46.440 --> 00:31:49.150 I have that document linked at the end of this presentation 00:31:49.150 --> 00:31:52.200 So if you do need to save that hang tight, download 00:31:52.200 --> 00:31:55.250 the presentation and you'll have that for your reference 00:31:55.250 --> 00:31:58.660 forever. But definitely reference that doc whenever 00:31:58.660 --> 00:32:02.460 you do need info on those fields. We have outlined 00:32:02.470 --> 00:32:05.759 the character limit, the data type and so on for each 00:32:05.759 --> 00:32:11.779 one in quite a bit of detail. Some lines do require 00:32:11.789 --> 00:32:16.059 two additional fields. So total of 17 fields. 00:32:16.740 --> 00:32:19.180 And that's gonna be if it's a rural gathering line 00:32:19.180 --> 00:32:23.329 between 6-8" and those two fields needed are going 00:32:23.329 --> 00:32:27.809 to be the SMYS & USA field. If you are 00:32:27.819 --> 00:32:32.009 missing fields, whether it be one of the 15 or one 00:32:32.009 --> 00:32:34.730 of the 17, that's automatically going to result in a 00:32:34.730 --> 00:32:38.279 rejection because they do need to be in there and able 00:32:38.279 --> 00:32:41.230 for in order for our system to correctly validate those 00:32:41.230 --> 00:32:44.279 shape files. So just be sure to do a quick count and 00:32:44.279 --> 00:32:48.099 verify that you have all 15 fields, 15-17 fields in 00:32:48.099 --> 00:32:55.440 your shape file. 00:32:55.440 --> 00:32:58.779 Okay. So as I mentioned earlier, all shape files do 00:32:58.779 --> 00:33:04.170 need to be submitted using the NAD 1927 or 00:33:04.170 --> 00:33:09.660 NAD 1983 unprojected coordinate system. If you are 00:33:09.670 --> 00:33:13.440 using a projected coordinate system that will end up 00:33:13.450 --> 00:33:18.420 being a rejection. And if you're ever unsure about 00:33:18.430 --> 00:33:20.859 whether the coordinate system that you're using is 00:33:20.869 --> 00:33:24.029 incorrect or correct, you can definitely contact us 00:33:24.029 --> 00:33:26.950 before you submit and we can verify that what you're 00:33:26.950 --> 00:33:31.650 using is correct and can be read by our system. 00:33:37.039 --> 00:33:40.099 Okay. The other thing we do see sometimes is when those 00:33:40.109 --> 00:33:45.150 shape file fields have invalid data in them. Again 00:33:45.150 --> 00:33:47.700 our guide to shape files document lists the data 00:33:47.700 --> 00:33:51.609 type and character limit for each field in quite a 00:33:51.609 --> 00:33:55.410 bit of detail. So for example here we have the P5 00:33:55.410 --> 00:33:59.289 number field and it lets you know that it is a text 00:33:59.289 --> 00:34:03.130 field with a six character limit. And then it gives 00:34:03.130 --> 00:34:05.589 you a little blurb about what specifically the P5 number 00:34:05.589 --> 00:34:08.710 is and we do that for each one. So you know what 00:34:08.719 --> 00:34:16.739 information we're looking for there. 00:34:16.739 --> 00:34:21.469 Okay so to end the common shape file errors, I want 00:34:21.469 --> 00:34:24.659 to discuss the actual name of the shape file documents 00:34:25.239 --> 00:34:29.039 in the GIS System certain characters are going 00:34:29.039 --> 00:34:34.269 to make a shape file unreadable. There are certain 00:34:34.269 --> 00:34:37.280 things we can't accept as valid characters and that's 00:34:37.280 --> 00:34:41.139 gonna be letters numbers and underscores. So a really 00:34:41.139 --> 00:34:47.980 great example of an acceptable file name would be Amendment 00:34:47.980 --> 00:34:52.670 _ 01234. There are certain things that we absolutely 00:34:52.670 --> 00:34:55.800 cannot accept, not because we don't want to but because 00:34:55.800 --> 00:34:59.239 our system will just unfortunately reject it, we cannot 00:34:59.239 --> 00:35:03.090 accept spaces, periods or special characters within 00:35:03.099 --> 00:35:07.579 that file name. So the example here we have a dot b 00:35:07.579 --> 00:35:12.960 dot c dot space pipeline space company special character 00:35:13.940 --> 00:35:16.780 The spaces and the periods and the characters they 00:35:16.780 --> 00:35:20.710 are going to keep us from being able to open and review 00:35:20.710 --> 00:35:24.010 the shape file. Whenever you are in Pops and you're 00:35:24.010 --> 00:35:27.670 trying to upload this, the Pop system will allow you 00:35:28.739 --> 00:35:32.250 to put this into the little field and it will say 00:35:32.250 --> 00:35:34.989 that it uploaded. It won't give you a rejection 00:35:34.989 --> 00:35:38.559 per se. But it's after it's been submitted when 00:35:38.559 --> 00:35:41.110 we're trying to review and open it where it will block 00:35:41.110 --> 00:35:44.159 us from downloading the file. So just keep this in 00:35:44.159 --> 00:35:47.150 mind whenever you're working on maybe standardizing 00:35:47.150 --> 00:35:50.019 the names of your shape files or trying to get something 00:35:50.019 --> 00:35:55.639 submitted in Pops 00:35:55.639 --> 00:35:59.349 We did talk about several very important documents 00:35:59.349 --> 00:36:04.369 today. I have listed those here and all of our additional 00:36:04.369 --> 00:36:07.230 helpful guides can be found on our permitting and mapping 00:36:07.230 --> 00:36:10.320 page or you can just click the links directly from 00:36:10.320 --> 00:36:13.039 this presentation if you do choose to download it. 00:36:16.230 --> 00:36:19.559 Okay once again I've done quite a bit of talking. If 00:36:19.559 --> 00:36:23.639 we have any questions feel free to fire those into 00:36:23.639 --> 00:36:26.760 the chat right now. It looks like Bruce and Andy have 00:36:26.760 --> 00:36:29.769 done an excellent job of answering them but we'll go 00:36:29.769 --> 00:36:32.519 ahead and hang tight for a minute and see if any others 00:36:32.519 --> 00:36:35.960 come in. And again if you're not using the zoom Q&A 00:36:35.960 --> 00:36:39.469 feature. Just a slide or two from now I'm gonna 00:36:39.469 --> 00:36:42.929 have my contact information and my team's contact information for 00:36:42.929 --> 00:36:46.849 all post presentation questions that come up 00:37:01.030 --> 00:37:06.019 Okay? I'm not seeing any new questions pop up so Andy 00:37:06.030 --> 00:37:08.760 in the meantime in case people are still typing away 00:37:08.769 --> 00:37:11.949 If you will go ahead and move to the next slide please 00:37:13.929 --> 00:37:19.789 Perfect. So here this top contact is my team's Q&A 00:37:19.789 --> 00:37:22.710 phone number and it's also our pops email address where 00:37:22.710 --> 00:37:27.050 we have multiple people answering emails and then 00:37:27.050 --> 00:37:30.789 if you go to the next slide as well at the top 00:37:30.789 --> 00:37:33.860 here is my personal contact information and my email 00:37:33.860 --> 00:37:36.960 address. Happy to answer any questions at any time 00:37:36.969 --> 00:37:41.420 I know my team feels the same and it looks like 00:37:41.429 --> 00:37:44.530 we still haven't gotten any questions. So I'll leave 00:37:44.530 --> 00:37:48.460 you with our little resources page which has again 00:37:48.460 --> 00:37:51.880 more helpful documents for you to save and review if 00:37:51.880 --> 00:37:55.349 you ever need any additional help on your filings. 00:37:59.429 --> 00:38:02.260 Hey last slide and then I'll leave you on this. 00:38:02.260 --> 00:38:05.989 We do have an evaluation link here to leave some comments 00:38:05.989 --> 00:38:08.869 and feedback on how our webinar went today. It would 00:38:08.869 --> 00:38:11.519 be really helpful for my team to know what you thought 00:38:11.519 --> 00:38:14.780 of the content and you know so we can improve on the 00:38:14.780 --> 00:38:19.619 next one. 00:38:19.619 --> 00:38:23.869 Andy can you go back to the contact information 00:38:23.869 --> 00:38:28.519 slide? 00:38:28.519 --> 00:38:32.840 We had a question that came in looking for some 00:38:33.219 --> 00:38:36.710 another view of our contact information for anyone 00:38:36.710 --> 00:38:40.579 viewing from the website. Our main email address 00:38:40.590 --> 00:38:45.840 is pops@rrc.texas.gov 00:38:46.420 --> 00:38:49.440 And it's definitely a good one to send all your questions 00:38:49.440 --> 00:38:57.019 to. We're always available. 00:38:57.019 --> 00:39:00.309 Alrighty. Well I would like to thank everybody for 00:39:00.320 --> 00:39:05.289 coming to our webinar today. It's definitely different 00:39:05.289 --> 00:39:09.159 doing it remotely but still enjoyable I think. We'll 00:39:09.159 --> 00:39:11.349 hang tight here in case more questions come in 00:39:11.360 --> 00:39:14.510 in the meantime. But if you have to move on with 00:39:14.510 --> 00:39:20.820 the rest of your day, thank you for coming. 00:39:20.820 --> 00:39:23.340 Hello everybody. This is Bruce Waterman, a lot of the 00:39:23.340 --> 00:39:25.780 questions that were asked where people were asking 00:39:25.780 --> 00:39:29.110 for links to the things that we're talking about and 00:39:29.110 --> 00:39:31.449 if you didn't get a chance to see any of those and 00:39:31.449 --> 00:39:33.940 you want to know where the links are, do use that pops 00:39:33.949 --> 00:39:36.429 email address and say where is the link to such and 00:39:36.429 --> 00:39:39.519 such? And one of us will immediately respond with the 00:39:39.519 --> 00:39:42.900 link so that you can get right to it. So for example 00:39:42.909 --> 00:39:46.239 that new cover letter that we're actually in a 00:39:46.250 --> 00:39:48.820 review period for right now, that's actually already 00:39:48.820 --> 00:39:51.989 on the website and we can send you that link and we 00:39:51.989 --> 00:39:54.699 can also send you the link to the comments. If you 00:39:54.699 --> 00:39:57.420 want to make comments about the new form, you can do 00:39:57.420 --> 00:39:59.659 that until September 3, and after that it goes to 00:39:59.659 --> 00:40:02.760 conference and will most likely be approved. But anytime 00:40:02.760 --> 00:40:05.139 you need a link, just let us know and by sending an 00:40:05.139 --> 00:40:09.360 email to the pops would be the best way to send 00:40:09.360 --> 00:40:19.909 that 00:40:19.909 --> 00:40:22.730 Bruce. Did you see the question from Stacy that came 00:40:22.730 --> 00:40:27.329 in at 2:40? Yes I did and I think that it probably 00:40:27.329 --> 00:40:29.820 wouldn't be a bad idea if you wanted to use that form 00:40:29.820 --> 00:40:32.559 because all it is is really a standardized cover letter 00:40:32.570 --> 00:40:35.489 If it works for you, you could certainly use it 00:40:35.489 --> 00:40:37.989 now. It's not mandatory at this time because it hasn't 00:40:37.989 --> 00:40:40.639 been improved, but it certainly checks off all the 00:40:40.639 --> 00:40:43.579 boxes and if you want to use it you can download it 00:40:43.579 --> 00:40:45.730 fill it out and attach it just like you would your 00:40:45.730 --> 00:40:48.500 normal cover letter. So yes, the answer is you can 00:40:48.500 --> 00:42:16.000 use that cover letter form now if you want. 00:42:16.000 --> 00:42:18.730 We've had a few more questions come in, so Bruce is 00:42:18.730 --> 00:42:32.199 trying to get through those questions. 00:42:32.199 --> 00:42:35.820 Yeah, this is Bruce, I'm not exactly sure about 00:42:35.829 --> 00:42:38.079 NPMS. We don't have any connection to them or 00:42:38.079 --> 00:42:41.860 any affiliation with them. It is certainly something 00:42:41.860 --> 00:42:44.539 that our I. T. people would look at anything that they're 00:42:44.539 --> 00:42:47.659 doing that we could maybe incorporate into the what 00:42:47.659 --> 00:42:50.320 we do, but it's not something that we have a direct 00:42:50.320 --> 00:42:53.280 connection where we could find out what it is exactly 00:42:53.280 --> 00:42:56.510 what you're talking about. But thanks for that suggestion 00:43:26.400 --> 00:43:29.840 Alice, thank you for that kind comment. I agree. They're 00:43:29.840 --> 00:44:27.889 very helpful to their co workers as well. 00:44:27.889 --> 00:44:31.210 Wayne and Stacy. Thank you for your kind words. They 00:44:31.210 --> 00:45:57.989 are really the best. 00:45:57.989 --> 00:46:00.780 All right, we don't have any more questions that have 00:46:00.780 --> 00:46:04.409 come in. If you'd like to close out the webinar 00:46:06.489 --> 00:46:09.889 00:46:09.889 --> 00:46:13.280 Perfect. Yeah. Again for anyone still on here. 00:46:13.289 --> 00:46:15.849 Thank you for coming. If you have any questions 00:46:15.849 --> 00:46:19.889 let us know and definitely follow our evaluation link 00:46:19.889 --> 00:46:23.039 and give us some final thoughts from today. But thank 00:46:23.039 --> 00:46:28.190 you again for coming everybody. 00:46:28.190 --> 00:46:32.610 Great job. Carly as always, you have great moderators 00:46:32.610 --> 00:46:37.619 Thank you, Ryan and Andy and Bruce. Thank you for 00:46:37.619 --> 00:46:40.610 helping her out. All right, Good job.