WEBVTT 00:00:05.240 --> 00:00:10.839 All right, good afternoon everyone. 00:00:10.839 --> 00:00:13.750 My name is Ross Richardson. I'm with the Railroad Commission 00:00:13.750 --> 00:00:16.750 of Texas. I am the new construction lead for the state. 00:00:17.239 --> 00:00:20.739 A little brief introduction. I've been with the 00:00:20.739 --> 00:00:24.350 Railroad Commission now a little over 3.5 years, 00:00:24.359 --> 00:00:27.989 over 2.5 years of which have been a new construction 00:00:27.989 --> 00:00:32.210 lead position. Before that I was on the other side 00:00:32.210 --> 00:00:36.420 of the table, you know from the industry and that's 00:00:36.420 --> 00:00:40.420 just a brief rundown on myself. Get into the slide 00:00:40.420 --> 00:00:45.780 show here. So first of all this presentation is 00:00:45.780 --> 00:00:50.119 available at the link listed below, This link, it will 00:00:50.119 --> 00:00:53.859 be posted in the Q&A section of this presentation. 00:00:54.340 --> 00:00:57.390 Feel free to download that that where you can access 00:00:57.390 --> 00:01:01.939 the information from the slides. 00:01:01.939 --> 00:01:05.450 Quick overview of what the slide show will cover. 00:01:05.840 --> 00:01:08.760 This will cover, you know your PS 48 which is your 00:01:08.760 --> 00:01:13.799 new construction commencement report. It will cover 00:01:13.810 --> 00:01:17.450 what is considered new construction. You know to 00:01:17.450 --> 00:01:21.640 the state of Texas. This covers new construction reporting, 00:01:21.650 --> 00:01:25.200 the reporting requirements associated with new construction 00:01:25.209 --> 00:01:28.879 in the state of Texas. It will cover what a PS 48 00:01:28.879 --> 00:01:34.290 is, how to fill out PS 48, where to locate PS 48, 00:01:34.560 --> 00:01:39.239 and other PS 48 information. It will also cover a basic 00:01:39.239 --> 00:01:42.650 overview of the new construction inspection process 00:01:43.140 --> 00:01:46.299 You know that we will be, Railroad Commission will 00:01:46.299 --> 00:01:50.260 be conducting on those pipeline projects, and then also 00:01:50.640 --> 00:01:55.200 why the Railroad Commission conducts new construction 00:01:55.209 --> 00:01:58.159 and why new construction inspections are so important 00:02:01.840 --> 00:02:07.040 So what is considered new construction? Basically any 00:02:07.049 --> 00:02:10.250 and all types of construction work associated with 00:02:10.250 --> 00:02:14.180 pipelines. That could be a replacement of an existing 00:02:14.180 --> 00:02:18.360 line. That could be an extension of an existing pipeline 00:02:18.370 --> 00:02:22.080 or pipeline facility, a newly constructed pipeline 00:02:22.080 --> 00:02:26.150 facility. Whether that's pipeline break out tanks, LNG 00:02:26.150 --> 00:02:30.099 facility, the list goes on and on, and then relocating 00:02:30.099 --> 00:02:33.560 of popular facilities. Again, basically new construction 00:02:34.039 --> 00:02:39.930 is construction of any pipeline facility, pipeline 00:02:40.060 --> 00:02:44.840 break out tank, any type of facility. 00:02:44.840 --> 00:02:48.080 So what are the code requirements for reporting new 00:02:48.080 --> 00:02:52.039 construction in the state of Texas? Well these can 00:02:52.039 --> 00:02:57.870 be found in Texas Administrative Code 8.115 and it 00:02:57.870 --> 00:03:01.129 can be found in A, and that is an operator shall 00:03:01.129 --> 00:03:03.560 notify the Commission before the construction of any 00:03:03.560 --> 00:03:08.330 pipelines and other facilities as follows. Which construction 00:03:08.330 --> 00:03:12.539 can cover new, relocated or replacement lines 10 miles 00:03:12.539 --> 00:03:16.550 or longer. And this does include LPG, Natural gas 00:03:16.550 --> 00:03:21.139 distribution, master meter systems, jurisdictional 00:03:21.150 --> 00:03:24.849 regulated gathering and other pipeline facilities. And 00:03:24.849 --> 00:03:27.789 an operator shall notify the Commission no later than 00:03:27.789 --> 00:03:32.669 60 days before the construction commences. That's A1 00:03:32.669 --> 00:03:38.310 A2, which is exception as provided in paragraphs 00:03:38.310 --> 00:03:42.060 four and 5 of this subsection. For construction 00:03:42.060 --> 00:03:45.639 of a new relocated or replacement project, pipeline 00:03:45.639 --> 00:03:49.259 project at least one mile but less than 10 miles, an 00:03:49.259 --> 00:03:52.419 operator must notify the Commission no later than 30 00:03:52.419 --> 00:03:56.639 days before the construction commences. 00:03:56.639 --> 00:04:00.939 A3 covers the installation of breakout 00:04:00.939 --> 00:04:04.449 tanks. Operators shall notify the Commission 30 days 00:04:04.449 --> 00:04:07.810 before you install that breakout tank and then installation 00:04:07.810 --> 00:04:11.629 of your mobile temporary prefab breakout tanks. An 00:04:11.629 --> 00:04:14.289 operator shall notify the Commission on placing that 00:04:14.289 --> 00:04:20.339 tank into service. 00:04:20.339 --> 00:04:24.470 A4, continuing here for relocated and replacement 00:04:24.480 --> 00:04:29.459 of LPG, natural gas distribution, Master meter systems, 00:04:29.470 --> 00:04:32.560 less than three miles, no construction notification 00:04:32.560 --> 00:04:37.319 is required. For relocated or replacement construction 00:04:37.329 --> 00:04:40.379 on those LPG, natural gas distribution, or Master Meter 00:04:40.379 --> 00:04:44.300 systems, at least three miles along. But less than 10 00:04:44.300 --> 00:04:47.540 miles. An operator shall either you'll have two options 00:04:47.540 --> 00:04:52.480 here. A, follow PS 48 no later than 30 days before your 00:04:52.480 --> 00:04:56.290 construction begins. Or B ,you will provide the Commission 00:04:56.290 --> 00:05:00.399 with the monthly report. This monthly report reflects 00:05:00.410 --> 00:05:03.750 all known projects planned to be completed in the following 00:05:03.750 --> 00:05:07.160 12 months and our projects that are currently in construction 00:05:07.639 --> 00:05:09.879 and all projects that are completed since the prior 00:05:09.879 --> 00:05:13.600 month. This report should provide the status of each 00:05:13.600 --> 00:05:17.000 project, the city and county of each project and a 00:05:17.000 --> 00:05:21.439 description of what each project is and an estimated starting 00:05:21.680 --> 00:05:27.040 and ending date of those projects. 00:05:27.040 --> 00:05:31.209 For A5, which would be a new LPG distribution system, 00:05:31.220 --> 00:05:35.589 natural gas distribution system, 00:05:35.589 --> 00:05:38.370 or a master meter system less than 10 miles 00:05:38.370 --> 00:05:42.699 in length that results in a new subdivision or a new 00:05:42.709 --> 00:05:45.850 distribution system ID from the Railroad Commission 00:05:46.439 --> 00:05:50.680 An operator shall either A, notify the Commission no 00:05:50.680 --> 00:05:56.040 later than 30 days utilizing a PS48, or B, provide 00:05:56.050 --> 00:05:59.660 with the monthly report. And again this monthly report 00:06:00.139 --> 00:06:04.579 covers all known projects to be completed in the following 00:06:04.579 --> 00:06:08.569 12 months. All projects that are currently in construction 00:06:08.779 --> 00:06:11.620 and completed since the prior monthly report and covers 00:06:11.620 --> 00:06:15.259 all the information that we've already covered previously. 00:06:19.639 --> 00:06:24.009 A6 is for construction of a sour gas pipeline and 00:06:24.009 --> 00:06:28.170 or pipeline facilities. This is defined in Texas 00:06:28.170 --> 00:06:33.350 Administrative Code 3.106. And which again relates 00:06:33.350 --> 00:06:35.860 to sour gas pipeline facility construction permitting, 00:06:36.240 --> 00:06:39.269 an operator shall notify the Commission no later than 00:06:39.269 --> 00:06:43.899 30 days before construction by filing a PS 48 and a 00:06:43.899 --> 00:06:47.649 PS79 form. And these both can be found on the 00:06:47.649 --> 00:06:52.439 Railroad Commission of Texas website. 00:06:52.439 --> 00:06:57.540 A7, pipelines subject to 8.110 of this title, which 00:06:57.540 --> 00:07:01.689 are gathering pipeline facilities, are exempt from construction 00:07:01.689 --> 00:07:06.839 notification required. Now you need to look into 8.110 00:07:06.879 --> 00:07:10.750 to make sure that your pipeline falls in that exempt 00:07:11.240 --> 00:07:16.220 status before you do not file at PS 48. If you 00:07:16.220 --> 00:07:19.199 have questions regarding that, my contact information 00:07:19.199 --> 00:07:23.800 will be provided here in the slides later on. So 00:07:23.800 --> 00:07:27.189 please feel free to give me a call on that, ask questions 00:07:27.199 --> 00:07:31.089 and I'll step you through that process. But ensure 00:07:31.089 --> 00:07:33.660 that your pipeline, that you're following those code 00:07:33.660 --> 00:07:37.939 requirements at all times. 00:07:37.939 --> 00:07:43.110 And then section B of 8.115 is any of the notifications 00:07:43.110 --> 00:07:47.050 that are required in section A unless an operator uses 00:07:47.050 --> 00:07:50.649 the alternative notification, which is the monthly reporting 00:07:51.040 --> 00:07:55.860 criteria, shall be made by filing the PS 48 form 00:07:56.339 --> 00:07:58.870 which states have proposed originating and terminating 00:07:58.870 --> 00:08:02.379 points of the pipeline or pipeline facility, the counties 00:08:02.379 --> 00:08:05.839 that you'll be traversing with said pipeline, the size 00:08:05.839 --> 00:08:10.399 and type of the pipe, type of service, the design pressure, 00:08:10.410 --> 00:08:13.410 and length of that proposed pipeline and also a few 00:08:13.410 --> 00:08:17.439 other attributes of the pipeline facility. 00:08:17.439 --> 00:08:21.740 B, continued. If a notification is not feasible 00:08:21.750 --> 00:08:24.889 because of an emergency situation, the operator must 00:08:24.889 --> 00:08:28.459 file or must notify the Commission as soon as possible. 00:08:29.139 --> 00:08:32.950 PS 48 that has been filed and this is a very important 00:08:33.340 --> 00:08:36.149 section that we get a lot of questions and issues with. 00:08:37.039 --> 00:08:41.000 If A PS 48 has been filed with the Commission, it shall 00:08:41.009 --> 00:08:44.470 expire if construction is not commenced within eight 00:08:44.470 --> 00:08:49.240 months of the date that you filed that PS48. You can 00:08:49.240 --> 00:08:54.330 file for one extension from your eight month criteria 00:08:54.340 --> 00:08:59.159 After reporting your PS 48, you have one extension which 00:08:59.159 --> 00:09:04.639 will add six months to that PS 48. And after one extension 00:09:04.649 --> 00:09:08.230 your PS 48 will expire, you'll have to start the process 00:09:08.240 --> 00:09:13.809 all over. And that is an important part of code, 00:09:13.950 --> 00:09:17.210 it is one that a lot of questions come up on. 00:09:17.220 --> 00:09:21.509 And it is one that we deal with routinely answering 00:09:21.509 --> 00:09:24.759 questions, you know, finding issues and that kind of 00:09:24.759 --> 00:09:26.740 stuff. 00:09:26.740 --> 00:09:30.370 So I'm going to pause for a quick second. If you 00:09:30.370 --> 00:09:33.590 have any questions, please type them into the Q&A. 00:09:33.590 --> 00:09:36.830 We will try to get those answered as soon as possible 00:09:36.830 --> 00:09:39.909 during this webinar. And then also if there's any 00:09:39.909 --> 00:09:43.230 questions that we cannot answer at this time, maybe 00:09:43.230 --> 00:09:47.529 it's extensive, maybe it's a complex answer. I will 00:09:47.529 --> 00:09:50.149 get back to you and try to get those questions answered 00:09:50.539 --> 00:09:53.000 and then if you would like to call me or email me 00:09:53.000 --> 00:09:56.549 those questions, my direct phone number is listed here 00:09:57.039 --> 00:10:00.730 and my email address is also listed here. You may 00:10:00.730 --> 00:10:04.960 take these down for questions in the future, so 00:10:04.960 --> 00:10:07.899 please feel free to ask those questions and write down 00:10:07.899 --> 00:10:10.659 my contact information and I'll pause for a quick second 00:10:10.659 --> 00:10:40.940 here 00:10:40.940 --> 00:10:44.960 And again, the slideshow is linked in the Q&A, 00:10:44.960 --> 00:10:49.850 so please feel free to download this slide show 00:10:50.340 --> 00:10:54.259 review it on your own. That way you have my contact 00:10:54.259 --> 00:10:57.460 information, you'll have these slides for future reference. 00:11:01.440 --> 00:11:05.580 Not seeing any questions at this time, so I will continue 00:11:05.580 --> 00:11:09.940 on. 00:11:09.940 --> 00:11:13.080 Okay, so moving into the reporting requirements for 00:11:13.080 --> 00:11:20.399 new construction. First of all, What is a PS 48? PS 00:11:20.399 --> 00:11:24.019 48 is a pipeline safety form that encompasses new 00:11:24.019 --> 00:11:27.250 construction. It is something that you will file 00:11:27.250 --> 00:11:30.870 with the Commission. It goes through a review process 00:11:30.879 --> 00:11:33.909 It provides the information associated with your pipeline 00:11:33.919 --> 00:11:37.549 or pipeline facility and will capture those details 00:11:37.580 --> 00:11:40.049 and tells the Commission, hey, we are going to build 00:11:40.049 --> 00:11:42.860 a pipeline and here is the information based on it. 00:11:44.039 --> 00:11:47.539 Secondly, kind of moving through this, we're going 00:11:47.539 --> 00:11:53.899 to find where to find the PS 48 report, how to fill 00:11:53.899 --> 00:11:58.159 out the PS 48 report and what is required on a PS48, 00:11:58.159 --> 00:12:01.139 Then again, we've kind of already covered it. But 00:12:01.139 --> 00:12:04.500 what are the code requirements of the PS 48? Why do 00:12:04.500 --> 00:12:10.940 you have to fill out a PS 48? 00:12:10.940 --> 00:12:15.519 So what is a PS 48 Form? PS 48 is a new 00:12:15.519 --> 00:12:19.529 construction commencement and it is filed with the 00:12:19.539 --> 00:12:23.610 Railroad Commission of Texas. It is a form that we 00:12:23.610 --> 00:12:29.460 will bring into the office, review, reach back out 00:12:29.460 --> 00:12:31.899 to the operator. If we have any questions. It will 00:12:31.899 --> 00:12:35.409 give us a base knowledge of what pipeline facility, 00:12:35.419 --> 00:12:38.169 pipeline or facility that you will be constructing 00:12:38.179 --> 00:12:42.190 inside the state of Texas. It is required by Texas 00:12:42.190 --> 00:12:47.450 Administrative Code 8.115. And the PS 48 form again 00:12:47.450 --> 00:12:50.679 is a notification to the Railroad Commission if you're 00:12:50.679 --> 00:12:54.470 planning construct a new replacement, relocated extension 00:12:54.470 --> 00:13:00.740 pipeline or pipeline facility in the state. 00:13:00.740 --> 00:13:05.230 So where do you find the PS 48 form? It is located 00:13:05.240 --> 00:13:08.700 on the Railroad Commission of Texas website. It's under 00:13:08.700 --> 00:13:14.409 pipeline safety, pipeline safety forms, PS 48 New construction 00:13:14.409 --> 00:13:17.090 Report, and you will select, we're going to go through 00:13:17.090 --> 00:13:20.620 basically a process here and I'll show you exactly 00:13:20.620 --> 00:13:24.009 how to get to it on our new website, website has recently 00:13:24.009 --> 00:13:27.539 changed. So I'll step you through that process. But 00:13:27.539 --> 00:13:30.759 it is provided at this link here on the slide show 00:13:31.139 --> 00:13:34.789 for your convenience. You can put this link in your 00:13:34.789 --> 00:13:38.139 computer and it will pull up exactly where that form 00:13:38.139 --> 00:13:41.539 is. 00:13:41.539 --> 00:13:45.570 So if you go to rrc.state.texas.us 00:13:45.570 --> 00:13:50.639 website, this is the homepage. The homepage has 00:13:50.639 --> 00:13:53.559 oil and gas, pipeline safety, alternative fuels, so on 00:13:53.559 --> 00:13:57.549 and so forth. To access pipeline safety forms in general 00:13:57.940 --> 00:14:01.960 and the PS 48 form, you will select pipeline safety. 00:14:02.340 --> 00:14:06.049 That's covered, highlighted in yellow here, and it will 00:14:06.049 --> 00:14:10.809 take you to the pipeline safety site, on the pipeline 00:14:10.809 --> 00:14:14.230 safety site, on the top right section, you'll have pipeline 00:14:14.230 --> 00:14:18.549 safety forms highlighted again in yellow. You will 00:14:18.549 --> 00:14:22.440 select pipeline safety forms. 00:14:22.440 --> 00:14:25.799 Then you will scroll down roughly about halfway down 00:14:25.799 --> 00:14:30.379 the page. This covers again all of your pipeline safety 00:14:30.379 --> 00:14:34.960 forms. You go about halfway down the page and you'll 00:14:34.960 --> 00:14:38.269 see PS 48 new construction report, and again, this was 00:14:38.269 --> 00:14:41.970 updated in June of 2020, and you will go, there is an 00:14:41.970 --> 00:14:46.230 instruction and also a fillible pdf form. If you would 00:14:46.230 --> 00:14:49.230 like the instructions to help you fill out the PS48 00:14:49.399 --> 00:14:52.860 form they are available there or you'll also have your 00:14:52.860 --> 00:14:55.980 form right there in the fillable pdf. So if you're 00:14:55.980 --> 00:14:58.779 going to fill out the form you'll select that It will 00:14:58.779 --> 00:15:03.440 pull up the actual PS48 form. 00:15:03.440 --> 00:15:08.950 This is a PS48 form. Quick rundown of the 00:15:08.950 --> 00:15:13.200 form. This is the first page. It will cover the 00:15:13.200 --> 00:15:16.879 name of the operator. T4 number, if applicable 00:15:16.889 --> 00:15:22.860 PHMSA operator ID, P5 mailing address. 00:15:23.340 --> 00:15:27.409 Your submittal date, the start of the field work date, 00:15:27.590 --> 00:15:31.730 and you're proposed end service date. If you're end service 00:15:31.730 --> 00:15:35.250 date is a day off, a day here, a day there, you 00:15:35.250 --> 00:15:38.039 know, that's understandable. Just trying to get the 00:15:38.049 --> 00:15:41.149 most accurate information on this form possible for 00:15:41.149 --> 00:15:45.309 inspection purposes and also for filling out the 00:15:45.309 --> 00:15:52.139 form for our records. 00:15:52.139 --> 00:15:55.330 Okay. The top section of the form, that is for the 00:15:55.330 --> 00:15:58.549 Railroad Commission to fill out the company I. D. The 00:15:58.549 --> 00:16:02.169 new construction report number system I. D. The region, 00:16:02.179 --> 00:16:06.580 that will be filled out by our Austin office. Moving 00:16:06.580 --> 00:16:09.480 down the form, you will select the type of pipeline 00:16:09.490 --> 00:16:13.539 facility or construction. Excuse me. Is it a new pipeline 00:16:13.539 --> 00:16:18.299 new facility? Is a replacement for existing? An extension 00:16:18.309 --> 00:16:21.940 of an existing pipeline facility? 00:16:21.940 --> 00:16:24.620 Fill in that information there to the best of your 00:16:24.620 --> 00:16:28.169 ability. And then the next section dropdown will be 00:16:28.179 --> 00:16:31.559 what code requirements, what type of pipeline facility 00:16:31.940 --> 00:16:35.970 or pipeline system will be built. Is it a gathering, 00:16:35.980 --> 00:16:40.559 gas gathering, gas transmission, gas distribution, propane, 00:16:40.750 --> 00:16:46.639 LNG. Let me move down one side, 00:16:46.639 --> 00:16:51.000 hazardous liquid transmission, hazardous liquid gathering, 00:16:51.009 --> 00:16:55.769 carbon dioxide, liquid low stress pipeline facility. 00:16:56.139 --> 00:16:58.570 Fill out what type of facility is it that your building. 00:16:59.539 --> 00:17:04.000 Your name. Also put the name, proposed name of the 00:17:04.000 --> 00:17:08.970 system or the segment, the pipeline length, whether that's 00:17:08.970 --> 00:17:13.400 in feet or miles, the outside diameter in inches. Is it a 12 00:17:13.400 --> 00:17:16.630 inch? It is it going to be a 36 inch? So on 00:17:16.630 --> 00:17:19.880 and so forth. Your counties. These will be the counties 00:17:19.880 --> 00:17:22.960 that that pipeline or pipeline facility traverses 00:17:23.019 --> 00:17:25.269 like we discussed earlier in the code requirements 00:17:25.839 --> 00:17:29.470 You also select the pipeline material and grade, wall 00:17:29.470 --> 00:17:33.890 thickness and the intended use. So will this be a crude 00:17:33.890 --> 00:17:38.130 oil? Would be a HVL pipeline? Will it be a 00:17:38.130 --> 00:17:41.099 natural gas pipeline? That's where that information 00:17:41.099 --> 00:17:44.980 right there will be filled in. Your begin and end 00:17:44.980 --> 00:17:48.529 coordinates of your pipeline or pipeline facility. For 00:17:48.529 --> 00:17:51.049 gas you'll have your May Opt in liquids, you'll have 00:17:51.049 --> 00:17:55.339 your M. O. P. Fill out that information. And then 00:17:55.339 --> 00:18:01.150 the next section of the PS 48 will encompass that system 00:18:01.160 --> 00:18:05.500 or facility information. For instance, if it's gas 00:18:05.500 --> 00:18:08.789 transmission or gas gather, is it all located in Class 1 00:18:08.789 --> 00:18:12.109 location? Is it in Class 2, Class 3, or Class 00:18:12.109 --> 00:18:15.849 4? And put the feet and miles 00:18:15.849 --> 00:18:19.819 of how much of that pipeline is 00:18:19.819 --> 00:18:23.660 in each classification. Does it have a potential high 00:18:23.660 --> 00:18:27.200 consequence area? According to the code requirements 00:18:27.210 --> 00:18:33.049 in 192, potential moderate consequence areas, information 00:18:33.059 --> 00:18:37.730 associated with that. Also gas distribution. You know 00:18:37.730 --> 00:18:40.349 you'll have business district, non-business district, 00:18:40.940 --> 00:18:45.049 how many feet or miles of main and service? 00:18:45.440 --> 00:18:48.769 How many number of services will you be installing? 00:18:49.339 --> 00:18:52.960 Hazardous liquid? Is it a rural or a non rural area? 00:18:53.339 --> 00:18:57.349 Does it have a USAs, unusually sensitive areas, 00:18:57.740 --> 00:19:00.769 potential high consequence areas. That type of information. 00:19:01.440 --> 00:19:06.819 In each system, pipeline facility, you know, if it's 00:19:06.819 --> 00:19:09.660 gas distribution, please fill out that applicable section. 00:19:10.039 --> 00:19:13.160 If it's gas transmission, please fill out that section. 00:19:15.440 --> 00:19:18.490 And then at the bottom of the page you'll be putting 00:19:18.500 --> 00:19:22.390 your reporting official information, the name, title, 00:19:22.569 --> 00:19:27.359 signature, phone. Please put a good phone number 00:19:27.369 --> 00:19:31.490 that that we can contact you. I know with Covid you 00:19:31.490 --> 00:19:34.690 know, we've been working from home a lot. So we've 00:19:34.690 --> 00:19:37.900 been utilizing cell phones but please just, you know 00:19:37.900 --> 00:19:41.759 a good contact information that way we can, you 00:19:41.759 --> 00:19:45.140 know, me or Austin or the inspector can contact 00:19:45.140 --> 00:19:48.569 you if we have questions or concerns regarding this 00:19:48.569 --> 00:19:54.150 PS 48 form or the pipeline project. And to complete 00:19:54.160 --> 00:19:58.549 the PS 48, there's two options and you can 00:19:58.559 --> 00:20:02.920 email this form to pipes@rrcpops@rrc.texas.gov 00:20:02.920 --> 00:20:07.259 or you can return this 00:20:07.259 --> 00:20:10.859 form to the Railroad Commissioner Texas Safety Department 00:20:11.240 --> 00:20:14.119 pipeline permitting section, which is located at PO 00:20:14.119 --> 00:20:24.000 box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711-2967. You can 00:20:24.009 --> 00:20:28.089 email it or physically mail it to the Railroad Commission of 00:20:28.089 --> 00:20:35.240 Texas once completed. Again this is the email information 00:20:35.250 --> 00:20:39.569 and this is the physical mail to mail the permit 00:20:39.579 --> 00:20:46.039 to the Railroad Commission in Texas. 00:20:46.039 --> 00:20:48.799 Okay, so updating this form, this is very important 00:20:48.799 --> 00:20:52.809 information. If your project scope or the details for 00:20:52.809 --> 00:20:58.079 this pipeline project change, please please please 00:20:58.089 --> 00:21:03.500 send an updated PS 48 to reflect those changes. So 00:21:03.500 --> 00:21:07.859 if you change your project from a 12" pipeline to a 00:21:08.539 --> 00:21:13.039 20" pipeline for instance, please send that information 00:21:13.279 --> 00:21:16.119 into the Railroad Commission of Texas that way we can 00:21:16.119 --> 00:21:20.190 track and that way we have current and accurate information 00:21:20.200 --> 00:21:25.839 for that project. 00:21:25.839 --> 00:21:29.160 Okay, I'm gonna take a quick pause again for questions 00:21:29.160 --> 00:21:34.900 over PS 48. Again, this information is available for download 00:21:34.920 --> 00:21:37.990 at the link provided in the Q&A. Again, here 00:21:37.990 --> 00:21:40.750 is my information. If you would like to call me after 00:21:40.750 --> 00:21:43.930 this presentation or at your earliest convenience to 00:21:43.930 --> 00:21:48.440 ask those questions, please feel free to do so. 00:21:48.440 --> 00:21:52.000 Ross. We have a few questions queued up. Okay, the 00:21:52.009 --> 00:21:55.720 first is if we have two projects one replacement and 00:21:55.720 --> 00:21:59.910 another extension and they are both about 1.5 miles 00:21:59.920 --> 00:22:02.044 do we still have to report? 00:22:02.068 --> 00:22:04.670 Okay, so the question is 00:22:05.339 --> 00:22:09.500 if we have two projects, one replacement and another 00:22:09.500 --> 00:22:13.769 an extension, they were both 1.5 miles. Do we still 00:22:13.769 --> 00:22:15.795 have to report those projects? Correct? 00:22:15.819 --> 00:22:17.105 correct. 00:22:17.129 --> 00:22:17.549 Okay. 00:22:17.549 --> 00:22:21.269 So those projects, it depends on what type of facility 00:22:21.269 --> 00:22:26.410 you have. Is this a distribution? Is this a gathering? 00:22:26.410 --> 00:22:32.690 Is this a liquid transmission? Each project, each 00:22:32.690 --> 00:22:38.740 PS 48 will be 00:22:38.740 --> 00:22:43.259 submitted on PS 48 form individual. So each pipeline 00:22:43.259 --> 00:22:46.069 project and I hope I'm answering this question correctly 00:22:46.069 --> 00:22:50.410 for you but each project will be filed individually. 00:22:50.420 --> 00:22:54.319 If it meets the requirements that we went through 00:22:54.319 --> 00:22:59.079 earlier in Texas Administrative Code 8.115, as one 00:22:59.079 --> 00:23:04.079 project, then yes, you will have to file PS 48. If 00:23:04.079 --> 00:23:07.130 it does not meet those requirements, I do encourage, 00:23:07.140 --> 00:23:10.480 you know, to report that information if it's close, 00:23:10.480 --> 00:23:14.480 if it's right there at the, you know, a project could change from 00:23:14.579 --> 00:23:19.099 half a mile and make it reportable, um so just make 00:23:19.099 --> 00:23:22.319 sure to stay on top of that. But if the project does 00:23:22.319 --> 00:23:24.630 not meet the requirements of Texas Administrative 00:23:24.630 --> 00:23:31.089 Code 8.115 to be a reported project then you would 00:23:31.089 --> 00:23:35.940 not have to fill out a PS 48 but each reportable project 00:23:35.950 --> 00:23:40.869 has to be filed individually on its own PS 48 form. And 00:23:40.869 --> 00:23:43.205 I hope that answers the question there. 00:23:43.229 --> 00:23:44.000 All right, 00:23:44.000 --> 00:23:46.549 next question. Can you submit this electronically on 00:23:46.549 --> 00:23:48.140 Pipes? 00:23:48.164 --> 00:23:52.960 Okay, as we discussed earlier, electronically 00:23:52.970 --> 00:23:58.190 submitted forms must be filed in an email to pops@rrc.texas.gov. 00:23:58.190 --> 00:24:04.470 Thank you. Next 00:24:04.470 --> 00:24:07.799 question for offshore state water pipelines where PS48 00:24:07.799 --> 00:24:12.309 is required in the county counties box are the offshore 00:24:12.309 --> 00:24:14.251 blocks to be listed. 00:24:14.275 --> 00:24:16.900 Okay. If if these projects 00:24:16.910 --> 00:24:20.960 are jurisdictional um and they are in the counties 00:24:20.960 --> 00:24:23.950 of Texas, you will have to put that in for those counties 00:24:23.950 --> 00:24:27.069 in, if counties that are not associated, if it's a specialized 00:24:27.069 --> 00:24:31.210 project, we'll address that accordingly. That will 00:24:31.210 --> 00:24:35.700 be a project specific question. So please feel free 00:24:35.700 --> 00:24:39.410 to contact me on those projects and I'll step you through 00:24:39.410 --> 00:24:44.339 that process as it as it arises. 00:24:44.339 --> 00:24:48.029 Next question, do we file interstate projects with 00:24:48.029 --> 00:24:51.789 national registry and also file the PS48 with the 00:24:51.789 --> 00:24:55.980 RRC? PHMSA has jurisdiction of certain interstate pipelines 00:24:55.990 --> 00:24:59.240 in states where there is not a regulatory agency but 00:24:59.240 --> 00:25:01.760 the RRC has agency status. 00:25:01.784 --> 00:25:04.109 Okay, so a notification 00:25:04.109 --> 00:25:08.670 to PHMSA and the Railroad Commission is required under, 00:25:08.670 --> 00:25:11.200 and I'll get into this a little bit later in the slide 00:25:11.200 --> 00:25:18.730 show, 191.22(C) covers the PHMSA jurisdictional or 00:25:18.730 --> 00:25:22.130 PHMSA reporting requirements. Texas Administrative 00:25:22.130 --> 00:25:28.150 Code 8.115 is the Texas reporting requirements. So 00:25:28.150 --> 00:25:31.359 you will have to report those both to both entities. 00:25:32.240 --> 00:25:34.500 I hope that answers your question 00:25:34.524 --> 00:25:38.809 We've got one more question. Do you have to wait for 00:25:38.809 --> 00:25:41.880 an approval before beginning construction after filing 00:25:41.880 --> 00:25:42.938 the PS 48? 00:25:42.962 --> 00:25:46.160 Okay, that's a great question. And that's 00:25:46.160 --> 00:25:50.450 one that arises a lot. I'll answer this one pretty 00:25:50.450 --> 00:25:53.650 easily for you. So once you submit your PS48 00:25:53.660 --> 00:25:58.220 on a reportable or a regulated pipeline facility that 00:25:58.220 --> 00:26:00.400 you're going to be building, you have submitted your 00:26:00.400 --> 00:26:04.299 paperwork. That date starts your 30 days start once 00:26:04.299 --> 00:26:07.359 that form is submitted. So on your submittal date is 00:26:07.359 --> 00:26:11.779 when your time clock starts. If there's changes or 00:26:11.779 --> 00:26:15.380 any of that nature, you go from your original submitted 00:26:15.380 --> 00:26:20.680 date, that is your 30 day window. Thank you for those 00:26:20.680 --> 00:26:23.450 questions. Those are great, great questions. And again 00:26:23.450 --> 00:26:27.559 if you, if you have more questions, you know we are 00:26:27.559 --> 00:26:30.160 limited today on our time, I'll do the best that I 00:26:30.160 --> 00:26:32.859 can to answer them all. But again, please feel free 00:26:32.859 --> 00:26:38.130 to reach out to me via email, phone, whatever is best 00:26:38.130 --> 00:26:41.700 for you and thank you for those questions. Thank you 00:26:41.700 --> 00:26:46.839 for the help too. 00:26:46.839 --> 00:26:50.700 Okay, I will continue. Are there any other questions 00:26:50.700 --> 00:26:53.480 at this time? I'll give it a couple more seconds and 00:26:53.480 --> 00:26:55.940 then I'll move on. 00:26:58.940 --> 00:27:04.359 We just had one pop in. Have been told the extensions 00:27:04.359 --> 00:27:07.089 under three miles are not required to be submitted, 00:27:07.099 --> 00:27:10.079 similar to exemption allowed for replacement or renewed. 00:27:10.089 --> 00:27:14.140 Is that correct? However, A2 states we are required 00:27:14.150 --> 00:27:17.240 from 1 to 10 miles. 00:27:17.240 --> 00:27:22.170 Okay. Let me just reiterate this question. Basically, 00:27:22.740 --> 00:27:25.230 they have been recently told that extensions under 00:27:25.230 --> 00:27:28.490 three miles are not required to be submitted, similar 00:27:28.490 --> 00:27:31.170 to an exemption allowed for replacement or renewed, 00:27:32.339 --> 00:27:36.269 and then A2 states that required from 1 to 10 miles. 00:27:36.740 --> 00:27:42.750 I would like to follow up on that question. 00:27:42.759 --> 00:27:46.950 I'm not sure. So the code requirements are stated from 00:27:46.950 --> 00:27:50.759 1 to 10 miles. There are different requirements based 00:27:50.759 --> 00:27:53.660 on what type of facility is it that you're building 00:27:54.240 --> 00:27:58.740 So I would like to handle that question possibly 00:27:58.740 --> 00:28:02.140 after the slideshow, if that's okay. If this person 00:28:02.140 --> 00:28:06.309 would like to again reach out to me via phone or 00:28:06.319 --> 00:28:09.930 email, I'll hopefully break that down for your particular 00:28:09.930 --> 00:28:13.470 aspect or your particular project. Excuse me. And 00:28:13.480 --> 00:28:16.289 we can handle that question, you know, one on one. 00:28:16.299 --> 00:28:20.920 But if it is required by code, you need to file 00:28:20.920 --> 00:28:26.220 that report whether it's a new extension or replacement 00:28:26.220 --> 00:28:29.759 project, but please feel free to reach out to me and 00:28:29.769 --> 00:28:31.680 hopefully, I can get a little bit better answer for 00:28:31.680 --> 00:28:34.970 you after doing a little bit more research and looking 00:28:34.970 --> 00:28:39.640 at your particular project. 00:28:39.640 --> 00:28:42.349 Those are all the questions we have at this time. 00:28:42.940 --> 00:28:48.839 Thank you again, another great question. 00:28:48.839 --> 00:28:53.799 Okay moving on. So now we're going to move into 00:28:53.809 --> 00:28:58.069 basically inspection or inspection process for new 00:28:58.069 --> 00:29:02.400 construction projects. So what construction projects 00:29:02.400 --> 00:29:07.950 can be inspected? Any jurisdictional regulated pipelines 00:29:08.339 --> 00:29:12.230 that are installed. Now this can cover extension, replacement, 00:29:12.240 --> 00:29:18.210 newly constructed, any project that's jurisdictional, 00:29:18.220 --> 00:29:21.500 regulated pipelines or on jurisdictional regulated 00:29:21.500 --> 00:29:24.869 pipelines can be inspected. Now this can be master 00:29:24.869 --> 00:29:29.130 major systems, natural gas distribution systems, LPG 00:29:29.130 --> 00:29:32.750 distribution systems, transmission, gas transmission, 00:29:32.750 --> 00:29:39.640 liquid transmission and gathering facilities. 00:29:39.640 --> 00:29:43.960 So what to expect during a new construction inspection. 00:29:45.039 --> 00:29:47.349 So Railroad Commission is going to come out, we're 00:29:47.349 --> 00:29:51.269 going to do an inspection on your newly constructed 00:29:51.269 --> 00:29:55.900 pipeline or in construction pipeline facility. So first 00:29:55.900 --> 00:29:58.960 of all we will have a pre-inspection or a scheduling 00:29:59.839 --> 00:30:03.869 and project scope overview of that project. So let's 00:30:03.869 --> 00:30:07.190 say Ross is going to reach out to the operator and 00:30:07.190 --> 00:30:10.769 I'm going to conduct this inspection. I will call you, 00:30:11.240 --> 00:30:14.470 email you, get the details the information, review 00:30:14.470 --> 00:30:19.390 the PS 48, you know, converse with you on is this a 00:30:19.390 --> 00:30:22.970 massive project, is this a small project? Is this a distribution 00:30:22.970 --> 00:30:27.640 project? Is this a gathering pipeline project? Gather 00:30:27.640 --> 00:30:31.910 that information, lay out a schedule, and kind of a plan 00:30:31.920 --> 00:30:34.769 on what we and how we will conduct that inspection. 00:30:35.140 --> 00:30:38.650 So that'll be the first step. The second step of the inspection 00:30:38.650 --> 00:30:42.839 process is actually recently we have been reviewing 00:30:42.839 --> 00:30:47.759 virtually procedures and records but in person or virtual 00:30:47.769 --> 00:30:50.910 procedures and records review. That will be the procedures 00:30:50.910 --> 00:30:53.769 that pertain to the construction of this pipeline or pipeline 00:30:53.769 --> 00:30:57.849 facility. The records associated with this project 00:30:58.640 --> 00:31:01.859 and then scheduling our field inspection. Normally 00:31:01.859 --> 00:31:05.609 this is done in a week, your procedures, records and 00:31:05.609 --> 00:31:09.549 field, but some projects may cover over several weeks. 00:31:09.549 --> 00:31:13.559 We may do a week of procedures and records, come back 00:31:13.559 --> 00:31:16.200 a month later. You know the project's still ongoing, 00:31:16.210 --> 00:31:19.410 and do a field portion, when they do it all together, 00:31:19.420 --> 00:31:24.609 depending on the project, the details, the scope and 00:31:24.609 --> 00:31:27.809 how that exactly, you know, how that inspection will 00:31:27.809 --> 00:31:32.630 be conducted. Each week of inspection is a separate 00:31:32.630 --> 00:31:35.920 inspection. So there could be numerous inspections 00:31:35.920 --> 00:31:39.170 on one pipeline project. So keep that in mind as well. 00:31:39.940 --> 00:31:43.569 And then we'll conduct a field inspection kind of 00:31:43.569 --> 00:31:46.359 like what I've already covered. We'll review those 00:31:46.359 --> 00:31:48.930 procedures and records and then we'll go out to the 00:31:48.930 --> 00:31:52.099 field and look at the work that's being done or has 00:31:52.099 --> 00:31:55.279 been completed and compare that to your procedures 00:31:55.279 --> 00:31:58.779 and records. And then we'll also have our executive 00:31:58.779 --> 00:32:02.700 closing at the end of each week's inspection that will 00:32:02.710 --> 00:32:06.690 that will cover any findings, alleged violations, any 00:32:06.690 --> 00:32:09.059 of that type of information. And this will be with 00:32:09.059 --> 00:32:11.960 the Railroad Commission personnel and the operator. 00:32:14.740 --> 00:32:17.809 So that's kind of a general overview of what to expect 00:32:17.809 --> 00:32:22.450 during a new construction inspection. So what documents 00:32:22.460 --> 00:32:27.269 are utilized for new construction inspections. So 00:32:27.279 --> 00:32:33.279 I've helped develop new construction checklist for 00:32:33.289 --> 00:32:36.509 natural gas distribution, master meter, LPG 00:32:36.549 --> 00:32:42.549 systems and then gas transmission gathering facilities 00:32:42.940 --> 00:32:46.400 and then liquid gathering and transmission facilities 00:32:46.430 --> 00:32:49.450 as well. Breakout tanks, that type of information. 00:32:49.839 --> 00:32:52.559 Those will be, you know, whatever your applicable system 00:32:52.559 --> 00:32:56.089 is, we'll utilize that. If it is a distribution, natural 00:32:56.089 --> 00:32:59.269 gas distribution, we use a natural gas distribution 00:32:59.269 --> 00:33:02.769 form to cover that instruction or construction process, 00:33:03.339 --> 00:33:06.269 and then we'll have an executive closing form associated 00:33:06.269 --> 00:33:10.539 with that inspection. And then potentially a PS 74. 00:33:10.549 --> 00:33:14.940 Which this will be a database change. Has the mileage 00:33:14.940 --> 00:33:20.619 changed? Has the company changed? Personnel change within 00:33:20.619 --> 00:33:23.799 the company? That form can be utilized if any of those 00:33:23.799 --> 00:33:29.240 changes or applicable. 00:33:29.240 --> 00:33:35.259 So what information will we be looking at during 00:33:35.259 --> 00:33:40.529 a new construction inspection? So what will we cover? 00:33:40.539 --> 00:33:43.670 And that could be any construction related information. 00:33:44.240 --> 00:33:47.599 Construction procedures, construction records, personnel 00:33:47.599 --> 00:33:54.539 qualifications, fusion qualifications, welding qualifications, 00:33:54.549 --> 00:33:58.759 it can cover a wide array of information 00:33:59.339 --> 00:34:02.339 So just make sure that you have all of your applicable 00:34:02.339 --> 00:34:05.440 information for the construction of a pipeline or pipeline 00:34:05.440 --> 00:34:13.139 facility ready for that inspection. 00:34:13.139 --> 00:34:17.239 Alright again I'll pause for a quick second for 00:34:17.239 --> 00:34:21.469 any questions over new construction inspections. Again 00:34:21.840 --> 00:34:25.610 this this is when you utilize the Q&A 00:34:25.610 --> 00:34:29.059 In the Q&A section of the slide show. And 00:34:29.059 --> 00:34:38.139 again, my number and email are listed below. 00:34:38.139 --> 00:34:41.059 We don't have any open questions at this time. 00:34:46.739 --> 00:34:53.730 One just popped in. When is a PS 74 required? 00:34:53.730 --> 00:34:58.449 A PS74 is going to be required whenever there 00:34:58.449 --> 00:35:04.929 are changes to, it covers a wide array of changes 00:35:04.929 --> 00:35:10.230 that that could be made to the pipeline system. So 00:35:10.230 --> 00:35:14.199 if the mileage is off it could incorporate a PS 74. 00:35:14.210 --> 00:35:18.559 Let's say there's changes in the information based 00:35:18.559 --> 00:35:22.380 on the company personnel. They can cover many many 00:35:22.380 --> 00:35:26.679 different aspects of changes and what that is. We follow 00:35:26.679 --> 00:35:30.320 that with the Austin office, the inspector does and 00:35:30.320 --> 00:35:34.210 we will make those changes in our system to reflect 00:35:34.210 --> 00:35:37.559 the changes of your documentation or your information 00:35:37.559 --> 00:35:43.039 provided to us during that inspection. 00:35:43.039 --> 00:35:46.900 All right. We have another question On a 192 project 00:35:46.909 --> 00:35:50.489 at what point in the project must the operator be 00:35:50.489 --> 00:35:53.639 T. V. C. compliant? 00:35:53.639 --> 00:36:00.500 I'm not exactly sure what they're referring 00:36:00.500 --> 00:36:06.309 to on T. V. C. compliant. Please feel free to reach 00:36:06.309 --> 00:36:09.900 out to me with that question on the phone or email. 00:36:09.909 --> 00:36:14.239 And I will answer that question. I'm sorry I can't 00:36:14.829 --> 00:36:20.329 help you with that particular one right now. 00:36:20.329 --> 00:36:23.550 And we have no other open questions right now. 00:36:24.030 --> 00:36:26.760 For the T. V. C. question, you know, please give me a 00:36:26.760 --> 00:36:31.489 call or an email whatever is easier for you and 00:36:31.489 --> 00:36:45.130 I'll help you out with that. 00:36:45.130 --> 00:36:49.730 Okay let's move on. 00:36:49.730 --> 00:36:53.670 So again we've kind of already covered this but we'll 00:36:53.670 --> 00:36:56.809 go through it yet again. These are important. These 00:36:56.809 --> 00:37:00.750 are very important codes for pipeline construction 00:37:01.230 --> 00:37:04.329 inside the state of Texas. And you know, it 00:37:04.329 --> 00:37:08.170 also covers the federal side as well. So what 00:37:08.170 --> 00:37:10.630 are the federal pipeline safety regulations when it 00:37:10.630 --> 00:37:16.769 comes to construction projects? That would be 49 CFR 191.22(c) 00:37:16.780 --> 00:37:20.300 and that's for gas pipeline pipeline 00:37:20.300 --> 00:37:25.800 facilities. And then 49 CFR 195.64(c). And that would 00:37:25.800 --> 00:37:29.789 be covering your liquid pipeline facilities. Again 00:37:29.789 --> 00:37:32.460 we kind of had a question that alluded to these earlier, 00:37:33.030 --> 00:37:37.579 you would be reporting these projects to PHMSA as 00:37:37.579 --> 00:37:40.630 well as listed below here. The Texas Administrative 00:37:40.630 --> 00:37:45.050 Code requirements. Make sure, you know, I believe 00:37:45.050 --> 00:37:48.929 the question was M. P M. S. information, make sure 00:37:48.929 --> 00:37:52.070 that that you're following the federal and the state 00:37:52.070 --> 00:37:57.659 code on both sides. And then again, your Texas. 00:37:57.659 --> 00:38:00.619 Administrative Code 8.115 00:38:00.619 --> 00:38:06.570 covers the reporting requirements for new construction 00:38:06.710 --> 00:38:09.329 inside the state of Texas. And this is intrastate 00:38:09.329 --> 00:38:14.480 pipelines, 191 and 195 cover intra and interstate pipeline 00:38:14.480 --> 00:38:18.369 facilities. And then your Texas Administrative 00:38:18.369 --> 00:38:24.460 Code 3.36 and 3.106. Those cover for H2S pipeline 00:38:24.469 --> 00:38:31.219 facility. 00:38:31.219 --> 00:38:34.340 All right. So what are some common new construction 00:38:34.820 --> 00:38:39.050 issues? These are not covering all of them. These 00:38:39.050 --> 00:38:43.150 are just kind of some common trends that that I see. 00:38:43.519 --> 00:38:48.039 And basically not following a new construction commencement 00:38:48.039 --> 00:38:51.380 report. That's a big one, which again is according 00:38:51.380 --> 00:38:57.719 to Texas Administrative Code 8.115, make sure if your 00:38:57.730 --> 00:39:03.460 pipeline project is reportable that you're reporting 00:39:03.460 --> 00:39:07.639 that information on A PS 48 form or the monthly report. 00:39:08.820 --> 00:39:13.130 Secondly, failure to follow your construction procedures. 00:39:13.139 --> 00:39:16.659 If your procedures are laying out your plan, you 00:39:16.659 --> 00:39:20.300 make sure to follow those. Common issues that we 00:39:20.300 --> 00:39:24.320 see are operators or contractors working for the operator 00:39:24.489 --> 00:39:27.119 not following those procedures, whether it's in the 00:39:27.119 --> 00:39:31.239 field or it's on record. You know, either way we see 00:39:31.239 --> 00:39:35.130 quite a few of those issues. Missing or inadequate 00:39:35.130 --> 00:39:38.099 construction records. That that's a big one as well. 00:39:38.110 --> 00:39:41.949 We see that quite often across the state, make sure 00:39:41.949 --> 00:39:44.659 that you're, you know, giving yourself credit 00:39:44.840 --> 00:39:47.840 for doing that task by covering it with the record. 00:39:48.420 --> 00:39:51.519 There's no record, 00:39:51.519 --> 00:39:54.130 did you do it or did you not do it? At that 00:39:54.130 --> 00:39:56.769 point, it becomes an issue. So make sure that you're 00:39:56.769 --> 00:40:01.730 filling out the information adequately and correctly 00:40:01.820 --> 00:40:04.559 and giving yourself credit for the task and the work 00:40:04.559 --> 00:40:06.829 that you're being, that are being completed 00:40:06.829 --> 00:40:11.019 in the field. And then fusion welding qualifications, 00:40:11.710 --> 00:40:17.369 inspectors, actual fusers or welders, not having those 00:40:17.369 --> 00:40:22.019 qualifications or not being up-to-date on those qualifications. 00:40:22.030 --> 00:40:25.429 That's one that we see pretty often as well. And then 00:40:25.809 --> 00:40:30.320 a general miscommunication between the operator personnel 00:40:30.809 --> 00:40:33.989 and the contractors on those pipeline projects. If 00:40:33.989 --> 00:40:36.840 the procedures change, make sure that information is 00:40:36.840 --> 00:40:39.800 being conveyed to the contractors, make sure the contractors 00:40:39.800 --> 00:40:42.429 are following your procedures and that you're building 00:40:42.429 --> 00:40:48.909 that pipeline as safely and efficiently as possible. 00:40:48.909 --> 00:40:54.360 So why does the Railroad Commission of Texas inspect 00:40:54.369 --> 00:40:57.849 new construction and why is there such a big push for 00:40:57.849 --> 00:41:03.949 new construction inspections? Simple as this. Safety 00:41:03.960 --> 00:41:08.530 safety and, yep, you guessed it safety, it all starts 00:41:08.539 --> 00:41:11.329 with the construction of a pipeline or pipeline facility. 00:41:11.909 --> 00:41:17.280 If the pipeline facility is being built safely, you're 00:41:17.289 --> 00:41:21.079 starting out right. If you're not building it to the 00:41:21.079 --> 00:41:25.739 code requirements or the construction procedures, then 00:41:25.750 --> 00:41:30.440 you're starting, you know, kind of you're kind of back, 00:41:31.210 --> 00:41:34.420 you're kind of starting behind the eight ball, 00:41:34.429 --> 00:41:37.480 as they say. So you know, make sure that you build 00:41:37.480 --> 00:41:42.210 that pipeline as safely as possible and you know, you're 00:41:42.210 --> 00:41:45.260 starting out in front of the eight ball, I guess, you 00:41:45.260 --> 00:41:50.269 could say, so yes, we inspect them due to safety and 00:41:50.269 --> 00:41:53.099 that is our main focus, public safety, environmentally 00:41:53.099 --> 00:41:55.800 safety, and the safety of the pipeline or pipeline 00:41:55.800 --> 00:41:58.480 facilities and everything else that's around are involved 00:41:58.480 --> 00:42:03.500 in that facility. 00:42:03.500 --> 00:42:08.019 So the Railroad Commission of Texas and PHMSA, the 00:42:08.019 --> 00:42:13.610 federal inspection personnel, we are communicating 00:42:14.000 --> 00:42:18.170 and we do have a team organized that meet on a quarterly 00:42:18.170 --> 00:42:22.980 basis. We basically discuss upcoming ongoing new 00:42:22.980 --> 00:42:26.960 construction, pipeline facility activities, projects 00:42:26.960 --> 00:42:30.889 that are ongoing, that type of information. We also 00:42:30.889 --> 00:42:35.510 discuss kind of, like I said, jurisdictional issues that 00:42:35.510 --> 00:42:39.289 may arise with the new project or an existing project 00:42:39.300 --> 00:42:43.239 whether it's state or federal jurisdiction. And 00:42:43.239 --> 00:42:46.440 then you know some filing issues, concerns that operators 00:42:46.440 --> 00:42:50.239 bring to us that they may have questions, concerns 00:42:50.239 --> 00:42:53.429 that type of information. Try to get a better answer 00:42:53.800 --> 00:42:57.659 for the operators. And then also we also discuss 00:42:57.670 --> 00:43:01.639 the big push that we've seen recently in LNG 00:43:01.650 --> 00:43:05.199 projects, so we're discussing those items 00:43:05.210 --> 00:43:08.170 on a quarterly basis and making sure that we're all 00:43:08.170 --> 00:43:11.900 on the same page. 00:43:11.900 --> 00:43:17.550 Alright, again, questions or concerns. My information 00:43:17.550 --> 00:43:22.360 is right here. It is available. Again this power 00:43:22.360 --> 00:43:26.559 point is available for download. It is provided in 00:43:26.559 --> 00:43:31.070 the Q&A link listed here, please feel free 00:43:31.070 --> 00:43:33.659 to download this slide show, you'll have my contact 00:43:33.659 --> 00:43:37.210 information. But if you want to take time to 00:43:37.210 --> 00:43:40.969 write it down quick, please feel free to reach out 00:43:40.969 --> 00:43:45.380 to me with any questions, concerns, upcoming projects, how 00:43:45.380 --> 00:43:48.449 to fill out PS 48 form, what does this mean? What does 00:43:48.449 --> 00:43:51.440 that mean? That's what I'm here for to help out any 00:43:51.440 --> 00:43:54.389 way I can, so please feel free to reach out to me 00:43:54.389 --> 00:43:59.500 at any time. 00:43:59.500 --> 00:44:02.059 I'll pause for a quick second to make sure there's no other 00:44:02.059 --> 00:44:18.889 questions. 00:44:18.889 --> 00:44:23.190 Okay I'm gonna move on. 00:44:23.190 --> 00:44:27.210 This contact information for the Austin office. Again 00:44:27.210 --> 00:44:30.170 if you're going to file your PS 48, send it in the 00:44:30.170 --> 00:44:35.599 mail. This right here will be your PO Box 12967 at 00:44:35.599 --> 00:44:41.960 Austin, Texas 78711-2967 is the zip code and 00:44:41.960 --> 00:44:46.510 that is the Austin office pipeline safety office 00:44:46.519 --> 00:44:51.590 number there. 00:44:51.590 --> 00:44:56.699 And also we would like to ask that you go to this 00:44:56.699 --> 00:45:00.210 link here to complete an evaluation, let us know 00:45:00.210 --> 00:45:04.190 how we did, how this, you know, how you view this 00:45:04.199 --> 00:45:07.610 slideshow. If it was helpful, you know, please feel 00:45:07.610 --> 00:45:11.250 free to fill out this evaluation. And there also 00:45:11.250 --> 00:45:14.980 is a link to the archive video webcast and will be 00:45:14.980 --> 00:45:19.889 available on the same web page as a presentation. 00:45:21.690 --> 00:45:24.420 Are there any other questions, Molly, that I'm not seeing? 00:45:25.690 --> 00:45:28.449 No we have no open questions. 00:45:28.473 --> 00:45:30.309 All right I'm gonna mute 00:45:30.309 --> 00:45:34.500 myself. If there's any other questions pop in or any 00:45:34.510 --> 00:45:37.769 questions pop into your head, please feel to reach out 00:45:37.780 --> 00:45:40.250 you know feel free to reach out to me, send me an 00:45:40.250 --> 00:45:43.110 email, give me a phone call and I'll be as helpful as 00:45:43.110 --> 00:45:46.559 I possibly can. I'd like to thank everybody 00:45:46.570 --> 00:45:49.619 you know for tuning in and I hope you have a 00:45:49.619 --> 00:45:50.719 great rest of your day