WEBVTT 00:00:10.710 --> 00:00:12.890 Good morning. This meeting of the Public utility commission 00:00:12.890 --> 00:00:14.800 of texas will come to order to consider matters have 00:00:14.800 --> 00:00:18.050 been duly posted with the secretary of State of texas 00:00:18.050 --> 00:00:21.859 for august 25th 2022 for the record. My name is Peter 00:00:21.859 --> 00:00:24.870 Lake and with me today are, Will Mcadams, Lori Cobos 00:00:24.879 --> 00:00:27.350 Jimmy Glotfelty, and for the first time at the dais 00:00:27.350 --> 00:00:31.469 Kathleen Jackson, even though she's already been with 00:00:31.469 --> 00:00:34.490 us for a few weeks, this is my first chance to formally 00:00:34.500 --> 00:00:37.990 introduce our newest commissioner, commissioner Jackson. Uh she's 00:00:37.990 --> 00:00:41.039 a chemical engineer by training. So take me at my word 00:00:41.039 --> 00:00:44.539 when she's a very sharp lady and of course she was 00:00:44.539 --> 00:00:48.100 most recently at a director at the texas Water Development 00:00:48.100 --> 00:00:51.789 Board uh among the many initiatives she led at the water 00:00:51.789 --> 00:00:54.619 Development board, she was an outstanding leader on 00:00:54.619 --> 00:00:58.490 water conservation. Which is why I'm asking her to 00:00:58.490 --> 00:01:01.000 take the lead on all things energy conservation and 00:01:01.000 --> 00:01:03.719 energy efficiency. For the public utility commission 00:01:03.729 --> 00:01:07.650 Uh water and electricity are certainly different resources 00:01:07.650 --> 00:01:11.579 but the principles of conservation and efficiency are 00:01:11.579 --> 00:01:14.760 very similar. Don't waste critical resources and get 00:01:14.760 --> 00:01:17.620 the most out of every bit of your existing resources 00:01:17.620 --> 00:01:22.269 whether it's water or power. Um, commissioner Jackson, your experience 00:01:22.269 --> 00:01:25.409 expertise and commitment to our critical resources 00:01:25.409 --> 00:01:28.459 and make you the ideal person to lead these efforts 00:01:28.469 --> 00:01:30.459 Welcome aboard. We're thrilled to have you 00:01:37.900 --> 00:01:41.480 thank you chairman Lake and to our fellow commissioners 00:01:41.489 --> 00:01:44.930 Um it's it's just a very much an honor to be able 00:01:44.930 --> 00:01:48.319 to have this opportunity to be here. Very much appreciate 00:01:48.329 --> 00:01:51.730 governor Abbott appointed me to this position. I really 00:01:51.730 --> 00:01:54.069 look forward to the work ahead. I think you've done 00:01:54.079 --> 00:01:58.114 a great job so far? It's been uh it's been very much 00:01:58.114 --> 00:02:02.715 of a challenge. We all know that people need a reliable 00:02:02.715 --> 00:02:05.915 water supply and they also need a reliable power supply 00:02:05.924 --> 00:02:08.705 And so I'm I'm very much hoping that what I can kind 00:02:08.705 --> 00:02:12.185 of bring to this work effort is uh kind of like that 00:02:12.185 --> 00:02:16.164 scientific analytical mind. And also I think, you know 00:02:16.175 --> 00:02:18.465 one of the greatest things that we have going for us 00:02:18.465 --> 00:02:22.330 in texas is that we care for one another. And you know 00:02:22.340 --> 00:02:25.460 as I traveled around Texas particularly to small communities 00:02:25.460 --> 00:02:28.449 and my time at the Water Development Board, I heard 00:02:28.449 --> 00:02:31.110 from people across the state and I think in so many 00:02:31.110 --> 00:02:34.189 ways we care, we care about the same things, we have 00:02:34.189 --> 00:02:37.310 the same objectives and we just want to make sure that 00:02:37.310 --> 00:02:39.569 our Children and our Children's Children, you know 00:02:39.569 --> 00:02:41.689 have the power they need, they have the water they 00:02:41.689 --> 00:02:45.250 need and that they can enjoy the quality of life that 00:02:45.259 --> 00:02:48.469 that we have today. So I'm very honored to have this 00:02:48.469 --> 00:02:51.379 opportunity. I look forward to the work ahead. It is 00:02:51.379 --> 00:02:54.590 a collaborative effort. I look forward to uh to reaching 00:02:54.590 --> 00:02:58.150 out and uh learning and hearing people's thoughts and 00:02:58.150 --> 00:03:02.199 ideas as we move forward and making a more more resilient 00:03:02.199 --> 00:03:04.189 Texas So thank you so much 00:03:06.669 --> 00:03:09.379 In terms of order of agenda, we will be taking up item 00:03:09.379 --> 00:03:14.099 14 before right before item nine today, which brings 00:03:14.099 --> 00:03:20.360 us to the consent agenda. Mr Journeay Could you please walk 00:03:20.360 --> 00:03:24.460 us through the items on today's consent? Good morning 00:03:24.460 --> 00:03:27.169 Commissioners by individual about the following items 00:03:27.169 --> 00:03:40.740 were placed on your consent agenda. 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21 00:03:40.740 --> 00:03:46.590 22 24 25 26, 27 31, 40 43 and 44. 00:03:48.310 --> 00:03:50.979 Thank you, sir. That's a that's a good that's a very 00:03:50.979 --> 00:03:55.229 good looks well done across the board. Uh Is there 00:03:55.229 --> 00:03:56.490 a motion to approve 00:03:58.080 --> 00:04:01.960 all in favor say? Aye. None opposed motion passes. 00:04:01.969 --> 00:04:02.849 Thank you Mr. Journeay. 00:04:04.629 --> 00:04:06.650 That brings us to our first uh 00:04:08.310 --> 00:04:11.389 listed item on the agenda for today, which is public 00:04:11.389 --> 00:04:16.850 comment. Uh Oral comments related to a specific agenda 00:04:16.850 --> 00:04:20.649 item will be heard when that item is taken up. This 00:04:20.660 --> 00:04:24.970 segment is for general comments only. When we do get 00:04:24.970 --> 00:04:28.040 to oral comments on specific agenda items, stakeholders 00:04:28.040 --> 00:04:30.230 should not approach the table unless oral argument 00:04:30.230 --> 00:04:32.959 has been granted or they have been invited by a commissioner 00:04:32.970 --> 00:04:35.970 as always, speakers in public comment will be limited 00:04:35.970 --> 00:04:40.069 to three minutes each. Uh Mr Journeay, do we have anyone from 00:04:40.069 --> 00:04:43.620 the public signed up to speak today? Yes, sir, we have 00:04:43.629 --> 00:04:47.629 a pretty good list today. First on the list is Cyrus Reed. 00:04:54.750 --> 00:04:57.170 and so I just want to know this fancy new clock we 00:04:57.170 --> 00:04:59.240 have here. So when I screw up everybody in the room 00:04:59.240 --> 00:05:04.800 will know it been waiting a long time for public acknowledgement 00:05:04.810 --> 00:05:09.709 That does that apply to us as well. Does that apply 00:05:09.709 --> 00:05:10.540 to us as well? 00:05:14.899 --> 00:05:20.500 Thank you. Good morning, Cyrus Reed. I'm here on behalf 00:05:20.500 --> 00:05:22.209 of the Lone Star type of the Sierra club. I'd first 00:05:22.209 --> 00:05:25.199 like to welcome you commissioner, I know that the Sierra 00:05:25.199 --> 00:05:27.839 Club worked very closely with you at Water Development board 00:05:27.839 --> 00:05:32.610 on uh water conservation issues and I'm thrilled that 00:05:32.610 --> 00:05:35.310 you've been tasked with looking at energy efficiency 00:05:35.310 --> 00:05:37.879 and I guess that would include demand response issues 00:05:37.889 --> 00:05:41.240 Um I'm here with a lot of people behind me um who 00:05:41.240 --> 00:05:43.480 are very concerned about rising bills in the state 00:05:43.480 --> 00:05:46.889 of texas and the fact that we don't think the commission 00:05:46.889 --> 00:05:49.939 up to now has really centered solutions that will help 00:05:49.949 --> 00:05:53.410 residential consumers with these rising bills. Uh Most 00:05:53.410 --> 00:05:56.110 people obviously can't come here on a thursday at 9 00:05:56.110 --> 00:05:59.149 30 most working people, so we have a number of organizations 00:05:59.149 --> 00:06:02.939 here to talk about some of these issues um in december 00:06:02.939 --> 00:06:05.050 of 2021 in case, you know, I'm sort of looking at you 00:06:05.050 --> 00:06:07.759 because you're the you're the newbie um In December 00:06:07.759 --> 00:06:11.949 of 2021. This commission took action and adopted a 00:06:11.949 --> 00:06:15.500 blueprint that blueprint included one item that's of 00:06:15.500 --> 00:06:18.120 importance to us, which is to look at the energy efficiency 00:06:18.120 --> 00:06:21.529 and demand response programs of the eight private utilities 00:06:21.540 --> 00:06:25.319 Uh no one's taken action yet. So we, the Sierra club 00:06:25.319 --> 00:06:29.019 did file a petition for rulemaking earlier this month 00:06:29.029 --> 00:06:31.759 We appreciate the fact that the commission as they 00:06:31.759 --> 00:06:33.540 should under the administrative procedures act, has 00:06:33.540 --> 00:06:37.779 now opened a new docket Uh, So any stakeholder that's 00:06:37.779 --> 00:06:41.860 listening can file if they like our petition, say you 00:06:41.860 --> 00:06:44.439 like it, if you don't say you don't like it and say 00:06:44.439 --> 00:06:46.670 why you don't like it. But our petition, what it would 00:06:46.670 --> 00:06:50.069 do is double the peak demand goals that are required 00:06:50.069 --> 00:06:53.050 of utilities and also increase the energy efficiency 00:06:53.050 --> 00:06:56.620 the overall savings goals, both for summer and winter 00:06:56.829 --> 00:07:00.970 It would also limit the performance bonuses that utilities 00:07:00.970 --> 00:07:03.509 currently can earn if you look even at some of the 00:07:03.509 --> 00:07:05.600 things on your agenda today without mentioning them 00:07:05.600 --> 00:07:09.860 specifically. Um the performance bonuses in general 00:07:09.860 --> 00:07:12.459 for utilities have crept up and up year after year 00:07:12.459 --> 00:07:14.470 to now. They're about a third of the budget. That's 00:07:14.470 --> 00:07:16.620 something we need to deal with. That's not fair to 00:07:16.620 --> 00:07:19.209 the ratepayers who are paying for those programs. If 00:07:19.209 --> 00:07:22.660 you look at other public utilities like the two leading 00:07:22.660 --> 00:07:25.670 one Cps Energy and Austin Energy, they're already meeting 00:07:25.670 --> 00:07:28.180 the goals that we've suggested that this petition. 00:07:28.189 --> 00:07:30.670 So we think private utility should should have similar 00:07:30.670 --> 00:07:34.189 goals. You guys have a lot of room to operate. I do 00:07:34.189 --> 00:07:38.050 realize um, that there will be a discussion in October 00:07:38.050 --> 00:07:41.060 on this topic, but I want to urge you to look at 00:07:41.060 --> 00:07:46.490 both 25.181, which are the goals and 25.182, which 00:07:46.490 --> 00:07:48.759 is how we pay for the goals. Both of those need to 00:07:48.759 --> 00:07:50.819 be opened up when we need to address both of them. 00:07:50.829 --> 00:07:54.069 Um, I had some really important points to make at the 00:07:54.069 --> 00:08:00.519 end. Oh in general, we're concerned about um any solutions 00:08:00.529 --> 00:08:03.920 to the grid that's gonna put the burden on residential 00:08:03.920 --> 00:08:07.589 ratepayers without offering us solutions on how to 00:08:07.600 --> 00:08:10.250 lower those potential costs through energy efficiency 00:08:10.250 --> 00:08:13.189 demand response, distributed generation. So just think 00:08:13.189 --> 00:08:15.930 about those things as we go into the future and with 00:08:15.930 --> 00:08:20.779 that all and my two seconds, one second gone landed 00:08:20.779 --> 00:08:21.860 it on a dime cyrus 00:08:24.439 --> 00:08:27.740 for the benefit of speakers coming up. I'll just note 00:08:27.740 --> 00:08:31.310 that the light will turn yellow when you have one minute 00:08:31.310 --> 00:08:35.679 left uh, in your time. Next up is Craig Nazor. 00:08:42.490 --> 00:08:46.429 Hello Commission. My name is Craig Nazor and I have 00:08:46.429 --> 00:08:51.639 a doctorate in music and didn't make me a lot of money 00:08:51.649 --> 00:08:54.399 but I've had a great life and I have a modest retirement 00:08:54.399 --> 00:08:57.460 now living in Austin to get the doctorate I lived 00:08:57.460 --> 00:09:00.169 for six years in Austin in a house with no air conditioning 00:09:00.929 --> 00:09:05.360 That was interesting, but I'm here. Uh, so when I was 00:09:05.370 --> 00:09:09.159 retired, I finally got enough money to buy a house and 00:09:09.169 --> 00:09:14.909 lo and behold lawyered Landsman in midland Odessa died 00:09:14.909 --> 00:09:18.200 A guy by the name of Charles Musset, who was, I 00:09:18.200 --> 00:09:21.830 was an heir to, I never met the guy, so suddenly I 00:09:21.830 --> 00:09:26.169 get this oil money. So what did I do? I spend it 00:09:26.169 --> 00:09:29.129 on energy efficiency from my house, I got triple pane 00:09:29.129 --> 00:09:31.879 windows and there are rebates on all this. I got a 00:09:31.879 --> 00:09:35.450 metal roof, I got extra insulation blown in. I gotta 00:09:35.450 --> 00:09:39.720 sear 27 air conditioning and heating system because 00:09:39.720 --> 00:09:42.470 I lived in a house with no air conditioning for six 00:09:42.470 --> 00:09:45.519 years in Austin, I knew what it's like and yes, climate 00:09:45.519 --> 00:09:48.919 change is real. I know it's real and so I'm trying 00:09:48.919 --> 00:09:52.730 to plan for it. So then what happened is solar comes 00:09:52.730 --> 00:09:55.860 around we have a really good energy company. I got 00:09:55.860 --> 00:10:01.860 solar on top of my house in january. My energy bill 00:10:01.870 --> 00:10:04.320 when they looked at my house he said my goodness you 00:10:04.320 --> 00:10:06.929 have the most solar, you have the most efficient house 00:10:06.929 --> 00:10:09.929 we've seen. And I said well I want as many solar cells 00:10:09.929 --> 00:10:12.299 as you can get within the deal that Austin had. So 00:10:12.299 --> 00:10:16.169 I got 10 solar cells. My bill in June, my electric 00:10:16.169 --> 00:10:19.200 bill was $10. 00:10:20.809 --> 00:10:24.850 My bill in July was $10. 00:10:26.679 --> 00:10:31.809 We need to let everybody in on this. We can't not everyone 00:10:31.809 --> 00:10:34.340 is gonna be lucky enough to have a lawyer, Landesman 00:10:34.340 --> 00:10:37.289 midland Odessa who lands a bunch of money on top of 00:10:37.289 --> 00:10:40.710 you. I was lucky, I was just just like this is like 00:10:40.710 --> 00:10:45.419 manna from heaven. But I know climate change is real 00:10:45.429 --> 00:10:49.340 and I know people are suffering my house by the way 00:10:49.340 --> 00:10:51.710 before the solar cells during winter storm Uri it never 00:10:51.710 --> 00:10:55.110 got below 55°. Other people in the neighborhood they 00:10:55.110 --> 00:10:58.740 had pipes freeze in the house. All my I had a fireplace 00:10:58.750 --> 00:11:00.759 all my firewood I gave it to all my neighbors. 00:11:02.779 --> 00:11:07.299 We need to do better and we need to help the people 00:11:07.309 --> 00:11:11.220 of texas. We need to help people become more energy 00:11:11.220 --> 00:11:13.809 efficient and I know it doesn't fall in the plan of 00:11:13.809 --> 00:11:16.889 an energy company that's just trying to sell more energy 00:11:16.899 --> 00:11:22.519 but but that's got to change. You know people you can't 00:11:22.519 --> 00:11:26.429 be just unlimited greedy. You know you have to care 00:11:26.440 --> 00:11:29.220 like you said you have to care about the other people 00:11:29.409 --> 00:11:32.730 other people in texas, our friends, our neighbors. 00:11:33.600 --> 00:11:36.269 Thank you very much. Thank you sir. 00:11:38.809 --> 00:11:40.909 Next up is norma Cortes. 00:11:56.500 --> 00:11:57.330 Good morning. 00:11:59.340 --> 00:12:05.539 I am a retired Texas state employee thank you. Living 00:12:05.539 --> 00:12:11.309 on a on a fixed income. So the bills are are a 00:12:11.309 --> 00:12:16.000 priority for me. So when my utility bill doubles it's 00:12:16.000 --> 00:12:19.500 difficult for me to manage everything else and I have 00:12:19.500 --> 00:12:24.149 to set aside things that I need because I have to be 00:12:24.149 --> 00:12:30.659 able to pay my utility bill. With this, I ask that 00:12:30.659 --> 00:12:35.080 the P. U. C. Do something about the fact that is out 00:12:35.080 --> 00:12:40.629 of control. The PUC has the power to help citizens 00:12:40.639 --> 00:12:43.639 advocate for us but you aren't doing that. We need 00:12:43.639 --> 00:12:46.759 for you to do a better job with that and support the 00:12:46.759 --> 00:12:49.600 changes that need to happen. We all know that fossil 00:12:49.600 --> 00:12:56.750 fuels cause energy bills to be higher that's 00:12:56.750 --> 00:13:00.850 a given. And with climate change present in all of 00:13:00.850 --> 00:13:04.500 our lives those those fossil fuels are getting more 00:13:04.500 --> 00:13:08.519 and more expensive. And who's profiting profiting by 00:13:08.529 --> 00:13:12.139 by those higher costs the big companies, the energy 00:13:12.139 --> 00:13:15.909 companies, the CEOs of those companies. I'm not 00:13:15.919 --> 00:13:19.610 I do everything that my utility company asked me to 00:13:19.610 --> 00:13:24.409 do. I raise my thermostat so that I run my A. C 00:13:24.419 --> 00:13:29.960 At 82 degrees all day long. All day long. My family 00:13:29.960 --> 00:13:32.450 came over to visit me the other day and said it's really 00:13:32.450 --> 00:13:34.990 hot in here. Said well you know I do what I have 00:13:34.990 --> 00:13:40.070 to do and I limit my water. You said I limit everything 00:13:40.080 --> 00:13:43.250 so that I don't have high utility bills but my bill 00:13:43.250 --> 00:13:46.850 still doubled and it isn't because I'm over using, 00:13:46.860 --> 00:13:49.980 it's because the cost is so high. We need for you to 00:13:49.980 --> 00:13:52.279 do something about it and we need for you to do something 00:13:52.279 --> 00:13:53.230 about it Now. 00:13:55.909 --> 00:13:56.659 Thank you, ma'am. 00:13:58.860 --> 00:14:00.889 Next up is Jordan's Barton. 00:14:10.889 --> 00:14:15.730 Mhm. Good morning Commissioners. Um I come from a little 00:14:15.730 --> 00:14:18.490 bit of a younger generation, evidently walking in with 00:14:18.490 --> 00:14:22.269 my long hair and earrings. But uh I was a resident 00:14:22.269 --> 00:14:24.529 of Austin about a year and a half ago right now. I'm 00:14:24.529 --> 00:14:26.830 an undergraduate at Harvard, I come back because my 00:14:26.830 --> 00:14:28.750 brother is a worker for the texas campaign for the 00:14:28.750 --> 00:14:31.379 environment. He invited me to speak today because he 00:14:31.379 --> 00:14:33.299 knows that a year and a half ago when I was a 00:14:33.299 --> 00:14:35.870 resident of Austin back in west campus, lived at 27 00:14:35.870 --> 00:14:39.759 04 Rio grande street. I was a very personal witness 00:14:39.759 --> 00:14:43.759 to Uri, as many Texans and many Austinites were uh 00:14:43.769 --> 00:14:46.610 that meant like many austinites. We spent uh, me and 00:14:46.610 --> 00:14:49.490 my partner four days without running water without 00:14:49.490 --> 00:14:53.149 heat, with our pipes running over. And what many would 00:14:53.149 --> 00:14:56.009 compare to despotic and foreign regimes, bread lines 00:14:56.009 --> 00:14:58.840 spending miles and miles outside of our houses, outside 00:14:58.840 --> 00:15:01.740 of target to acquire basic materials, leaving people 00:15:01.740 --> 00:15:06.379 like myself, uh, coming back nearly in frost been our 00:15:06.379 --> 00:15:09.750 long hair now soaked with ice. So the situation was 00:15:09.750 --> 00:15:12.980 far different. Um, and now returning and seeing how 00:15:12.980 --> 00:15:18.070 the situation has uh, evolved in my home state. I say 00:15:18.070 --> 00:15:21.090 that I'm radically disappointed because I'm disappointed 00:15:21.090 --> 00:15:23.860 because there's a fundamental lack of public accountability 00:15:23.870 --> 00:15:26.460 That lack of public accountability manifest itself 00:15:26.460 --> 00:15:29.950 most triumphantly when you have masses have to come 00:15:29.950 --> 00:15:33.179 in here with polls with monopoly money streamed across 00:15:33.179 --> 00:15:36.269 them to represent and make a symbolic exchange, that 00:15:36.279 --> 00:15:39.240 there are people that are spending money unless amounts 00:15:39.240 --> 00:15:42.190 of money on rate hikes, someone doubling sometimes 00:15:42.190 --> 00:15:45.009 seeing tripling of their bills. We know that there's 00:15:45.019 --> 00:15:48.559 tens of thousands of Texans that aren't here today 00:15:48.570 --> 00:15:52.840 as well, that uh, like are in counties like Brownsville 00:15:52.850 --> 00:15:55.529 some of the poorest counties in texas that can't be 00:15:55.529 --> 00:15:57.360 here because they can't find childcare, they can't 00:15:57.360 --> 00:15:59.919 find the proper resources, they would need to take 00:15:59.919 --> 00:16:03.289 a thursday morning off. And yet we come trying to represent 00:16:03.289 --> 00:16:05.720 those people who feel voiceless, who feel yet still 00:16:05.720 --> 00:16:09.659 powerless returning to this scenario returning to my 00:16:09.659 --> 00:16:12.549 home state. I guess the one thing I know statistics 00:16:12.549 --> 00:16:14.980 I know poring over information about how corporate 00:16:14.980 --> 00:16:18.080 greed has affected the state has affected ERCOT has 00:16:18.080 --> 00:16:20.500 affected people like me who are in the bread lines 00:16:20.500 --> 00:16:24.379 who are watching the frigid cold take us over. Is that 00:16:24.389 --> 00:16:26.750 the main thing I guess I'd like to impose is that public 00:16:26.750 --> 00:16:30.590 accountability runs out at one point. there is a limit 00:16:30.600 --> 00:16:33.580 from which people, I think reasonable people citizens 00:16:33.580 --> 00:16:35.639 in this city and in other in other places in texas 00:16:35.639 --> 00:16:38.779 are willing to work through these public forums to 00:16:38.779 --> 00:16:42.539 work through this discourse when they don't have basic 00:16:42.549 --> 00:16:46.409 utilities, human rights, the means to those human rights 00:16:46.419 --> 00:16:48.649 obtained in their homes, the right to comfort the right 00:16:48.649 --> 00:16:51.740 to clean water, clean air. So I just begged that the 00:16:51.740 --> 00:16:54.139 council realized and then these commissioners realize 00:16:54.139 --> 00:16:57.470 something that's rather important to me coming especially 00:16:57.470 --> 00:17:00.059 from so far away and returning to my home state wanting 00:17:00.059 --> 00:17:01.929 the best for and wanting the best for its ordinary 00:17:01.929 --> 00:17:04.759 and working class people that that public accountability 00:17:04.759 --> 00:17:08.779 does expire and that this commission in seeking public 00:17:08.779 --> 00:17:12.269 legitimacy and seeking to uphold that legitimacy needs 00:17:12.269 --> 00:17:15.710 to respond to that public demand urgently. It's not 00:17:15.710 --> 00:17:18.450 something that can be put on a further docket It can't 00:17:18.450 --> 00:17:21.059 be discussed in a Phase three plan. It has to be acted 00:17:21.059 --> 00:17:23.710 upon now because if it's not acted upon, people like 00:17:23.710 --> 00:17:27.309 me will continue to return to texas and see the spiraling 00:17:27.319 --> 00:17:29.619 lack of public accountability and public legitimacy 00:17:29.619 --> 00:17:31.720 that's placed upon the burden of these commissioners 00:17:31.720 --> 00:17:34.500 when they aren't able to respond to the basic needs 00:17:34.500 --> 00:17:37.549 of of citizens and Austinites. Thanks, thank you. 00:17:41.529 --> 00:17:43.369 Next up is Adrienne Shelly. 00:18:00.559 --> 00:18:04.029 Hello? Yes, thank you Adrienne Shelly, I'm the Texas 00:18:04.029 --> 00:18:07.400 Director of Public Citizen, appreciate the opportunity 00:18:07.410 --> 00:18:10.289 to speak today. Thank you for having us. Uh just want 00:18:10.289 --> 00:18:12.880 to make three points and I'll try to be brief because 00:18:12.880 --> 00:18:14.819 I think you've probably heard some of this before. 00:18:14.829 --> 00:18:18.809 Uh first of all, people are suffering right bills have 00:18:18.809 --> 00:18:22.279 increased. Um, and you know, they don't really see 00:18:22.279 --> 00:18:26.190 a solution in sight here. Um we've seen in the dependent 00:18:26.200 --> 00:18:30.609 analysis of that collectively, we've spent $3 billion 00:18:30.609 --> 00:18:35.839 more on energy this year. Um and it hasn't bought us 00:18:35.849 --> 00:18:40.150 a more reliable grid. Um It's it's really unfortunate 00:18:40.160 --> 00:18:42.170 and you know, there's a lot of people who can't be 00:18:42.170 --> 00:18:46.230 here today. And so um I just want you to to consider 00:18:46.230 --> 00:18:50.750 those voices as well. Um Second point, we have a solution 00:18:50.759 --> 00:18:54.329 right, Commissioner Jackson, thank you for for being 00:18:54.329 --> 00:18:57.509 here and for your service to Texas Um you've got history 00:18:57.509 --> 00:19:01.029 and conservation as you said and our solution lies 00:19:01.039 --> 00:19:04.390 in energy conservation and energy efficiency demand 00:19:04.390 --> 00:19:08.420 response. We have the solutions at hand. So we encourage 00:19:08.420 --> 00:19:11.339 you to, you know, take a serious look at all the proposals 00:19:11.339 --> 00:19:13.970 that are out there, including the Sierra Club petition 00:19:14.150 --> 00:19:17.559 Um you know, every uh a little bit of energy that we 00:19:17.559 --> 00:19:20.970 save is energy that we don't have to produce. Right 00:19:20.980 --> 00:19:25.519 And three is listen to the people, right? The public 00:19:25.519 --> 00:19:28.279 utility commission has done an excellent job of this 00:19:28.289 --> 00:19:31.710 in the past 20 years ago when we did the market redesign 00:19:31.710 --> 00:19:34.430 there was a listening tour uh you know, around the 00:19:34.430 --> 00:19:38.480 state, people were paid to attend and you know, what 00:19:38.480 --> 00:19:40.549 do we get out of it? We got one of the most 00:19:40.549 --> 00:19:44.799 sophisticated uh energy markets in the country and 00:19:44.809 --> 00:19:47.779 you know, look at the results, right? We had more wind 00:19:47.789 --> 00:19:50.740 you know, in just a couple of years after that and 00:19:50.740 --> 00:19:54.099 it turned us into a global leader uh in wind energy 00:19:54.109 --> 00:19:58.519 So those opportunities are still there, right? Um so 00:19:58.529 --> 00:20:00.539 you know, again, we appreciate the opportunity. There's 00:20:00.539 --> 00:20:03.670 only a small handful of us here today, you know, our 00:20:03.670 --> 00:20:06.730 organizations have heard from from thousands more people 00:20:06.730 --> 00:20:08.970 who share our concerns and you all know that there 00:20:08.970 --> 00:20:12.619 are millions more beyond that who are impacted. Um 00:20:12.619 --> 00:20:16.819 so thank you again, you all have the ability to make 00:20:16.819 --> 00:20:20.400 change and if you do, you know, you won't have to hear 00:20:20.400 --> 00:20:23.279 us say the same things over and over again. So thanks 00:20:23.279 --> 00:20:23.900 a lot. 00:20:28.180 --> 00:20:30.789 Next step is Susana Almanza. 00:20:41.039 --> 00:20:44.690 Good morning. Good morning chair 00:20:44.690 --> 00:20:47.009 and commissioners, thank you for giving me the opportunity 00:20:47.009 --> 00:20:50.940 to speak today. I'm Susana Almanza with and also president 00:20:50.950 --> 00:20:53.940 of the Montopolis neighborhood association. And I just 00:20:53.940 --> 00:20:57.569 want to say that during Storm Uri uh my family got 00:20:57.569 --> 00:21:01.000 really traumatized. My elderly sister ha who lives miles 00:21:01.000 --> 00:21:04.339 away from me unfortunately hadn't powered her phone 00:21:04.349 --> 00:21:07.130 She had one cell left. She called me, she told me she 00:21:07.130 --> 00:21:10.170 was gonna put on the stove and the oven to to keep 00:21:10.170 --> 00:21:12.450 her house warm. I told her to be careful, make sure 00:21:12.450 --> 00:21:16.349 she had a pot of boiling water there. I tried to call 00:21:16.349 --> 00:21:19.740 her later, her phone was dead. I couldn't get to her 00:21:19.740 --> 00:21:22.460 I was so worried the roads were icy so I couldn't even 00:21:22.460 --> 00:21:25.329 travel. My elderly brother and his wife and she's very 00:21:25.329 --> 00:21:29.509 frail and ill and dove springs, I called them also 00:21:29.509 --> 00:21:32.829 and there was the same problem uh reaching out to them 00:21:32.829 --> 00:21:36.450 later on their cell phone was dead. Uh and worried 00:21:36.450 --> 00:21:39.589 about how are they gonna be surviving all of this time 00:21:39.589 --> 00:21:42.750 luckily a neighbor who had a fireplace took them in 00:21:42.759 --> 00:21:47.599 Uh My sister did endure three days without any electricity 00:21:47.750 --> 00:21:50.680 The power came during those three days came on for 00:21:50.680 --> 00:21:54.230 30 minutes. So she was able to power her phone. Uh 00:21:54.230 --> 00:21:56.440 I mean a few bars and then called me to let me 00:21:56.440 --> 00:21:59.029 know things were alright that she was making, it was 00:21:59.029 --> 00:22:03.819 very cold. She was surviving but I feel really traumatized 00:22:03.819 --> 00:22:06.769 because I couldn't reach my my siblings. I couldn't 00:22:06.769 --> 00:22:09.789 reach them were so far the ice, the roads were icy 00:22:09.799 --> 00:22:14.339 Uh and when I think about how we need to fix that 00:22:14.339 --> 00:22:17.869 grid to make sure we have doubled the demand peak so 00:22:17.869 --> 00:22:20.789 that when the next winter storm comes or even during 00:22:20.789 --> 00:22:25.559 the heat our people will be able to survive because 00:22:25.569 --> 00:22:28.390 during the inflation now we're having to pay more for 00:22:28.390 --> 00:22:33.680 utilities. Uh it's very hard uh to live in um in all 00:22:33.680 --> 00:22:36.680 the different cities because it's so costly just paying 00:22:36.680 --> 00:22:39.849 for rent and transportation and then utilities. And 00:22:39.849 --> 00:22:42.390 so I think it's very important that we make sure that 00:22:42.390 --> 00:22:45.559 we have the programs in place to make sure that the 00:22:45.559 --> 00:22:49.549 poor and the working poor don't freeze to death uh 00:22:49.549 --> 00:22:53.230 and don't die from heat exhaustion and other things 00:22:53.230 --> 00:22:55.339 And so I think it's very important. So I bring the 00:22:55.339 --> 00:22:58.710 message here on a very personal level from all the 00:22:58.720 --> 00:23:01.589 poor and the working poor people uh that can't be here 00:23:01.589 --> 00:23:04.170 today who have two or three jobs that are struggling 00:23:04.170 --> 00:23:08.529 to exist uh to survive. But to make sure that that 00:23:08.529 --> 00:23:11.339 grid is fixed. That we got the programs and pace that 00:23:11.339 --> 00:23:14.099 we use efficiency and you've heard from other people 00:23:14.099 --> 00:23:17.490 who have generated more information but I just wanted 00:23:17.490 --> 00:23:20.890 to give my testimony on that part and appreciate you 00:23:20.890 --> 00:23:24.349 giving me the opportunity. Thank you. 00:23:27.119 --> 00:23:30.059 Next step is Emma Past 00:23:43.849 --> 00:23:47.089 morning Chairman Lake and Commissioners. My name is 00:23:47.089 --> 00:23:50.329 Emma Past 'm a resident of round rock texas. Um 00:23:50.339 --> 00:23:53.950 a customer of reliant energy and I'm within encore 00:23:53.950 --> 00:23:57.009 service territory. Um, I'm here today to urge you all 00:23:57.019 --> 00:24:00.630 to update the energy efficiency standards for the state 00:24:00.640 --> 00:24:04.450 um, in order to fix the grid and to help people like 00:24:04.450 --> 00:24:07.160 you and I lower our energy bills that we pay every 00:24:07.160 --> 00:24:11.299 month. Growing back, growing up in a single parent 00:24:11.299 --> 00:24:14.240 household, my family was always really big on saving 00:24:14.240 --> 00:24:17.299 money. Um, My parents taught me from a really early 00:24:17.299 --> 00:24:20.579 age the importance of saving energy. They had us pay 00:24:20.579 --> 00:24:23.240 them five cents every time we didn't turn a light off 00:24:23.250 --> 00:24:26.539 in the house. Um, and they taught us about the importance 00:24:26.539 --> 00:24:30.019 of things like insulation. I remember being seven or 00:24:30.029 --> 00:24:32.390 eight years old in elementary school and watching my 00:24:32.390 --> 00:24:35.529 dad carry these huge sheets of pink insulation into 00:24:35.529 --> 00:24:38.490 the house from the car to install them in our attic 00:24:38.490 --> 00:24:41.279 and our walls, they were bigger than I was at the time 00:24:41.279 --> 00:24:43.430 and they looked like cotton candy. So I asked him you 00:24:43.430 --> 00:24:45.900 know what they were and he told me about it. He told 00:24:45.900 --> 00:24:48.599 me that you know when we use our air conditioning, 00:24:48.609 --> 00:24:51.349 um, it creates cold air in the house and if we put 00:24:51.349 --> 00:24:53.460 this insulation in our walls, it'll help keep that 00:24:53.460 --> 00:24:56.170 cold air in. So instead of having to pay the power 00:24:56.170 --> 00:25:00.309 company to pump the house full of a. C. 123 times in 00:25:00.309 --> 00:25:03.609 a row that A. C. Will stay inside and therefore will 00:25:03.609 --> 00:25:06.619 use less electricity and will have a lower energy bill 00:25:06.619 --> 00:25:09.690 to pay at seven or eight years old. That made a lot 00:25:09.690 --> 00:25:12.319 of sense to me and it still makes sense to me today 00:25:12.329 --> 00:25:15.690 We need programs across the state to enable more consumers 00:25:15.690 --> 00:25:18.329 to do things like that to their homes to update their 00:25:18.329 --> 00:25:20.990 windows, their doors to add insulation to their addicts 00:25:20.990 --> 00:25:24.369 and walls. Because right now we're seeing skyrocketing 00:25:24.369 --> 00:25:28.210 electric bills across the entire state. I have solar 00:25:28.210 --> 00:25:31.390 power on my house out in round rock that I rent. And 00:25:31.400 --> 00:25:35.829 before the grid crisis my energy bill was maybe $80 00:25:35.829 --> 00:25:43.059 a month tops. Now I'm paying $130, a whopping 50 to 00:25:43.059 --> 00:25:46.299 $60 more every single month for something as simple 00:25:46.299 --> 00:25:49.779 as electricity. Now I'm fortunate enough to be able 00:25:49.779 --> 00:25:52.099 to pay that amount. But not everybody in the state 00:25:52.099 --> 00:25:55.150 of texas is. We have cities in texas that have some 00:25:55.150 --> 00:25:58.279 of the highest poverty rates in the nation. And we're 00:25:58.279 --> 00:26:00.609 hearing reports from people all across the state that 00:26:00.619 --> 00:26:03.619 they can't pay their bills that they need help or that 00:26:03.619 --> 00:26:06.279 paying their bills is forcing them to stop buying fresh 00:26:06.279 --> 00:26:09.349 produce at the grocery store. Nobody should be in that 00:26:09.349 --> 00:26:12.950 position furthermore without energy efficiency, our 00:26:12.950 --> 00:26:15.950 state will continue to rely upon power plants that 00:26:15.960 --> 00:26:19.599 pollute Texas is full of old aging, polluting power 00:26:19.599 --> 00:26:22.349 plants, power plants that don't have updated pollution 00:26:22.349 --> 00:26:25.210 control technology and the more energy we use, the 00:26:25.210 --> 00:26:28.279 less energy efficiency we have, the more those power 00:26:28.279 --> 00:26:30.500 plants produce power for us and the more those power 00:26:30.500 --> 00:26:33.630 plants pollute. The Parish power plant out in Fort Bend 00:26:33.630 --> 00:26:37.640 near Houston. It takes 179 people's lives every 00:26:37.640 --> 00:26:41.019 single year. If we were to reduce the amount of energy 00:26:41.019 --> 00:26:43.650 that we use across the state, we would have to run 00:26:43.650 --> 00:26:46.440 that power plant less often and therefore save the 00:26:46.440 --> 00:26:49.170 lives of Texans. Please update the energy efficiency 00:26:49.170 --> 00:26:52.210 goals to save Texans money on our bills. Thank you 00:26:57.319 --> 00:26:59.869 Next step is Alex Ortiz. 00:27:07.789 --> 00:27:10.619 Good morning Commissioners. My name is Alex Ortiz. 00:27:10.630 --> 00:27:13.819 I'm the water resources specialist at the Lone Star 00:27:13.819 --> 00:27:15.730 chapter of this here club. So this is a little out 00:27:15.730 --> 00:27:18.410 of my element, but welcome Commissioner Jackson and 00:27:18.410 --> 00:27:20.579 thank you for all your work with the Water Development 00:27:20.579 --> 00:27:24.349 Board. I'm just here and really echo the points that 00:27:24.349 --> 00:27:27.529 my colleagues from other organizations have made with 00:27:27.529 --> 00:27:30.680 skyrocketing bills and climate change on the horizon 00:27:30.690 --> 00:27:34.539 We know we can only expect the strain and pressure 00:27:34.539 --> 00:27:38.980 on the Texas electricity grid to get worse. Um, you 00:27:38.980 --> 00:27:41.309 know, there have been reports from the state climatologist 00:27:41.309 --> 00:27:45.400 office that show that drastic weather pattern changes 00:27:45.400 --> 00:27:49.869 from drought to extreme heat to extreme winter storms 00:27:49.869 --> 00:27:54.430 to hurricanes. We're gonna see more impacts and we're 00:27:54.430 --> 00:28:00.269 going to see them fairly soon. So taking action on 00:28:00.279 --> 00:28:04.269 being able to, you know, sustain the electric grid 00:28:04.279 --> 00:28:07.940 here in texas is really important. And I know that 00:28:07.950 --> 00:28:10.970 you know, like me, so many people worry about their 00:28:10.970 --> 00:28:15.599 families in times of crisis, and during winter storm 00:28:15.599 --> 00:28:19.329 Uri for example, I was, you know, just so worried about 00:28:19.329 --> 00:28:22.259 my two grandmothers, both of them live alone and one 00:28:22.259 --> 00:28:25.650 of one of them, my paternal grandmother did fall and 00:28:25.660 --> 00:28:28.200 slip and just bruised her hip, thankfully nothing was 00:28:28.200 --> 00:28:31.759 broken but because she had no electricity in her house 00:28:31.769 --> 00:28:35.089 and she was walking out to her car in Del Rio texas 00:28:35.099 --> 00:28:38.210 her ground is frozen over, she slips and falls on the 00:28:38.210 --> 00:28:40.559 way to the car and thankfully, you know, we have a 00:28:40.559 --> 00:28:43.259 lot of family in the area. Someone was able to get 00:28:43.269 --> 00:28:46.940 there and help her up and help her inside and help 00:28:46.940 --> 00:28:50.670 her stay warm. But there are so many people across 00:28:50.670 --> 00:28:53.730 the state that don't have, you know, people that don't 00:28:53.730 --> 00:28:58.690 have the community that they need to be able to muddle 00:28:58.690 --> 00:29:02.450 through in times of crisis like that. And so I just 00:29:02.460 --> 00:29:04.819 you know, really hope that you'll take a serious look 00:29:04.819 --> 00:29:07.380 at the petition filed by the Sierra club and and I 00:29:07.380 --> 00:29:10.009 hope that there's you know, genuine solutions that 00:29:10.009 --> 00:29:12.180 can come out of it. Thank you so much for your time 00:29:13.079 --> 00:29:13.859 Thank you. 00:29:18.640 --> 00:29:22.980 Next up is Daniella Silva. 00:29:25.539 --> 00:29:26.200 Mhm 00:29:36.980 --> 00:29:40.289 Good morning Commissioners. My name is Daniela Silva 00:29:40.299 --> 00:29:42.960 I'm a resident of Austin texas and I'll be using my 00:29:42.960 --> 00:29:46.680 time to read the story of Alvarado gallegos who lives 00:29:46.680 --> 00:29:49.519 in Brownsville texas and could not make it to Austin 00:29:49.519 --> 00:29:53.140 today to tell his own story and advocate for real solutions 00:29:53.140 --> 00:29:57.380 to fix the grid and lower our skyrocketing bills. My 00:29:57.380 --> 00:30:01.690 power company raised the bill by 50% 1 that I've always 00:30:01.690 --> 00:30:05.170 struggled to pay because my only source of income is 00:30:05.170 --> 00:30:09.450 the social security check this month. My power bill 00:30:09.460 --> 00:30:13.039 is more than half of my check. How am I supposed to 00:30:13.039 --> 00:30:18.200 pay my rent and buy food and pay other bills? How can 00:30:18.200 --> 00:30:21.069 power companies expect that? People who make minimum 00:30:21.069 --> 00:30:25.779 wage have kids pay rent gas and now their bills are 00:30:25.789 --> 00:30:30.549 over $400 because no one that I know has received a 00:30:30.549 --> 00:30:36.140 bill for less than $400. The decisions that you've 00:30:36.140 --> 00:30:40.000 all made so far to supposedly make our grid more reliable 00:30:40.009 --> 00:30:44.200 are so expensive that they are nearly bankrupting residents 00:30:44.200 --> 00:30:48.640 across Texas after monday and Wednesday. We see that 00:30:48.640 --> 00:30:51.789 the so called solutions you have carried out so far 00:30:51.789 --> 00:30:56.559 are not even making the grid more stable. People like 00:30:56.569 --> 00:31:00.339 Alvarado and people that you've heard today are not 00:31:00.339 --> 00:31:04.089 the ones creating the huge demand. We don't have huge 00:31:04.089 --> 00:31:08.349 houses, we don't have multiple cars were not taking 00:31:08.349 --> 00:31:12.390 dozens of flights per year and yet we're the ones keeping 00:31:12.390 --> 00:31:17.519 our houses at 70, 82°, making sure that we turn off 00:31:17.529 --> 00:31:20.309 all of our lights, making sure that we're not leaving 00:31:20.309 --> 00:31:23.170 our faucets running so that we can save a few dollars 00:31:23.170 --> 00:31:26.650 here and there. And yet we are the ones who are paying 00:31:26.650 --> 00:31:30.089 the price physically and out of our pocket. And it 00:31:30.089 --> 00:31:33.630 is in just and we are calling on on y'all today to 00:31:33.630 --> 00:31:38.809 please fix the grid. Focus on the solution that is 00:31:38.809 --> 00:31:41.670 making everything more energy efficient and have that 00:31:41.670 --> 00:31:44.829 be your number one priority going forward. We shouldn't 00:31:44.829 --> 00:31:48.690 have to be out here today. We pay y'all with our tax 00:31:48.690 --> 00:31:52.539 dollars to give us this service and we should be able 00:31:52.539 --> 00:31:56.019 to rely on you to do this for us without us having 00:31:56.019 --> 00:31:58.680 to come out, taking off of work, taking out of our 00:31:58.680 --> 00:32:01.740 day to come here. So please please follow what Sierra 00:32:01.740 --> 00:32:04.160 Club is guiding you and what the rest of the people 00:32:04.160 --> 00:32:07.529 here today are asking you to do and work for the people 00:32:07.539 --> 00:32:09.630 Thank you. Thank you, ma'am. 00:32:12.480 --> 00:32:14.579 Next up is Elizabeth Rojer. 00:32:26.609 --> 00:32:30.970 Good morning Commissioners. I'm Elizabeth Roche Um, I 00:32:30.980 --> 00:32:34.549 like you. Uh, I'm in the Science field University of 00:32:34.549 --> 00:32:37.730 florida. Moved here for Grad school to study climate 00:32:37.730 --> 00:32:42.339 change on the ocean. Um, and it is real. And this is 00:32:42.339 --> 00:32:45.930 not the beginning of things with storm Uri droughts 00:32:45.930 --> 00:32:49.230 record heat this summer. This is just the beginning 00:32:49.240 --> 00:32:53.809 and you owe it to the people to fix the grid because 00:32:53.809 --> 00:32:58.730 this is unjust, and we have to do something about this 00:32:58.740 --> 00:33:01.539 and I'm gonna keep it short and simple. So this is 00:33:01.539 --> 00:33:05.109 a little out of my element. But yes, climate change 00:33:05.109 --> 00:33:08.759 is real and you have to do something. Thank you. Thank 00:33:08.759 --> 00:33:09.079 you ma'am. 00:33:12.990 --> 00:33:15.299 Next up is Fran Tatu 00:33:24.829 --> 00:33:25.130 Good, 00:33:28.640 --> 00:33:31.170 Good morning and thank you for hearing our testimonies 00:33:31.180 --> 00:33:35.630 Um, um, I'm a resident of the hill country where my 00:33:35.630 --> 00:33:40.339 home is um, 40 minutes from here took me to to arrive 00:33:40.880 --> 00:33:44.579 I'm a folklorist by trade. And so I am in solidarity 00:33:44.579 --> 00:33:48.140 with all those who testify today and yet we as folklorists 00:33:48.140 --> 00:33:50.200 tell stories. So I'm gonna let you know that I'm still 00:33:50.200 --> 00:33:54.049 highly traumatized by the events of the big freeze 00:33:54.059 --> 00:33:57.039 Someone who does outreach in the streets, I'm here 00:33:57.039 --> 00:34:00.200 today to advocate for the most marginalized the un 00:34:00.200 --> 00:34:05.599 housed. We were able to house 135 people in a makeshift 00:34:05.599 --> 00:34:08.550 shelter who otherwise would have succumbed to the freeze 00:34:08.559 --> 00:34:10.760 We know of at least young man who was one young man 00:34:10.760 --> 00:34:13.289 who was living under a bridge who lost his legs and 00:34:13.289 --> 00:34:15.570 a few others succumbed to the freeze as many others 00:34:15.570 --> 00:34:17.730 throughout Texas did there were deaths, There were 00:34:17.730 --> 00:34:21.190 deaths because of this. I'm asking all of you today 00:34:21.199 --> 00:34:24.489 to ask yourselves while you were sitting in those seats 00:34:24.500 --> 00:34:28.230 who do you serve ask yourself this and began standing 00:34:28.230 --> 00:34:32.380 up to people like Kelsey Warren uh, and subsidizing 00:34:32.389 --> 00:34:38.900 alternate means of energy. My home lost, we lost, we 00:34:38.900 --> 00:34:42.050 lost electricity pretty quickly. And after four days 00:34:42.050 --> 00:34:45.019 I was sleeping in a sleeping bag and I was, I couldn't 00:34:45.019 --> 00:34:47.360 get out of out of my home. A friend had to come 00:34:47.360 --> 00:34:49.170 and pick me up in a four wheel drive and get me 00:34:49.170 --> 00:34:52.460 into town so I could start working under a coalition 00:34:52.460 --> 00:34:54.630 headed by chris Harris at the time, who's now with 00:34:54.630 --> 00:34:58.469 Austin Justice, Coalition of nonprofits, mutual aid 00:34:58.480 --> 00:35:00.789 people who were just, You know, out of the goodness 00:35:00.789 --> 00:35:02.639 of their hearts. I had drivers driving through the 00:35:02.639 --> 00:35:07.079 night picking up people until 1, 234567 a.m. people 00:35:07.079 --> 00:35:09.210 who otherwise would have died in their, in their, in 00:35:09.210 --> 00:35:13.150 their tents. So please consider the marginalized the 00:35:13.159 --> 00:35:16.619 elderly, all of those who don't have a voice and can't 00:35:16.619 --> 00:35:19.769 be here today. Thank you so much for your time. 00:35:23.449 --> 00:35:25.510 Next up is Shane johnson 00:35:32.650 --> 00:35:36.570 the put a timer on my phone. So I know how long 00:35:36.570 --> 00:35:37.170 I'm taking. 00:35:38.750 --> 00:35:42.639 All right, thank you. Can y'all hear me? Thanks for 00:35:42.639 --> 00:35:46.639 your time. Um, Shane johnson, I'm a resident of Austin 00:35:46.639 --> 00:35:53.699 texas and that mostly gonna be reiterating and emphasizing 00:35:53.699 --> 00:35:57.329 what people have already been saying. Uh, but we need 00:35:57.329 --> 00:35:59.730 to put the public back in the public utility commission 00:35:59.739 --> 00:36:04.050 Um, we came in december of last year and spoke and 00:36:04.050 --> 00:36:06.030 we essentially said all of the same things, some of 00:36:06.030 --> 00:36:10.010 them verbatim. We warned, y'all literally that the 00:36:10.010 --> 00:36:12.739 stopgap measures in Phase One would be ridiculously 00:36:12.739 --> 00:36:16.150 expensive. Both phases would be expensive, could cost 00:36:16.150 --> 00:36:19.829 billions of dollars billion with a B. And now we're 00:36:19.829 --> 00:36:22.900 seeing seven months of Phase one has cost a billion 00:36:22.900 --> 00:36:26.139 dollars and it's being passed on to the people around 00:36:26.150 --> 00:36:30.170 the state. Um and that's one of several reasons why 00:36:30.170 --> 00:36:32.750 we have to approve this energy efficiency petition 00:36:32.750 --> 00:36:35.469 or and expand energy efficiency measures around the 00:36:35.469 --> 00:36:39.239 state. The grid cannot be fixed without energy efficiency 00:36:39.250 --> 00:36:42.900 it can't be reliable, more reliable without expanded 00:36:42.900 --> 00:36:46.230 energy efficiency measures. And deep down we know the 00:36:46.230 --> 00:36:49.409 grid is not more reliable. We had that scare in july 00:36:49.420 --> 00:36:52.050 it affects all of us, you know, some of us more than 00:36:52.050 --> 00:36:55.559 others, but we know that it is that things are not 00:36:55.559 --> 00:36:59.570 better off than they were in 2021. Uh, and what I'll 00:36:59.579 --> 00:37:04.219 what I'll emphasize too is that uh, in july was 13th 00:37:04.219 --> 00:37:08.030 or whatever, uh, there's enough thermal generation 00:37:08.039 --> 00:37:11.230 tripped offline to power the city of Houston twice 00:37:12.539 --> 00:37:16.659 Um, ERCOT doesn't fully plan for climate change and 00:37:16.659 --> 00:37:20.989 with, you know, essentially record demand and extremely 00:37:20.989 --> 00:37:26.059 energy efficient homes and, and uh especially multifamily 00:37:26.710 --> 00:37:29.599 we're seeing, you know, this excessive demand that's 00:37:29.599 --> 00:37:32.280 then actually blowing through our power plants and 00:37:32.280 --> 00:37:34.239 if a few more power plants tripped offline, we would 00:37:34.239 --> 00:37:36.750 have absolutely been in a crisis rolling blackouts 00:37:36.750 --> 00:37:40.139 at the best. So we have to do more and we have 00:37:40.139 --> 00:37:44.269 to and it has to include energy efficiency um and I'll 00:37:44.280 --> 00:37:49.599 also use um I left my other paper over there but um 00:37:49.610 --> 00:37:53.909 I'll um describe the testimony of of one person who 00:37:53.909 --> 00:37:57.670 we spoke to uh in the Brownsville area of texas and 00:37:57.679 --> 00:38:00.480 for those who don't, who don't know, it's one of the 00:38:00.480 --> 00:38:02.380 poorest, that area is one of the poorest counties in 00:38:02.380 --> 00:38:05.690 the entire country and she described that her bill 00:38:05.690 --> 00:38:10.900 was over $1000 for july A $1,000 just for electric 00:38:10.909 --> 00:38:14.250 bill. Some other folks in Brownsville, one woman had 00:38:14.250 --> 00:38:17.280 to get a second job to pay her electric bill. Uh and 00:38:17.280 --> 00:38:21.880 this woman who um who's august, excuse me july bill 00:38:21.880 --> 00:38:26.389 was $1000 for august bill was over $600. This is ridiculous 00:38:26.400 --> 00:38:29.920 And we have to be prioritizing the solutions that are 00:38:29.920 --> 00:38:32.800 actually helping people and going to lower people's 00:38:32.800 --> 00:38:36.460 bills so, and that looks wide like widespread energy 00:38:36.460 --> 00:38:39.539 efficiency. Uh starting with these, these goals from 00:38:39.539 --> 00:38:42.309 the top down with these private utilities. Thank you 00:38:42.309 --> 00:38:44.530 for your time. Thank you for being here. 00:38:48.960 --> 00:38:52.769 Next up is Corey Troiani 00:38:59.460 --> 00:39:03.650 Good morning Corey Troiani. Uh huh. I'm with Texas 00:39:03.650 --> 00:39:05.420 campaign for the environment and thank you all for 00:39:05.420 --> 00:39:08.969 your time today. I'm gonna read the story of paige 00:39:08.969 --> 00:39:13.440 fan from Houston texas Um quote, we spent three days 00:39:13.440 --> 00:39:16.550 with no power, the thermostat said it was 20° in our 00:39:16.550 --> 00:39:19.550 home, but it felt colder, we could see our breath inside 00:39:19.550 --> 00:39:22.300 the home, which was something I never expected before 00:39:23.130 --> 00:39:25.800 Overall it was miserable. But I'm lucky it wasn't worse 00:39:25.800 --> 00:39:29.630 for us. A friend of mine had two toddlers and risked 00:39:29.639 --> 00:39:32.940 a lot to drive in the ice to Pearl Island to stay 00:39:32.940 --> 00:39:36.639 with friends who had, who had power and other friends 00:39:36.639 --> 00:39:39.179 pipes burst on the second floor of his house and flooded 00:39:39.179 --> 00:39:41.530 the home where two generations of family, including 00:39:41.539 --> 00:39:45.380 elderly, were living. Our neighbors beside us ran out 00:39:45.380 --> 00:39:48.809 of food. So we gave them what we had. A lot of 00:39:48.809 --> 00:39:51.619 people were sitting in cars to keep warm, risking their 00:39:51.619 --> 00:39:55.420 lives. We could see that all of downtown had power 00:39:55.429 --> 00:39:59.230 as we were driving around to keep warm. The suffering 00:39:59.230 --> 00:40:03.500 of millions of people was the result of an energy grid 00:40:03.510 --> 00:40:07.769 that is designed to maximize profits when energy is 00:40:07.769 --> 00:40:11.630 scarce. We don't have an energy grid that works for 00:40:11.630 --> 00:40:15.610 ordinary people. It doesn't work during crisis. And 00:40:15.610 --> 00:40:18.820 we know that increased weather variability and climate 00:40:18.820 --> 00:40:22.880 change is making this grid less stable and even worse 00:40:24.289 --> 00:40:27.440 We have been advocating for simple solutions that are 00:40:27.449 --> 00:40:30.659 inexpensive, like energy efficiency programs and that's 00:40:30.659 --> 00:40:34.119 why we're here today to support the petition for Rulemaking 00:40:34.130 --> 00:40:36.960 We need to work on these programs that are inexpensive 00:40:36.960 --> 00:40:39.940 for Texans because as you've heard today and continue 00:40:39.940 --> 00:40:43.369 to hear people are dealing with rising energy costs 00:40:43.929 --> 00:40:47.739 You on this dais right here can make the changes there 00:40:47.739 --> 00:40:50.469 are rising costs across our economy. The economy is 00:40:50.469 --> 00:40:54.059 not working for normal ordinary people for working 00:40:54.059 --> 00:40:58.170 families and you all have the ability to affect the 00:40:58.179 --> 00:41:01.420 regular folks out there who are paying sky high energy 00:41:01.420 --> 00:41:05.329 costs. So I urge you to take action. Thank you. Thank 00:41:05.329 --> 00:41:05.719 you. 00:41:11.170 --> 00:41:13.619 Next up is Kathryn Hahn. 00:41:22.519 --> 00:41:25.489 Good morning. My name is Katherine Hahn and I'm a resident 00:41:25.489 --> 00:41:28.550 of Houston texas. Although this meeting today is being 00:41:28.550 --> 00:41:32.090 held in Austin every time are unreliable. Power grid 00:41:32.090 --> 00:41:35.679 crashes. We are all dragged down with it from major 00:41:35.679 --> 00:41:38.889 city to rural town. This includes you and everyone 00:41:38.889 --> 00:41:42.079 you know commissioners. The entire state of texas is 00:41:42.079 --> 00:41:45.130 connected and affected by this disastrous problem and 00:41:45.130 --> 00:41:47.909 the expensive and faux solutions proposed and implemented 00:41:47.920 --> 00:41:50.739 by the puc thus far will not prevent the following 00:41:50.750 --> 00:41:54.989 from happening again from a resident in Denton texas 00:41:55.000 --> 00:41:58.480 during the winter storm 2021 for three days. We had 00:41:58.480 --> 00:42:01.309 power on for one hour, then out for 4 to 5 hours 00:42:01.320 --> 00:42:04.650 We had to gauge our cooking, bathing and everyday task 00:42:04.650 --> 00:42:07.590 around that schedule. We had to sleep on pallets in 00:42:07.590 --> 00:42:10.039 the living room near the fireplace as the heat would 00:42:10.039 --> 00:42:14.239 shut off when power was off. We managed for these days 00:42:14.250 --> 00:42:17.050 and realized many others had it much worse. But this 00:42:17.050 --> 00:42:19.679 is unacceptable in a state that is praised for its 00:42:19.679 --> 00:42:22.650 oil and gas industry. We should not have issues with 00:42:22.650 --> 00:42:25.610 our power. People who are on the boards and serve that 00:42:25.610 --> 00:42:29.110 people are not getting the job done. It has been over 00:42:29.110 --> 00:42:31.829 a year and there are still so many shortfalls in addressing 00:42:31.829 --> 00:42:34.960 and stabilizing the grid. Please let's do something 00:42:34.960 --> 00:42:37.739 to move things forward and stabilize this grid, not 00:42:37.739 --> 00:42:39.760 just in the interest of making rich people richer, 00:42:39.769 --> 00:42:42.190 but for security, for those of us trying to sustain 00:42:43.210 --> 00:42:46.909 From a resident in dripping springs Texas. I like everyone 00:42:46.909 --> 00:42:50.010 had major problems during the February 2021 ice storm 00:42:50.010 --> 00:42:53.599 and loss of electricity. Three years ago we spent thousands 00:42:53.610 --> 00:42:56.630 and installed solar panels to modernize to renewables 00:42:56.630 --> 00:43:00.210 and to save money. We saw a huge drop in our electric 00:43:00.210 --> 00:43:03.079 bills after the ice storms and rolling blackouts. That 00:43:03.079 --> 00:43:05.500 week, I was told that it was not fair for us solar 00:43:05.500 --> 00:43:08.139 people to receive lower bills and regular customers 00:43:08.150 --> 00:43:10.679 and that a charge would be added to my bill each month 00:43:10.690 --> 00:43:13.699 to help out. You do what's right And you were penalized 00:43:13.699 --> 00:43:17.730 for it. We are old and went through many problems feeding 00:43:17.730 --> 00:43:20.300 a charcoal stove in our pump house to keep the pipes 00:43:20.300 --> 00:43:24.130 from freezing. And we did this hourly. Only el paso 00:43:24.130 --> 00:43:26.860 had the foresight to build into the future with new 00:43:26.860 --> 00:43:29.449 facilities and equipment and hook up to a reliable 00:43:29.449 --> 00:43:32.820 grid from the west. The rest of Texas is supposed to 00:43:32.820 --> 00:43:35.059 believe the lies that you're doing everything you can 00:43:35.059 --> 00:43:38.090 to help us in our energy costs, but not so we need 00:43:38.090 --> 00:43:40.530 a grid that really works for us, Not for the energy 00:43:40.530 --> 00:43:43.300 companies who profit from deregulation in an unstable 00:43:43.300 --> 00:43:47.460 grid. Abbott is financed by oil and gas and most Texas 00:43:47.460 --> 00:43:51.150 politicians are also, I could say shame, but it would 00:43:51.150 --> 00:43:54.000 make no difference because they feel no shame at screwing 00:43:54.000 --> 00:43:57.050 their constituents. This is our story and I have not 00:43:57.050 --> 00:43:59.449 sanitized it because you should hear the outrage from 00:43:59.449 --> 00:44:03.570 Texans from a resident in austin texas. My daughter 00:44:03.570 --> 00:44:06.449 was born with a genetic condition called cystic fibrosis 00:44:06.460 --> 00:44:08.880 One of the ways we treat her condition is with daily 00:44:08.880 --> 00:44:11.329 treatments, but for this she needs a percussion machine 00:44:11.329 --> 00:44:14.789 as well as the nebulizer. Both of these require electricity 00:44:15.340 --> 00:44:18.179 I see my time is close out. So I will say Commissioners 00:44:18.269 --> 00:44:20.329 These decisions will follow you for the rest of your 00:44:20.329 --> 00:44:23.769 lives. Please don't lay down a corruption. Thank you 00:44:24.940 --> 00:44:25.809 Thank you man. 00:44:30.719 --> 00:44:32.670 Next up is Trevor Carroll. 00:44:41.090 --> 00:44:43.820 Good morning Commissioners. I want to say, I definitely 00:44:43.820 --> 00:44:46.460 appreciate the point made at the beginning about Texans 00:44:46.460 --> 00:44:48.849 taking care of each other. That's exactly what we're 00:44:48.849 --> 00:44:52.289 asking for. Um, today, that's why we're all here. Um 00:44:52.300 --> 00:44:54.400 yeah, my name is Trevor Carol. I'm here today from 00:44:54.400 --> 00:44:57.139 Harris County. I have had the privilege to take time 00:44:57.150 --> 00:44:59.760 out of my weekday morning to travel here to address 00:44:59.760 --> 00:45:03.110 you. That is, you know, not the case for for most people 00:45:03.119 --> 00:45:05.230 the ability to participate in meetings like this that 00:45:05.230 --> 00:45:08.420 affect everyone's lives is not accessible to most working 00:45:08.420 --> 00:45:11.289 class people, but you can be sure that the people from 00:45:11.300 --> 00:45:13.920 all over the state have plenty to say about how their 00:45:13.929 --> 00:45:17.530 energy bills have doubled or even tripled. I've spoken 00:45:17.530 --> 00:45:20.210 to people from all over our state who shared stories 00:45:20.210 --> 00:45:22.659 about how they are struggling to get by with high bills 00:45:22.659 --> 00:45:25.739 and are frustrated at our officials who put corporate 00:45:25.750 --> 00:45:28.980 interests over everyday Texans. It's not a secret to 00:45:28.980 --> 00:45:31.780 most Texans that major corporations have made huge 00:45:31.780 --> 00:45:35.119 profits while Texans fall behind on bills and suffer 00:45:35.119 --> 00:45:38.599 in climate extremes. I'm a resident of Freeport, Texas 00:45:38.599 --> 00:45:41.099 asked me to specifically mention the fact that massive 00:45:41.099 --> 00:45:45.019 facilities like Freeport LNG refused to shut down during 00:45:45.019 --> 00:45:48.269 your e while the people in nearby neighborhoods spent 00:45:48.280 --> 00:45:51.440 eight days without power freezing in their homes when 00:45:51.440 --> 00:45:53.360 the governor finally ordered them to shut down, It 00:45:53.360 --> 00:45:56.099 was only for a short amount of time while residents 00:45:56.099 --> 00:45:59.809 sacrificed so much. Um, Texans really need relief, 00:45:59.820 --> 00:46:02.440 especially the poor people on fixed incomes, those 00:46:02.440 --> 00:46:05.599 behind on their bills. The puc has the power to act 00:46:05.599 --> 00:46:08.849 and help struggling Texans were asking, why haven't 00:46:08.849 --> 00:46:12.039 you? Um, Texas obviously ranks near the bottom of all 00:46:12.039 --> 00:46:14.710 states on energy efficiency, which is unacceptable 00:46:14.719 --> 00:46:18.929 One simple solution would be to adopt the rulemaking 00:46:18.929 --> 00:46:21.320 petition that others have mentioned. I'm gonna quickly 00:46:21.320 --> 00:46:25.260 read some stories from other Texans who could not be 00:46:25.260 --> 00:46:28.800 here today. The last major freeze caused many frozen 00:46:28.800 --> 00:46:32.329 pipes in my home and buildings, which cost me hundreds 00:46:32.340 --> 00:46:35.150 of dollars of which I did not have as I am retired 00:46:35.159 --> 00:46:38.230 and on a fixed income, we did not have power to heat 00:46:38.239 --> 00:46:40.900 these areas for several days and the communications 00:46:40.900 --> 00:46:45.300 were terrible as um to uh to expect some relief but 00:46:45.300 --> 00:46:47.940 our primary disappointment is the reaction from government 00:46:47.940 --> 00:46:50.730 Since this power outage um you know, there's been almost 00:46:50.730 --> 00:46:54.269 no changes. Um no changes have been made to address 00:46:54.269 --> 00:46:56.840 these problems and we can expect even more problems 00:46:57.250 --> 00:47:00.469 Since 2020. We have been without power for over three 00:47:00.469 --> 00:47:04.699 days um at a time for four different times. Twice in 00:47:04.699 --> 00:47:07.159 the winter, once in the spring and once in the summer 00:47:07.170 --> 00:47:10.789 the 2021 freeze left us without power for 4.5 days 00:47:10.789 --> 00:47:14.889 We ended up having um a pet die because we were not 00:47:14.889 --> 00:47:17.380 able to keep the correct temperature and environment 00:47:17.380 --> 00:47:20.949 for them. Um We installed a smart heating and A C system 00:47:20.949 --> 00:47:24.550 and regularly have it changed um based on power prices 00:47:24.550 --> 00:47:27.099 and energy levels for the state. Um We used to get 00:47:27.099 --> 00:47:30.039 rebates um when they would auto set the temperatures 00:47:30.039 --> 00:47:31.940 higher in the house but that does not seem to happen 00:47:31.940 --> 00:47:35.849 anymore. The puc must focus on sustainability rather 00:47:35.849 --> 00:47:40.800 than corporate profits. Thank you. Thank you for being 00:47:40.800 --> 00:47:41.059 here. 00:47:44.789 --> 00:47:48.309 Next next up is David Cortez 00:47:52.980 --> 00:47:53.519 Thank you, 00:47:56.349 --> 00:47:58.559 Howdy. Good morning. Good to see you again. Nice to 00:47:58.559 --> 00:48:02.949 meet you commissioner. Uh David Cortez out of South 00:48:02.949 --> 00:48:06.860 Austin by way of el paso texas born and raised. I'm 00:48:06.860 --> 00:48:10.059 the excuse me, I think I'm the last speaker today. 00:48:10.070 --> 00:48:15.309 So let's all listen very closely. Um I do want to say 00:48:15.309 --> 00:48:18.889 I need your help. Uh today is my four year old daughter 00:48:18.889 --> 00:48:23.159 out of Sally's first day of pre K and I'm here. I 00:48:23.159 --> 00:48:27.820 missed it. I missed getting her out the door. I'm happy 00:48:27.820 --> 00:48:31.369 to be here. I'm happy to get people to come and talk 00:48:31.380 --> 00:48:34.320 We've been working very hard with our staff, our partner 00:48:34.320 --> 00:48:38.119 organizations to get people's comments. It is very 00:48:38.119 --> 00:48:41.559 consuming work. Our members, I'm very grateful to them 00:48:41.559 --> 00:48:44.090 for their contributions to give us the ability to do 00:48:44.090 --> 00:48:47.760 that. But I need your help. We need the resources of 00:48:47.760 --> 00:48:49.750 the public utility commission in the state of texas 00:48:49.750 --> 00:48:53.570 to be deployed to bring more people's input into this 00:48:53.570 --> 00:48:57.030 process to address our energy crisis around the state 00:48:57.679 --> 00:49:01.300 Um I think we know, but I'm gonna say it again. The 00:49:01.300 --> 00:49:05.550 climate crisis is very real. It is unfolding before 00:49:05.550 --> 00:49:09.530 our eyes. This work is no longer about some far off 00:49:09.530 --> 00:49:13.119 future or Children's Children's future. It is about 00:49:13.119 --> 00:49:16.900 the very real, very present danger that radically and 00:49:16.900 --> 00:49:19.860 disproportionately harms the hundreds of thousands 00:49:19.860 --> 00:49:23.730 of Texans who are struggling with high bills. A new 00:49:23.730 --> 00:49:27.550 report from a new survey from ACEEE just said 00:49:27.550 --> 00:49:31.719 that about 80% or more of us registered voters support 00:49:31.730 --> 00:49:35.800 some of the federal policies about energy conservation 00:49:35.809 --> 00:49:38.570 with the highest support among liberal democrats, but 00:49:38.579 --> 00:49:42.269 with at least 50% of conservative republicans also 00:49:42.269 --> 00:49:46.210 supporting tax incentives and rebates to homeowners 00:49:46.210 --> 00:49:48.889 landlords and businesses to make existing buildings 00:49:48.889 --> 00:49:52.800 more energy efficient. It's not just inflation, it's 00:49:52.809 --> 00:49:56.469 or the high price of gas, it's our utility bills as 00:49:56.469 --> 00:49:58.829 you've heard loud and clear today. You have the power 00:49:58.829 --> 00:50:01.889 to help the single mothers, the folks on fixed incomes 00:50:01.900 --> 00:50:04.670 That was my mom that spoke earlier, I was just blown 00:50:04.670 --> 00:50:09.420 away. She did so well speaking to y'all, she's on fixed 00:50:09.420 --> 00:50:13.179 income, You know, residential rates are averaging between 00:50:13.179 --> 00:50:19.429 24-27 cents now that's double where it was a year ago 00:50:19.440 --> 00:50:23.769 People are getting these bills in the mail now they're 00:50:23.769 --> 00:50:27.170 gonna fall into debt and I am worried they're not gonna 00:50:27.170 --> 00:50:29.550 be able to pay them and they're gonna get their power 00:50:29.550 --> 00:50:32.699 shut off in the coming months. You have the power to 00:50:32.699 --> 00:50:37.289 help the people most affected by your decisions are 00:50:37.289 --> 00:50:39.590 states lack of action are unable to participate in 00:50:39.590 --> 00:50:42.639 this process. It is essential that they get more opportunity 00:50:42.639 --> 00:50:46.599 to participate. The E. I. P. Process in october is 00:50:46.599 --> 00:50:49.889 not a sufficient nor equitable space for that participation 00:50:49.889 --> 00:50:52.809 to happen. Companies like Centerpoint whose Ceo reportedly 00:50:52.809 --> 00:50:56.389 made 37.8 million last year and encore who reported 00:50:56.389 --> 00:50:59.420 profits of 60 million above their forecast and their 00:50:59.420 --> 00:51:01.519 partners with the Association of electric Companies 00:51:01.519 --> 00:51:05.780 of Texas dominate those spaces. We need more regular 00:51:05.780 --> 00:51:08.570 Texans at the table. Please help us with it. Thank 00:51:08.570 --> 00:51:08.809 you. 00:51:12.340 --> 00:51:14.820 Thank you for being here and good luck to your daughter 00:51:14.820 --> 00:51:19.489 on a big day. We have no more speakers signed up sir 00:51:20.309 --> 00:51:23.070 Thank you. Mr Journeay. At this point, public comment is 00:51:23.070 --> 00:51:26.239 now closed as always, this commission, I know everybody 00:51:26.239 --> 00:51:30.079 up here appreciates and welcomes public comment, appreciate 00:51:30.079 --> 00:51:33.989 you all being here. The next item on the agenda please 00:51:33.989 --> 00:51:34.269 Mr Journeay. 00:51:36.809 --> 00:51:39.829 (item:5:52380) The next item on the agenda will be item number five 00:51:39.840 --> 00:51:44.980 docket 52380, petition of S. W. W. C. Utilities 00:51:46.070 --> 00:51:49.570 uh and the City of Austin for approval of the services 00:51:49.579 --> 00:51:55.260 contract Under 13248 of the water code proposal for 00:51:55.260 --> 00:51:59.739 decision was filed on July eight and the L. J. Declined 00:51:59.739 --> 00:52:02.329 to make any changes in response to exceptions. 00:52:03.840 --> 00:52:06.920 Thank you sir. Thoughts, comments 00:52:09.789 --> 00:52:13.429 I would be in favor of adopting the PFD that dismisses 00:52:13.440 --> 00:52:16.639 S W. W. C. Utilities and City of Austin's petition 00:52:16.639 --> 00:52:21.630 with prejudice under 16 Tac 22 181 subsection D 00:52:21.639 --> 00:52:24.650 eight for failure to state a claim for which relief 00:52:24.650 --> 00:52:28.679 can be granted under T W. C. 13.248 and 00:52:28.679 --> 00:52:34.409 16.24 53. But make modifications in our order approving 00:52:34.409 --> 00:52:38.719 the PFD to modify ordering paragraph two to remove 00:52:38.719 --> 00:52:42.630 the alternate basis for dismissal. That reference, 00:52:42.639 --> 00:52:46.719 um lack of jurisdiction and um mood question or absolute 00:52:46.730 --> 00:52:50.030 absolute petition and delete all conclusions of law 00:52:50.030 --> 00:52:53.130 that address these alternate bases for dismissal, which 00:52:53.130 --> 00:52:54.579 do not apply to this case. 00:52:56.530 --> 00:53:02.349 I agree with that. MR Chairman. I agree, sounded dangerously 00:53:02.349 --> 00:53:04.449 close to emotional. I think you got a second. 00:53:06.420 --> 00:53:11.269 Alright, I moved to adopt the PFD with the modifications 00:53:11.280 --> 00:53:16.329 stated and I would say all right, we've got a motion 00:53:16.329 --> 00:53:20.619 and a second. All in favor say aye, not opposed motion 00:53:20.619 --> 00:53:21.750 passes. Next item. Please 00:53:24.099 --> 00:53:28.539 (item:6:52435) Next item is item six, docket 52435 petition of legacy 00:53:28.539 --> 00:53:33.230 equestrian center to amend merrily said CCN in collin 00:53:33.230 --> 00:53:37.139 County by expedited release before the commission is 00:53:37.139 --> 00:53:40.920 an appeal of order number six. This is certainly an 00:53:40.920 --> 00:53:44.230 interesting one thoughts, comments. 00:53:46.960 --> 00:53:52.250 I sure. Uh I would be in favor of denying Merrilees 00:53:52.250 --> 00:53:55.760 appeal um from the old days determination or number 00:53:55.760 --> 00:53:59.409 six and clarify that the commission's order granting 00:53:59.409 --> 00:54:02.099 the streamlined expedite the release of the track of 00:54:02.099 --> 00:54:04.639 land is a final order under the administrative procedures 00:54:04.650 --> 00:54:09.739 act um scr petition and the compensation proceeding 00:54:09.739 --> 00:54:12.610 that follows the commission's approval of an scr petition 00:54:12.610 --> 00:54:14.530 or two separate proceedings that are combined into 00:54:14.530 --> 00:54:18.679 one um control number for administrative efficiency 00:54:18.690 --> 00:54:22.130 Um Therefore, the ALJ correctly determined that the 00:54:22.130 --> 00:54:25.119 commission's final order filed on March 1st 2020 to 00:54:25.130 --> 00:54:29.170 release the track from mary lee's um certified service 00:54:29.170 --> 00:54:32.719 area and therefore there is no need to clarify no need 00:54:32.719 --> 00:54:34.650 for clarification on whether the release can proceed 00:54:34.650 --> 00:54:37.639 because the release has already occurred. Um We're 00:54:37.639 --> 00:54:39.420 in the middle of the compensation proceeding at this 00:54:39.420 --> 00:54:43.190 time. Um That's a separate action from the commission's 00:54:43.190 --> 00:54:47.920 final order releasing the track of land. Uh the so 00:54:47.929 --> 00:54:51.199 the ALJ correctly determined that the legacy equestrian 00:54:51.199 --> 00:54:54.329 is responsible for paying the appraisal fee and compensation 00:54:54.329 --> 00:54:57.489 of any to merely sud So I believe that forms the 00:54:57.489 --> 00:55:00.610 basis of my position of denying Merrilees appeal and 00:55:00.610 --> 00:55:03.670 affirming the LJ's determination or number six once 00:55:03.670 --> 00:55:07.760 the orders issued its final compensations there, they're 00:55:07.760 --> 00:55:10.590 trying to conflate two separate proceedings under one 00:55:10.590 --> 00:55:16.280 docket And so I think it's necessary that affirm for 00:55:16.280 --> 00:55:19.329 everybody that it's a two step process and we've moved 00:55:19.340 --> 00:55:24.050 beyond the scr you can't back out of it. I don't like 00:55:24.050 --> 00:55:27.989 the outcome. So I would support positions. 00:55:32.059 --> 00:55:34.480 Alright, okay, you have motion for that commissioner 00:55:34.730 --> 00:55:39.210 Yes. Um I would move to deny Merrilees appeal and affirmed 00:55:39.210 --> 00:55:42.579 the determination in order number six, pursuant to 00:55:42.579 --> 00:55:46.670 our discussion. Second, motion in a second all in favor 00:55:46.670 --> 00:55:51.389 say, aye, not opposed motion passes. Next item please 00:55:53.059 --> 00:55:58.989 (item:8:52758) The next item is item eight, It's docket 52758. It's 00:55:58.989 --> 00:56:03.050 the petition of Mcallen's public utility appealing 00:56:03.050 --> 00:56:06.210 hotel water rates charged by Hidalgo County Water Improvement 00:56:06.219 --> 00:56:09.760 District. Number three in front of the commission is 00:56:09.760 --> 00:56:13.889 an appeal of order number four. The last one was interesting 00:56:13.889 --> 00:56:17.989 This is even more interesting. Um We've got a couple 00:56:17.989 --> 00:56:24.389 of complicating factors here, most notably some question 00:56:24.389 --> 00:56:25.400 about jurisdiction. 00:56:28.590 --> 00:56:33.349 Mr Chairman. I believe the legislative letter that 00:56:33.349 --> 00:56:36.650 we have received calls in the most basic scope of what 00:56:36.650 --> 00:56:42.769 we do here. Um I believe the timing of the this passage 00:56:42.769 --> 00:56:48.349 of the statues referenced again. The water code. Uh 00:56:48.360 --> 00:56:52.309 the relevant water code areas of jurisdiction moved 00:56:52.309 --> 00:56:55.929 over in the same section in the same session that are 00:56:55.929 --> 00:56:59.960 being cited as part of the legislative letter. Um I 00:56:59.960 --> 00:57:05.119 think we need to take time to seek guidance. I I believe 00:57:05.130 --> 00:57:07.940 an attorney general opinion is warranted here. I mean 00:57:07.940 --> 00:57:11.190 this this could affect this could have a real effect 00:57:11.190 --> 00:57:15.659 on on other cases. Um We just need clarity. So I would 00:57:15.670 --> 00:57:20.409 I would take uh I would move to extend um this case 00:57:20.409 --> 00:57:23.599 and then take that time to seek an attorney general 00:57:23.599 --> 00:57:26.719 opinion on agreed. I'd rather get it right on the front 00:57:26.719 --> 00:57:30.030 and then have problems on the back end. I'd be comfortable 00:57:30.030 --> 00:57:32.369 with an indefinite extension. So there's no we don't 00:57:32.369 --> 00:57:35.969 have to revisit this on various timelines and that 00:57:35.980 --> 00:57:39.239 I wasn't thinking about that path. But I totally agree 00:57:39.239 --> 00:57:42.070 with that. I think getting an attorney general's opinion 00:57:42.070 --> 00:57:47.489 is probably the right path. Um But uh no I don't applaud 00:57:47.489 --> 00:57:49.699 you but I think that was a really good thought. So 00:57:49.710 --> 00:57:54.800 I affirm your prudent. Very prudent. Very prudent. 00:57:54.800 --> 00:57:58.360 And I affirm your brilliance. All right. Do you have 00:57:58.360 --> 00:58:02.380 a motion? I would so move consistent with our discussion 00:58:02.739 --> 00:58:06.260 with a modified delegated authority of the E. D. To 00:58:06.260 --> 00:58:10.010 actually sign the request to the G. Two for this opinion 00:58:10.340 --> 00:58:13.179 I would so move to extend indefinitely and delegate 00:58:13.190 --> 00:58:16.469 authority to the executive director to seek an attorney 00:58:16.469 --> 00:58:20.739 general opinion on clarification clarification on jurisdiction 00:58:21.320 --> 00:58:26.820 agency. We got a motion with the 2nd 2nd. I am not 00:58:26.820 --> 00:58:32.559 opposed motion passes. Next item please sir. (item:9:53109) The next 00:58:32.559 --> 00:58:36.349 item is item nine is docket 53109 is the application 00:58:36.360 --> 00:58:40.280 of undying development for a system improvement charge 00:58:40.289 --> 00:58:46.130 A draft preliminary order was filed on july 13th. Oh 00:58:46.130 --> 00:58:48.570 that's right. We're just gonna take up 14. Thank you 00:58:48.570 --> 00:58:49.670 sir. I forgot 00:58:53.329 --> 00:58:56.869 we need a green light for you. I don't think I deserve 00:58:56.869 --> 00:58:58.510 a green light. Red light 00:59:01.710 --> 00:59:09.019 (item:14:52954) Item fourteen's project 52954. It's a year in 2021 water 00:59:09.019 --> 00:59:11.880 and sewer Annual reports. Commission staff filed a 00:59:11.880 --> 00:59:18.860 memorandum regarding the Undines, rates and rate cases 00:59:19.429 --> 00:59:24.309 at Charles request. Yeah we we took this up in a previous 00:59:24.309 --> 00:59:27.570 meeting asked for more information and clarification 00:59:27.570 --> 00:59:31.409 We we've received that very timely manner. Thank you 00:59:31.420 --> 00:59:35.110 Darryl and team for quick turnaround on that uh 00:59:36.800 --> 00:59:41.599 thoughts, comments. I mean I know there's a desire 00:59:41.599 --> 00:59:43.679 for more information sooner rather than later but we've 00:59:43.679 --> 00:59:48.559 also got to balance out with expeditious water service 00:59:48.710 --> 00:59:52.510 and ensuring that we keep companies moving forward 00:59:52.510 --> 00:59:56.750 on providing that service at the consistency and quality 00:59:56.760 --> 01:00:02.400 that our citizens are. Uh I want to thank Daryl and 01:00:02.409 --> 01:00:07.320 and Anna on their work in reviewing the ending group's 01:00:07.329 --> 01:00:11.900 financial status to help us. Um In our our assessment 01:00:11.909 --> 01:00:17.869 of undying uh S. I. C case and so based on my 01:00:17.869 --> 01:00:22.269 review of their memo, I think that Darryl um and Anna 01:00:22.269 --> 01:00:28.619 provided a good basis for waiting to order the well 01:00:28.630 --> 01:00:31.929 ordering the comprehensive rate case to be filed by 01:00:31.940 --> 01:00:36.269 the whole corporate structure lending group. Uh by 01:00:36.280 --> 01:00:40.510 May one, And I say that because I think it will be 01:00:40.510 --> 01:00:44.849 a cleaner rate case. Um in terms of matching up the 01:00:44.849 --> 01:00:48.119 historical test here with Undines fiscal year. And 01:00:48.119 --> 01:00:53.420 so I based on my review of the memo, I think Daryl 01:00:53.420 --> 01:00:59.380 and um provided a sufficient basis for for us the commission 01:00:59.380 --> 01:01:01.360 to require undoing group to file a comprehensive rate 01:01:01.360 --> 01:01:05.820 case by May 1st 2025 to allow us time to get information 01:01:05.829 --> 01:01:09.030 or the companies to get more information. So we could 01:01:09.030 --> 01:01:11.269 have a more comprehensive review at that time. And 01:01:11.269 --> 01:01:13.320 there's a lot of dockets in between now and then. That 01:01:13.320 --> 01:01:16.519 would was completely like you said make for a much 01:01:16.519 --> 01:01:21.099 cleaner rate case. That makes sense to me. Mr. Chairman 01:01:21.099 --> 01:01:24.869 I would just add, I mean this uh this balance is two 01:01:24.869 --> 01:01:28.849 areas for me. One of them is the uh confusing management 01:01:28.849 --> 01:01:31.809 and corporate structure of this holding company and 01:01:31.809 --> 01:01:35.039 the utilities that fall underneath it and how you how 01:01:35.039 --> 01:01:38.260 you get to the underlying cost to these consumers. 01:01:38.269 --> 01:01:42.309 Um I think I appreciate the staff time um and the company's 01:01:42.309 --> 01:01:46.690 time to provide the necessary information. Um I agree 01:01:46.690 --> 01:01:49.849 with commissioner Cobos that I think that the memo 01:01:49.849 --> 01:01:53.360 lays out the reason to delay. I want to add that another 01:01:53.360 --> 01:01:57.889 one. Another reason is that they are continually continuing 01:01:57.889 --> 01:02:01.170 to invest in these systems and the capital is needed 01:02:01.170 --> 01:02:05.059 in these systems. Were balancing um our processes, 01:02:05.059 --> 01:02:08.869 our procedures and the rates for our consumers with 01:02:08.880 --> 01:02:13.349 the need for additional water infrastructure and we 01:02:13.349 --> 01:02:17.000 need this additional water infrastructure. But um so 01:02:17.000 --> 01:02:21.480 I think that uh you know folks in this space, you know 01:02:21.480 --> 01:02:24.210 in this area, we will keep an eye on you. We can 01:02:24.210 --> 01:02:26.800 always bring in for a rate case between now and then 01:02:26.800 --> 01:02:30.079 if we need to but uh you know keep keep doing what 01:02:30.079 --> 01:02:33.440 you're doing and I would I would request that perhaps 01:02:33.449 --> 01:02:36.739 um we have a review and a report every year between 01:02:36.739 --> 01:02:39.429 now and and rate case here to uh to get an update 01:02:39.429 --> 01:02:43.079 on this and uh and to see Um if staff continues to 01:02:43.079 --> 01:02:47.590 believe that that we should wait till 2025 uh an update 01:02:47.590 --> 01:02:52.309 from staff. Yes. In what next next year? Yeah. In the 01:02:52.309 --> 01:02:57.659 next year or 18 months, uh 18 months, 18 months. Yeah 01:02:57.670 --> 01:02:59.989 that that makes sense. I think I'm sure Darrell and 01:02:59.989 --> 01:03:04.150 team can accommodate it. Uh and I agree with everything 01:03:04.150 --> 01:03:10.239 you said and will emphasize that the consumer cost 01:03:10.239 --> 01:03:14.179 considerations always have the true up in the back 01:03:14.179 --> 01:03:16.349 end of the rate case. So if there is over earning, 01:03:16.349 --> 01:03:20.150 if there are uh if there does need to be a correction 01:03:20.159 --> 01:03:24.250 there's a very clear mechanism and obviously as everyone 01:03:24.250 --> 01:03:27.159 can tell a very clear willingness from this commission 01:03:27.159 --> 01:03:29.590 to utilize that to ensure we strike the appropriate 01:03:29.590 --> 01:03:32.710 balance between continued investment in water and wastewater 01:03:32.719 --> 01:03:36.179 while also protecting our customers. 01:03:37.960 --> 01:03:44.630 Thank you sir. Um No, I I agree with everything that's 01:03:44.630 --> 01:03:47.889 been said mr Chairman, I believe I concur with Mr Glotfelty 01:03:47.889 --> 01:03:51.789 that strikes a balance between our uh need uh in the 01:03:51.789 --> 01:03:54.179 public interest to determine reasonableness at the 01:03:54.179 --> 01:03:58.280 end of uh of a determined period, but also allow the 01:03:58.280 --> 01:04:02.039 utilities to avail themselves of these expedited measures 01:04:02.050 --> 01:04:05.670 to fund needed infrastructure for the betterment of 01:04:05.679 --> 01:04:09.980 the consumers they serve. So I I know the industry 01:04:09.980 --> 01:04:13.800 is frustrated with us um but we're charting a course 01:04:13.800 --> 01:04:16.469 here that we can follow in future cases for future 01:04:16.469 --> 01:04:20.920 companies for future systems and uh it's gonna get 01:04:20.920 --> 01:04:24.559 better. So uh let us make this better and this is this 01:04:24.559 --> 01:04:26.010 is a middle ground. 01:04:27.789 --> 01:04:32.929 I don't think we need any action on this item. Uh Clarification 01:04:32.929 --> 01:04:37.429 needed from staff. I think what we were thinking perhaps 01:04:37.429 --> 01:04:40.760 is to the extent we want to memorialize the decisions 01:04:40.760 --> 01:04:43.780 about the future rate case. We might do it at the conclusion 01:04:44.420 --> 01:04:49.659 of the uh item nine docket Uh we're gonna have to touch 01:04:49.670 --> 01:04:53.199 on probably in that docket the requirements in our 01:04:53.199 --> 01:04:57.920 rule to file rate case after a system improvement charge 01:04:57.920 --> 01:05:00.380 anyway and we can just kind of tie that all up into 01:05:00.380 --> 01:05:05.590 one neat package I think. Fair enough. So no formal 01:05:05.590 --> 01:05:10.110 action on this item. Um I appreciate you keeping a 01:05:10.119 --> 01:05:13.829 watchful eye over this going forward, which brings 01:05:13.829 --> 01:05:18.199 us to number nine again. (item:9:53109) You lay that out for us. docket 01:05:18.199 --> 01:05:22.000 53109 Application of undying Development for system 01:05:22.000 --> 01:05:25.039 improvement charge. A draft preliminary order was filed 01:05:25.039 --> 01:05:30.829 on july 13th. Um and that draft preliminary orders 01:05:30.829 --> 01:05:34.480 in front of you think giving up previous conversation 01:05:34.489 --> 01:05:39.289 comfortable approving the preliminary order. Do we 01:05:39.289 --> 01:05:44.579 want to stick with 18-month checkup from staff and 01:05:44.579 --> 01:05:49.630 then we can reassess at that point? I guess I'm so 01:05:49.639 --> 01:05:53.239 I think Daryl's recommendations were either to require 01:05:53.239 --> 01:05:55.780 them by a date, certain to file a comprehensive rate 01:05:55.780 --> 01:06:00.170 case and then being Undines group or to just do an annual 01:06:00.179 --> 01:06:03.380 checkup and then determine from there when they should 01:06:03.380 --> 01:06:05.460 come in. I think there are two distinct paths. So that's 01:06:05.460 --> 01:06:08.949 what I'm trying to assess which one we're directing 01:06:08.960 --> 01:06:12.760 here. Yeah, the question was an annual checkup for 01:06:12.769 --> 01:06:15.400 18 months, you know, I sure. 01:06:16.969 --> 01:06:17.400 Up 01:06:19.320 --> 01:06:21.780 morning Commissioners Darryl teaching on behalf of 01:06:21.780 --> 01:06:25.710 Staff Commissioner like Mr Lake. Same to you, Chairman 01:06:25.710 --> 01:06:29.710 like Commissioner Jackson. Welcome to PUC. Um Yes, 01:06:29.710 --> 01:06:33.039 you're correct. Commissioner Cobos we uh we framed 01:06:33.039 --> 01:06:36.420 our recommendation as primarily a comprehensive rate 01:06:36.420 --> 01:06:40.969 case for indian group. The parent company uh by january 01:06:40.969 --> 01:06:43.639 one as the commission has discussed. Um I think we 01:06:43.639 --> 01:06:49.559 on staff would be, We would be cool with a January 01:06:49.559 --> 01:06:52.980 May 2025 deadline. That would be fine with regard to 01:06:52.980 --> 01:06:55.860 sort of the distinction between the two basic recommendations 01:06:55.869 --> 01:07:00.110 Um We sort of presented them as a sort of separate 01:07:00.110 --> 01:07:03.309 and distinct. I think they could sort of be done at 01:07:03.309 --> 01:07:06.079 the same time. In parallel the commission requires 01:07:06.079 --> 01:07:08.469 undying group to file a comprehensive rate case by 01:07:08.469 --> 01:07:13.139 say May of 2025. And as well we on staff will continue 01:07:13.139 --> 01:07:16.539 to as part of our as part of our normal process of 01:07:16.539 --> 01:07:20.010 reviewing the annual reports of the water companies 01:07:20.019 --> 01:07:24.519 using the same basic process as we have for Years, 01:07:24.519 --> 01:07:26.909 if not decades for the electric companies. That's what 01:07:26.909 --> 01:07:29.269 we would do. We would do an annual review of undying 01:07:29.280 --> 01:07:33.030 going forward. Alright, so we can do both. We can set 01:07:33.030 --> 01:07:37.500 an annual review uh and then also plan on asking for 01:07:37.500 --> 01:07:41.989 that May 2025. Comprehensive case. Yes, sir. And I 01:07:41.989 --> 01:07:44.099 think it's sort of a matter of default. I mean staff 01:07:44.099 --> 01:07:47.219 reviews annual reports anyway and obviously we will 01:07:47.230 --> 01:07:49.889 we will pay particular attention to the Undine group 01:07:50.739 --> 01:07:53.849 Works for me. Yes, thank you for the 01:07:55.570 --> 01:07:58.659 sounds good. So in terms of formal action on this, 01:07:58.670 --> 01:08:00.980 all we need is a motion to approve the preliminary 01:08:01.030 --> 01:08:04.860 order that was filed on July 13. Yes. And just to remind 01:08:04.860 --> 01:08:08.380 you that that preliminary order has addresses for briefing 01:08:08.380 --> 01:08:13.820 issues that we had sent out previously. Ah So it's 01:08:13.820 --> 01:08:15.630 in there. We don't have to read this back into the 01:08:15.630 --> 01:08:20.850 record. No sir. The draft order has uh addresses all 01:08:20.850 --> 01:08:21.350 four of those. 01:08:24.239 --> 01:08:25.689 Thank you. Daryl. We have motion 01:08:27.529 --> 01:08:30.550 motion in the second Christopher, Glotfelty all in 01:08:30.550 --> 01:08:36.039 favor say aye opposed motion passes next item please 01:08:37.449 --> 01:08:42.510 (item:13:53891) The next item will be item 13 which is the docket 53891 01:08:42.510 --> 01:08:45.020 The petition for appointing temporary manager Avila 01:08:45.020 --> 01:08:51.430 utilities uh we need to recess and go into our here 01:08:51.439 --> 01:08:54.649 open meeting for our hearing. At this point this meeting 01:08:54.649 --> 01:08:57.239 of the public utility commission will recess to hold 01:08:57.250 --> 01:09:01.699 the separate hearing at 10:42. Am give it a minute 01:09:01.710 --> 01:09:02.609 for a setup. 01:09:06.649 --> 01:09:08.770 Everybody good to go. 01:09:12.819 --> 01:09:14.739 Alright this meeting. The public utility commission 01:09:14.920 --> 01:09:16.630 will come to order for the merits hearing and docket 01:09:16.630 --> 01:09:20.659 53891 which has been duly posted with the Secretary 01:09:20.659 --> 01:09:23.619 of State of texas for august 25th 2022. We'll turn 01:09:23.619 --> 01:09:26.439 it over to our commissioner ALJ for administration of 01:09:26.439 --> 01:09:28.899 the hearing. Good morning Commissioners. I called the 01:09:28.899 --> 01:09:32.300 order docket number 53891. Commission staff and Harrison 01:09:32.300 --> 01:09:34.779 Williams. Joint petition for an order appointing a 01:09:34.779 --> 01:09:37.989 temporary manager of billy utilities rita States water 01:09:37.989 --> 01:09:40.890 system and vista utilities on an indefinite basis. 01:09:41.050 --> 01:09:43.340 This is Isaac Ta assisting the commissioners And the 01:09:43.350 --> 01:09:45.579 purpose of this hearing is to determine whether a temporary 01:09:45.579 --> 01:09:48.829 manager should be appointed. We had a pre hearing conference 01:09:48.829 --> 01:09:52.920 yesterday and I admitted 12 exhibits. I also restore 01:09:52.930 --> 01:09:55.270 one witness for commission staff and they're available 01:09:55.270 --> 01:09:58.180 to answer any questions you have at this time. Let's 01:09:58.180 --> 01:10:00.340 take the appearances of the party starting with commission 01:10:00.340 --> 01:10:03.350 staff. Good morning Van on behalf of commission staff 01:10:04.260 --> 01:10:06.819 Good morning Helen Gilbert on behalf of the temporary 01:10:06.819 --> 01:10:10.529 manager Harrison Williams. And have either of you heard 01:10:10.539 --> 01:10:13.199 anything from a representative for any of the utilities 01:10:13.199 --> 01:10:18.189 at this point is not we have not commission staff any 01:10:18.189 --> 01:10:21.800 opening statements. None. MS Goldberg, nothing here 01:10:22.630 --> 01:10:23.939 Commissioners any questions. 01:10:26.670 --> 01:10:32.710 Any closing arguments? None. Yes sir. Then we are adjourned 01:10:32.720 --> 01:10:35.529 Thank you. Thank you. All this marriage hearing doctor 01:10:35.529 --> 01:10:40.960 53891 is hereby adjourned at 10 44. Am appreciate you 01:10:40.960 --> 01:10:45.359 all. The normal meeting of the public detail Commission 01:10:45.359 --> 01:10:49.289 is now called back into session at 10 45 AM resuming 01:10:49.289 --> 01:10:51.579 (item:13:53891) with item 13 docket 53891 01:10:54.010 --> 01:10:59.109 works for me. You bet. Mr Chairman I commissioners 01:10:59.109 --> 01:11:03.659 I believe that this is a high profile, highly publicized 01:11:03.670 --> 01:11:09.640 uh system of utilities that Mr Williams was kind enough 01:11:09.649 --> 01:11:15.439 to take on. Um I believe the facts in the case. Speak 01:11:15.439 --> 01:11:18.449 for themselves, norman Barnett abandoned operations 01:11:18.449 --> 01:11:21.539 of the facilities for v utilities, Rita states, water 01:11:21.539 --> 01:11:25.270 system and vista utilities and a temporary manager 01:11:25.270 --> 01:11:28.789 should be clearly appointed. Uh the petition sufficiently 01:11:28.789 --> 01:11:31.250 addressed the basis for the abandonment of the Texas 01:11:31.250 --> 01:11:34.659 water code. Um Further I believe appointment of Harrison 01:11:34.659 --> 01:11:38.739 Williams, temporary manager of uh the utilities is 01:11:38.750 --> 01:11:41.890 continues to be appropriate. Mr Williams was appointed 01:11:41.890 --> 01:11:44.300 as a temporary manager of the utility by emergency 01:11:44.300 --> 01:11:48.699 order back on March 16th of this year. Um Rita states 01:11:48.699 --> 01:11:52.109 water system experienced a complete failure as a part 01:11:52.109 --> 01:11:57.270 of uh april of 2022. Uh Mr Williams invested resources 01:11:57.270 --> 01:12:00.439 to restore water service uh to those customers of the 01:12:00.439 --> 01:12:03.000 system and submitted an application to permit a new 01:12:03.010 --> 01:12:06.310 well for the system uh to T. C. Q. Which is currently 01:12:06.310 --> 01:12:09.600 pending. I concur with staff. They believe that Mr 01:12:09.600 --> 01:12:12.050 Williams continued management is imperative to ensure 01:12:12.050 --> 01:12:14.899 three systems. The three systems in that area continue 01:12:14.899 --> 01:12:17.729 to provide water service that meets the requirements 01:12:17.729 --> 01:12:21.449 of T. C. Q. And our own commission rules um and that 01:12:21.449 --> 01:12:24.020 it comply with the provisions of the Texas water code 01:12:24.029 --> 01:12:27.810 and is safe for public use and consumption. So, considering 01:12:27.810 --> 01:12:30.760 the circumstances around the utility, I would move 01:12:30.760 --> 01:12:33.930 to appoint Mr Williams's temporary manager for v utilities 01:12:33.939 --> 01:12:38.539 for an indefinite term um with a compensation of $15 01:12:38.539 --> 01:12:41.289 per connection per month consistent with our rules 01:12:41.300 --> 01:12:44.270 and his request. Additionally, I would approve the 01:12:44.270 --> 01:12:47.159 proposed waiver of financial assurance. He's gone to 01:12:47.159 --> 01:12:51.079 great effort to make these systems work in the interim 01:12:51.090 --> 01:12:55.199 Um and I would let the motion stand as stated. I agree 01:12:55.199 --> 01:12:57.130 with everything he said and above and beyond. He's 01:12:57.130 --> 01:13:00.340 put some of his own finances on the table too. Get 01:13:00.340 --> 01:13:03.850 water restored. We appreciate it very much so, we got 01:13:03.850 --> 01:13:08.479 a motion Second motion second all in favor say aye 01:13:09.069 --> 01:13:12.130 I don't oppose the motion passes. Thank you very much 01:13:13.880 --> 01:13:15.640 Thank you and appreciate mr Williams. 01:13:17.680 --> 01:13:21.050 We've already taken up item 14 I don't have anything 01:13:21.050 --> 01:13:25.439 on 15 which brings us through some consented items 01:13:25.439 --> 01:13:32.819 to 17. (item:17:52397) 17 project 52937. The commission review the 01:13:32.819 --> 01:13:36.590 definition of access lines uh under the local government 01:13:36.590 --> 01:13:39.369 code commission staff filed a memorandum recommending 01:13:39.369 --> 01:13:41.609 the commission make no changes to the definition of 01:13:41.609 --> 01:13:42.529 access line. 01:13:44.159 --> 01:13:48.029 I appreciate the effort on this and agree with what 01:13:48.029 --> 01:13:48.600 they say 01:13:50.909 --> 01:13:56.199 no action needed here. I appreciate the staff work 01:13:56.199 --> 01:13:59.170 I don't have anything on 18 which should bring us to 01:13:59.180 --> 01:14:04.100 item 19. (item:19:52154) Item 19 is docket 52154 complaint of MKRR 01:14:04.100 --> 01:14:07.619 investments LLC against constellation new energy 01:14:07.890 --> 01:14:11.710 A proposal for decision was filed on March 22nd. The 01:14:11.720 --> 01:14:14.220 commission requested briefing regarding the facts of 01:14:14.229 --> 01:14:17.189 PURA the commission's debt obligation order on complaints 01:14:17.699 --> 01:14:20.159 regarding charges build during the week of february 01:14:20.170 --> 01:14:22.050 2021 winter storm. 01:14:23.590 --> 01:14:29.010 Mhm. All right. Uh This is certainly another interesting 01:14:29.020 --> 01:14:33.649 one. Thoughts, comments. Yeah. Mr chairman. I I really 01:14:33.649 --> 01:14:36.619 appreciated the briefing we received from staff on 01:14:36.619 --> 01:14:40.449 this matter and from various parties in their filings 01:14:40.449 --> 01:14:42.939 It has helped clarify a number of positions for me 01:14:42.949 --> 01:14:47.510 Uh First any effect that sub chapter N and the 01:14:47.510 --> 01:14:50.489 commission's debt obligation order will have on given 01:14:50.500 --> 01:14:53.279 the given complaint will depend on the facts of each 01:14:53.279 --> 01:14:55.899 complaint. Sub chapter in being our securitization 01:14:55.899 --> 01:15:00.250 efforts. Uh In in each case the relief for qualifying 01:15:00.250 --> 01:15:03.649 cost is limited to Ancillary services and reliability 01:15:03.649 --> 01:15:06.750 deployment added charges that were passed through to 01:15:06.750 --> 01:15:10.069 consumers. Now, if the facts show that a complaint 01:15:10.079 --> 01:15:13.439 paid or otherwise a complainant paid or otherwise owes 01:15:13.439 --> 01:15:16.789 these qualifying costs, then they will likely be entitled 01:15:16.789 --> 01:15:21.760 to a credit or refund. Um Second, PURA 39 660. And 01:15:21.760 --> 01:15:24.930 the provision requiring adjustments to customer invoices 01:15:24.930 --> 01:15:28.619 in the commission's debt obligation order do not affect 01:15:28.630 --> 01:15:31.340 the scope of the administrative remedies available 01:15:31.340 --> 01:15:35.460 under PURA chapter 17 securitization or the commission's 01:15:35.460 --> 01:15:38.739 customer protection rules. So I believe that sub chapter 01:15:38.739 --> 01:15:42.689 N was intended to operate independently from the remedies 01:15:42.689 --> 01:15:46.470 afforded to customers under those rules and customers 01:15:46.470 --> 01:15:50.840 who receive a bill adjustment under PURA 39 660 01:15:50.850 --> 01:15:54.270 will still retain the right to pursue all applicable 01:15:54.270 --> 01:15:57.579 relief to which they are entitled including from unauthorized 01:15:57.579 --> 01:16:01.970 charges. So I believe they still have remedy uh third 01:16:01.979 --> 01:16:05.140 the ability of a customer to waive some of the commission's 01:16:05.140 --> 01:16:10.359 customer protection rules under 16 TAC 25 471 subsection 01:16:10.359 --> 01:16:13.810 A and three does not limit the ability of the customers 01:16:13.810 --> 01:16:17.770 to obtain relief under PURA chapter 39. Sub chapter 01:16:17.779 --> 01:16:21.380 N and the commission's debt obligation order. So load 01:16:21.380 --> 01:16:24.220 serving entities who receive sub chapter in bond proceeds 01:16:24.229 --> 01:16:27.819 are required to provide credits or refunds to any customer 01:16:27.970 --> 01:16:31.149 who paid or otherwise owes qualifying costs under sub 01:16:31.149 --> 01:16:33.699 chapter N so they're still entitled to these. 01:16:35.789 --> 01:16:39.399 So where does that leave us on MKRR. At 01:16:39.399 --> 01:16:41.250 this time? I think that the commission should proceed 01:16:41.250 --> 01:16:44.060 to resolve MKRRs Complaint. But the final 01:16:44.060 --> 01:16:46.720 order should make clear that adjudicating these complaints 01:16:46.729 --> 01:16:52.310 on a final order uh complaints on the merits does not 01:16:52.310 --> 01:16:55.130 preclude a customer from bringing a claim under sub 01:16:55.130 --> 01:16:58.079 chapter. And when those claims are right in the future 01:16:58.750 --> 01:17:02.010 at this time, the commission can only adjudicate violations 01:17:02.020 --> 01:17:04.770 of the customer protection rules and customer protection 01:17:04.770 --> 01:17:09.119 provisions of PURA The commission should construe this 01:17:09.119 --> 01:17:11.489 and other existing Winter Storm complaints to solely 01:17:11.489 --> 01:17:15.569 bring solely bring claims under the customer protection 01:17:15.569 --> 01:17:19.020 rules. And so therefore I would move that we adopt 01:17:19.020 --> 01:17:22.869 the PFD in part and reject in part by granting partial 01:17:22.869 --> 01:17:25.800 summary decision only on claims arising under the waivable 01:17:25.800 --> 01:17:28.840 customer protection rules. The commission should perceive 01:17:28.840 --> 01:17:31.760 to resolve MKRRs Complaint. But the final 01:17:31.760 --> 01:17:34.329 order should make clear that adjudicating these complaints 01:17:34.329 --> 01:17:37.619 on the merits does not preclude someone from bringing 01:17:37.619 --> 01:17:41.539 a claim under sub chapter N when those claims are 01:17:41.539 --> 01:17:44.100 right. The commission should then remand the remainder 01:17:44.100 --> 01:17:47.689 of the complaint to docket management. I wanted to 01:17:47.689 --> 01:17:55.479 make sure that again that if if they have a contract 01:17:55.489 --> 01:18:00.479 of a certain threshold and that they have waves rights 01:18:00.489 --> 01:18:04.039 certainly non waivable rights are still retained. They 01:18:04.039 --> 01:18:06.829 can still and that they can still seek remedies under 01:18:06.829 --> 01:18:12.180 sub chapter in when those become apparent, you know 01:18:13.319 --> 01:18:18.529 I'm just trying to make sure that people have the ability 01:18:18.529 --> 01:18:22.060 to pursue their rights as more facts become available 01:18:22.069 --> 01:18:25.100 again. Sub chapter the bonds are flowing out to the 01:18:25.100 --> 01:18:28.510 L. S. E. S as we speak. So I want to make 01:18:28.510 --> 01:18:32.329 sure that as we close these cases out, we're not closing 01:18:32.329 --> 01:18:35.670 the door on their rights moving forward. I agree. And 01:18:35.670 --> 01:18:39.010 I think one of the most important parts of the I think 01:18:39.010 --> 01:18:41.890 I heard you say, is the distinction between customer 01:18:41.890 --> 01:18:45.949 rights and protections and both as a as a as a consumer 01:18:45.949 --> 01:18:49.239 and relationship with their their LSC, but also through 01:18:49.239 --> 01:18:53.560 sub chapter in parallel and separate tracks for both 01:18:53.560 --> 01:18:58.859 the rights and the uh the exercise and complaints within 01:18:58.859 --> 01:19:02.479 those. Okay, make sure I got that right. Very, very 01:19:02.479 --> 01:19:06.670 much agree. Um and then we also need to be careful 01:19:06.670 --> 01:19:10.560 in that um we have to remember, we're going to see 01:19:10.569 --> 01:19:13.609 a lot more of these in the very near future. So I'd 01:19:13.609 --> 01:19:18.050 like to establish a bit of a protocol here amongst 01:19:18.050 --> 01:19:23.020 us on the non waivable claims. Do we, did you want 01:19:23.020 --> 01:19:29.140 to move forward those or or uh or recognize that we 01:19:29.489 --> 01:19:31.220 can't customer can't waive them. So we're not gonna 01:19:31.220 --> 01:19:36.930 give them up. We're not gonna give up thoughts, comments 01:19:37.489 --> 01:19:40.460 fisher Mcadams. Yes, you did impact a lot. And and 01:19:40.460 --> 01:19:43.029 this is very important. Um you know, that we set a 01:19:43.029 --> 01:19:46.390 framework going forward for these types of customer 01:19:46.390 --> 01:19:49.329 complaints back in my my prior role at the Office of 01:19:49.329 --> 01:19:54.479 Public Utility council. Um We got a lot of consumers 01:19:54.479 --> 01:20:00.250 calling us after the winter storm that were small commercial 01:20:00.260 --> 01:20:02.850 maybe a little bit bigger than small commercial consumers 01:20:02.859 --> 01:20:06.930 that had been assessed um that had been passed through 01:20:06.930 --> 01:20:10.569 Ancillary service costs that are qualifying costs ultimately 01:20:10.569 --> 01:20:13.829 for reimbursement or credits through sub chapter in 01:20:13.840 --> 01:20:16.579 securitization process that we put in place here in 01:20:16.579 --> 01:20:18.869 the commission and issued out a debt obligation order 01:20:19.060 --> 01:20:23.060 And so um we encourage them at the time to preserve 01:20:23.060 --> 01:20:27.279 their their rights and document um their concerns by 01:20:27.279 --> 01:20:29.420 following a complaint that the commission. So this 01:20:29.420 --> 01:20:33.899 could be very well one that we um a consumer that we 01:20:33.899 --> 01:20:38.300 got a call for that, that we ultimately um steered 01:20:38.300 --> 01:20:40.829 over to the puc to file a complaint. And so I do 01:20:40.829 --> 01:20:42.569 think that you're going to see a lot of complaints 01:20:42.569 --> 01:20:46.100 come up as a result of the storm. And uh and so 01:20:46.100 --> 01:20:51.479 we need to have a framework where we address the PURA 01:20:51.489 --> 01:20:54.670 chapter 17 customer Protection rules, rights of the 01:20:54.670 --> 01:20:58.710 customer um but also recognize the distinct customer 01:20:58.710 --> 01:21:02.640 rights via the sub chapter in um securitization process 01:21:02.649 --> 01:21:05.699 And here in this case as we are looking at chapter 01:21:05.710 --> 01:21:10.260 17 customer protection rules, I think um we are deciding 01:21:10.270 --> 01:21:15.060 the motion staffs, motion for summary decision based 01:21:15.060 --> 01:21:19.260 on the merits and I think by dismissing that portion 01:21:19.270 --> 01:21:23.319 um we're addressing the waivable provisions but remanding 01:21:23.319 --> 01:21:27.550 back the non waivable provisions even even if MK are 01:21:27.560 --> 01:21:29.600 ultimately doesn't show up because they haven't been 01:21:29.609 --> 01:21:31.579 in the proceeding for quite a while. I think that's 01:21:31.579 --> 01:21:34.210 an important process that we preserve for the consumers 01:21:34.210 --> 01:21:36.800 going forward because they they're non waivable customer 01:21:36.800 --> 01:21:39.170 protections and we can't just close the door on those 01:21:39.170 --> 01:21:42.229 and in our order and as part of the process going forward 01:21:42.239 --> 01:21:45.930 and with respect to sub chapter in um in securitization 01:21:45.930 --> 01:21:49.850 we've we've approved a process for the reps to credit 01:21:49.850 --> 01:21:55.560 and um Refund those customers in in our framework that 01:21:55.560 --> 01:21:58.670 we developed and approved in docket number 527 10. 01:21:58.680 --> 01:22:01.619 And ultimately if that process isn't followed then 01:22:01.619 --> 01:22:05.069 there are enforcement actions that we can take. So 01:22:05.079 --> 01:22:11.510 so just to clarify in layman speak, um yeah I know 01:22:11.510 --> 01:22:14.039 me too, a lot of these people are representing themselves 01:22:14.039 --> 01:22:18.680 pro se. Um it's gonna require you as a complainant 01:22:18.689 --> 01:22:23.090 to remain engaged. So when this goes back to staff 01:22:23.100 --> 01:22:26.350 they're gonna ask you to follow up and you either follow 01:22:26.350 --> 01:22:29.680 up or you don't and it could result in the same outcome 01:22:29.689 --> 01:22:33.760 which means, you know, the complaint does not move 01:22:33.760 --> 01:22:37.500 forward. Um So I I know that the L. S. E. S 01:22:37.500 --> 01:22:40.220 Would like us to just close the door right now and 01:22:40.229 --> 01:22:42.659 take the cloud off of them, but that's not our job 01:22:42.659 --> 01:22:44.880 here, we've we've got to maintain the protections under 01:22:44.880 --> 01:22:48.640 PURA that they're entitled to. So it requires all parties 01:22:48.640 --> 01:22:50.399 to stay engaged for one last step. 01:22:52.949 --> 01:22:55.359 One other point we had talked about and throw out to 01:22:55.359 --> 01:22:57.779 you. We had talked about the fact that these are pro 01:22:57.779 --> 01:23:01.510 say that there were the two conclusions of law about 01:23:01.510 --> 01:23:05.119 them, not specifically pleading specific provisions 01:23:05.119 --> 01:23:10.409 of our rule um that related to the non waivable provisions 01:23:10.409 --> 01:23:13.760 that that we're not agreeing with those provisions 01:23:13.770 --> 01:23:16.689 and the commission's jurisdiction to hear these complaints 01:23:16.689 --> 01:23:23.390 aren't based upon how a party pleads their case when 01:23:23.390 --> 01:23:26.630 they make a complaint like this. We're not that hypertechnical 01:23:28.340 --> 01:23:31.239 of course. So that would include the leading conclusion 01:23:31.250 --> 01:23:35.470 conclusion of law number five and 10 to reject those 01:23:35.470 --> 01:23:38.890 two conclusions of law. Exactly yes, deleting them 01:23:38.899 --> 01:23:42.640 and then also adding a new ordering paragraph that 01:23:42.640 --> 01:23:44.979 addresses the relevance of sub chapter in the commission's 01:23:44.979 --> 01:23:47.119 that obligation order in that the commission is not 01:23:47.119 --> 01:23:50.479 adjudicating any of em que are our rights under sub 01:23:50.479 --> 01:23:54.000 chapter chapter 39 sub chapter in a PURA or the commission 01:23:55.779 --> 01:24:00.399 and that's what you got that good in the transcript 01:24:01.430 --> 01:24:05.229 Okay, so I would make the motion uh consistent with 01:24:05.229 --> 01:24:11.010 our discussion second got a motion in a second. All 01:24:11.010 --> 01:24:14.590 in favor say aye, aye, opposed motion passes. 01:24:17.100 --> 01:24:19.770 Next item on the police on the agenda. (item:23:52357) 01:24:19.890 --> 01:24:26.880 believe next item is 23 docket 53257 compliance filing 01:24:26.880 --> 01:24:30.699 of energy Texas regarding right back riders tariff 01:24:30.840 --> 01:24:33.029 in accordance with the commission's order and docket 01:24:33.039 --> 01:24:39.260 51381. uh just first announced Commissioner Cobos has 01:24:39.260 --> 01:24:42.739 recused herself from this item. A proposed order was 01:24:42.739 --> 01:24:45.859 filed on May six, the LJ filed a correction memo on 01:24:45.859 --> 01:24:49.579 May 17 and I have a memo with proposed changes to the 01:24:49.579 --> 01:24:54.020 order to thank you sir. It seems fairly straightforward 01:24:54.020 --> 01:24:57.880 other than a potential need for a good cause, exceptional 01:24:57.890 --> 01:25:01.739 thoughts, comments. Mr Chairman, I agree with the good 01:25:01.739 --> 01:25:06.239 cause exception for the requirement of 16 TAC 25 01:25:06.239 --> 01:25:10.840 248 subsection C. And one with respect to the relate 01:25:10.840 --> 01:25:14.380 back. Um to me this is a question of timing uh and 01:25:14.380 --> 01:25:17.899 ultimately we need to clarify uh that timing in our 01:25:17.899 --> 01:25:22.149 rules however, because of staff constraints and everything 01:25:22.149 --> 01:25:24.390 that we're doing here, I would argue we need to do 01:25:24.390 --> 01:25:26.260 that at a later date and take these on a case by 01:25:26.260 --> 01:25:30.850 case basis uh in the interim. But I think that's the 01:25:30.850 --> 01:25:34.829 reason we need to approve the good cause agreed fair 01:25:34.829 --> 01:25:35.989 enough. Um 01:25:37.630 --> 01:25:43.399 the uh, works for me and timings and constraints aren't 01:25:43.399 --> 01:25:46.800 ideal, but as long as we, one day we're gonna get to 01:25:46.800 --> 01:25:50.239 the point where we can, you know, smooth out some rules 01:25:50.250 --> 01:25:54.029 get it in one single GCR okay, we put that in a 01:25:54.039 --> 01:26:01.909 frame and uh, so I would move to approve the proposed 01:26:01.909 --> 01:26:05.210 order and additionally move to grant good cause for 01:26:05.210 --> 01:26:10.470 the requirement um of 16 to 25.248 subsection C one 01:26:10.489 --> 01:26:14.689 with respect to the relate back motion in a second 01:26:14.689 --> 01:26:17.470 All in favor say, aye unopposed. 01:26:19.239 --> 01:26:20.760 Next item please sir. 01:26:23.210 --> 01:26:30.359 (item:33:53403) I believe the next item I show service item 33 um project 01:26:30.369 --> 01:26:35.050 53403. Review a chapter 25 101 Uh Commission 01:26:35.050 --> 01:26:38.039 staff filed a memo and a proposal for publication to 01:26:38.039 --> 01:26:42.210 amend the CCN rule uh Commissioner Cobos and Commissioner 01:26:42.210 --> 01:26:46.020 Glotfelty each have filed a memorandum in this project 01:26:49.140 --> 01:26:51.109 Alright, um 01:26:52.869 --> 01:26:57.319 mr smelter, would you be so kind as to set the stage 01:26:57.319 --> 01:26:57.710 for us? 01:26:59.380 --> 01:27:02.460 Sure, Commissioners, before you have a proposal for 01:27:02.460 --> 01:27:05.600 publication this rule hand oils a number of items but 01:27:05.609 --> 01:27:09.390 the the key provisions of this is the implementation 01:27:09.390 --> 01:27:14.369 of 1281, which is the consumer benefit test um for 01:27:14.369 --> 01:27:17.850 routing of transmission lines. Um The present circumstances 01:27:17.850 --> 01:27:20.119 for years we've been using a production cost savings 01:27:20.119 --> 01:27:24.029 test. ERCOT has ceased evaluating economic transmission 01:27:24.029 --> 01:27:26.609 projects under this test since the passage of SB 12 01:27:26.609 --> 01:27:29.810 81 looking for further guidance under how they should 01:27:29.810 --> 01:27:33.579 evaluate economic transmission projects. Um the sort 01:27:33.579 --> 01:27:35.479 of stated intent of all the commissioners is, we need 01:27:35.479 --> 01:27:38.090 to get this going as quickly as possible. So staff 01:27:38.090 --> 01:27:43.170 has provided a route to do so by um you know, if 01:27:43.170 --> 01:27:46.229 this proposal is adopted, it will direct ERCOT to immediately 01:27:46.229 --> 01:27:48.689 reinstate the old generator revenue reduction test 01:27:48.699 --> 01:27:51.489 while it's developing a production cost savings test 01:27:51.500 --> 01:27:54.800 um and I know that the memos address a few dynamics 01:27:54.800 --> 01:27:58.729 of the formula that will be under the new test. Another 01:27:58.729 --> 01:28:02.000 component of this rule is it includes provisions that 01:28:02.000 --> 01:28:05.489 would allow our ERCOT to consider resiliency as a plus 01:28:05.489 --> 01:28:08.680 factor in the approval of transmission lines Um and 01:28:08.680 --> 01:28:11.600 I know that the memos also address whether or not that 01:28:11.609 --> 01:28:14.869 is proper for inclusion in this rulemaking or something 01:28:14.869 --> 01:28:18.340 that we should defer to future discussions. And I also 01:28:18.340 --> 01:28:22.159 note that one aspect that is relevant to both of these 01:28:22.159 --> 01:28:26.420 components is 1281 required the implementation of a 01:28:26.420 --> 01:28:29.210 grid reliability study which would be a by biennial 01:28:29.210 --> 01:28:32.630 study that ERCOT would do every two years to to identify 01:28:32.630 --> 01:28:36.399 and suggest reliability based projects. Commission 01:28:36.399 --> 01:28:40.649 staff's proposal suggests expanding that to also identify 01:28:40.659 --> 01:28:43.489 areas with resiliency issues on the grid and this would 01:28:43.500 --> 01:28:48.359 be the foundation for uh the plus factor for resiliency 01:28:48.369 --> 01:28:51.220 lines, should the commission choose to go in that direction 01:28:51.220 --> 01:28:53.579 So, I'm happy to answer any questions about these components 01:28:53.579 --> 01:28:57.590 or other components of this rule or to assist in the 01:28:57.590 --> 01:29:00.229 discussion in any way you guys require. Thank you Mr 01:29:00.229 --> 01:29:04.479 Smeltzer. Before we, before I asked Commissioner Glotfelty 01:29:04.479 --> 01:29:07.350 to lay out their memos if woody wouldn't mind coming 01:29:07.350 --> 01:29:17.050 up and uh if he's willing give us a practice a brief 01:29:17.050 --> 01:29:21.710 summary over the last 10 years of what the different 01:29:21.710 --> 01:29:25.039 versions of the transmission test look like in practice 01:29:25.050 --> 01:29:29.659 at ERCOT uh well we used to do, what changed and how 01:29:29.659 --> 01:29:36.050 we, how we do it now. So we, in 2010, 2011 time 01:29:36.050 --> 01:29:40.609 frame, we had a production cost test and we would 01:29:42.300 --> 01:29:45.600 justify projects using the production cost test, meaning 01:29:45.609 --> 01:29:50.569 that if a transmission line resulted in a less expensive 01:29:50.569 --> 01:29:56.069 set of generators running to supply the same Load then 01:29:56.079 --> 01:29:58.890 that might justify a project. So that was a production 01:29:58.890 --> 01:30:05.050 cost. We also had a consumer benefit test, also called 01:30:05.050 --> 01:30:10.079 a generator revenue requirement test. And so that test 01:30:10.079 --> 01:30:13.729 looks at for the same Load if you add a transmission 01:30:13.729 --> 01:30:21.109 line, what do consumers pay generators? So if transmission 01:30:21.109 --> 01:30:24.789 line results and consumers paying the same set of generators 01:30:24.789 --> 01:30:27.800 less money, if that's enough of a savings that could 01:30:27.800 --> 01:30:31.649 justify, That was those were our two standards 10 years 01:30:31.649 --> 01:30:33.229 ago along with reliability, 01:30:35.329 --> 01:30:39.000 get back to my favorite layman's terms. The first one 01:30:39.000 --> 01:30:41.420 was if we, if we can build this, the cost of transmission 01:30:41.420 --> 01:30:45.390 line brings lower cost generation online. That's a 01:30:45.399 --> 01:30:48.869 that's an approval. And then also the second one was 01:30:48.880 --> 01:30:53.560 if That transmission line can get power to the same 01:30:53.560 --> 01:30:56.750 load by relieving essentially relieving congestion 01:30:56.760 --> 01:31:00.689 That's also cause for approval, that's right, Okay 01:31:00.699 --> 01:31:04.609 so I don't remember the exact year, but we, we quit 01:31:04.619 --> 01:31:09.270 using the uh generator revenue or, or consumer benefit 01:31:09.270 --> 01:31:11.859 test and only had the production cost test and we continue 01:31:11.859 --> 01:31:15.880 to use the production cost test up until when 1281 01:31:15.880 --> 01:31:19.069 was passed, that 2015 is in that timeframe is. 01:31:20.739 --> 01:31:24.239 So we've continued to use the production cost test 01:31:25.140 --> 01:31:31.189 I think out of there have been two Economically approved 01:31:31.199 --> 01:31:35.149 transmission projects in the last 18 or 20 projects 01:31:35.149 --> 01:31:39.699 something like that. So there haven't been a lot, but 01:31:39.699 --> 01:31:45.319 there have been a few and most projects are approved 01:31:45.329 --> 01:31:49.229 with the reliability test. So reliability test just 01:31:49.229 --> 01:31:54.170 means that, um, For the given load and the given set 01:31:54.170 --> 01:31:56.680 of generators, there's no re dispatch you can do to 01:31:56.680 --> 01:31:58.770 keep something from overloading. You've got to build 01:31:58.770 --> 01:32:02.050 something or improve something in -1 and -1. That's 01:32:02.050 --> 01:32:07.979 right. So those are the three tests that we do Or have 01:32:07.979 --> 01:32:10.470 done in the past. We currently only have two Senate 01:32:10.470 --> 01:32:15.359 Bill three says add a congestion savings test back 01:32:15.359 --> 01:32:18.890 in. So that's where we are today. That's where this 01:32:18.890 --> 01:32:23.550 rule. Thank you sir. I love the layman's terms. All 01:32:23.550 --> 01:32:28.550 right. I've got two memos to lay out. Uh, who filed 01:32:28.550 --> 01:32:29.000 first. 01:32:30.710 --> 01:32:34.779 I think I think Commissioner Cobos is first. All right 01:32:34.779 --> 01:32:37.489 Commissioner, I don't know first, but mine was upended 01:32:37.500 --> 01:32:41.899 first. But okay, great. Thank you and thank you for 01:32:41.899 --> 01:32:44.930 being here. I do want to thank staff for developing 01:32:44.930 --> 01:32:49.029 this proposal for publication. Very important piece 01:32:49.029 --> 01:32:52.050 of legislation. I guess just to kind of set the table 01:32:52.050 --> 01:32:56.000 I generally agree with most of what's in the rule. 01:32:56.319 --> 01:33:00.020 Um, my memo was just intended to set the table for 01:33:00.020 --> 01:33:02.720 our evaluation consideration of the of the publication 01:33:02.720 --> 01:33:07.180 and um focus on what I believe are S B 12 81 01:33:07.189 --> 01:33:10.600 important policy goals and key provisions that are 01:33:10.600 --> 01:33:14.069 focused on, as we've described here today on the new 01:33:14.069 --> 01:33:17.939 economic criteria that ERCOT will now be required to 01:33:17.939 --> 01:33:20.270 take into consideration is the review proposed transmission 01:33:20.270 --> 01:33:23.949 projects that focused on congestion uh cost savings 01:33:23.949 --> 01:33:27.369 for consumers, which is very important given all of 01:33:27.369 --> 01:33:30.270 the congestion costs that are currently being experienced 01:33:30.270 --> 01:33:34.069 today. Um second piece obviously is a new reliability 01:33:34.069 --> 01:33:38.180 criteria that adds new requirements for con taken consideration 01:33:38.180 --> 01:33:43.159 on historical Load forecasting, variety about new interconnections 01:33:43.170 --> 01:33:46.210 being um, loads being interconnected. And then the 01:33:46.210 --> 01:33:49.539 third piece, which is also very important is the great 01:33:49.539 --> 01:33:53.079 assessment of, or culture assessment of greater liability 01:33:53.079 --> 01:33:56.789 extreme weather conditions, those in my mind are the 01:33:56.800 --> 01:34:01.899 three core um areas of focus of 12 81 that are extremely 01:34:01.899 --> 01:34:06.359 important for for us to move forward on um based on 01:34:06.359 --> 01:34:10.210 prior open meeting discussions, I have been a very 01:34:10.210 --> 01:34:12.289 strong proponent along with Commissioner Glotfelty 01:34:12.300 --> 01:34:15.520 looking at resiliency. I think that is a very important 01:34:15.520 --> 01:34:18.890 matter that we must look at. Um we just heard a ton 01:34:18.890 --> 01:34:21.789 of public comments here, talking about variety of measures 01:34:21.789 --> 01:34:26.079 that, you know, addressing extreme weather um, in the 01:34:26.079 --> 01:34:28.920 future and, and I do think that that is a very important 01:34:28.930 --> 01:34:32.800 area, but I also think it's a very broad, complex area 01:34:32.800 --> 01:34:35.539 that just doesn't look at hardening the system. It's 01:34:35.539 --> 01:34:39.350 a variety of measures um, from making sure the system 01:34:39.350 --> 01:34:41.850 is operational from a human resource standpoint and 01:34:41.850 --> 01:34:43.890 all kinds of, you know, extreme weather conditions 01:34:43.890 --> 01:34:48.319 It's it's important. Um, and I do want to keep it on 01:34:48.319 --> 01:34:52.460 the table. My only thought process via my memo was 01:34:52.470 --> 01:34:55.079 was that I would like to just have a broader discussion 01:34:55.079 --> 01:34:58.340 on whether we should include the proposed language 01:34:58.340 --> 01:35:01.199 that staff has included on resiliency in the role. 01:35:01.210 --> 01:35:01.850 Um, 01:35:03.550 --> 01:35:09.220 because I from after going kind of evaluating this 01:35:09.220 --> 01:35:12.470 issue over and over again. Um, and and I've been a 01:35:12.470 --> 01:35:14.319 strong proponent of moving forward as soon as possible 01:35:14.319 --> 01:35:18.560 on this issue. I do want to be cognizant of the fact 01:35:18.560 --> 01:35:20.899 that any language you put in the rule and I know this 01:35:20.909 --> 01:35:23.359 proposal for publication will get more comments back 01:35:23.359 --> 01:35:27.529 on it. Um, we don't want to center ourselves down a 01:35:27.539 --> 01:35:31.869 path where we're opening a pandora's box on, you know 01:35:32.390 --> 01:35:36.270 projects and consumer costs. We gotta remain cognizant 01:35:36.279 --> 01:35:39.109 on a balance between resiliency and consumer costs 01:35:39.119 --> 01:35:42.819 And in order to get gain that balance, I I would like 01:35:42.819 --> 01:35:45.970 to take a more deliberative approach and in defining 01:35:45.970 --> 01:35:51.770 resiliency number one, number two, establishing appropriate 01:35:51.770 --> 01:35:55.210 criteria, whether it's a third test or one baked in 01:35:55.220 --> 01:35:58.090 Ultimately, like staff has proposed that's a sub factor 01:35:58.090 --> 01:36:01.399 on economic and reliability, but also being much more 01:36:01.399 --> 01:36:04.800 deliberate on that criteria. So that ERCOT can properly 01:36:04.800 --> 01:36:09.350 evaluate that, that factor through their regional transmission 01:36:09.350 --> 01:36:13.300 plan and process that's an annual process that ERCOT 01:36:13.300 --> 01:36:15.619 conducts on reviewing proposed projects in the future 01:36:15.619 --> 01:36:18.840 And so ultimately I just wanted to have a broader discussion 01:36:18.840 --> 01:36:22.859 on on whether or not we move forward with the interim 01:36:22.869 --> 01:36:25.979 path on resiliency that allows ERCOT to start looking 01:36:25.979 --> 01:36:29.439 at these projects or we put a pause and address the 01:36:29.439 --> 01:36:34.789 entire issue in a separate project. I also proposed 01:36:34.789 --> 01:36:38.010 the change to a specific change to ERCOT evaluation 01:36:38.010 --> 01:36:42.079 of congestion stadiums and that is um an evaluation 01:36:42.079 --> 01:36:45.750 of based on my discussions with with you woody um you 01:36:45.750 --> 01:36:49.260 have stated that ERCOT through its modeling processes 01:36:49.270 --> 01:36:53.109 of proposed economic projects that ERCOT looks out 01:36:53.109 --> 01:36:56.220 six years in the future because that is as far as they 01:36:56.220 --> 01:37:00.100 can look with certainty and so and I know commissioner 01:37:00.100 --> 01:37:02.489 Glotfelty you have some thoughts on this and we definitely 01:37:02.489 --> 01:37:05.000 can talk through what what's the appropriate horizon 01:37:05.000 --> 01:37:07.289 to look out into. But I thought well if you're gonna 01:37:07.289 --> 01:37:11.090 look out um six years out for congestion cost savings 01:37:11.090 --> 01:37:13.640 will perhaps we should look at maybe adjusting the 01:37:13.640 --> 01:37:15.989 transmission revenue requirement and I recognize that 01:37:15.989 --> 01:37:19.069 that will to six years out, I recognize that that will 01:37:19.079 --> 01:37:23.060 result in additional economic transmission projects 01:37:23.069 --> 01:37:25.109 being built but we just heard from you woody today 01:37:25.109 --> 01:37:26.989 that only two have been built and I think the last 01:37:26.989 --> 01:37:31.260 decade out of economic criteria and we have a lot of 01:37:31.260 --> 01:37:35.899 congestion costs on the system right now and and I 01:37:35.899 --> 01:37:39.149 don't think that, you know when we balance out economic 01:37:39.159 --> 01:37:42.710 benefits for consumers and and and build out of economic 01:37:42.710 --> 01:37:45.029 transmission projects, I think we might be able to 01:37:45.029 --> 01:37:48.960 just kind of unlock that process a little bit more 01:37:48.970 --> 01:37:52.270 It has seemed very conservative in the past and I know 01:37:52.270 --> 01:37:54.800 that's a policy called for us and Woody um I think 01:37:54.800 --> 01:37:58.300 you've stated that whatever you give us on the transmission 01:37:58.300 --> 01:38:00.229 revenue requirement, you can just plug into the model 01:38:00.229 --> 01:38:02.739 that that's a policy call for the commission to make 01:38:02.739 --> 01:38:07.649 So I I propose that as a potential um issue to look 01:38:07.649 --> 01:38:11.750 at. I also wanted to emphasize that um while I agree 01:38:11.750 --> 01:38:15.630 with staff proposed language that the ultimate consumer 01:38:15.640 --> 01:38:19.250 congestion cost savings test that that are caught approves 01:38:19.250 --> 01:38:22.300 the final one would come back to us for final approval 01:38:22.300 --> 01:38:25.350 because of the impact that that test will have on ERCOT 01:38:25.350 --> 01:38:30.489 ratepayers and um be a protocol for our final review 01:38:30.489 --> 01:38:37.069 and approval and then last um I proposed a directive 01:38:37.069 --> 01:38:40.670 to market um to require that the independent review 01:38:40.680 --> 01:38:43.649 of proposed projects be completed within the 150 day 01:38:43.649 --> 01:38:46.789 timeline that's in the protocols um as currently written 01:38:46.789 --> 01:38:49.909 the protocols state that ERCOT will attempt to get 01:38:49.909 --> 01:38:53.470 it done within 100 and 50 days based on my discussion 01:38:53.479 --> 01:38:58.010 with Woody and uh it appears that ERCOT treats it as 01:38:58.010 --> 01:39:02.859 a requirement and and strives to meet that deadline 01:39:02.869 --> 01:39:08.090 but I think by mandating it in the protocols we provide 01:39:08.090 --> 01:39:13.500 a more defined requirement there. So ERCOT can um get 01:39:13.500 --> 01:39:15.939 that independent review process as what he has stated 01:39:15.949 --> 01:39:18.159 that is being done right now. That is not being done 01:39:18.159 --> 01:39:23.210 with the problem at all. Um Just so that um we can 01:39:23.210 --> 01:39:27.630 provide more of a step towards more efficiency in the 01:39:27.630 --> 01:39:29.880 transmission planning processes. ERCOT is going to 01:39:29.880 --> 01:39:34.470 start reviewing more projects by way of economic criteria 01:39:34.479 --> 01:39:37.779 and continue to look at reliability and and critical 01:39:37.789 --> 01:39:40.090 reliability projects. 01:39:45.170 --> 01:39:47.869 On the last point staff wanted to make sure they're 01:39:47.869 --> 01:39:49.869 reading the memo correctly. You weren't intending that 01:39:49.869 --> 01:39:53.439 to be that we include the 150 day language in this 01:39:53.439 --> 01:39:55.390 rule if that's the way the commission decides to go 01:39:55.390 --> 01:39:59.590 that was a protocol direction. Yes. Outside of the 01:39:59.600 --> 01:40:04.479 just as a Interim first step to start creating some 01:40:04.479 --> 01:40:09.310 efficiency to allow orcas um to review proposed projects 01:40:09.319 --> 01:40:14.600 under 1281 within that 150 thank you for the clarification 01:40:15.500 --> 01:40:18.659 Uh we've got a lot of policy points in there that we 01:40:18.659 --> 01:40:20.890 can dive into after commissioner glotfelty lays this 01:40:20.890 --> 01:40:24.550 out but on the procedural point about 250 days I certainly 01:40:24.560 --> 01:40:27.670 support increased accountability and efficiency in 01:40:27.680 --> 01:40:31.310 all areas of what we're doing but if if if we are 01:40:31.310 --> 01:40:35.210 going to ratchet it up on the market side. I think 01:40:35.210 --> 01:40:38.380 we need to make sure to complement that with a requirement 01:40:38.380 --> 01:40:42.510 on the T. D. P. S. Tsp side. So that ERCOT so 01:40:42.510 --> 01:40:45.550 that any information required or other correspondence 01:40:45.560 --> 01:40:49.060 that the ERCOT staff needs to complete the 150 mandate 01:40:49.069 --> 01:40:54.390 uh must be provided by the counter party. Uh So I don't 01:40:54.390 --> 01:40:57.319 know what that looks like but between now and when 01:40:57.319 --> 01:41:00.979 we take this rule up again uh I think we should consider 01:41:00.979 --> 01:41:04.250 that so we we make sure there's accountability for 01:41:04.250 --> 01:41:07.770 everybody and a shot clock for all parties. Absolutely 01:41:07.770 --> 01:41:10.640 and that is what I contemplated my memo is that by 01:41:10.649 --> 01:41:14.619 ERCOT going to amending their protocol within that 01:41:14.630 --> 01:41:17.420 framework that they have the opportunity to develop 01:41:17.420 --> 01:41:20.409 a framework where they can work more efficiently with 01:41:20.409 --> 01:41:22.569 the T. S. P. S to get all the information they need 01:41:22.579 --> 01:41:26.869 so they can meet that 150 day deadline and so um perhaps 01:41:26.869 --> 01:41:29.239 woody you can provide us with maybe some kind of a 01:41:29.239 --> 01:41:32.640 proposed plan or how that would work um with respect 01:41:32.640 --> 01:41:38.579 to um ensuring that um or ERCOT gets all the information 01:41:38.579 --> 01:41:41.279 they need to meet. That That's something we can keep 01:41:41.279 --> 01:41:43.810 in consideration and evaluate over the next 30 days 01:41:44.619 --> 01:41:49.069 in comments on the yeah because I mean it's just another 01:41:49.069 --> 01:41:52.579 topic that could be addressed. There's more than one 01:41:54.939 --> 01:41:57.199 and look for options on that. I'm sure that 01:41:59.489 --> 01:42:03.090 oh if we did want to include something like that in 01:42:03.100 --> 01:42:05.189 the final rule upon adoption we would probably need 01:42:05.189 --> 01:42:09.180 to include a question or something to notice it. That 01:42:09.180 --> 01:42:10.640 was I was saying since they were doing coming through 01:42:10.640 --> 01:42:12.489 high school was trying to be crystal clear that if 01:42:12.500 --> 01:42:14.359 there is any chance we wanted to be an adoption, we 01:42:14.359 --> 01:42:16.840 need something in the proposal. I think we'll hear 01:42:16.840 --> 01:42:19.130 independently from the TSB is not separate from the 01:42:19.130 --> 01:42:21.960 rulemaking. Perfect. Feel confident. I don't want to 01:42:21.960 --> 01:42:24.520 put any language in the role that ties our hands because 01:42:24.520 --> 01:42:26.989 I know that ultimately we're going to be taking a deeper 01:42:26.989 --> 01:42:29.449 dive into the transmission planning process to look 01:42:29.449 --> 01:42:31.970 at additional efficiencies we can gain in the future 01:42:31.970 --> 01:42:34.119 So I don't want to tie our hands in the actual role 01:42:34.920 --> 01:42:34.949 I 01:42:37.659 --> 01:42:40.229 just want to get that procedural non rule related. 01:42:40.369 --> 01:42:44.140 I just want to get that out there. Thank you for laying 01:42:44.140 --> 01:42:47.960 out uh Commissioner Glotfelty Please lay out your member 01:42:47.970 --> 01:42:51.920 Thank you. Um first of all, I do want to um thank 01:42:51.920 --> 01:42:55.899 the staff you know, and uh the the expeditious nature 01:42:55.899 --> 01:42:59.109 of us getting this done. Obviously Representative Darby 01:42:59.109 --> 01:43:01.260 and others over in the legislature have said we're 01:43:01.270 --> 01:43:06.000 we're behind their expected expected uh implementation 01:43:06.000 --> 01:43:10.050 date. But with everything that we've done since the 01:43:10.060 --> 01:43:13.159 legislative session, I think this is a pretty darn 01:43:13.159 --> 01:43:15.720 good track record and I appreciate the staff and and 01:43:15.720 --> 01:43:20.460 members of the market for being being part of this 01:43:21.130 --> 01:43:24.729 Um so a couple of things I I have two different views 01:43:24.739 --> 01:43:29.850 on on these issues. First of all, um on 12 81 we 01:43:29.850 --> 01:43:32.939 obviously in my opinion believe that we have to get 01:43:32.939 --> 01:43:35.420 this passed. We have to get this into publication. 01:43:35.430 --> 01:43:37.739 We have to get comments because we have to be done 01:43:37.739 --> 01:43:40.489 with this fairly quick. The legislature wants it. Uh 01:43:40.500 --> 01:43:42.609 we've been ordered to make it happen, we've got to 01:43:42.609 --> 01:43:45.279 make it happen in the best way we can. The question 01:43:45.279 --> 01:43:51.310 is for me, um, is the test, um, or the components of 01:43:51.310 --> 01:43:54.649 the test, correct? Commissioner Cobos um, suggested 01:43:54.649 --> 01:43:57.729 that we average costs and benefits over a six year 01:43:57.729 --> 01:44:01.750 period in my memo, I lay out 10 years. The reason for 01:44:01.750 --> 01:44:07.289 the difference is Transmission lines last 40 or 50 01:44:07.289 --> 01:44:11.340 years in our system and you don't see transmission 01:44:11.340 --> 01:44:14.569 lines get taken down after their useful life. They 01:44:14.569 --> 01:44:18.270 continue to provide more and more benefits the longer 01:44:18.270 --> 01:44:21.739 they're in service many times they get rebuilt but 01:44:21.739 --> 01:44:24.359 there's value in the rights of way, there's value in 01:44:24.359 --> 01:44:28.590 the structures, there's value in that line for reliability 01:44:28.600 --> 01:44:33.460 We have a very simple test in ERCOT and uh we, we've 01:44:33.470 --> 01:44:36.489 had the economic test. Um, people have complained that 01:44:36.489 --> 01:44:38.630 the economic test, transmission doesn't get built in 01:44:38.630 --> 01:44:40.670 the economic test. It has to become the reliability 01:44:40.670 --> 01:44:43.520 test before lines get built here. Let me just say, 01:44:43.520 --> 01:44:46.270 we have built a lot of transmission in this state to 01:44:46.270 --> 01:44:48.800 the benefit of market and the staff and to the benefit 01:44:48.800 --> 01:44:51.399 of the T. D. S. P. S and the consumers, we have 01:44:51.399 --> 01:44:54.199 built a lot of transmission. The problems that are 01:44:54.199 --> 01:44:56.640 in the queue and the problems that are building transmission 01:44:56.640 --> 01:44:59.399 all across the United States are not the problems that 01:44:59.399 --> 01:45:02.859 we have here. We've been blessed with a structure that 01:45:02.859 --> 01:45:06.069 allows us to build the question is, is it correct? 01:45:06.079 --> 01:45:08.550 And is it something that we need for what our market's 01:45:08.550 --> 01:45:13.159 gonna look like going forward? So to me, um, taking 01:45:13.170 --> 01:45:17.329 a looking at a average cost over a 10 year period is 01:45:17.340 --> 01:45:22.350 um, is the right approach because it's 25% of the depreciated 01:45:22.350 --> 01:45:24.920 life of the asset. So you're still leaving lots of 01:45:24.920 --> 01:45:27.829 benefits on the table that you're not accounting for 01:45:27.840 --> 01:45:30.720 It doesn't sync up with the six year planning process 01:45:30.729 --> 01:45:34.890 of ERCOT but in my opinion, there are two different 01:45:35.279 --> 01:45:39.600 issues. The planning process does not have to equal 01:45:39.609 --> 01:45:43.560 the time horizon that we look on, the economic benefits 01:45:43.560 --> 01:45:46.869 process because in fact the benefits are gonna be going 01:45:46.869 --> 01:45:49.609 on for decades beyond their planning process. So the 01:45:49.609 --> 01:45:53.119 question is, does it match, does it match up to me 01:45:53.119 --> 01:45:58.579 that's not a um, a really important issue. The question 01:45:58.579 --> 01:46:04.310 is, can we identify issues that provide economic values 01:46:04.319 --> 01:46:08.960 to consumers if they are built? Another part of looking 01:46:08.960 --> 01:46:13.869 at a 10-year test? Um, is it will bring in more transmission 01:46:13.869 --> 01:46:16.899 lines. This does not mean more transmission lines will 01:46:16.899 --> 01:46:21.079 get built necessarily. This means that more lines where 01:46:21.079 --> 01:46:23.930 there is potentially congestions or benefits will be 01:46:23.930 --> 01:46:28.310 identified. This is the beginning of the process, not 01:46:28.310 --> 01:46:31.600 the end of the process and the more areas we identify 01:46:31.609 --> 01:46:35.250 the more opportunity there is for generators to go 01:46:35.250 --> 01:46:38.270 and build in certain areas and eliminate the need for 01:46:38.270 --> 01:46:42.289 building transmission lines. So there is a component 01:46:42.289 --> 01:46:45.920 here that we are giving the market a better understanding 01:46:45.920 --> 01:46:49.170 of where they should be building by looking at, by 01:46:49.180 --> 01:46:54.390 by giving ERCOT a um creating a longer test and identifying 01:46:54.390 --> 01:46:58.279 more potential lines that uh where there could be benefits 01:46:58.289 --> 01:47:04.779 Um it's my hope that next year as we continue the transmission 01:47:04.789 --> 01:47:08.310 discussion, I think this is the tip of the iceberg 01:47:08.319 --> 01:47:11.659 We've talked about getting deep into transmission planning 01:47:11.939 --> 01:47:15.170 um being better stewards of rights of way with higher 01:47:15.170 --> 01:47:19.329 voltage lines or different technologies, how we would 01:47:19.329 --> 01:47:21.970 eliminate generic transmission constraints and and 01:47:21.979 --> 01:47:25.869 other things um those are for next year, those are 01:47:25.869 --> 01:47:28.060 for things that we've got to take a deep dive into 01:47:28.069 --> 01:47:33.060 one of those areas is resiliency. Um but I believe 01:47:33.060 --> 01:47:37.050 we need to have a placeholder here um between now and 01:47:37.050 --> 01:47:39.189 the time we do that, we're gonna have another winner 01:47:39.199 --> 01:47:42.920 We're not gonna have another opportunity for another 01:47:42.920 --> 01:47:46.359 major storm and God forbid we have what happened uh 01:47:46.369 --> 01:47:49.989 with winter storm Uri. Um but if we can get in a 01:47:49.989 --> 01:47:53.930 process and identification of some lines that promote 01:47:53.939 --> 01:47:58.029 resiliency and the definition that we have that we're 01:47:58.029 --> 01:48:00.979 thinking about that ERCOT is thinking about which is 01:48:00.989 --> 01:48:10.119 um ensuring that consumers um recover or are eliminated 01:48:10.119 --> 01:48:13.909 from. Load shed situations altogether in a quicker 01:48:13.909 --> 01:48:18.800 time frame. Um I think it's important that we give 01:48:18.800 --> 01:48:22.479 them that flexibility now. If we ask them to identify 01:48:22.489 --> 01:48:25.279 lines that are critical for resiliency, it does not 01:48:25.279 --> 01:48:28.380 mean that they will all get built, it means that we 01:48:28.380 --> 01:48:30.600 are identifying things that could have value to our 01:48:30.600 --> 01:48:33.930 consumers and that doesn't mean that every single one 01:48:33.930 --> 01:48:35.949 of them will come to us. We're gonna have to have a 01:48:35.949 --> 01:48:39.800 process to identify a large contingency of what resiliency 01:48:39.800 --> 01:48:43.039 looks like because we'll have reliability lines, economic 01:48:43.039 --> 01:48:45.359 lines, resiliency lines, I think those are the three 01:48:45.359 --> 01:48:49.350 buckets in the future, but to just not have any of 01:48:49.350 --> 01:48:54.750 this resiliency discussion now and not have a ERCOT 01:48:54.750 --> 01:48:59.340 looking into it uh in my view is a shortsighted and 01:48:59.350 --> 01:49:02.250 is something that would be somewhat of a misstep with 01:49:02.250 --> 01:49:07.689 the winner facing us with with generation profiles 01:49:07.689 --> 01:49:11.819 continuing to change. Um so anyway, again, my view 01:49:11.819 --> 01:49:16.109 is this is the tip of the iceberg. Um I think the 01:49:16.109 --> 01:49:20.609 most important thing today is to get this um this rule 01:49:20.609 --> 01:49:24.189 for publication passed today, get it in the public 01:49:24.189 --> 01:49:29.590 domain um and uh continue to understand and make the 01:49:29.590 --> 01:49:33.539 case for why we need this um and and and get it 01:49:33.539 --> 01:49:37.130 completed. So I'm happy to answer questions um, if 01:49:37.130 --> 01:49:40.670 you all have any or or have a broader discussion, Thank 01:49:40.670 --> 01:49:42.409 you for laying that out and like you said, the important 01:49:42.409 --> 01:49:44.659 part today is getting, making sure we get it laid out 01:49:44.659 --> 01:49:47.680 in the public domain and we make sure stakeholders 01:49:47.689 --> 01:49:50.119 are aware and can respond to the issues that we as 01:49:50.119 --> 01:49:54.760 a commission seem deem deem critical. Uh and I certainly 01:49:55.159 --> 01:49:57.739 I appreciate the merits of both on the six year and 01:49:57.750 --> 01:50:03.369 considering 10 years average and and uh time averaging 01:50:03.369 --> 01:50:07.270 across time rather than a single point of view. And 01:50:08.149 --> 01:50:11.289 And as part of that, I want to know how well years 01:50:11.289 --> 01:50:14.039 seven through 10 can be informed in terms of value 01:50:14.039 --> 01:50:17.890 on the cost of benefit, with if the planning model 01:50:17.890 --> 01:50:20.260 doesn't go out there. And that's that's a question 01:50:20.260 --> 01:50:23.989 for the respondents as we go through the next 30 days 01:50:24.000 --> 01:50:31.220 just for a clarification, what is the math on the current 01:50:31.229 --> 01:50:39.170 version of the test, one year, 1 year. So we build 01:50:40.390 --> 01:50:45.710 2022 we build six years, we have a case for 2023 24 01:50:45.710 --> 01:50:50.720 all the way up to 2028. So if the new project, this 01:50:50.720 --> 01:50:54.270 is just this is just a model of the system. So if 01:50:54.270 --> 01:50:58.149 the new project was, was to go and be in service in 01:50:58.159 --> 01:51:04.829 2027 We'd have the 2027 case and the 2028 case that 01:51:04.829 --> 01:51:08.619 we could calculate the production cost benefit, let's 01:51:08.619 --> 01:51:11.539 say it was, you know 20 million one year and 22, the 01:51:11.539 --> 01:51:15.229 other, we'd say the average of that is 21. And then 01:51:15.229 --> 01:51:18.170 we would look at the first year revenue requirement 01:51:18.180 --> 01:51:22.159 the first year cost to load of the transmission line 01:51:22.279 --> 01:51:28.770 and compare maybe it's 18 million And so it's less 01:51:28.770 --> 01:51:32.640 than the average of the two benefits and so it would 01:51:32.649 --> 01:51:35.529 be justified. That's the way it works. You count the 01:51:35.529 --> 01:51:38.829 average of however many years are left in your six-year 01:51:38.829 --> 01:51:42.399 playing. So if it was 2023 it would be five years of 01:51:42.399 --> 01:51:46.529 benefits averaged. Well the line were to go in place 01:51:46.529 --> 01:51:50.430 in 2027. We only have two cases that we could actually 01:51:50.430 --> 01:51:53.939 look at two models to look at because it wouldn't be 01:51:53.939 --> 01:51:57.350 in the 24 or 25 or 26 cases. Okay. I got you 01:51:58.260 --> 01:52:02.859 that cell phone. You do, you do mean not median. That's 01:52:02.859 --> 01:52:06.760 part of the problem with the tenure is you're projecting 01:52:06.760 --> 01:52:11.010 out what those benefits might be. And the biggest, 01:52:11.020 --> 01:52:15.930 the biggest problems with an economic study or um, 01:52:16.579 --> 01:52:19.819 used to It took five years to build a power plant in 01:52:19.829 --> 01:52:22.189 five years to build transmission line that kind of 01:52:22.189 --> 01:52:25.699 matched up. But with IRR generation being built 01:52:25.710 --> 01:52:29.300 or batteries being built in two years or Cryptocurrency 01:52:29.300 --> 01:52:36.479 miners three months or so. All those things handicap 01:52:36.479 --> 01:52:41.300 your, your economic studies, another big handicap is 01:52:41.300 --> 01:52:46.289 the gas price 50% of your power is coming from gas 01:52:46.289 --> 01:52:50.939 power generation. The price of gas dramatically changes 01:52:50.949 --> 01:52:54.449 what's economic and what's not. And so our ability 01:52:54.460 --> 01:52:59.699 to forecast what gas prices are, Two years, five years 01:52:59.710 --> 01:53:03.539 10 years out. I mean that's try to judge benefits 10 01:53:03.539 --> 01:53:07.020 years out and not have any kind of idea what the gas 01:53:07.020 --> 01:53:10.399 prices or have some, some idea. But that's, that's 01:53:10.399 --> 01:53:13.489 a big handicap when you're looking at. But on the other 01:53:13.489 --> 01:53:16.539 side of the equation, you know exactly what the power 01:53:16.539 --> 01:53:19.539 line is gonna cost. So you've got a lot of certainty 01:53:19.539 --> 01:53:22.060 on one side of the equation. On the other side of the 01:53:22.060 --> 01:53:26.750 equation, you've got, Are we gonna have 20,000 more 01:53:26.750 --> 01:53:29.270 megawatts of solar generation built and where will 01:53:29.270 --> 01:53:33.819 it be built and gas prices and how widely adopted will 01:53:33.819 --> 01:53:36.829 batteries be? There's a lot of, a lot of variables 01:53:36.840 --> 01:53:41.869 on the savings side. And I would say that, uh, woody 01:53:41.869 --> 01:53:44.500 is exactly right. And that what he's talking about 01:53:44.500 --> 01:53:48.869 is solely the cost benefit. Um, and that is only one 01:53:48.869 --> 01:53:51.520 part of the benefits that transmission provides to 01:53:51.520 --> 01:53:54.130 consumers. So at this point in time, that's the only 01:53:54.130 --> 01:53:57.069 piece, we're looking at other places around the country 01:53:57.069 --> 01:54:00.100 Spp my. So they look at a multi value approach, They 01:54:00.100 --> 01:54:03.810 look at what are the, there's a whole host of issues 01:54:03.810 --> 01:54:07.029 that they look at that we in our process as of today 01:54:07.029 --> 01:54:09.869 don't look at. So that's why I was trying to Push out 01:54:09.869 --> 01:54:14.710 10 years in spite of the fact that it's averaged, but 01:54:14.729 --> 01:54:18.680 to try to create a proxy in the meantime for some of 01:54:18.680 --> 01:54:20.979 those other benefits that we don't even have a value 01:54:20.979 --> 01:54:23.699 test for sure. And I think that's an important thing 01:54:23.699 --> 01:54:26.439 we've heard in the past about how cumbersome and burdensome 01:54:26.439 --> 01:54:30.020 other transmission planning and you highlighted how 01:54:30.329 --> 01:54:34.699 the speed of our transmission existing transmission 01:54:34.699 --> 01:54:38.069 planning process has been a blessing to our ecosystem 01:54:38.069 --> 01:54:40.600 and our consumers. And so another thing I think it's 01:54:40.609 --> 01:54:43.520 important to hear from all our stakeholders is going 01:54:43.520 --> 01:54:45.720 forward. How do we strike to maintain that balance 01:54:45.729 --> 01:54:48.800 More comprehensive, look ahead. A longer look ahead 01:54:48.810 --> 01:54:52.260 where six years, 10 years somewhere in between without 01:54:52.270 --> 01:54:57.159 capturing the burdens of the bureaucracy of the so 01:54:57.409 --> 01:55:00.920 that not being handicapped by paralysis by analysis 01:55:00.920 --> 01:55:03.149 So that's, that's the question to the stakeholders 01:55:03.529 --> 01:55:07.149 all worthy of consideration. So, so let me say with 01:55:07.159 --> 01:55:10.899 with my 10 year test, um listen, I'm, I'm agnostic 01:55:10.899 --> 01:55:13.439 as to whether that goes in the rule, I would like either 01:55:13.439 --> 01:55:17.170 10 or six to go in there. Um, I think the stakeholders 01:55:17.170 --> 01:55:20.539 need to have a discussion about that. Um, if ERCOT 01:55:20.539 --> 01:55:23.609 feels strongly that it's six um um, you know, happy 01:55:23.609 --> 01:55:26.750 to go with Commissioner Cobos proposal, but I think 01:55:26.750 --> 01:55:27.850 what you're gonna see 01:55:29.529 --> 01:55:32.960 is that over time, you're gonna see huge, much greater 01:55:32.960 --> 01:55:37.569 value if you're looking at a, at a broader test over 01:55:37.569 --> 01:55:40.069 a longer time period because again, these transmission 01:55:40.069 --> 01:55:43.460 lines do not get taken out of service. They do not 01:55:43.460 --> 01:55:48.470 go away. Our system continually hits the the edge um 01:55:48.479 --> 01:55:54.779 of uh, of its capacity And um, we are, we are really 01:55:54.779 --> 01:55:58.039 whether it's a six year test or a 10 year test, we're 01:55:58.039 --> 01:56:01.899 just taking a snapshot. Yeah, absolutely. And no matter 01:56:01.909 --> 01:56:04.619 who you are, what you're trying to predict, forecasts 01:56:04.619 --> 01:56:07.069 and projections are difficult. There's always uncertainty 01:56:07.079 --> 01:56:09.569 Uh, I mean the smartest people in the world with the 01:56:09.569 --> 01:56:11.250 most in the world can't tell you what the stock market's 01:56:11.250 --> 01:56:13.880 gonna do tomorrow. So it's just, it's very difficult 01:56:13.880 --> 01:56:15.800 no matter where you are. But we've got to pick some 01:56:15.800 --> 01:56:19.329 metrics and some formula, uh, to move it forward. And 01:56:19.340 --> 01:56:22.390 before one other thought is is I know you, you mentioned 01:56:22.390 --> 01:56:25.720 we don't, we always need more transmission, uh, in 01:56:25.720 --> 01:56:27.439 a growing states like this. But as part of this, I 01:56:27.439 --> 01:56:31.300 also want to make sure we keep in mind the possibility 01:56:31.300 --> 01:56:34.539 of utilizing as much of existing right away as possible 01:56:34.539 --> 01:56:37.979 Trying uh, I mean transmission and reliability and 01:56:37.979 --> 01:56:40.130 resilience are hugely important, but it takes land 01:56:40.130 --> 01:56:42.729 it takes easements, it takes in the domain. So I think 01:56:42.739 --> 01:56:46.250 it's, I think it's safe to say all of us would encourage 01:56:46.840 --> 01:56:49.550 anything that ensures maximizing existing right of 01:56:49.550 --> 01:56:53.000 ways as we. And to be thoughtful, we'll be thoughtful 01:56:53.000 --> 01:56:56.760 about that movie. I echo that two points that I just 01:56:56.770 --> 01:56:59.829 you know, like to say on that is that's why I have 01:56:59.840 --> 01:57:02.260 tried to promote being good stewards of our rights 01:57:02.260 --> 01:57:04.609 away, higher capacity lines. I think what Commissioner 01:57:04.609 --> 01:57:08.350 Cobos did in leading our effort to string a, the second 01:57:08.350 --> 01:57:10.949 circuit in the Rio grande valley, that was an example 01:57:10.949 --> 01:57:13.149 of that. And those are the things that we have to be 01:57:13.149 --> 01:57:15.319 doing. Those are the things that we should be calling 01:57:15.319 --> 01:57:18.199 on ERCOT can't do it every time. But we at least need 01:57:18.199 --> 01:57:20.710 to have the data and the understanding of the effects 01:57:20.720 --> 01:57:23.569 So the more information we get into this process, the 01:57:23.569 --> 01:57:27.250 better decisions we can. That's right. And and then 01:57:27.250 --> 01:57:30.659 the other thing is, as I said, the more of these lines 01:57:30.659 --> 01:57:35.579 that are proposed, we get a better understanding of 01:57:35.579 --> 01:57:38.449 where generation might be cited as well, whether it 01:57:38.449 --> 01:57:41.340 be at a lower voltage or a higher voltage that is part 01:57:41.350 --> 01:57:45.329 of an LMP market is sending price signals and that's 01:57:45.329 --> 01:57:49.050 the benefit. A constrained system doesn't send the 01:57:49.369 --> 01:57:52.670 all of the right price signals. It does in fact send 01:57:52.680 --> 01:57:56.029 some right price signals. And just understanding that 01:57:56.029 --> 01:57:58.600 is is a good metric in our, in our market we should 01:57:58.609 --> 01:58:03.930 act upon. That may I am absolutely provides some clarifications 01:58:03.930 --> 01:58:08.489 and questions. I guess what the consumer congestion 01:58:08.489 --> 01:58:11.970 cost savings, test, what do you, this was gonna be 01:58:11.970 --> 01:58:14.890 part of my question to you in terms of your modeling 01:58:14.890 --> 01:58:18.970 you look out six years with certainty. Um, what I'm 01:58:18.970 --> 01:58:21.609 talking about is the transmission revenue requirement 01:58:21.619 --> 01:58:24.789 as you've stated is more certain because you know, 01:58:24.789 --> 01:58:31.369 the cost of the transmission asset. And so I'm I'm 01:58:31.369 --> 01:58:34.319 happy to hear from the, from the stakeholders on on 01:58:34.319 --> 01:58:37.239 what they think on, you know, looking out, you know 01:58:37.250 --> 01:58:40.420 10 years on the congestion, cost savings and, and on 01:58:40.420 --> 01:58:43.760 my question, six years based on how far you look out 01:58:43.770 --> 01:58:46.229 on the transmission revenue requirement, I will say 01:58:46.229 --> 01:58:47.880 that, you know, in reading through all the stakeholder 01:58:47.880 --> 01:58:49.960 comments that they've already addressed this issue 01:58:49.970 --> 01:58:52.529 I think a lot of them have filed comments saying that 01:58:52.539 --> 01:58:55.850 they believe that after six years it becomes uncertain 01:58:56.210 --> 01:58:59.520 um at least the stakeholders that are representing 01:58:59.520 --> 01:59:02.279 consumer interests have stated that once you look out 01:59:02.289 --> 01:59:06.609 past six years that it becomes uncertain and and then 01:59:06.609 --> 01:59:10.270 it's the balance between, you know, or or the issue 01:59:10.270 --> 01:59:13.109 of cost right and responsibility to model that far 01:59:13.119 --> 01:59:16.560 out um with respect to your, your comments, commissioner 01:59:16.560 --> 01:59:19.310 Glotfelty another market, the multi value process and 01:59:19.310 --> 01:59:21.470 all that, those are I think items that we can look 01:59:21.470 --> 01:59:26.289 at in phase two of, of um potential transmission planning 01:59:26.300 --> 01:59:30.539 processes in in ERCOT Um, I know that other markets 01:59:30.550 --> 01:59:34.750 do look out further um, and are still struggling to 01:59:34.750 --> 01:59:37.090 get transmission built and there's a lot going on in 01:59:37.090 --> 01:59:40.050 those other markets, but I did want to clarify at least 01:59:40.050 --> 01:59:43.930 with my proposal on this test, it's the transmission 01:59:43.930 --> 01:59:47.539 revenue requirement, uh not the congestion cost savings 01:59:47.539 --> 01:59:52.920 test and so, um with respect to um resiliency, 01:59:54.500 --> 01:59:56.619 A few things. 1 1 I 01:59:58.250 --> 02:00:01.010 the reason that I'm sort of wanting to have this broader 02:00:01.010 --> 02:00:03.140 discussion and until you address your point and I think 02:00:03.140 --> 02:00:06.189 you agreed, we don't have a definition of resiliency 02:00:06.189 --> 02:00:11.109 in our role right now. Um ERCOT is already looking 02:00:11.109 --> 02:00:14.029 at resiliency in their planning process through the 02:00:14.029 --> 02:00:17.159 Rio grande Valley transmission infrastructure process 02:00:17.159 --> 02:00:21.720 that we went through. Um ERCOT noted that the Rio grande 02:00:21.729 --> 02:00:24.659 transmission infrastructure that we ordered and approved 02:00:24.659 --> 02:00:28.810 as deemed critical for reliability um included resiliency 02:00:28.810 --> 02:00:31.750 benefits. So it's not like it doesn't exist in your 02:00:31.760 --> 02:00:34.989 in your lens of looking at proposed transmission projects 02:00:35.000 --> 02:00:39.010 at this time. It's just there's not a definitive um 02:00:39.020 --> 02:00:43.000 you know, I guess spelled out in commission rule protocol 02:00:43.010 --> 02:00:47.100 set of criteria that um we have out there right now 02:00:47.100 --> 02:00:50.020 but but I do want to clarify that, ERCOT looks at resiliency 02:00:50.029 --> 02:00:53.710 right now. Um the other thing that I wanted to note 02:00:53.710 --> 02:00:56.729 is that, you know, I I, you know, mr, Glotfelty you 02:00:56.729 --> 02:01:00.180 know, it, I don't think it's shortsighted because we're 02:01:00.180 --> 02:01:03.069 not gonna get any transmission projects built by next 02:01:03.069 --> 02:01:07.470 winter, um you know, it takes 56 years to build transmission 02:01:07.470 --> 02:01:10.529 So I think the in my opinion, if we wanted to strike 02:01:10.529 --> 02:01:13.720 a balance in terms of, you know, not getting ahead 02:01:13.720 --> 02:01:16.439 of ourselves and putting criteria out there right now 02:01:16.439 --> 02:01:19.460 that we could get comment on it. Ultimately we can 02:01:19.470 --> 02:01:22.189 make the decision later and for the proposal for adoption 02:01:22.189 --> 02:01:25.359 on whether we include that interim path, uh you know 02:01:25.369 --> 02:01:28.989 ERCOT spread reliability assessment um is taken in 02:01:28.989 --> 02:01:32.220 consideration reliability and extreme weather conditions 02:01:32.229 --> 02:01:35.750 and so that could maybe provide a path is I think what 02:01:35.750 --> 02:01:39.170 he um we have had discussions on how ERCOT would conduct 02:01:39.170 --> 02:01:41.210 that study and perhaps shedding a little bit of light 02:01:41.210 --> 02:01:45.380 on that would be helpful. Yeah. So if we did a biennial 02:01:45.390 --> 02:01:48.779 resiliency test, we, I would like to see it done the 02:01:48.779 --> 02:01:50.869 year. We don't do the long term system assessment, 02:01:50.869 --> 02:01:53.109 which is also a biennial. So every other year you do 02:01:53.109 --> 02:01:56.569 one or the other and we already do studies, we have 02:01:56.569 --> 02:01:59.909 a stability analysis study every year that's identified 02:01:59.920 --> 02:02:02.949 uh right aways that if you were to lose this right 02:02:02.949 --> 02:02:05.050 away you would have stability. So we're already doing 02:02:05.050 --> 02:02:07.260 like you said some of that kind of stuff, but this 02:02:07.260 --> 02:02:11.500 would be a way to step back, look at the entire system 02:02:11.510 --> 02:02:16.800 look at the ability of the system to stay, to continue 02:02:16.800 --> 02:02:19.800 to serve Load even if we had some large outages that 02:02:19.800 --> 02:02:23.729 lasted for a long time. I think that's kind of my unofficial 02:02:23.729 --> 02:02:26.789 definition of what resiliency is, is the ability to 02:02:26.789 --> 02:02:30.670 continue to serve Load even with outages that last 02:02:30.670 --> 02:02:32.850 a long time because right now in a planning study we're 02:02:32.850 --> 02:02:35.289 not doing anything but in minus one we don't do in 02:02:35.289 --> 02:02:38.470 minus one minus one. We don't take a piece of the system 02:02:38.470 --> 02:02:41.960 out and do in minus one. It's all base case. That's 02:02:41.960 --> 02:02:45.760 that's a big direction we need to move and well I certainly 02:02:45.770 --> 02:02:47.880 certainly appreciate that we've received comments on 02:02:47.880 --> 02:02:49.640 a lot of these issues. But I think the most important 02:02:49.640 --> 02:02:54.579 part of the day is is putting a finer point on future 02:02:54.579 --> 02:02:57.949 comments on the issues we want to hear, evaluated and 02:02:57.960 --> 02:03:01.380 and give stakeholders a more clear direction on what 02:03:01.380 --> 02:03:03.180 we want to hear about, like you did in both of your 02:03:03.180 --> 02:03:09.140 memos, and while we do have some resiliency uh take 02:03:09.140 --> 02:03:12.260 into an account now, I very much think that we need 02:03:12.260 --> 02:03:16.670 a more comprehensive look at what that means. And uh 02:03:16.680 --> 02:03:19.510 and and so I certainly appreciate Commissioner Glotfelty 02:03:19.520 --> 02:03:22.560 highlighted the need for that to be a comprehensive 02:03:22.560 --> 02:03:26.899 look of in the future. And while we're we do have a 02:03:26.899 --> 02:03:31.119 new line in south texas, uh remind all of our stakeholders 02:03:31.119 --> 02:03:33.510 that if it was not for your leadership on pushing that 02:03:33.510 --> 02:03:36.590 forward, uh when we if you remember sitting at our 02:03:36.590 --> 02:03:39.649 old diets, I guess we heard as a commission about why 02:03:39.649 --> 02:03:42.979 it wasn't a good idea, why it wasn't possible and if 02:03:42.979 --> 02:03:45.859 you hadn't forged ahead on that, I guarantee you that 02:03:45.859 --> 02:03:49.989 line would not be underway today. So um we don't want 02:03:49.989 --> 02:03:52.930 you to have to do that every time Mr co host. Uh 02:03:52.939 --> 02:03:56.100 so we can certainly get a more comprehensive approach 02:03:56.159 --> 02:03:59.170 and a more formalized approach to resiliency, but that's 02:03:59.170 --> 02:04:01.640 that's certainly down the road, like it's as contemplated 02:04:01.640 --> 02:04:03.590 and that's something else. It would be good to hear 02:04:03.590 --> 02:04:06.550 from stakeholders about what's the best way to do that 02:04:06.550 --> 02:04:10.460 analysis, Who's the best a party to do that analysis 02:04:10.500 --> 02:04:12.479 So look forward to hearing their thoughts on that. 02:04:12.489 --> 02:04:15.510 Mr Chairman on that, I'd like to remind everybody. 02:04:15.520 --> 02:04:19.800 Um and I was the one who opened the door on this 02:04:19.800 --> 02:04:22.689 and when you open doors in this place, things walk 02:04:22.689 --> 02:04:27.289 in and resilience. The resiliency definition was a 02:04:27.289 --> 02:04:30.789 part of that. And uh again, I wanna remind everybody 02:04:30.789 --> 02:04:34.729 how this process looks like today. Um when you have 02:04:34.729 --> 02:04:38.760 waiting systems in our transmission planning process 02:04:38.770 --> 02:04:43.939 um industry participants, stakeholders, uh interest 02:04:43.939 --> 02:04:49.180 groups, use those waiting systems to petition this 02:04:49.180 --> 02:04:52.899 agency. There were building a gate here upon which 02:04:52.909 --> 02:04:58.619 uh projects will come through for um ERCOT to consider 02:04:58.630 --> 02:05:00.729 and they're the gatekeeper, but ultimately we're standing 02:05:00.729 --> 02:05:02.479 behind the gatekeeper, and they're always looking over 02:05:02.479 --> 02:05:06.109 at us like this, okay. You know, when they move forward 02:05:06.109 --> 02:05:11.010 on a multibillion dollar project. And so the a nebulous 02:05:11.010 --> 02:05:14.119 definition at this point, sorry, 02:05:16.170 --> 02:05:20.250 could have the effect of creating a pathway to this 02:05:20.250 --> 02:05:23.640 commission for everybody to come in and say, hey, look 02:05:23.640 --> 02:05:26.460 this, this was in the study on resiliency, even though 02:05:26.460 --> 02:05:29.869 it's not fully baked, but it it's an awaiting system 02:05:29.880 --> 02:05:33.649 and we're gonna be getting legislators sending in rafts 02:05:33.649 --> 02:05:36.159 of letters saying, no, we have to do this under law 02:05:36.159 --> 02:05:38.739 you shall do this, and we're gonna be built, and we're 02:05:38.739 --> 02:05:42.369 building roads here of power and you don't want to 02:05:42.369 --> 02:05:45.340 build a bridge to nowhere and I understand the concept 02:05:45.340 --> 02:05:47.810 of if you build it, they will come and they sure will 02:05:47.819 --> 02:05:52.619 But you have to have enough visibility based on real 02:05:52.619 --> 02:05:56.930 data um that you're averaging in your models to determine 02:05:56.939 --> 02:06:01.310 the likelihood that Load will be present that needs 02:06:01.310 --> 02:06:04.569 and will benefit from the generation that we know is 02:06:04.569 --> 02:06:08.069 somewhere in the area that will come in. Um, chris 02:06:08.069 --> 02:06:12.649 was a fascinating um, Has a fascinating history. It 02:06:12.649 --> 02:06:17.760 went live in 2014 and it exceeded its capacity in five 02:06:17.760 --> 02:06:23.430 years just about um and and so nobody knew that it 02:06:23.430 --> 02:06:26.260 would blow past that mark that fast. I know you guys 02:06:26.260 --> 02:06:30.060 weren't forecasting that in your models so it it helps 02:06:30.060 --> 02:06:33.720 to have enough near term visibility to reinforce those 02:06:33.720 --> 02:06:38.199 data points that you're using in your models um to 02:06:38.199 --> 02:06:42.350 help us make sound decisions but ultimately we want 02:06:42.350 --> 02:06:46.810 enough certainty and and good methodologies built into 02:06:46.810 --> 02:06:49.720 the evaluation process on the front end so that we 02:06:49.720 --> 02:06:54.119 aren't inundated in the pressure to just automatically 02:06:54.119 --> 02:06:56.680 approve something because it will certainly be there 02:06:57.119 --> 02:07:00.739 Get more in terms of resiliency until we get the more 02:07:00.739 --> 02:07:03.819 comprehensive formulaic version of it. It's incumbent 02:07:03.819 --> 02:07:06.600 on this commission to make those tough decisions because 02:07:06.600 --> 02:07:09.720 we're certainly not going to just have a rubber stamp 02:07:12.090 --> 02:07:14.739 and that is my concern honestly with having that interim 02:07:14.739 --> 02:07:17.729 language in the rule is that we would be opening the 02:07:17.729 --> 02:07:20.130 door to the concerns that Commissioner Mcadams just 02:07:20.140 --> 02:07:23.710 highlighted I, Commissioner Glotfelty and I are absolutely 02:07:23.710 --> 02:07:26.489 on the same page with respect as I laid out in my 02:07:26.489 --> 02:07:31.050 own memo, um that we should have a comprehensive review 02:07:31.050 --> 02:07:34.630 of resiliency in a separate project after the implementation 02:07:34.630 --> 02:07:37.149 of 12 81. I think many of the stakeholders themselves 02:07:37.149 --> 02:07:40.149 even the utilities that would be benefiting from building 02:07:40.149 --> 02:07:43.210 infrastructure for resiliency stated that they would 02:07:43.210 --> 02:07:45.489 rather have the conversation in a separate project 02:07:45.880 --> 02:07:51.579 Um, my um I think that that's the Commissioner Mcadams 02:07:51.579 --> 02:07:54.729 highlighted those those are that gray area of the interim 02:07:54.729 --> 02:07:58.149 language we have in there is what I believe it causes 02:07:58.149 --> 02:08:00.779 me a little bit of concern that we sort of set set 02:08:00.779 --> 02:08:04.319 ourselves down a path where um we opened the door and 02:08:04.319 --> 02:08:07.640 we ultimately adopt that language um to the to the 02:08:07.640 --> 02:08:11.369 concerns that Commissioner Mcadams highlighted. Absolutely 02:08:11.380 --> 02:08:14.729 resiliency needs to look be looked at, as I've stated 02:08:14.729 --> 02:08:17.600 I think there's a lot of moving pieces with resiliency 02:08:17.840 --> 02:08:21.340 Um it's not only hard in the system, but we have weatherization 02:08:21.340 --> 02:08:25.920 on the on the transmission um uh system that that we're 02:08:25.920 --> 02:08:28.060 implementing weatherization preparation, standards 02:08:28.060 --> 02:08:32.470 Emergency operations plans. Uh there is language in 02:08:32.479 --> 02:08:36.930 hb 25 41 that discusses, you know, transformers for 02:08:36.930 --> 02:08:41.210 T D U. S. There's a lot of um policy areas that 02:08:41.210 --> 02:08:44.569 we're looking at in different um different projects 02:08:44.579 --> 02:08:48.140 that tie into this resiliency effort that I think ultimately 02:08:48.140 --> 02:08:52.810 we need to sort of rain in and focus on. Um, but 02:08:52.810 --> 02:08:55.100 my concern and and that's what I wanted to have this 02:08:55.100 --> 02:08:58.869 broader conversation was about was to lay out um sort 02:08:58.869 --> 02:09:02.050 of what we were thinking in terms of continuing to 02:09:02.050 --> 02:09:04.930 include the interim language in there. And that's a 02:09:04.930 --> 02:09:08.319 good now, that's a good point for stakeholders to address 02:09:08.319 --> 02:09:11.090 with more clarity, um, how to try and find that right 02:09:11.090 --> 02:09:15.289 balance between uh broad enough definition to consider 02:09:15.289 --> 02:09:18.350 resiliency without a rubber stamp where everything 02:09:18.350 --> 02:09:20.609 gets done and well, I'm sure there will be no shortage 02:09:20.609 --> 02:09:24.079 of opinions on that. And this is a discussion 02:09:26.020 --> 02:09:29.319 and let me just say, I may be a little different. I 02:09:29.319 --> 02:09:33.060 want to open the door. I want to open the door to 02:09:33.060 --> 02:09:35.760 the discussion of every element of transmission that 02:09:35.760 --> 02:09:41.199 needs to be considered utilizing controllable technologies 02:09:41.199 --> 02:09:45.600 use utilizing all of these things. It can be that it 02:09:45.600 --> 02:09:47.909 can be facts, devices that can be other things that 02:09:47.909 --> 02:09:51.670 we use to control the, that we could use to control 02:09:51.680 --> 02:09:55.079 the existing system. These are technologies that have 02:09:55.079 --> 02:09:57.079 been out there for many, many years and we just don't 02:09:57.090 --> 02:10:00.760 implement them here very well. Many, many of them have 02:10:00.760 --> 02:10:03.909 applications here. Many of them don't. But um, that's 02:10:03.909 --> 02:10:07.739 why I want to open the door so that these ideas and 02:10:07.739 --> 02:10:10.399 these thoughts come about as there's more than one 02:10:10.399 --> 02:10:14.100 way to solve a transmission constrained. It's not just 02:10:14.100 --> 02:10:18.270 a transmission line and having the understanding of 02:10:18.270 --> 02:10:20.479 where these constraints are and why they're there and 02:10:20.479 --> 02:10:25.390 such, um, will help us. I think resiliency is, I mean 02:10:25.390 --> 02:10:28.619 I when I was in the transmission development space 02:10:28.630 --> 02:10:32.760 um, when when I would hear folks say, well, we'll take 02:10:32.760 --> 02:10:36.149 care of that next year. You know, it was like, God 02:10:36.149 --> 02:10:39.779 there goes another year, there goes another year, and 02:10:39.789 --> 02:10:42.680 we have done a lot this year. And, and I don't say 02:10:42.680 --> 02:10:44.649 that lightly, and I don't say that we're not building 02:10:44.649 --> 02:10:47.789 transmission here because we are. But, um, some of 02:10:47.789 --> 02:10:50.949 these things are ones, you know, that we I believe 02:10:50.949 --> 02:10:53.550 that we ought to have in there. We ought to go forth 02:10:53.560 --> 02:10:57.470 again, it's a proposed rule uh, rule for publication 02:10:57.479 --> 02:10:59.609 We're gonna get comments on it. We can always take 02:10:59.609 --> 02:11:02.380 it out later, but I urge you all to keep it in 02:11:02.380 --> 02:11:05.890 there and and we'll make a final decision on the final 02:11:05.890 --> 02:11:06.960 rule 02:11:09.960 --> 02:11:13.279 if I could be helpful. I think that the there's a lot 02:11:13.289 --> 02:11:15.170 that's going on in the discussion, but it seems like 02:11:15.170 --> 02:11:17.979 there are three choices that you can make today with 02:11:17.979 --> 02:11:20.550 regard to this part. Right? So, the first one is we 02:11:20.550 --> 02:11:23.340 leave all the resiliency stuff in, right, exactly as 02:11:23.340 --> 02:11:26.119 it's drafted. And to some of the concerns that have 02:11:26.119 --> 02:11:29.000 been expressed. This was drafted deliberately not to 02:11:29.000 --> 02:11:31.289 include a definition of resiliency because all the 02:11:31.289 --> 02:11:33.439 stakeholders agreed that was too big of a question 02:11:33.439 --> 02:11:33.750 It was 02:11:40.100 --> 02:11:43.310 right. So, it was directed to sort of point at what 02:11:43.319 --> 02:11:45.909 regardless of all the ways to achieve resilience? He 02:11:45.909 --> 02:11:48.810 was pointed at sort of the aim, which is to help people 02:11:48.810 --> 02:11:51.729 get power back on after storms and things. And resilience 02:11:51.729 --> 02:11:54.119 is a really broad definition. So it was it tried to 02:11:54.119 --> 02:11:56.319 incorporate the You've got to prove that this is the 02:11:56.319 --> 02:11:58.590 best solution. So if you can do it, if you can do 02:11:58.590 --> 02:12:01.899 it with batteries or whatever else, hardening, do that 02:12:01.899 --> 02:12:05.329 instead. So so option a. Is do that and we can we 02:12:05.329 --> 02:12:07.369 can take it out later if you want. And my commitment 02:12:07.369 --> 02:12:11.350 to you is we I will not let this slow down 1281 02:12:11.350 --> 02:12:15.029 implementation. Um if that happens, we'll cut corners 02:12:15.029 --> 02:12:17.310 on summarizing comments or we will tell you we need 02:12:17.310 --> 02:12:21.029 to take it out the messages received 1281 implementation 02:12:21.029 --> 02:12:23.300 is top priority. So if you choose to keep it in, we'll 02:12:23.300 --> 02:12:27.050 make it work. The second choice choice B is. If you 02:12:27.050 --> 02:12:30.579 want to start gathering the information on what the 02:12:30.579 --> 02:12:34.460 resiliency problems are, we could take out the resiliency 02:12:34.470 --> 02:12:37.289 mechanism but leave in the new language and the grid 02:12:37.289 --> 02:12:40.460 resiliency report that tells ERCOT to start identifying 02:12:40.460 --> 02:12:43.569 grid resiliency problems. That's option B And again 02:12:43.579 --> 02:12:45.619 this proposal. So we could go with it or not. And then 02:12:45.619 --> 02:12:48.479 option C is which I don't get the sense of where everyone 02:12:48.479 --> 02:12:50.770 is right now, let's get rid of all of it. So the 02:12:50.770 --> 02:12:54.180 direction staff needs to get this rule published for 02:12:54.180 --> 02:12:57.430 this. Is are we interested in option A where we leave 02:12:57.430 --> 02:13:00.640 everything in or we interested option B, option A and 02:13:00.640 --> 02:13:03.130 B. And we don't have to decide today, so we can, yeah 02:13:03.130 --> 02:13:05.430 I just need to know what to write into what to publish 02:13:05.439 --> 02:13:07.260 So I think 02:13:11.970 --> 02:13:15.680 we'll leave it as is and then with the contemplation 02:13:15.680 --> 02:13:19.409 of option in the future, option A and B in the future 02:13:19.420 --> 02:13:21.270 that makes sense. So I think that 02:13:24.220 --> 02:13:28.229 option it is and um stakeholders, I know there's not 02:13:28.229 --> 02:13:30.729 a definition of resilience in here and we were not 02:13:30.739 --> 02:13:34.199 going to be adopting a full definition of resiliency 02:13:34.199 --> 02:13:37.510 So uh it'd be nice if they held their fire on some 02:13:37.510 --> 02:13:40.020 of those points, but whether or not we need one is 02:13:40.029 --> 02:13:43.159 is a valid is obviously valid comment that can be making 02:13:43.170 --> 02:13:47.449 Yeah. And I would say um obviously if, if we want to 02:13:47.449 --> 02:13:50.909 go with a six year level eyes cost, I'm happy to do 02:13:50.909 --> 02:13:55.930 that. You know? Again, this is just a we can have the 02:13:55.939 --> 02:13:58.939 stakeholders give us a comment and I'm happy to go 02:13:58.939 --> 02:14:03.380 with commissioner proposal on that. So, if I can be 02:14:03.380 --> 02:14:06.590 on that point, I just want to be clear that there are 02:14:06.590 --> 02:14:09.399 two sides to the equation right? There's the how we 02:14:09.399 --> 02:14:12.350 measure cost and how we measure benefit and as I understand 02:14:12.350 --> 02:14:17.020 it under the under the proposal, it was one year versus 02:14:17.029 --> 02:14:20.210 level Ized and by level Ized for folks that are reading 02:14:20.210 --> 02:14:22.649 it, we didn't specify timeframe. So that just means 02:14:22.659 --> 02:14:25.479 multiple year. We, we leave it to market to decide 02:14:25.489 --> 02:14:28.739 right that was the proposal. What I understand commissioner 02:14:28.739 --> 02:14:31.930 Glotfelty memo to be, you wanted 10 years on each side 02:14:32.279 --> 02:14:35.569 What I understood commissioner kobus is to be, we want 02:14:35.569 --> 02:14:39.069 six years for the cost leave, just level Ized or cut 02:14:39.079 --> 02:14:42.399 to decide on the benefit. So that, that's what I think 02:14:42.399 --> 02:14:45.090 is on. But you're also, what you're also hearing is 02:14:45.100 --> 02:14:48.409 it depends on the contemplated time of construction 02:14:48.420 --> 02:14:52.180 and then whatever six minus that year is. That's how 02:14:52.180 --> 02:14:54.319 many years you level is or how many cases there are 02:14:54.319 --> 02:14:57.090 between now and six years from now and I may have, 02:14:57.090 --> 02:14:59.420 I may have briefed that aspect of it slightly wrong 02:14:59.420 --> 02:15:00.020 and I apologize, 02:15:01.720 --> 02:15:08.479 let me maybe. So the best way to do it this is 02:15:08.479 --> 02:15:09.260 what we've been looking at 02:15:11.090 --> 02:15:15.680 Is if, if you pay for a transmission line over 30 years 02:15:15.689 --> 02:15:20.109 look at 30 years of cost and then look at 30 years 02:15:20.109 --> 02:15:24.840 of benefit, add them all up. Is it, is it worth doing 02:15:24.840 --> 02:15:27.149 or not? I mean that would be the best way. Unfortunately 02:15:27.159 --> 02:15:32.680 we can't predict the savings over 30 years. The best 02:15:32.680 --> 02:15:34.939 we can do right now, depending on when the project 02:15:34.939 --> 02:15:37.840 comes in is we can run models that give us one or 02:15:37.840 --> 02:15:43.859 two years. So what we do is we average those, we say 02:15:43.859 --> 02:15:47.460 on average, we get this much savings and then what 02:15:47.460 --> 02:15:49.550 you guys are talking about is what we've done in the 02:15:49.550 --> 02:15:53.640 past. We've looked at the first year revenue requirement 02:15:53.649 --> 02:15:56.979 and compared it against that average, but we could 02:15:56.989 --> 02:16:01.449 look at an average Revenue requirement over six years 02:16:01.449 --> 02:16:05.300 or an average requirement over 10 years. And so the 02:16:05.300 --> 02:16:09.789 more you average in the lower the revenue requirement 02:16:09.789 --> 02:16:12.470 is, and the more projects you're gonna, we're gonna 02:16:12.479 --> 02:16:16.420 pass the pass through the door. So that's, that's how 02:16:16.420 --> 02:16:19.970 we're doing this today is we're pretty limited on the 02:16:19.979 --> 02:16:22.590 production cost side because we just don't have the 02:16:23.100 --> 02:16:25.920 data, you have to extrapolate that out into the future 02:16:25.920 --> 02:16:28.859 in order to get a good idea of what you get an 02:16:28.859 --> 02:16:32.100 idea. So those first two years that we do our, we've 02:16:32.100 --> 02:16:35.860 got data behind those, but after that we don't Yeah 02:16:35.870 --> 02:16:39.290 And that's something that I hope to hear from commenters 02:16:39.290 --> 02:16:42.120 on about, what are the pros and cons side by side and 02:16:42.120 --> 02:16:47.770 we'll work with with ERCOT team to get some more clarification 02:16:47.770 --> 02:16:52.409 on A versus B versus C. Yeah. And I just would say 02:16:52.420 --> 02:16:55.559 um, that that is only looking at one type of benefit 02:16:55.559 --> 02:16:58.700 of transmission and that would be the cost benefit 02:16:58.799 --> 02:17:04.430 That doesn't have to do with the, a lot of other areas 02:17:04.430 --> 02:17:07.159 in which these other regions of the country in the 02:17:07.159 --> 02:17:10.149 world are looking at where it might have an emissions 02:17:10.149 --> 02:17:13.540 impact. It might have a cycling impact on, on natural 02:17:13.540 --> 02:17:16.829 gas generators that might have values in other parts 02:17:16.829 --> 02:17:20.209 of this industry that are not being accounted for? 02:17:20.209 --> 02:17:23.079 We're just looking at one piece point A to point B 02:17:23.090 --> 02:17:25.750 and I think woody is right, you know, as you depreciate 02:17:25.750 --> 02:17:28.649 these, I think what a lot of people have found or many 02:17:28.649 --> 02:17:32.750 studies have said is that as these values go down, 02:17:32.920 --> 02:17:36.940 the revenue costs go down um at the further you go 02:17:36.940 --> 02:17:40.090 out as these facilities get appreciated, the benefits 02:17:40.090 --> 02:17:45.190 go up. So um again, I I throw that out there, you 02:17:45.190 --> 02:17:48.590 know, that's something you know, for the industry, 02:17:48.590 --> 02:17:52.639 keep showing us the their views and their studies and 02:17:52.649 --> 02:17:55.569 more case scenario analysis and more case studies would 02:17:55.579 --> 02:17:59.149 be helpful from all commenters. Alright, we've got 02:17:59.149 --> 02:18:02.979 a PFP anything else from us? Mr Spencer, I don't know 02:18:02.979 --> 02:18:06.370 where we landed. And so so so so for for each of 02:18:06.370 --> 02:18:10.430 these two things, do we want 16, 10 or just the word 02:18:10.430 --> 02:18:13.399 level eyes? So for the cost for the revenue requirement 02:18:13.409 --> 02:18:15.299 I don't know that we need to change what we're going 02:18:15.299 --> 02:18:18.120 to. Okay, we're gonna we're gonna leave it as published 02:18:18.129 --> 02:18:22.799 and given direction and providing a tighter range of 02:18:22.799 --> 02:18:25.100 conversation for our commenters. We don't need to change 02:18:25.100 --> 02:18:26.680 anything. I don't think we need to change anything 02:18:27.250 --> 02:18:30.569 So I guess my question is um what are we doing with 02:18:30.569 --> 02:18:33.739 that? 10, 6 year, is it a question for comment or is 02:18:33.739 --> 02:18:37.170 it? So let's take 10 off the table. So let's just talk 02:18:37.170 --> 02:18:40.329 Is it one year or six year. Okay, I withdraw that piece 02:18:40.329 --> 02:18:42.489 of my memo. So is it six year on both sides of 02:18:42.489 --> 02:18:45.200 the equation or not? So so we, regardless of what we 02:18:45.200 --> 02:18:47.659 put in this, we will have full flexibility on adoption 02:18:47.659 --> 02:18:49.840 So it's just what we want them. So the chairman is 02:18:49.840 --> 02:18:51.920 right. We could leave everything as is and still have 02:18:51.920 --> 02:18:55.040 all of the options available to us. Should you so choose 02:18:55.920 --> 02:18:58.290 likewise. I think we can we can put this out there 02:18:58.290 --> 02:19:02.329 with this discussion has provided fertile ground for 02:19:02.329 --> 02:19:05.340 comments from all our stakeholders and I'm sure we'll 02:19:05.360 --> 02:19:08.500 we'll hear from them and we can process in the meantime 02:19:08.500 --> 02:19:11.149 we'll work with continued work with ERCOT staff to 02:19:11.420 --> 02:19:14.870 get up sharpen our pencils and put a finer point on 02:19:15.610 --> 02:19:18.959 case studies studies, scenario analysis and we can 02:19:19.540 --> 02:19:22.989 move forward the process. My only outstanding question 02:19:22.989 --> 02:19:24.940 is what do we do with my directive on the independent 02:19:24.940 --> 02:19:25.510 review 02:19:27.129 --> 02:19:30.110 process? Yeah, the timeline, it's outside of the rule 02:19:30.110 --> 02:19:32.040 but is that something we work with on our own in a 02:19:32.040 --> 02:19:37.440 separate path or like I think the best path forward 02:19:37.440 --> 02:19:41.239 would be to separately. We can work with ERCOT and 02:19:41.239 --> 02:19:44.430 I'm sure the T DSPs will have thoughts on how to provide 02:19:44.430 --> 02:19:46.840 equal accountability, not just for ERCOT staff but 02:19:46.840 --> 02:19:50.909 also for the companies that owe them information. Uh 02:19:50.920 --> 02:19:54.700 so that one sentence. I can't delay the other. Uh and 02:19:55.469 --> 02:19:59.489 let's get some answers on that and some some possibilities 02:19:59.489 --> 02:20:01.520 to consider and then we can take that back up when 02:20:01.520 --> 02:20:08.899 we get to the actual public adoption work. So I think 02:20:08.909 --> 02:20:11.819 no, no, no, I have another question about the rule 02:20:11.819 --> 02:20:14.040 but in a totally different parts, so keep going, oh 02:20:14.040 --> 02:20:16.540 no, I was just gonna say staff has sufficient directions 02:20:16.540 --> 02:20:18.829 so far I was going to request because it wasn't always 02:20:18.829 --> 02:20:20.899 the case in the first set of comments that since there 02:20:20.899 --> 02:20:23.459 are two sides of the equation, if commenters would 02:20:23.469 --> 02:20:25.170 be clear about whether or not they're talking about 02:20:25.170 --> 02:20:27.399 the revenue requirement or the cost side of it when 02:20:27.399 --> 02:20:29.950 they're advocating on different points that would be 02:20:29.950 --> 02:20:32.819 helpful to staff. Um and then I was also gonna remind 02:20:32.819 --> 02:20:34.540 that there was one other point that was brought out 02:20:34.540 --> 02:20:36.170 in the memos and some discussions about whether or 02:20:36.170 --> 02:20:38.459 not we wanted to request modeling data, I didn't know 02:20:38.459 --> 02:20:39.950 if that was anything that you guys wanted to discuss 02:20:39.950 --> 02:20:43.909 today or not. Uh Yes, I would, I would include that 02:20:43.909 --> 02:20:47.840 in the request from both stakeholders and in working 02:20:47.840 --> 02:20:53.430 with ERCOT uh, no specific requests or scenarios, but 02:20:53.440 --> 02:20:56.459 for the commenters, please, to the extent possible 02:20:56.469 --> 02:20:59.239 I'd appreciate seeing some side by side comparisons 02:20:59.239 --> 02:21:02.829 of, here's a real real case of what a transmission 02:21:02.840 --> 02:21:07.809 line would look like. Here's how that proposed transmission 02:21:07.809 --> 02:21:11.520 line would fare in option one, option two, option three 02:21:11.520 --> 02:21:15.219 option four, which door do you want you want? Do you 02:21:15.219 --> 02:21:19.870 want to use That would be very helpful to see and we'll 02:21:19.870 --> 02:21:22.909 work with our ERCOT on their version of that. And if 02:21:22.909 --> 02:21:25.280 folks want to include stuff like that in an appendix 02:21:25.280 --> 02:21:28.040 to their comments or what I mean, Well that might work 02:21:28.049 --> 02:21:31.620 But whatever we'll take it how we can get it. Yeah 02:21:33.190 --> 02:21:35.020 Math is always good. 02:21:36.719 --> 02:21:42.950 So says the business school graduate. Wait, I have 02:21:42.950 --> 02:21:46.920 one more question on this. So, um, on page eight subsection 02:21:46.920 --> 02:21:51.930 C um there was there's an a line added about an electric 02:21:51.930 --> 02:21:56.110 utility operating solely outside of ERCOT Yes. I just 02:21:56.110 --> 02:21:57.959 didn't know what was that part of the legislative 02:21:59.500 --> 02:22:02.010 one of our one of the commenters noted that there was 02:22:02.010 --> 02:22:04.920 a provision in hb 15 10 which is one of the securitization 02:22:04.920 --> 02:22:08.489 bills um that it was an easy fix. So that's just verbatim 02:22:08.489 --> 02:22:10.819 language from the, from the statute check the box. 02:22:10.819 --> 02:22:15.700 Move on. Okay, thank you. Thank you sir. All right 02:22:15.700 --> 02:22:20.459 We've got a proposal for publication. Their motion 02:22:20.459 --> 02:22:25.950 to approve. So I'll let jimmy do it. And I move that 02:22:25.950 --> 02:22:29.520 we publish in accordance with this uh conversation 02:22:29.520 --> 02:22:31.350 system with the discussion of the diet 02:22:33.049 --> 02:22:37.750 nine seconds. Your wish is our command. We got a motion 02:22:37.760 --> 02:22:43.250 and enthusiastic second all in favor say, aye, aye 02:22:43.260 --> 02:22:46.879 not opposed motion passes, we don't have anything for 02:22:46.879 --> 02:22:49.579 the next 10 items and very briefly before we go to 02:22:49.579 --> 02:22:54.059 our executive session? (item:45:Update From Executive Director) We believe item 45 which is 02:22:54.059 --> 02:22:57.329 an update from our executive Director. Thank you. Mr 02:22:57.329 --> 02:22:59.600 Chairman Commissioners. Hopefully this announcement 02:22:59.600 --> 02:23:03.659 will not be nebulous. It will be quite specific. Um 02:23:03.670 --> 02:23:07.709 as is always my goal in these updates. Um So, you know 02:23:07.709 --> 02:23:11.159 I think this announcement is actually quite serendipitous 02:23:11.159 --> 02:23:13.590 given a lot of the discussion today in the public comments 02:23:13.590 --> 02:23:17.190 So as you are aware in our legislative appropriations 02:23:17.190 --> 02:23:21.090 request, we asked for funding for an office of Public 02:23:21.090 --> 02:23:25.739 engagement. The vision of that office is to help everyday 02:23:25.739 --> 02:23:29.049 citizens and the organizations that represent them 02:23:29.049 --> 02:23:32.739 to better interact with this agency and have more productive 02:23:32.750 --> 02:23:35.899 um participation in our in our different proceedings 02:23:35.899 --> 02:23:40.100 And so even though we have asked for that funding in 02:23:40.100 --> 02:23:42.870 the L A R for the next biennium, I think it's vitally 02:23:42.870 --> 02:23:45.770 important that we get started now and stand that division 02:23:45.770 --> 02:23:51.760 up uh as quickly as possible. So I've asked our funding 02:23:51.760 --> 02:23:55.649 staff to reallocate resources beginning september 1st 02:23:55.659 --> 02:23:58.629 and we are going to stand that division up september 02:23:58.629 --> 02:24:01.549 1st so that we can better participate and have better 02:24:01.549 --> 02:24:06.120 participation from the public. Um and so in order to 02:24:06.120 --> 02:24:08.350 do that now I had to be comfortable moving someone 02:24:08.350 --> 02:24:11.299 into that job and I'm happy to say that Mike Hawk, 02:24:11.309 --> 02:24:14.870 our current Director of Government Relations has accepted 02:24:14.870 --> 02:24:19.729 that post and will begin september 1st. So thank you 02:24:19.729 --> 02:24:21.569 hoke 02:24:25.489 --> 02:24:28.659 and like I said, I think, you know, um we've heard 02:24:28.659 --> 02:24:31.190 this coming out of your e and it's it's been kind of 02:24:31.190 --> 02:24:35.190 a constant criticism and and request from the legislature 02:24:35.190 --> 02:24:38.600 and others to to address helping the public participate 02:24:38.600 --> 02:24:41.489 here. And so I think it's it's vitally important, you 02:24:41.489 --> 02:24:43.479 know, for us to fulfill our mission and our promise 02:24:43.479 --> 02:24:49.280 to Texas agreed. And as we heard earlier uh reminded 02:24:49.280 --> 02:24:52.559 that all of these efforts are for the benefit of our 02:24:52.559 --> 02:24:55.530 consumers at home, our families and our households 02:24:55.540 --> 02:24:57.969 and I know hope will do an excellent job of putting 02:24:57.969 --> 02:25:02.000 even more resources and focus on delivering results 02:25:02.010 --> 02:25:05.250 to the people that matter most. So thank you for taking 02:25:05.250 --> 02:25:07.500 the initiative on this. I know we'll all advocate for 02:25:07.500 --> 02:25:12.639 this uh resources for this uh as part of our next budget 02:25:12.639 --> 02:25:16.649 cycle. And especially Miss Jackson will be a leading 02:25:16.659 --> 02:25:21.510 leading force on this effort uh appreciate it across 02:25:21.510 --> 02:25:28.040 the board. Thank you. I did want to say one thing prior 02:25:28.040 --> 02:25:31.129 to uh adjourning for executive session and that is 02:25:31.129 --> 02:25:35.319 that I'm disappointed that that my two colleagues up 02:25:35.319 --> 02:25:38.620 here didn't wear a tie on our fifth Commissioners first 02:25:38.629 --> 02:25:43.129 day in spite of the fact that we have been pushing 02:25:43.129 --> 02:25:47.399 them to not wear ties through the summer. Um This was 02:25:47.409 --> 02:25:50.840 such a great day that I think that I just wanted to 02:25:50.840 --> 02:25:54.340 express my the only reason I didn't wear the tie was 02:25:54.340 --> 02:25:57.270 because our fourth Commissioner gave me so much grief 02:25:57.270 --> 02:25:57.969 last year, 02:25:59.760 --> 02:26:04.079 thankfully our next meeting will be in september and 02:26:04.079 --> 02:26:08.020 we'll be back to standard rules and regulations. And 02:26:08.020 --> 02:26:10.190 as I told commissioner Glotfelty this morning when 02:26:10.190 --> 02:26:12.290 I saw him wearing a tie, you know, as this was Connie's 02:26:12.290 --> 02:26:15.170 recommendation to do summer casual. I found it in my 02:26:15.170 --> 02:26:17.309 best interest to follow the advice of Connie Corona 02:26:17.309 --> 02:26:20.299 and all things for for success in my life. So I'll 02:26:20.299 --> 02:26:23.370 continue to do that. Actually texted him about what 02:26:23.379 --> 02:26:26.940 the uniform of the day was like yesterday and he delayed 02:26:26.940 --> 02:26:30.799 like 30 minutes. I knew he was asking. That's exactly 02:26:30.799 --> 02:26:36.280 right. I'm not really disappointed. But uh we'll try 02:26:36.280 --> 02:26:37.020 harder next time. 02:26:38.700 --> 02:26:42.170 Alright that that concludes the agenda for open portion 02:26:42.180 --> 02:26:45.260 uh of the meeting today. Having convened in a duly 02:26:45.260 --> 02:26:48.319 notice. Open meeting. Commission will now at 12 01 02:26:48.329 --> 02:26:52.049 PM on august 25th 2020 to hold a closed session pursuant 02:26:52.049 --> 02:26:54.370 to chapter 501 of the texas government code, section 02:26:54.370 --> 02:27:01.069 551.7151 point 074 and 551.76. We'll be back in a bit 02:27:01.079 --> 02:27:07.290 Thank you. All right, closed session is hereby concluded 02:27:07.290 --> 02:27:11.219 at 12:10 p.m. On august 25th 2020 and the commission 02:27:11.219 --> 02:27:13.170 will now resume its public meeting. Having discussed 02:27:13.170 --> 02:27:17.690 personal matters in closed session. I will now entertain 02:27:17.690 --> 02:27:20.840 a motion for the following action to name Mark Hoban 02:27:20.840 --> 02:27:23.020 campus Assistant Commission Council of O. P. D. M. 02:27:23.020 --> 02:27:26.870 With an annual salary of $150,000 effective september 02:27:26.870 --> 02:27:31.250 1st 2022 named Sheila Cisneros is deputy commission 02:27:31.260 --> 02:27:36.100 counselor of O. P. D. M. With an annual salary of $160,000 02:27:36.110 --> 02:27:42.389 Effective september 1st 2022. Is there a motion? 2nd 02:27:42.399 --> 02:27:46.120 2nd, got a motion second, all in favor? Say, aye, aye 02:27:46.129 --> 02:27:50.280 not opposed the motion passes and having no further 02:27:50.280 --> 02:27:52.620 business before come, before this commission is meeting 02:27:52.620 --> 02:27:55.659 The public utility commissioner. Texas is hereby adjourned 02:27:55.670 --> 02:27:57.010 Thank you all.